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Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics |
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Neutral kaons, regeneration 290
Neutrino 3 114
Neutrino interactions, with electrons 268 302 342
Neutrino interactions, with hadrons 273
Neutrino interactions, with quarks 271 273 277
Neutrino, beams 30 267
Neutrino, electron, muon, tau flavors of 27 251 349
Neutrino, helicity 114
Neutrino, mass 116 260
Neutrino, two-component theory of 114 (see also Majorana neutrinos)
Neutron 1 4
Neutron, decay of 252
Neutron, magnetic moment of 55 64 176
Neutron, quark content of 54
Neutron, structure functions of 196
Noether’s theorem 314
NonAbelian 9
NonAbelian, gauge symmetry 317
Nonleptonic decay 252
Nonrenormalizable 320
Normalization of Dirac spinors 110
Normalization of free particle wave function 88
Nuclear decay see decay
Nuclear forces, and isospin 34
Nuclear forces, QCD interpretation of 21
Nuclear forces, range of 16
Nucleon 1 (see also Neutron Proton)
Nucleosynthesis 353
Octet representation 45 47
Octet representation of baryons (flavor) 51
Octet representation of gluons (color) 67 318
Octet representation of mesons (flavor) 47
Octet-singlet mixing 49
Off-mass-shell 73 88
Old fashioned perturbation theory 97
Omega ( ) meson, quark content of 49
Omega ( ) meson, radiative decay of 56
Omega minus ( ) hyperon 53
On-mass-shell see Mass-shell
operators for left- and right-handed states 115
P-wave baryons 54
P-wave charmonium 60
P-wave mesons 48
Pair annihilation process 144
Pair creation, in hole theory 76 78
Parity 41 113
Parity of mesons 48
Parity of particle and antiparticle 113
Parity violation 115 255
Parity violation, in decay 252 254
Parity violation, in atomic transitions 308
Parity violation, in kaon decays 254 287 289
Parity, conservation in strong interactions 41
Parity, intrinsic 113
Parity, operator 113
Particle-antiparticle conjugation 41 48 108
Parton model 188 194 210
Parton model for deep inelastic scattering 192
Parton model, deviations from 215 228 233
Parton model, kinematics 191
Parton structure functions see Quark structure functions
Pauli exclusion principle 33
Pauli matrices 39 42 101
Pauli spinors 39
Pauli — Weisskopf prescription 76 103
Perturbation theory, covariant 99
Perturbation theory, covariant, nonrelativistic 79
Perturbation theory, covariant, old fashioned 97
Perturbation theory, covariant, time dependent 79
Perturbative QCD 205 226 245
Phase invariance 311
Phase invariance, Abelian 316
Phase invariance, global 315
Phase invariance, local 316
Phase invariance, nonabelian 317 326
Phase space 91
Phase space, in decay 260
Phase space, in three body decay 262
Phase space, in two body decay 92 359
Phase space, Lorentz invariant form 91
Phi-meson ( ) 48
Phi-meson ( ), decay of 49 57 356
Phi-meson ( ), mixing with 49
Phi-meson ( ), quark content of 49
Phi-meson ( ), width of 49 57 356
photons 3
Photons and gauge invariance 316
Photons, flux of 185
Photons, longitudinal 140 186
Photons, polarization of 132 134
Photons, propagator of 87 137
Photons, transverse 134
Photons, virtual 7 88 139
Photoproduction of charm 247
Physical region 95
Pion 2 4
Pion, Compton scattering 15
Pion, decay constant 265
Pion, decay of 23 251 264
Pion, quark content of 48
Pion, quark distributions of 200
Planck mass 348
Planck’s constant 12
Point cross section 173
Polarization in muon decay 264
Polarization vectors 134 139
Polarization vectors for virtual photon 139 185
Polarization vectors, circular 135
Polarization vectors, completeness relation for 135 139 185
Polarization vectors, longitudinal 140 186
Polarization vectors, transverse 134
Positron, in Dirac theory 76 107
Positron, in Dirac theory, spinors 107
Positronium 8
Probability conservation 71
Probability current, for Dirac equation 103
Probability current, for Klein — Gordon equation 74
Probability current, for Schr dinger equation 71
probability density 71 74 103
probability distribution see Quark structure functions
Projection operators for positive and negative energy states 11 362
Propagator 82 135
Propagator for electron 136 146
Propagator for massive vector particle 138 321
Propagator for photon 87 137
Propagator for Schr dinger equation 136
Propagator for spinless particle 136
Propagator theory 145
Propagator, covariant 97 136
Propagator, higher order corrections to 155
Propagator, i prescription for 147
Propagator, in old fashioned perturbation theory 97
Propagator, introduction of 82 87
Proportional chamber 31
Proton 1 4
Proton form factors 175
Proton, charge radius 175 179
Proton, decay 349
Proton, lifetime 351
Proton, magnetic moment 55 176
Proton, quark content of 54
Proton, structure functions of 196
Pseudoscalar 112 114
Pseudoscalar mesons 48
Pseudovector see Axial vector
Psi resonances ( ) 57
Quadrupole magnet 30
Quantum chromodynamics 3 8 205
Quantum chromodynamics, and color screening 9 11 167 347
Quantum chromodynamics, and gauge invariance 317
| Quantum chromodynamics, Feynman rules for 205 320
Quantum chromodynamics, first introduction of 8 205
