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Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics |
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Malvern, L. E. 252
Mancini, A. R. 281
Mann, H. B. 369 375 405
Manne, A. S. 233 236
Mapping 145 430
Mapping, composition of 145
Mapping, homomorphic 150
Mapping, index of 442
Mapping, Kaczmarz 452
Mapping, Karnaugh 37
Mapping, Mercator 430 449
Mapping, reduced 442
Mapping, simplicial 436
Maradudin, A. A. 142
Margenau, H. 563
Markov chain 287 312
Markov device 288 306
Markov process 233
Markov property 287 292
Markov, A. A. 221 233 236 287—289 292 306 312 318 319
MARS 255
Marsh, R. E. 514
Martin, R. G. 534
Martingale 286
Marx, H. F. 282
Mask, in crystallography 473
Matrix game 320
Matrix game, basic solution in 322
Matrix game, basic solution in, complementary 322
Matrix game, feasible solution in 321
Matrix game, key equation in 322
Matrix game, related to linear programming 320
Matrix game, solution of 321
Matrix game, value of 321
Matrix, cyclic 113
Matrix, Hadamard 391
Matrix, Hadamard, Kronecker product of 392
Matrix, Hadamard, normalized 391
Matrix, incidence 377
Matrix, payoff 320 324 344
Matthaei, J. H. 527 534 535
Max-flow—min-cut theorem 357
Maximum principle, Pontriagin’s 258 274
Maximum probability of error 407
Maxwell, J. C. 239 252 545
Mayer, A. 258 259
Mayer, J. E. 216
Mazur, P. 142
McCausland, I. 283
McCrea, W. H. 103 142
Meiosis 544
Memory element 32
Memory element, delay flip-flop 32
Memory element, elimination of 42—49
Memory element, reset-set 54
Memory element, trigger 54
Memory element, Wrzesinski’s 56
Mendel, G. 544 547
Mendelsohn, N. S. 399 405
Mercator map 430 449
Mercator, G 430 431 449
Merriam, C. W., Ill 282 283
mesh 427
Message 407
Method of adjoined inequality constraints 258
Method of steepest descent 278
Metropolis, N. 531 534
Miele, A. 281 283
Mikami, K. 281
Miller, R. G. 319
Milnos, H. W. 142
Milton, John 525
Minimax theorem in game theory 320
Minimum-return function 269
Minkowski, H. 380 382
Minnick, R. C. 59 63
Mirror plane in crystallography 458
Mishkin, E. 283
Mixed strategy 321
Mixed strategy, optimal 321
Modd 394
Modular representation of integers 8
Molecule, monomeric 503
Molecule, polymeric 503
Moment of a probability sequence 84
Moment of a probability sequence, binomial 84 88
Moment of a probability sequence, central 84
Moment of a probability sequence, factorial 84
Moment of a probability sequence, figurate 85
Moment of a probability sequence, ordinary 84 88
Monger, K. 363
Monger’s graph theorem 363
Monoclinic lattice 458
Monomeric molecule 503
Monotone arrangement of integers 11
Monte Carlo method 14 19 230 528 531
Montroll, E. W 142 143 212 216
Moon, J.W. 210 212 216
Moore, E. H. 388 405
Morgan, T. H. 547 548
Morgan’s law of linear arrangement 548
Morgenstern, O. 432 455 537
Morris, I. L. 513
Moser, L. 210
Motzkin, T. S. 452
Muirhead, H. 502 514
Muller, H. J 574 581
Multidimensional geometry 425
Multigraph 186
Multiple-outlet circuit 40
Multiplet of terms 565
Multiplier, Lagrange 260
Multisection of series 79
Multistage decision process 221 233
Mutakallimun 542
Mutation 520 544 574
Myoglobin 489—502
Neighborhood of a point 424
Neronova, N. N. 512
Net flow 351
Network 329
Network, directed 348
Network, directed, capacitated 351
Network, logical 32
Network, two-terminal see Two-terminal network
Newell, G.F. 143 212 216
Newton, G. 252
Newton, I. 553 570
Next state of a sequential circuit 42
Neyman, J. 319
Nicol, W. 552 553 557 558
Nirenberg, M. W. 527 532 534 535
Nixon, H. L. 513
Node 192 329 348
Node, capacitated 362
Node, disconnecting set of 363
Node, labeled 358
Node, scanned 358
Nome 8
Nonbounding cycle of a complex 440
Noncycle 433
Nonoverlapping-code hypothesis 523
Nonresidual design 386
Nonseparable graph 194
Nonsymmetric design 384
Norman, R. Z. 186 202 204 208 211 216
North, A. T. C. 502 514
Nowacki, W. 467 512 513
Nucleic acid 519
Nucleotide 519
| Nucleotide chain 519—521
Nucleus 515
Number of parts in a partition 175
Number, bernoulli 82
Number, Euler 89
Number, Eulerian 89
Number, Fibonacci 75—79
Number, figurate 85
Number, Stirling, of the first kind 82—85
Number, Stirling, of the second kind 72 83—88
Object in a block 370
Objective function 331
Objective function, contour line of 332
Ochoa, S. 532 534 535
Oddity of an element of a permutation 435
One-armed bandit 284
