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Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics |
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Предметный указатель |
Point group, crystallographic 463
Point, fixed 417
Point, intermediate, on a network 352
Point, on a graph 185
Point, on a graph, adjacent 186
Point, on a graph, degree of 187
Point, on a graph, dissimilar 204
Point, on a graph, indegree of 188
Point, on a graph, outdegree of 188
Point, on a graph, reachable 188
Point, on a graph, removal of 194
Point-symmetric graph 195
Point-symmetry of a crystal 461
Poisson binomial-moment generating function 90
Poisson formula 524
Poisson, S. D. 90 524 525 534
Policy in decision process 224
Policy in decision process, optimal 224
Policy space 230
Pollack, M. 244 249 252
Polygon, clockwise even 112
Polygon, clockwise odd 112
Polygon, closed 109
Polygon, superposition 110
Polyhedra, packing of 504
Polyhedral hole 504
Polymeric molecule 503
Polynomial representation of integers 6
Polynomial, Chebyshev 265
Polynucleotide molecule 522
Polyominoes 213
Polyuridylic acid 527
Pontriagin, L. S. 258 274 280 283
Pontriagin’s maximum principle 258 274
Pope, W. J. 504
Potts, R. B. 143
Precession method for diffraction patterns 473
Precision, fractional, in the storage of vectors 9
Present state of a sequential circuit 42
Prim, R. 247 248 252
Primal linear program 333
Primes, twin 403
Primitive root of a finite field 394
Principal index theorem 441
Principium identitatis indiscernibilium 537 546
Principle of indeterminacy, Heisenberg’s 555 579
Principle of optimality, Bellman’s 226 240 262
Prins, G. 206 207 211 216
probability distribution 408
Probability distribution, generating function for 84
Probability, transition 287
Problem of Mayer in variational calculus 258
Problem solver, characteristics of 96
Process, adaptive 254
Process, control 238
Process, deterministic 254
Process, flow-augmenting 359
Process, labeling 358
Process, Markov 233
Process, stochastic 244 254
Product, Cauchy 73
Product, of two-terminal networks 197
Programming, dynamic 221 257 261 263
Prosen, R. J. 486 513
Protein 515
Protein decoding 519
Protein sequence 515
Ptolemy 570
Pythagoras 425 552 555
Pythagorean Theorem 425
Quadratic form 377
Quadratic form, in describing a block design 379
Quadratic form, rational equivalence of 380
Quadratic residue 393 402
quantum mechanics 537 545 551 559
Quantum state 555 557
Radner, R. 319
Raiffa, H. 347
Railroad complex 348
Random arrangement 19
random device 287 306
Random walk 97
Random walk, more general 103
Random walk, on a slightly defective lattice 134
Range of a function 151
Reachable point on a graph 188
Read, R. C. 200—204 210—212 217
Read’s superposition theorem 202 205
Real crystallographic space 460
Received -sequence 406
Received -sequence, distinct 407
Recurrent events, theory of 99
Recursive methods in block design 387
Redfield, J. H. 180 184 202 217
Reduced boundary of an oriented simplicial -chain 442
Reduced mapping of vertices of a -chain 442
Reflection of crystallographic structure 478
Regular graph 190
Reichenbach, H. 563
Reisz, M. 390 405
Relativity 538 543 553
Remond, F. X. 282
Removal, of a line from a graph 194
Removal, of a point from a graph 194
Rendezvous problem 255
Renewal problem 305—318
Renewal rule 307
Replacement problem 306
Replacement process 232
Representation, of integers 6
Representation, of vectors 9
Reset-set memory element 54
Residual design 385
Residue, quadratic 393 402
Restricted coin-tossing problem 286
Ribonucleic acid 522
Ribosome 522
Rich, A. 524 534
Richardson, M. 347
Riguet, J. 180
Ring, commutative 73
Riordan, J. 90 95 180 182 184 207 215 217 514
RNA 522
RNA, single strandedness of 522
Robbins, H. E. 319
Robertson, J. H. 486 513
Robertson, J. M. 514
Rooted tree 204
Rosenfeld, L. 563
Ross, F. S. 365
Rossman, M. G. 502 514
Rotation operation 461
Rotation-inversion axis 462
Rotation-inversion operation 463
Rotational symmetry 461
Row system 324
Row system, canonical form of 338 344
Row-system basic-feasible schema 325 344
Rozonoer, L. I. 258 283
Rule, renewal 307
Rule, stopping 290
Rule, stopping, best 291
Rule, stopping, stable 293
Rule, stopping, truncated 293
Rumer, J. B. 142
Rushbrooke, G. S. 105 121 142
Rustay, R. 281
