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Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics |
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gate 33
circuit 37 57
2 536
-colorable graph 191
-colored graph 191
-box 18
-cube 17
-permutation in a set 168
-sequence 406
-sequence, chance received 406
-sequence, chance received, distribution of 406
-sequence, chance transmitted 409 412
-sequence, received 406
-sequence, received, disjoint 407
-sequence, sent 406
-sequence, transmitted 406
circuit 57
circuit 57
gate 33
-equivalent configurations 202
-sequence 409
-sequence 409
Abbe, E 479
Abbe’s theory of image formation 479
AD 519—521
Adaptive process 254
Adder in logical network 58
Adenine 519—521
Adenosine-triphosphate 522
Adjacent line 194
Adjacent point 186 196
Adjoint set 460
Admissible subgraph 199
Admissibly labeled set 420
After” set 349
Aggregate 538
Aggregate, haploid 544
Aggregate, monomial 540
Aggregate, of atoms 546
Aggregate, union of 540
Aircraft 237
Alexandroff, P. 450 455
Alexejeff, W. 571
Algebra, fundamental theorem of 433
Allele 540
Alphabet 406
Amino acid 515
Amino acid, correlated with base triplets 532
Amino acid, linear sequences of 518
Amino acid, linear sequences of, reading of 518
Amino acid, of proteins 515—518
Amino group 515
Andreev, N. I. 281
Animal, one-celled 200
Antipodal point 451
Antisymmetry 106
Antisymmetry operation in crystallography 467
Antisymmetry, center of 467
Aoki, M. 264 281
Approximation, in policy space 230
Approximation, polynomial 264—271
Approximation, successive 228 240 272—279
Arc in a directed network 348
Arc in a directed network, backward 349
Arc in a directed network, forward 349
Arc in a directed network, of a plane graph 192
Area of a subgraph 200
Arithmetical methods in block design 393—397
Arrangement, law of linear 548
Arrow, K. J. 233 236
Aseltine, J. A. 281
Ash, M. 251
Assignment problem 362
Asymmetric unit 460
Atomic form factor 475
Atomic scattering factor 475
ATP 522
Automatic pilot 237
Automation, finite 197
Automorphism, of a block design 401
Automorphism, of a graph 195
Axis, enantiomorphous 466
Axis, order of 461
Axis, screw 465
Back-track procedure 26
Backward arc in a directed network 349
Bacon, G. E. 512
Bagemihl, F. 455
Ball, deformation of a 416
Banach space 432 453
Banach, S. 432 453
Bandit, one-armed 284
Barlow, W. 467 504
Barnett, L. 534
Bartee, T. C. 63
Barycenter 428
Barycentric coordinates 426
Barycentric subdivision 428
Base of a nucleotide 519
Base of a nucleotide, triplet 522
Base of a nucleotide, triplet, correlated with amino acids 532
Baseball, criterion function for 223
Baseball, decisions in 223
Baseball, policy in 224
Baseball, two-team version of 232
Basic solution of a linear system 322 335
Basis of crystal structure 457
Bathroom-tile lattice 107
Baumert, L. 393 404
Beadle, G. W 578 581
Beckenbach, E. F. 215 236 319 347 455
Beckmann, M. 233
Beckwith, R. E. 281
Before” set 349
Behavior, steady-state 233
Bell, E. T. 72 74 80 87 94
Bellman, R 30 31 236 245 251 252 258 281 294 319 347
Bellman’s dynamic programming 221 257 261 263
Bellman’s principle of optimality 226 240 262
Belov, N. V. 467 512
Benzene ring 568
Berge, C 184 186 214 252 364
Bernal, J. D. 506 512
Bernoulli distribution 87
Bernoulli distribution, mean of 89
Bernoulli distribution, transient 233
Bernoulli number 82
Bernoulli, J. 82 87 89
Bers, L. 455
Best stopping rule 291
Bhattacharya, K. N. 386 404
Bieakwell, J. V. 281
Binary decision renewal problem 305
Binomial moment of a probability sequence 84 88
Bipartite graph 363
Biplanar graph 193
Bit count 15
Bit pattern 34
Bit sum 14—17
Bit time 32
Blackwell, D 236
Bliss, G. A. 281
| Blissard calculus 79
Blissard, J. 79
Block 177
Block design 370
Block design, arithmetical methods in 393
Block design, balanced incomplete 371
Block design, by matrices 377—379
Block design, by quadratic forms 379
Block design, composition of 387
Block design, cyclic 401