One-celled animal 200
Onsager, L. 124 132 142 143 199 216
Open walk 187
Open-loop control 238
Operation in crystallography, antisymmetry 467
Operation in crystallography, inversion 463
Operation in crystallography, rotary-inversion 463
Operation in crystallography, rotation 461
Operation in crystallography, symmetry 467
Operator, shift 86
Optimal mixed strategy in game theory 321
Optimal policy in decision process 224
Optimal solution for a linear program 334
Optimality problem 253
Optimality, Bellman’s principle of 226 240 262
Order, of an axis 461
Order, of an element of a group 148
Order-disorder phenomena 507—511
Ordered-pair group 208
Ordinary moment of a probability sequence 84
Ore 0 186 194 216
Orgel, A 534
Orientation in algebraic topology 434
Oriented -simplex 435
Oriented graph 207
Oriented simplex 434
Origin for binary decision renewal problem 306
Origin for binary decision renewal problem, return to 306
Origin for binary decision renewal problem, time of return to 306
Orthogonality relations 271
Orthorhombic lattice 458
Otter, R. 202 204 206 212 215 216
Outdegree of a point of a digraph 188
Output of a decision element 33
Overlapping-code hypothesis 522
Oxytocin 518
P lya’s cycle-index theorem 177
P lya’s fundamental theorem in enumerative combinatorial analysis 69 90 145 157 178 180 202
P lya’s fundamental theorem in enumerative combinatorial analysis, generalization of 161—164 182 204
P lya’s random-walk problem 99
Packing, in the storage of vectors 9
Packing, in the storage of vectors, of polyhedra 504
Packing, in the storage of vectors, of spheres 504
Paige, L. J. 20 31
Pair group 208
Pair group, ordered 208
Paley, R. E. A. C. 393 402 405
Palmer, W. G. 572
Parallel connection of two-terminal networks 198
Parker, E. V. 213 214 399 400 404 405
Parking-place problem 287
Parquetry 456
Partial fractions for Fibonacci numbers 75
Partially ordered set 363
Partition function 122
Partition of a set 25 92 175 537
Partition of a set, class 174
Partition of a set, components in 26
Partition of a set, number of parts of 175
Partition of a set, of a digraph 188
Partition of a set, of a graph 187
Partition of a set, orderly listing of 25
Pascal probability generating function 88
Pascal, B. 88
Path, directed 187 349
Path, on a graph 187
Path, on a network 349
Pattern 152 162 176
Pattern, bit 34
Pattern, diffraction 469
Pattern, inventory 157 162
Pattern, of class partitions 175
Pattern, of one-to-one mappings 164
Pattern, of variation with repetition 173
Pattern, total number of 171
Patterson atomic distribution 482
Patterson, A. L. 482—486 489 512 513
Pauli, W. 546 560 561 563 564 579
Pauling, L. 502 505 513 514 572
Pauli’s exclusion principle 560 579
Paving problem 200
Payoff matrix 320 344
Payoff, expected 291
Payoff, total 291
Peano, G. 6
Peptide bond 515
Periodic boundary conditions 132
Permutation 145 434
Permutation group 145
Permutation group, cyclic 148
Permutation group, degree of 145
Permutation group, direct product of 149 181
Permutation group, direct sum of 181
Permutation group, equivalent subsets in 160
Permutation, composition of 146
Permutation, cyclic 110
Permutation, equivalent 167
Permutation, oddity of an element of 435
Permutation, orderly listing of 19
Permutation, orderly listing of, by adjacent-mark method 19
Permutation, orderly listing of, by derangement method 20
Permutation, orderly listing of, by Hall method 20
Permutation, orderly listing of, by Johnson method 22
Permutation, orderly listing of, by Lehmer method 20
Permutation, orderly listing of, by lexicographical method 20
Permutation, orderly listing of, by Tompkins — Paige method 20
Permutation, orderly listing of, by transportation method 20
Permutation, orderly listing of, by Wells method 20
Permutation, parity of 435
Permutational resonance 566
Perry, H. R. 283
Perutz, M. F. 502 514
Pestka, S. 534
Peterson, E. L. 282 283
Pfaff, J. F. 105—110 116 119 124—129 133 141
Pfafiian 105
Pfafiian, dimer 108 116
Phase angle 476 490
Phase factor 476
Phillips, D. C. 513
Phister, M., Jr 63
Phosphate group 519
Photon 545 552
Picard, J. 241
Pickworth, J. 486 513
Picture writing 203
Pilot, automatic 237
Pivot entry 327
Pivot step 327
Pivot step, equivalence by 327
Place at which a figure is located 202
Planck, M 558 574
Plane graph 192
Plane, glide, in crystallography 466
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