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Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics
Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics

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Название: Applied Combinatorial Mathematics

Автор: Beckenbach E.F. (ed.)

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1964

Количество страниц: 608

Добавлена в каталог: 31.03.2013

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Предметный указатель
Gumbel, H.      319
Hadamard matrix      391
Hadamard matrix, Kronecker product of      392
Hadamard matrix, normalized      391
Hadamard, J.      391—395 404 452 455
Hadwiger, H.      175 184
Hadzi, D.      513
Halfplane      331
Hall method of listing permutations      20
Hall, M., Jr      20 30 31 252 347 387 393 402 404 405
Hamill, J.      281
Hamilton, W. R.      259—261 274—277
Hamiltonian function      259 274
Hamiltonian system      259 274
Hanani, H.      390 405
Handler, P.      535
Haploid aggregate      544
Harary, F.      90 95 180 181 184 186 206 207 210 215 216
Hardy, G. H.      102 405
Harker and Kasper inequalities      492
Harker section of a crystalline structure      485
Harker, D.      485 492 494 513
Harris, T. E.      365
Hart, R. G.      513
Hartmanis method of assigning flip-flop states      49
Hartmanis, J.      49 52 63
Hasse — Minkowski theory of quadratic forms      380
Hasse, J. M.      380 382
Hauptmann, H.      513
Heavy-atom method in crystallography      485
Heinz, E.      452 455
Heisenberg principle of indeterminacy      555 579
Heisenberg, W.      579
Heitler, W.      560
Hemoglobin      489—502
Henry, N. F. M.      513
Herglotz, G.      494
Herglotz’s theorem concerning Fourier coefficients      494
Herman, R.      142
Hermite, C.      133 134 141
Hexagonal lattice      107 458
Hilbert, D.      381 559 562 563
Hilton, P. J.      441 455
Hitchcock, H. P.      365
Ho, Yu — Chi      282
Hodgkin, D. C.      486 513
Hohlraum mirror room      545 552
Holser, W. T.      513
Homeomorph      431
Homeomorphic graph      192
Homeomorphically irreducible graph      190
Homeomorphism      431
Homology      433—441
Homometric structure      483
Homomorphic mapping      150
Homotopy      441
Homotopy, invariance of index under      452
Hopf, H.      450 455
Hormone      515
House-hunting problem      286
Howard, R.      233 236
Hu, S. T.      455
Hu, T. C.      249 252
Huffman, D. A.      42 61 63
Hurst, C. A.      124 142
Husami tree      207
Husimi, K.      208 212 216
Hydrogen bond      505
Hydrogen bond, double      520
Hydrogen bond, triple      520
hydrogen molecule      560
Hydroxyl group      515
Ideal gas      550
Identity graph      195
Identity of the ego      536 542
Image formation, Abbe’s theory of      479
Imbedding, invariant      256
Incentive fee      306
Incentive-fee problem      313
Incentive-fee problem, linear-programming solution of      314
Incidence matrix      377
Incidence of vertex to simplex      420
Incidence system      370
Indecomposable network      199
Indegree of a point of a digraph      188
Indeterminacy, Heisenberg’s principle of      555 579
Index theorem, principal      441 443
Index theorem, Schauder and Leray extension of      445 453
Index value, smallest, of a point      426
Index, cycle      91
Index, of a connected graph      194
Inductive proof      417
Inequality, of Cauchy      492
Inequality, of Harker and Kasper      492
Inequality, on capacities of cuts and values of flows      355—357
Influenza virus      527
Information theory      406
Inglehart, D.      236
Initial state of a digraph      197
Input, of a decision element      33
Input, of a digraph      197
Inspection and repair problem      305
Insulin      518
Integer, representation of      6
Integer, representation of, binary      7
Integer, representation of, Chinese      8
Integer, representation of, combinatorial, with given nome      8
Integer, representation of, decimal      6
Integer, representation of, factorial      7
Integer, representation of, modular      8
Integer, representation of, polynomial      6
Integer-valued maximal static flow      354
Integers, monotone arrangement of      11
Interchange graph      194
Intermediate point in a network      352
Invariant form      566
Invariant imbedding      256
Inventory      154 232
Inventory, of a function      155
Inverse basis procedure      342
Inversion operation in crystallography      463
Ising ferromagnetism      121
Ising ferromagnetism, heat capacity of      122
Ising ferromagnetism, internal energy of      122
Ising ferromagnetism, internal energy of, per lattice point      132
Ising partition function      122
Ising problem      121 199 212
Ising, E.      121—129 132 139 142 143 199 200 211 212 216 217
Isomorphic graph      186
Ivakhnenko, A. G.      282
Jakowatz, C. V.      282
Jeffrey, G. A.      505 512
Jenkins, F. A.      469 470
Johannsen, W.      540
Johnson method of listing permutations      22
Johnson, D. M.      399 405
Johnson, S. M.      22 30
Jones, Oliver W., Jr      534 535
Jordan, C.      338
Jordan, P.      576 578 581
Jorgenson, D. W.      319
K$\ddot{o}$nig — Egerv$\acute{a}$ry theorem      363
K$\ddot{o}$nig, D.      186 192 216 252 363 365
Kac, M.      124 142