Block design, cyclic, multiplier of 402
Block design, fertilizer-testing application of 375
Block design, general theory of 377—387
Block design, group-theoretical methods in 397—403
Block design, order of 389
Block design, partially balanced 372
Block design, recursive methods in 387—393
Block design, seed-testing application of 375
Block design, statistical applications of 375—377
Block design, symmetric 378—387
Block design, symmetric, automorphism of 401
Block design, toothpaste-testing application of 376
Block, as a function of its index 370
Block, containing an object 370
Block, dissimilar 204
Block, of a graph 194
Body-centered lattice 458
Bohnenblust, H. F. 347
Bohr, N. 546 562 563 578 579 580 581
Boll polynomial 80 87
Boltzmann, L. 122 550
Boltzmann’s constant 122 550
Bond, directed 109
Bond, hydrogen 520
Bond, labeled 112
Boole, G. 9 48 55—63 181 184 209 217
Boolean operation 9 48 56—60 181
Born, M. 563 572
Bose, E 545
Bose, R. C. 213 214 399 404
Boundary condition, periodic 132
Boundary, of a chain 439
Boundary, of a simplex 439
Boundary, reduced 442
Boundary-oriented simplex 436
Boundary-valued problem 256
Bounding cycle 433
Bounding cycle, of a complex 440
Bracket factor 567
Bragg, W. L. 480 512
Branson, H. R. 502 514
Brauer, A. 403 404
Braun, L. 283
Bravais, A. 457—460
Breakthrough 359
Brenner, S. 534
Brillouin, L. M. 504
Brouwer, J. E. L. 424—427 430—432 438 443—447 453 455
Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem 424 430 432 445 446
Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem, Schauder’s extension of 432
Brown, A. B. 455
Browning, E. B. 65
Bruck, R. H. 369 380 403 404
Bryson, A. E. 260 278 280 281
Buerger, M. J. 484 512
Burnside, W. 150 184
Buscher, R. G. 281
Cactus 207
Caianiello, E. R. 105 142
Cairns, S. S. 455
Calculus, Blissard 79
Calculus, of variations 237 257
Calculus, of variations, problem of Mayor in 258
Calculus, umbral 79
Canonical distribution of states 549
Canonical form of linear systems 338
Capacitated directed network 351
Capacitated node 362
Capacity, of a channel 410
Capacity, of a cut 352
Capacity, of a cut, bounds on 355
Capacity, of an arc 351
Carlitz, L. 94 215
Carrier of a point in a simplex 419
Carroll, F. J. 281
Cartwright, D. 186 216 585
Catalan, E. C. 120
Catalan’s constant 120
Catering problem 362
Cauchy product of sequences 73
Cauchy, A. L. 73 94 492 493
Cauchy’s inequality 492
Causality 551—562
Causality, principle of 561
Cavotti, C. 281
Cayley representation of a group 148 168
Cayley, A. 148 149 168 206 212 213 215 216
Cell, unit 457
Cell, unit, primitive, in a crystal lattice 459
Cell-growth problem 200
Celsius temperature 550
Celsius, A. 550
Central moment of a probability sequence 84
Chain 363 438
Chain, boundary of 439
Chain, over a complex 439
Chain, sum of 439
Chain, vacuous 440
Chain-decomposition theorem 364
Chance received -sequence 406
Chance received -sequence, distribution of 406
Chance transmitted -sequence 409—412
Chance transmitted -sequence, distribution of 409
Chandler, C. B. 282
Channel 406
Channel probability function 407
Channel, capacity of 410
Channel, compound 412
Channel, compound, with variable cpf 414
Channel, continuous 414
Channel, discrete memory less 407
Channel, discrete, with memory 414
Channel, semicontinuous 414
Character of a grating 554
Chebyshev polynomial 265—270
Chebyshev, P.L. 265—270
Cherry, C. 95 184
Chess 233
Chestnut, H. 281
Chinese arithmetic 14
Chinese representation of an integer 8
Choice of action vector 255
Chow, Y. S. 319
Chowla, S. 369 381 404
Chromosome 515
Circuit 33
Circuit state 42
Circuit state, grouping of 50—53
Circuit state, next 42
Circuit state, present 42
Circuit, 37 57
Circuit, equivalent 44
Circuit, multiple-outlet 40—42
Circuit, sequential 33 35
Circuit, sequential, reduced 46—49
Clark, B. F. C 534
Clarke, L. E. 212 215
Class partition 174
Class, of objects 542
Class, of patterns of partitions 175
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