Quantum chromodynamics, nonAbelian nature of 9 318
Quantum electrodynamics 3
Quantum electrodynamics, and gauge invariance 316
Quantum electrodynamics, Feynman rules for 86 118 149
Quantum field theory 7 313
Quantum gravity 354
quantum mechanics 71
Quantum numbers 37 41
Quark 3
Quark line diagrams 58
Quark structure functions 196 275
Quark structure functions of -meson 200
Quark structure functions of nucleon 196 275
Quark structure functions, evolution equations for 220
Quark structure functions, properties of 200
Quark structure functions, singlet, nonsinglet 220
Quark structure functions, sum rules for 198
Quark, content in nucleon 196 275
Quark, couplings to gluons 205 320
Quark, couplings to weak bosons 281
Quark, masses 64
Quark, model of hadrons 45
Quark, multiplets 46 59
Quark, table of quantum numbers 3 27 295
Quark, wave functions 53
Quark, weak mixing matrix 279 283 286
Quark-lepton transitions 350
R ratio in annihilation 228 243 308 381
Radial excitations 48 54 60
Radiative decays 251
Radiative decays of charmonium 61
Radiative decays of vector mesons 56
Radio frequency cavity 29
Rank of grou 43
Rationalized units 133
Regularization 222
Relativistic wave equation 74 100 312
Renormalizable theory 8 158 163 342
Renormalization group equation 167
Renormalization mass 167
Renormalization, of charge 157
Renormalization, of charge and nonAbelian gauge theories 342
Renormalization, of charge of mass 160 171
Renormalization, of charge of wave function 160 171
Renormalized charge 157
Representation 36
Representation, adjoint 42
Representation, fundamental 39 44
Representation, irreducible 38
Representation, mixing 49
Resonance 49 306
Rho ( )-meson 48 56 63 66
Rho ( )-meson, leptonic decay of 61
Rho ( )-meson, quark content of 48
Right-handed states 114
Rosenbluth formula 177
Rotation grou 35
Rotation matrices d’( ) 38 128
Rotation matrices d’( ) for j = 38
Rotation matrices d’( ) for j = 1 39
Rotation operator 36
Running coupling constant 9 167 347
Rutherford scattering 14 154
scalar 73 112
Scaling, Bjorken 188 192
Scaling, for Drell — Yan process 249
Scaling, in annihilation 232
Scaling, variables x, y 273
Scaling, violations 215 228 233
Scattering see Cross section
Scattering off static charge 152 172
Schrodinger equation 71
Schrodinger — Pauli equation 107
Scintillation counter 31
Screening, of color charge 9 168
Screening, of electromagnetic charge 9 158 167
Screening, of weak charge 347 (see also Charge screening)
Sea quarks 198
Secondary beam 30
Semi leptonic decay 252
Sigma ( ) hyperon 23 45 53 54 66
Sigma ( ) hyperon, charmed 62 66
Sigma ( ) hyperon, decay of 23
Sigma ( ) hyperon, quark content of 53
slash notation 104
Spark chamber 31
Special unitary group 39 318
Spectator quarks 272 283
Spin 105 106
Spin flip transition 57
Spin summation 111 120 121 135 139 185
Spin summation, nonrelativistic limit 120
Spin summation, relativistic limit 121
Spin summation, trace techniques for 122
Spinor 101
Spinor, adjoint 103
Spinor, antiparticle 107
Spinor, charge-conjugate 109 288
Spinor, completeness relation for 111
Spinor, four-component 102
Spinor, large/small components 106
Spinor, Majorana 116
Spinor, normalization of 110
Spinor, positron 107
Spinor, two-componcnt (neutrino) 114
Spinor, two-componcnt (Pauli) 39 105
Splitting functions, physical interpretation of 221
Splitting functions, physical interpretation of, in QCD. 213 220 222
Splitting functions, physical interpretation of, in QED. 225
Splitting functions, physical interpretation of, relations between 223
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 25 321
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of global gauge symmetry 324
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of local gauge symmetry 326
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of local SU(2) gauge symmetry 327
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, examples of 323 324 327
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, in Weinberg — Salam model 334
Standard model 295
Static charge 152 172
Static charge, scattering off 152
Step-u 38
Strange particle 26 44
Strange quark 26 58 64 66
Strangeness 44
Strangeness and isospin 46
Strangeness and kaons 48
Strangeness changing, and neutral current 282 283
Strangeness changing, and neutral current, neutral decay 282
Strangeness changing, and neutral current, weak interactions 280 291
Strangeness conservation 44
Strangeness, introduction of 26 44
Strangeness, violation of 279
Streamer chamber 31
Strong coupling constant a 15 171
Strong force 1
Structure constants 37
Structure constants for SU(2) 37
Structure constants for SU(3) 43 318 375
Structure functions for electron scattering 180 196
Structure functions for neutrino interactions 180 275
Structure functions, moments of 217 223
Structure functions, properties of 198
Structure functions, scaling of 192 (see also Quark structure functions)
SU(2) 39
SU(2), of isospin 41
SU(3) of color 43 317
SU(3) of flavor 44
SU(4), of flavor 62
SU(5), model 349
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