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Уэйкерли Дж.Ф. — Проектирование цифровых устройств (том 1)78
Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in FORTRAN77300, 881, 886ff., 1344
Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction587
Aqaian S., Astola J., Egiazarian K. — Binary polynomial transforms and nonlinear digital filters30, 90
Cameron P.J. — Combinatorics : Topics, Techniques, Algorithms169
Carmona R. — Practical Time-Frequency Analysis197
Burke E.K., Kendall G. — Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques591
Kappraff J. — Beyond Measure: A Guided Tour through Nature, Myth, and Number340—358
Anderson I. — A first course in discrete mathematics76
Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs617
Williamson S. — Combinatorics for computer science243
Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas12, 22
Samet H. — The design and analysis of spatial data structures8, 10, 109—110
Back T., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz Z. — Evolutionary computation (Vol. 1. Basic algorithms and operators)76, 133
Beckenbach E.F. (editor), Polya G., Lehmer D.H. and others — Applied combinatorial mathematics23
Tucker А. — Applied Combinatorics71
Grünbaum B. — Convex Polytopes382, 389b
Hamming R.W. — Numerical methods for scientists and engineers604
Ward S.A. — Computation Structures39, 58
Kreher D.L., Stinson D.R. — Combinatorial Algorithms: Generation, Enumeration and Search36
Nijenhuis A., Wilf H.S. — Combinatorial Algorithms: For Computers and Calculators14—17
Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose III: essays on software technology(see Representation)
Watkinson J. — An Introduction to Digital Audio94—96
Astfalk G. — Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers337
Reeves C.R., Rowe J.E. — Genetic Algorithms: Principles and Perspectives. A Guide to GA Theory98
Pevzner P.A. — Computational Molecular Biology An Algorithmic Approach88
Press W.H., Teukolsky S.A., Vetterling W.T. — Numerical recipes in Fortran 90300, 881, 886ff., 1344
Tucker A. — Applied Combinatorics71
Stibitz G.R., Larrivee J.A. — Mathematics and Computers125
Petrosian A.A.(ed), Meyer F.G.(ed) — Wavelets in Signal and Image analysis: from theory to practice (computational lmaging and vision)261
Iverson K.E. — A Programming Language63, 104
Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics23
Aldous J.M., Wilson R. — Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach81
Hamacher C., Vranesic, Zaky S. — Computer Organization 5th Edition726
Back T., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz Z. — Evolutionary computation (Vol. 2. Advanced algorithms and operators)198, 199
Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction128, 129, 188, 533, 557, 564
Jahne B., Haubecker H. — Computer vision and applications187
Bäck T. — Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice110—111, 113, 221—232
Shen A. — Algorithms and Programming38
Ward S., Halstead R. — Computation Structures (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)39, 58
Hill F.J., Peterson G.R. — Computer Aided Logical Design with Emphasis on VLSI23, 109
Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics128, 129, 188, 533, 557, 564
Melissinos A.C. — Principles of modern technology60
Nijenhuis A., Wilf H.S. — Combinatorial algorithms for computers and calculators14—17
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