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Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics |
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Class, of patterns of partitions, labeled 176
Clavellina 577
Clock-pulse time 32
Clockwise side 112
Clockwise-even polygon 112
Clockwise-odd polygon 112
Closed graph 123
Closed polygon 109
Closed walk 187
Cochran, W. 474 512 513
Code 407
Code, error-correcting 373—375
Code, length of 407
Coding theorem 410
Coding theorem, strong converse of 410
Coding theorem, weak converse of 410
Coding, theory of 406
Coin-tossing problem 285
Coin-tossing problem, restricted 286
Coin-tossing problem, unrestricted 285
Colorable graph 191
Colored graph 191
Column system of linear equations 324
Column system of linear equations, canonical form of 338 344
Column-system basic-feasible schema 325 344
Combinations, orderly listing of 24
Combinations, ranking of 27—30
Combinatorial analysis 1 2 67
Combinatorial representation of an integer 8
Commutative ring 73
Complementary basic solutions of linear systems 322
Complementary basic solutions of linear systems, feasible 322 333 345
Complete graph 187
Complete grating 558
Complete walk 187
COMPLEX 438 546
Complex, bounding cycle of 440
Complex, chain over 439
Complex, connected 547
Complex, CW 441
Complex, nonbounding cycle of 440
Complex, simplicial 193
Component in a partition 26
Composition, of an integer 24 93
Composition, of an integer, orderly listing of 24 25
Composition, of designs 387
Composition, of networks 198
Compound channel 412
Compound channel, transmission by 412 413
Configuration 91 202
Configuration group 202
Configuration, -equivalent 202
Configuration, content of 202
Configuration, equivalent 91
Configuration, standard 107
Configuration, weight of 91 92
Connected graph 187
Connectivity, of a graph 194
Connectivity, of a structural unit 503
Connor, V. S. 387 405
Conservation equation 352
Conservation law of energy 550
Constant, Boltzmann’s 122 550
Constant, Catalan’s 120
Constitution of an aggregate 543
Constraint, linear 331
Content, of a configuration 202
Content, of a figure 202
Continuation state 292
Continuous channel 414
Continuous problem 262
Contour line for objective function 332
Control of a system 237
Control process 238
Control process, feedback 239
Control process, minimax 246
Control process, open loop 238
Control process, time optimal 238
Control process, time optimal, stochastic 244
Control vector 237
Converse of the coding theorem 410
Convolution of sequences 73
Coordinates, barycentric 426
Coordination number of a structural unit 503
Corey, R. B. 502 514
Corpuscular nature of light 551
Cost function 306
Cost per unit time 308
Coulomb, C. A. 566
Counting 144
CPF 407
cpf, worst 413
Cramer, G. 228
Cramer’s Rule 228
Crick, F. H. C. 525 534
Crossing-over in gametes 547
Cruickshank, D. W. J. 512
Crystal 456
Crystal lattice 457
Crystal space 460
Crystal structure, basis of 457
Crystal, isomorphous 488
Crystal, of phthalocyanine 473
Crystalline state 96 457
Crystallographic point group 463
Crystallography 456
Cubic graph 190
Cubic lattice 98 458
Cullis, A. F. 502 514
Cumulant 86
Curie temperature 509
Curie, P. 509
Cut point 194
Cut, in a network 350
Cut, minimal 353
Cut, separating one point from another 350
CW-complex 441
Cy 519—521
CYCLE 146 187 308 440
Cycle analysis 308
Cycle index 91 146
Cycle, bounding 443
Cycle, cost of 309
Cycle, degenerate 441
Cycle, equivalent 441
Cycle, first 308
Cycle, length of 309
Cycle, second 308
Cycle, similar 197
Cycle, type of 146
Cyclic block design 401
Cyclic block design, multiplier of 402
Cyclic matrix 113
Cyclic permutation 110
Cyclic permutation group 148
Cytoplasm 515
Cytosine 519—521
Dantzig simplex method 330 344
Dantzig, G. B. 233 242 252 330 333 344 345 347 364
Darwin, C. R. 570
Davies, D. R. 513
Davis, R. L. 184 202 203 210 215
De Boer, J. 184; see Boer
de Broglie, L. 545
De Bruijn, N. G. 69 90 94 184 202 204 215
De Morgan, A. 67 79 93 94
de Vries, J. 574
de Witt, C cile 142
Decision element 33
Decision element, 33