Kaczmarz mapping from a sphere to itself      452
Kaczmarz method for solving linear systems      451
Kaczmarz, S.      451 452 455
Kaiser, J.      252
Kakutani, S.      432 455
Kakutani’s fixed-point theorem      432
Kalaba, R.      236 251 252 281 282
Kant, I.      1 580
Karle, J.      513
Karlin, S.      233 236
Karnaugh map for logical networks      37
Karnaugh, M.      37
Karush, W.      245 252
Kashmar, C. M.      282
Kasper, J. S.      492 494 512 513
Kasteleyn, P.      105 107 108 121 124 142
Kaufman, B.      142
Kaziro, Y.      534
Kekul$\acute{e}$, A.      546 563 568 569 570
Kekul$\acute{e}$’s formula for the benzene ring      568
Kelley, H. J.      278 282
Kemeny, J. G.      319 347
Kendrew, J. C.      491 513
Kepler, J.      570
Key equation      322 333 343
Key equation, in linear programming      333 343
Key equation, in matrix games      322
Kirchhoff, G.      216
Kitaigordoskii, A. I.      467 513
Kittel, C.      510 513
Klein, M.      319
Klug, A.      492 513
Knight, C. A.      535
Koopmans, T. C.      347
Krakow, J. S.      534
Kramers, H. A.      102
Kranz group      176
Krausz, J.      194 216
Kronecker delta      82 97 461
Kronecker product of matrices      392
Kronecker, L.      82 83 392 455 461
Kruskal, J.      247 252
Kuhn, H. W.      347 365 426 455
Kuratowski, K.      215
La Salle, J. P.      252
Labeled bond connecting lattice points      112
Labeled class of patterns of partitions      176
Labeled graph      199
Labeled node in a network      358
Labeled points of a subdivision      425
Labeled simplex      420
Labeled subset      168
Labeled vertices of a simplex      420
Labeling process, in enumerative combinatorial analysis      168
Labeling process, in network-flow theory      358
Labeling process, in network-flow theory, terminating      359
Labels, complete set of      421
Lagrange identity      381
Lagrange multiplier      260
Lagrange, J. L.      260 261 381
Landyshev, A. N.      282
Laplace, P. S.      67 95 245 251
Latin square      196
Latin square, orthogonal      213
Latin square, orthogonal, mutually      372 395
Lattice      96
Lattice point      98
Lattice, bathroom-tile      107
Lattice, Bravais      458
Lattice, cubic      98
Lattice, hexagonal      107
Lattice, reciprocal      460
Lattice, slightly defective      134
Lattice, square      98
Lattice, superposition of      473
Lattice, Three-Dimensional      457
Lattice, triangular      107
Lawden, D.      282
Lay, J. E      252
Lea, D. E.      581
Learning, in adaptive process      254
Least-square method, in crystallography      498
Leder, P.      534
Ledermann, W.      134 142
Ledermann’s eigenvalue theorem      134
Lefschetz, S.      252 441 450 455
Lehmer method of listing permutations      20
Lehmer, D. H.      30
Lehmer, D. N.      20
Leibnitz — Pauli exclusion principle      561
Leibnitz, G. W.      1 2 537 546 561
Leitmann, G.      282
Length of a code      407
Length of a walk      187
Length of a word      407
Lengyel, P.      534
Leray, J.      445 453 455
Level line for an objective function      332
Li$\acute{e}$nard, A. M.      562
Liapunov, A.      252
Lifshitz, I. M.      142
Light cone      562
Light, corpuscular nature of      551
Light, corpuscular nature of, monochromatic constituents of      553
Line graph      194
Line group      196
Line, in graph theory      186
Line, in graph theory, adjacent      194
Line, in graph theory, directed      186
Line, in graph theory, dissimilar      204
Line, in graph theory, parallel      186
Line, in graph theory, removal of      194
Line, in graph theory, subdivision of      192
Line-symmetric graph      195
Linear constraint in linear programming problem      331
linear oscillator      544
Linear program      331
Linear program, graphical analysis of      332
Linear program, in standard form      333 343
Linear programming      331 348
Linear programming, basic solutions in      333
Linear programming, basic solutions in, complementary      333
Linear programming, dual program in      333
Linear programming, key equation in      333
Linear programming, optimization in      331
Linear programming, primal program in      331
Linear programming, related to matrix games      320
Linear-equation system      321
Linear-equation system, canonical form of      338
Linear-programming solution, of entrance-fee problem      302
Linear-programming solution, of incentive-fee problem      314
Linearization of multidimensional boundary-value problems      272
Linnaeus      see Linn$\acute{e}$
Lipson, H.      474 513 514
Living organism, characteristics of      573
Lockett, J.      251
Loeb, A. L      513
Logical design      32
Logical element      32
Logical network      32
Logical network, cheapest      37
Logical network, simplest      37 62
London, F.      560
Long-range disorder parameter      510
Lonsdale, K.      512 513
Loop in a graph      186
Lower girth of a connected graph      193
Luce, R. D      347
Machine, sequential      197
Mackay, A. L.      513
MacLane, S.      455
MacMahon, P. A.      68 93 95
MacNeish, H. F.      396 400 405
MacQueen, J. B.      319
Magnetic spin      121
Magneton      553
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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