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Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics |
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Equilibrium value of a game 321 345
Equivalence class, in a group 150
Equivalence relation 150 538
Equivalent circuit 44
Equivalent element of a group 150
Equivalent permutation 167
Equivalent schema for linear-equation systems 324
Equivalent schema for linear-equation systems, by pivot steps 327
Equivalent subsets of a permutation group 160 176
Erds, P. 215
Error, in codes 373
Error, maximum probability of 407
Error-correcting code 373—375
Escape probability 101
Essential term in equation for output line 40
Euclid 387 416 419 432 443 444 506 557 559 560
Euler conjecture 399
Euler number 89
Euler — Lagrange equations 260
Euler, L. 86 89 94 149 191 193 211 213 214 260 261 397 399 404 405
Eulerian digraph 191
Eulerian graph 191
Eulerian number 89
Euler’s conjecture 213
Euler’s transformation of series 86
Exclusion principle, Pauli’s 560 579
Expected terminal payoff in stopping-rule problem 301
Expected total payoff in stopping-rule problem 291
Exponential generating function 68
Exponentiation of permutation groups 211
Face-centered lattice 458
Factor, atomic form 475
Factor, atomic scattering 475
Factor, bracket 567
Factor, phase 476
Factor, site-occupancy 498
Factor, structure 477
Factor, temperature 476
Factorial digit 7
Factorial moment of a probability sequence 84
Factorial representation of an integer 7
Factorial, falling 68 74 88
Failure and replacement problem 305
Falling factorial 68 74 88
Fan, Ky 432 455
Favorable state, in stopping-rule problem 298
Feasible solution of a linear system 321 334
Feedback-control system 239
Feil, D 505 512
Feller, W. 99 142 319
Fend, F. A 282
Fermi — Dirac statistics 546
Fermi, E. 546
Fermi, G. 531
ferromagnetism 121
Fertilizer-testing application of block design 375
Feynman, R. P. 143 217
Fibonacci number 75—79
Fibonacci, L. 75—78 94
Field, finite 393
Field, primitive root of 394
Figurate moment of a probability sequence 85
figure 91 202
Figure collection 202
Figure, content of 202
Figure-counting series 202
Figure-store 91
Finite automation 197
Finite field 393
Finite field, primitive root of 394
Finite partially ordered set 363
Fisher, M. E. 105 121 124 142 143
Fivefold crystal symmetry, impossibility of 461 506
Fixed point 417 424
Fixed-point theorem 417
Fixed-point theorem, Brouwer’s 424 430 445
Fixed-point theorem, Brouwer’s, application of, to the fundamental theorem of algebra 446
Fixed-point theorem, Kakutani’s 432
Flip-flop memory element 32
Flip-flop memory element, delay 32
Flip-flop memory element, reset 33
Flip-flop memory element, set 33
Flow, from a point 351
Flow, into a point 351
Flow, maximal 354
Flow, net 351
Flow, static, in a network 351
Flow, value of 351
Flow, value of, bounds on 355—357
Flow-augmenting process 359
Forced continuation state in stopping-rule problem 288 306
Forced continuation state in stopping-rule problem, elimination of 296
Forced stopping state in stopping-rule problem 288
Ford — Fulkerson algorithm in network-flow problem 358
Ford, G. W. 180 184 208 212 215
Ford, L. R., Jr 242 252 358 365
Forward arc in a directed network 349
Foster, F. G. 142
Fourier transforms in crystallography 473—478 496
Fourier, J. B. J. 139 264 265 468 473—482 487 488 496—500 511-514
Fowler, R. H. 102 105 121 142
Fractional precision in the storage of vectors 9
Fraenkel — Conrat, H. 535
Frank, F. C. 512
Frankel, S. 287
Frankenheim, M. L. 457
Freimer, M. 282
Freund, J. E. 217
Fried, B. D. 282
Frisbee, R. J. 319
Frucht, R. 215
Fulkerson, D. R. 242 249 252 358 365
Function, antisymmetric 563
Function, channel probability 407
Function, continuous 424
Function, cost 306
Function, determined 67
Function, domain of 151
Function, equivalent 151
Function, generating see Generating function
Function, Green’s 135—140
Function, group-reduction 180
Function, Hamiltonian 259 274
Function, inventory of 155
Function, minimum-return 269
Function, objective 331
Function, objective, contour line of 332
Function, partition 122
Function, Patterson 482
Function, range of 151
Function, symmetric 68 563
Function, symmetric, elementary 69
Functional digraph 210
Functional equations of dynamic programming 226 246 261 294
Fundamental index theorem 441
Fundamental theorem in enumerative combinatorial analysis 69 90 145 157 178 180 202
Fundamental theorem in enumerative combinatorial analysis, generalization of 161—164 182 204
