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Astfalk G. — Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers |
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*LISP 22 23 25
Acoustics 214
Active message 145 147—149 205
Adams method 108
Adaptive mesh 249 252
Adaptive techniques 249
Address bits 64
Airline crew scheduling see "Crew scheduling"
Algebra 96
Algebraic topology 259
ALPPS 166 168 169 173 174
Alternating methods 251
Architecture, data-parallel 93
Architecture, heterogeneous 12
Arithmetic, floating-point IEEE 303
Array computer 105
Assembly language 69 88
Associative memory 226
Associative selection 234
Asynchronous computability 256
Atomic interaction short-range 205
Atomic operations 256 260
Atomic orbitals 2
Atomic physics 100
Autocorrelation 218 219
Automatic parallelization 62 70
Backward difference formula see "BDF method"
Bases 299—301
Basis functions 2 3 5 7—9 11 12
Basis set 2 3 5—7 9 11 12
BDF method 108
Benchmark 86
Benchmark, PERFECT 302
BICGSTAB 190 248 253
Bifurcation 94 97 98 100
Bilinear interpolation 188 189
Bin-packing algorithm 208
Binary branching 284
Binning 128
Bisection 290 292 336
Black — Derman — Toy model 313—314
BLAS 105 106 111 250 340
Block Jacobi technique 109 112
Blocking code for cache 66
Boltzmann distribution 209
boundary conditions 245 332
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet 109
Boundary conditions, Neumann 110
Boundary conditions, outgoing-radiation 290
Boundary conditions, vorticity 245
Boundary Representation 231 232 241
Boundary value problem 27—30 32 195
Boundary value problem, Dirichlet 28 30 32
Boundary value problem, elliptic 187
Bounding scheme 168 169
Bowed string 214 220
Branch-and-bound 141—152 171 282—284
Branch-and-cut 171 172
Branching nodes 172
Branching strategy 168 284
Broadcast 108 227 338 339
Broadcast, one-to-many 236
Brownian motion 28 29
BVP see "Boundary value problem"
C 41 67 68 70 79 87 88 145 197 198 205 227 285
C* 22 88
C++ 67 68 73 204
C, Express 285
Cache 162 199 200
Cache, associativity 162
Cache, coherency 64 204
Cache, miss 256
Cache, strategy 204
Cache, utilization 66
Cashflow 311 312 314 316 317
Celestial mechanics 93—100
Celestial mechanics, long-term behavior 93 94
Central differences 110 248 288
CFD formulation, primitive variables 245
CFD formulation, stream function-vorticity 245
CFD formulation, vorticity-velocity 245 246
Chain molecules 185
Chemical reaction, investigation of 244—246 249
Chemistry, quantum 1—13
Chromodynamics, quantum 15—25
Chromosomes 39
Chromosomes, mapping of 299 301
Closest vector problem 278
Cluster of workstations 4 111 191 197 251
cm see "Connection Machine"
CM Fortran 22 24 25 88 272
CM-2 15 21—25 29 35 88 127 128 216—218 222 239—241 271—275 315—317
CM-5 4—8 12 15 21 24 25 76 80—82 86 88 89 91 128 142 145 147 148 150 288 294—296
CM-5E 86 88 90—92
CMIS see "Connection Machine Instruction Set"
CMMD messaging library 294
Code, inlining 91
Code, porting 273—274
Code, tuning 87—91
Coding methodology 86
Color mapping 98
Column generation 168 172—175
Column generation, delayed 174
Column mapping 182
Combinatorial optimization 141 170
Combinatorial topology 256 259 263
Combustion system 243 244
Communication 30 36 61 105 315
Communication, bandwidth 25
Communication, bottleneck 6
Communication, channel 41
Communication, cost 38 40 177 178 181 182 235 290
Communication, delay 304
Communication, links 36
Communication, load 4
Communication, minimal 302
Communication, nearest-neighbor 288 289
Communication, overhead 4 6 10 40 88 283 338 340
Communication, protocols 108 236
Communication, traffic 80
Compare-and-swap 256
Compiler 70
Compiler, auto-parallelizing 70
Compiler, directives 89
Computation to communication ratio 290
Computational chemistry 2 204
Computational chemistry, ab initio 2
Computational complexity 136 228
Computational geometry 121
Conjugate gradient 21 190 192 193 197 198
Conjugate momenta 94 95
Conjugate residual 190
Connection Machine 4 15 21 25 93 97 98 100 126 216 232 236 241 315 316
Connection Machine Instruction Set 22
Consensus problem 262
Conservation of energy 244
Conservation of mass 244 333
Conservation of momentum 244
Conservation of species mass 244
Constraints 317