Rysen’s matrix theorem 383
Ryser, H. J. 369 380—382 402 404 405
Sabidussi, G. 194 217
| Sacks, J 319
Sanger, F. E. 518 534
SAP 6 11 12 16
Sarture, C. W. 281
Satellite 373
Sayre, D. 494 514
Scanned node 358
Scarf, H 233 236
Scattering factor, atomic 475
Sch nflies, A. M. 467
Schauder theory, for convex bodies in Banach space 432
Schauder, J. 432 433 445 453 455
Schema for linear systems 324 343
Schema for linear systems, canonical 338 344
Schema for linear systems, column-system basic feasible 325
Schema for linear systems, equivalent 324
Schema for linear systems, row-system basic feasible 325
Schilpp, P. A. 563
Schleifer, J. L. 347
Schomaker, V. 514
Schr dinger, E. 545 559 577 578 581
Schr dinger’s equation 559
Schuster, S. 192 215
Schweitzer, A. 580
Screw axis in crystallography 465
Section of a crystalline structure, Harker 485
Seed-testing application of block design 375
Self-complementary graph 211
Semi-invariant generating function 86
Semicontinuity, upper 432
Semicontinuous channel 414
Senior, J. K. 213 217
Sent -sequence 406
Sequence, stopping 290
Sequential circuit 33
Sequential circuit, reduced 46
Sequential machine 197
Series connection 197
Series, Euler’s transformation of 86
Series, multiplication of 79
Series-parallel network 198
Sex 548
Sexuality 549
Sexuality, gamete 549
Sexuality, zygote 549
Shannon, C.E 217 406 415
Shapley, L. S. 228 236
SHARE Assembly Program 6
Sherman, S. 124 143 199 217
Shift operator 86
Shore, V. C. 513
Shrikhande, S. S. 213 214 399 404
Shubnikov, A. V. 512
Shuey, R. L. 282
Side-centered lattice 458
Side-chain atom 487
Signature vector 17
Signed graph 207
Similar cycle 197
Simon, L. 535
Simple lattice 458
Simple triangulation 211
simplex 193 418
Simplex algorithm 330 344
Simplex algorithm, dual form of 331
Simplex algorithm, negative transposed form of 331
Simplex algorithm, primal form of 331
Simplex naturally associated with an -simplex 418
Simplex, -face of 423
Simplex, boundary oriented 436
Simplex, dimension of 193 418
Simplex, edge of 419
Simplex, equal 436
Simplex, face of 419
Simplex, intersection of 419
Simplex, labeled 420
Simplex, oppositely oriented 436
Simplex, oriented 434
Simplex, oriented, boundary of 434
Simplex, subdivision of 420
Simplex, subdivision of, arbitrarily fine 427
Simplex, subdivision of, Whitney’s 429
Simplex, vertex of 419
Simplicial chain 438
Simplicial complex 193
Simplicial homology theory 433
Simplicial map 436
Singer, J. 405
Singer, M. F. 535
Sink in a network flow 351
Sink in a network flow, multiple 362
Site-occupancy factor in crystallographic least-squares refinement 498
Slepian, D. 181 184 202 203 215 217
Sly, W.S. 534
Smallest index value 426
Smirnova, T. S. 512
Smith, E. L. 535
Smith, K.C. 283
Snell, J. L. 319 347
Solid-state physicist, characteristics of 96
Solid-state physics 456
Solution of linear system 321
Solution of linear system, basic 322 335
Solution of linear system, basic, complementary 322 335
Solution of linear system, feasible 321 334
Solution of matrix game 321
Solution of stopping-rule problem 292
Source, in a digraph 189 197
Source, in a network flow 351
Source, in a network flow, multiple 362
Space group 466
Space, crystal 460
Space, policy 230
Space, real crystallographic 460
Space-symmetry of a crystal 461 465
Spacecraft 237
Spanning subgraph 186
Spanning tree 247
Spanning tree, minimal 247
Sparks, R. A. 514
Species 543
Spemann, H. 579 581
Sperner, E. 417 418 421—427 430 432 438 441 444—446 454 455
Sperner’s lemma 417—421 446
Sperner’s lemma, strong assertion of 421
Speyer, J. F. 534
Spheres, packing of 504
Spheres, tangents to 448
Square lattice 98
Square, Graeco — Latin 213
Square, Latin 196
Square, Latin, orthogonal 213
Square, Latin, orthogonal, mutually 372 395
Standard dimer configuration 107
Standard form of linear-programming problem 333
Stanley, W. M. 519 535 576 581
State 42 539
State grouping 50
State vector 237 255
State, continuation 292
State, effective 539
State, favorable 298
State, forced continuation 288 306
State, forced continuation, elimination of 296
State, forced stopping 288
State, individual 539
State, of a digraph 197
State, of a system 222
State, quantum 555 557
State, quantum-mechanical resonance between 569
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