Gale, G. 347
Gallai, T. 215
Game, basic solution in 322
Game, basic solution in, complementary 322
Game, feasible solution in 321
Game, key equation in 322
Game, matrix 320
Game, solution of 321
Game, two-person, zero-sum 320
Game, value of 321
Games, theory of 432 537
Gamete 540
Gamkrelidze, R. V. 282
| Gamow, G. 534
Gate decision element 33
Gate decision element, 33
Gate decision element, 33
Gauss, C. F. 338 494
Gay — Lussac, J. L. 550
Gehman, W. G. 512 513
Gene 540
General graph 186
Generating function 67
Generating function, cumulant 86
Generating function, enumerative 69
Generating function, exponential 68
Generating function, exponential, derivative of 79
Generating function, for combinations 69 74
Generating function, for combinations, without repetition 71
Generating function, for cycle index 91
Generating function, for dimers 108
Generating function, for permutations 71
Generating function, for random walks 98
Generating function, for random walks, more general 104
Generating function, geometric probability 88
Generating function, in statistics 84—90
Generating function, of Bernoulli distribution 87
Generating function, ordinary 72
Generating function, ordinary, addition of 73
Generating function, ordinary, derivative of 73
Generating function, ordinary, multiplication of 73
Generating function, ordinary, multivariable 91
Generating function, Pascal probability 88
Generating function, Poisson binomial-moment 90
Generating function, probability 84
Generating function, semi-invariant 86
Genetics 540 584
Genotype 540
Genus 542
Geometric probability generating function 88
Gibbs, A. J. 513
Gibbs, J. W 558
Gilbert, E. N. 90 95 182 184 197 212 215 506 513
Girth of a connected graph 193
Girth of a connected graph, lower 193
Girth of a connected graph, upper 194
Gish, D. T. 535
Glicksman, A. M. 347
Glide plane in crystallography 466
Goldschmidt, R. 548 581
Golomb, S. W. 90 95 180 184 213 215 393 404
Good, I. J. 142
Gordan, P. 571
Gould, L. 252
Graeco — Latin square 213
Graph 180 185 362
Graph, -colorable 191
Graph, -colored 191
Graph, automorphism of 195
Graph, bipartite 363
Graph, biplanar 193
Graph, block of 194
Graph, closed 123
Graph, complete 187
Graph, connected 187
Graph, connected, cut point of 194
Graph, connected, diameter of 193
Graph, connected, index of 194
Graph, connected, lower girth of 193
Graph, connected, upper girth of 194
Graph, connectivity of 194
Graph, cubic 190
Graph, derivative 194
Graph, directed see Digraph
Graph, enumeration of 186
Graph, Eulerian 191
Graph, general 186
Graph, group of 196
Graph, homeomorphic 192
Graph, homeomorphically irreducible 190
Graph, identity 195
Graph, interchange 194
Graph, isomorphic 186
Graph, labeled 199
Graph, labeled, admissible 199
Graph, labeled, admissible, area of 200
Graph, lattice 199
Graph, line 194
Graph, line-symmetric 195
Graph, multigraph 186
Graph, nonseparable 194
Graph, oriented 207
Graph, partition of 187
Graph, planar 192
Graph, plane 192
Graph, plane, arc of 192
Graph, plane, node of 192
Graph, plane, vertex of 192
Graph, point-symmetric 195
Graph, regular 190
Graph, self-complementary 211
Graph, signed 207
Graph, stochastic 224
Graph, strength of 207
Graph, subgraph 186
Graph, subgraph, spanning 186
Graph, superposition of 204
Graph, symmetric 195
Graph, two-dimensional lattice 199
Graph, type of 207
Graphical analysis of a linear program 332
Grating 554
Grating, complete 558
Grating, diffraction 468
Grating, finest 555
Grating, of slits 469
Grating, one-dimensional 471
Grating, refinement of 555
Grating, three-dimensional 468
Grating, two-dimensional 471
Graves, R. L. 347
Gray code 23
Gray, F 23 215
Green, G. 135 140 142
Green, H. S. 124 142
Greenstadt, J. 263 282
Green’s function 135—140
Grossman, A. 534
Group 145
Group reduction function 180
Group, amino 515
Group, Cayley representation of 148 168
Group, configuration 202
Group, hydroxyl 515
Group, Kranz 176 181
Group, line 196
Group, of a graph 196
Group, order of 145
Group, pair 208
Group, pair, ordered 208
Group, permutation 145
Group, permutation, cyclic 148
Group, permutation, degree of 145
Group, permutation, direct product of 149
Group, permutation, direct sum of 181
Group, permutation, equivalent subsets in 160
Group, phosphate 519
Group, point 463
Group, space 466
Group, symmetric 147
Group-theoretical methods in block design 397—403
Gu 519—521
Guanine 519—521
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