Constraints, equality 279
Constraints, soft 167
Constructive interference 195
Contraction factors 197
Convection cycle 45 46
Convex supercomputer 165 173—175
Coordinates, Delaunay 95
Coordinates, phase space 94
Coordination, language 226
| Coordination, multiprocessors 255—257
Coordination, protocol 256
Corrector, Radu 111
Corrector, trapezoidal 110 111
Cox — Ingersoll — Ross model 312
CPLEX 169—171 174
Cray Computer Corp. 58
Cray, C90 4 12 29
Cray, Cray—1 59
Cray, Cray—2 7 8 230
Cray, T3D 76 81 82 86 89—92
Cray, T90 59
CRAY, X-MP 185
Cray, Y-MP 15 21 24 174 308 341
Crew scheduling 151 165—175
Crossover 39 40 43
Cyclic reduction 134—136
d-edge 232—239
Daemon 108
Damped Newton iteration 248 249
Data structure 233 234
Data structure, d-edge 234 241
Data structure, distributed 232
Data structure, linked 232
Data structure, star-edge 232
Data, decomposition 69
Data, layout 61 86 88
Data, reuse 207
Deadheading 168
DEC, Alpha 86 89 91
DEC-Stations 136
Decision problem 257—260 262 263
Diagonal quadratic approximation 326—328
Diffusion 28 109
Diffusion flame 244 246 247 249 252 253
Diffusion, Markovian 312
Direct SCF method 3 4
Direct solution method 51 54
Direct solver 190
Direct solver, sparse 197
Distributed computing 191
Distributed computing, heterogeneous 6
distributed databases 262
Distributed-memory 8 29 30 35 40 62—64 69 172 187 197 198 203—205 230 302 303
Distributed-shared-memory 63—64 72 204
DNA 299 300
DNA, sequences 299 300
DOLIB 204—207 210
Domain decomposition 191 193 199 250
Dot product 192 198 239
DQA see "Diagonal quadratic approximation"
DRAM chips 64 65
DSM see "Distributed-shared-memory"
Dual pricing 173 174
Dusty-deck see "Legacy code"
Earthquake 45 46 52—54
Economic equilibria 265—275
Eigenvalue 104 108 110
Eigenvalue, generalized 2
Electromagnetic, scattering 287 288
Electronic structure 1—13 76
Elliptic problem 244
Empty spheres method 125 128
Encore 226
Enumeration 141 279
Episode 108
Equation(s) of motion 75 79 97
Equation(s) of state 247
Equation(s), Brusselator 110 111 113
Equation(s), Newton's 178
Equation(s), nonlinear 108
Equation(s), reaction-diffusion 110
Equation(s), Roothaan 3 4
Equation(s), second-order equilibria 97
Equation(s), Shvab — Zeldovich 249
Equilibrium 265
Equilibrium, Nash 265
Equilibrium, spatial price 265
Equilibrium, Walrasian 265
Euler method 103
eval 226 228
Expansion spherical harmonic 47 48
FCC see "Lattice face-centered
FDTD 287—290 292—295
FEM see "Finite element method"
Fetch-and-add 256
Feynman's path integral 17
Financial instrument 317
Financial instrument, pricing 311
Fingering phenomenon 332
Finite difference 79 109 190 248
Finite difference, central 288
Finite-difference time-domain see "FDTD"
Finite-element method 51 71 122 190
Flame sheet 248—250 252
Flame, burner-stabilized premixed 244
Flame, freely propagating 244
Flight leg 166 167 172
Flight schedule 166 172
Fock matrix see "Matrix Fock"
Force evaluation 205 207
FORTRAN 67 68 70 87 198 340
Fortran-77 67 73
Fortran-90 67 98 105 131 135—139
Fortran-90, array syntax 131
Fortran-90, intrinsics 131
Fractal 225 229
Fracture experiment three dimensions 81
Friction force 214
Fujitsu, VPP—500 79
Full-information complex 259—261 263
Function, convex 281
Function, differentiable 281
Function, nonlinear nonsmooth 281
Function, nowhere differentiable 27
Function, space 190
GA see "Genetic algorithm"
Galerkin method 51
Gauche conformation 179
Gauss — Seidel 106 188 193 197 199
Gaussian elimination 134 137
Gaussian elimination, sparse 196
GDP 240 241
Genetic algorithm 37—43
Geometric, hashing 205 206
Geometric, modeling 122
Geometric, parallelism 181 182 184
Global climate models 122
gmres 108 248
Gordon Bell Prize 88
GPST algorithm 335
Grain size 70
Granularity 70
Granularity, coarse-grain 302 303 306
Graph 36
Graph Partitioning Problem 36—38
Graph, connected 40
Graph, fully connected 40
Graph, partitioning 36—38
Graph, traversal 121
Graph, undirected 36
Gray code 337
Great circle 47 48
Greedy heuristic 169
Green function 28
GSM see "Distributed-shared-memory"
Guard grid 290—292 294
Hamiltonian 3 20 94—98
Hamiltonian, path 182
Hardware synchronization primitives 256
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