| Decision element, 57
Decision element, 57
Decision element, 33
Decision element, threshold 57
Decision element, threshold, mechanization of 60
Decision process, multistage 221 233
Decomposition of a partially ordered set 363
Degree, of a point 187
Degree, of freedom 322
Delabeling 168
Delabeling, complete 169
Delabeling, incomplete 170
Delay flip-flop memory element 32
Delbr ck, M. 575 577 581
Denham, W. F. 281
Denumerant of a number 93
Deoxyribonucleic acid 520
Deoxyribose 519
Derivative graph of a graph 194
Derivative, of an exponential generating function 79
Derivative, of an ordinary generating function 73
Derman, C. 312 319
Descartes, R 553 557 558 564
Design problem 37 57
Design problem, graphical equivalent of 58
Design, derived 385
Design, logical 32
Design, nonresidual 386
Design, residual 385
Determinant 106 380
Determined function 67
Deterministic process 254
Dewar, J. 569
Diagram, Veitch 37
Diameter of a connected graph 193
Dickerson, R. E. 513
Difference equation 263
Difference set 401
Difference-synthesis method 496
Differential-synthesis method 497
Diffraction grating 468
Diffraction maximum 478
Diffraction pattern 469
Digit, factorial 7
Digital system 33
Digraph 186
Digraph, connected 189
Digraph, disconnected 189
Digraph, Eulerian 191
Digraph, functional 210
Digraph, initial state of 197
Digraph, input of 197
Digraph, partition of 188
Digraph, source of 189 197
Digraph, state of 197
Digraph, state of, initial 197
Digraph, strong 189
Digraph, unilateral 189
Digraph, weak 189
Dilworth, R. P. 364 365
Dilworth’s chain-decomposition theorem 364
Dimension of a simplex 193
Dimer 105
Dimer Pfaffian 108 116
Dipole-dipole attraction 505
Dirac, G. A. 192 215
Dirac, P. A. M. 545 546 561 562
Directed graph 186
Directed network 348
Directed network, capacitated 351
Directed path 187 349
Directed tree 207
Disconnected set of nodes 363
Discrete channel with memory 414
Discrete memoryless channel 407 410
Discrete memoryless channel, with feedback 414
Discrete problem 262
Discriminator 58
Disjoint received -sequence 407
Disorder parameter 510
Disordered structure 507—511
Dissimilar block 204
Dissimilar line 204
Dissimilar point 204
Distance, in Euclidean -space 425
Distance, on a path 187
Distribution, atomic 483
Distribution, Bernoulli 87
Distribution, electron density 484
Distribution, Patterson 482
Distribution, probability 408
Distribution, vector 483
DMC 407
DNA 520
DNA, double-strandedness of 520
Dobzhansky, T. G. 543
Doig, A 184 214 252 364
Domain of a function 151
Domb, C. 103 142
Donnay, J. D. H. 512
Doob, J. L. 319
Dorfman, R. 347
Double hydrogen bond 520
Double-stranded nucleic-acid chain 520
Dougall, J. 563
Douglas, A. S. 512
Dreyfus, S. 236 258 281
Driesch experiment 576
Driesch, H. A. E. 576
du Vigneaud, V. 518 535
Dual linear program 333
Duersch, R. R. 281
Dulmage, A. L. 399 405
Dyhne, A. M. 142
Dynamic programming, Bellman’s 221 257 261 263
E.S.P. problem 286
Eddington, A. S. 536 553 578
Egerv ry, J. 363 365
Eigenfunction 564
Eigenvalue 133 559 564
Eigenvector 559
Eilenberg, S. 455
Einstein, A. 545 552 553
Elcock, E. W. 512
Electron spin 121
Element, decision 33
Element, logical 32
Element, memory 32
Element, of an alphabet 406
Element, unrelated, in a partially ordered set 363
Ellert, F. J. 282
Elliptic integral 102
Enantiomorphous axis 466
Entrance-fee problem 298
Entrance-fee problem, absolutely monotonic case of 299
Entrance-fee problem, expected terminal payoff in 301
Entrance-fee problem, favorable state in 298
Entrance-fee problem, linear-programming solution of 302
Entrance-fee problem, monotonic case of 302
Entrance-fee problem, unfavorable state in 298
entropy 408 562
Enumeration of graphs 186
Enumerative combinatorial analysis 144
Enumerative combinatorial analysis, fundamental theorem in 69 90 145 157 202
Enumerative combinatorial analysis, generalization of 161 182 204
Enumerator 69
Enumerator, store 91
enzyme 515
Equation, conservation 352
Equation, functional, of dynamic programming 226 246 261 294
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