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Astfalk G. — Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers
Astfalk G. — Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers

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Название: Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers

Автор: Astfalk G.


This volume conveniently brings together updated versions of 30 articles that originally appeared in SIAM News from 1990 to 1995. The objective of the column from which the articles are taken is to present applications that have been successfully treated on advanced architecture computers. Astfalk edits this popular series of articles in SIAM's flagship publication, SIAM News. Algorithmic issues addressed are those which have found general use in building parallel codes for solving problems. In addition to updates that reflect advances and changes in the field of applications on advanced architecture computers, Astfalk has added an index and introductory comments to each article, making this book cohesive and interesting to practitioners and researchers alike.

Although some of the computers used in older articles are no longer available and some of the languages are rarely used, what is valuable in these articles is the diversity of areas to which advanced computing can be applied. Perhaps more valuable than the diversity are the successful methods used to achieve parallelism. This may be used by others for similar applications. The applications and technology discussed cover many disciplines, with significant overlap. Articles deal with molecular dynamics, optimization/math programming, finance/economics, geometry, and partial differential equations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 359

Добавлена в каталог: 28.03.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pairing, generation      173 174
Paragraph      113—115
Parallel, architecture      36
Parallel, computing      60—62
Parallel, processing      61 65 70—72
Parallel, processor      58 66 69
Parallel, program      36
Parallel, programming model portable      69
Parallelism, coarse-grained      70—72 108
Parallelism, fine-grained      6 40 70 72 73 147
Parallelism, hierarchical      71
Parallelism, loop-based      70
Parallelization, hierarchical      72
Parallelization, loop-level      171
Paris      22 272 316
Partial differential equation      see "PDE"
Partial sequencing      299
Particle, parallelism      180
Particle, simulations      122
Particle, trajectory      181
Partition function      17 20 21
Partitioning, arrays      106
Partitioning, ODE systems      113
Partitioning, processes      35
Pascal      184
Pattern sifting      173
PDE      27—29 188 190 288 332 333
PDE, parabolic      27 28 104
PERFECT club      see "Benchmark PERFECT"
Performance, single processor      60
Permeability distribution      333
Perturbation      48 94 96
Phase, space      93 94 97—99
Phase, velocity      47 48
Picard iteration      106
Planetary problems      94
Plate tectonics      45
Poincare      94 95
Poisson equation      187
Polyhedron, convex      267
Polyhedron, intersecting, three-dimensional      231
Portfolio      311 316 317
Porting, software, third-party      72
Posix.1      87
Potential      75 178—180 182 184 185
Potential, gravitational      94
Potential, harmonic spring      178
Potential, intramolecular      178
Potential, Lennard-Jones      80 178—182 184 185
Potential, many-body      75
Potential, multiparticle      178 182
Potential, short-range      80
Potential, three-particle      179
Potential, torsion      179 180 182—184
PowerPC      89
Preconditioner      107 108 118
Preconditioner, diagonal      198
Preconditioner, polynomial      104
Preconditioner, right      107
Prediction-correction techniques      102 103
prefetching      66
Price, convexity      316
Price, duration      316
Probabilistic relaxation      170
probability      27—29
Probability of crossover      39
Probability of mutation      39
Probability, density      27
Probability, distribution      2
Probe sequence hybridization      299
Problem, graph partitioning      36—38
Problem, input-output      191
Problem, mapping      35—43
Problem, minimax      279 280 282 283
Process allocation      155—160 162
Processor, bit-serial      21
Processor, clock cycle      58 59 65
Processor, commodity      62
Processor, custom      58
Processor, cycle time      59
Processor, cycle time, limit      59
Processor, farm      180
Processor, frequency      60
Processor, network      177 182
Processor, RISC      58—60 62 64 65 67 73 89—91 198 244
Processor, stall      90 91
Programming, environment      41
Programming, language      66
Programming, language, portable      68
Programming, model      61
Projection, linear      196
Projection, linear-linear orthogonal complement      196
Projection, symmetric-antisymmetric      196
Protocol      257—263
Protocol, consensus      262
Protocol, read/write      260 261
Protocol, transaction commitment      262
Protocol, wait-free      257 260 262
Pvar      236
PVM      10 69 73 79 86 89 108 117 198 288 293—295 327
PWK method      133—135
QCD      see "Quantum chromodynamics"
QR decomposition      338
QR factorization      338
Quadratic programming problem      267
Quantum chemistry      1—13
Quantum chromodynamics      15—25
Quantum chromodynamics, lattice      17
quantum mechanics      33
Quark      16—20 22 23 25
Random number generator      133 136
Random walk      29—33
Random walk, mapping to architecture      29
Ray tracing      225 227 228
Rayshade      225 227—229
RD      226 227
Reaction, C1-chain      252
Reduced costs      174
Reduction, global      150
Reduction, many-to-one      236
Regularization method, Tikhnov's      334
Relaxation method      190 192
Relaxation method, asynchronous      192
Relaxation method, Kaczmarz      194
Relaxation method, line      197
Relaxation techniques      188
Renaming problem      257 260
Reordering, global      206
Reproduction      39
Reservoir model, multiphase      331—341
Residual evaluation      250
Restriction      280
Restriction, enzyme      299 300
Restriction, operator      194
Risk profile      311
Rng      see "Random number generator"
robust optimization      319—330
router      30 105 241
Routing      36 40 41
Routing, wormhole      113
RS/6000      see "IBM RS/6000"
S-wave      46—49 51 52
Satellite      94 95 99 100
Satellite, theory      94 96
SBDSQR      134
Scalability      12 63 80
Scan-add      315
Scenarios      319 321 322 324—328 330
SCF      7—9 11 12
Scheduling      155 156 162
Scheduling, communication      191
scheduling, processes      155—163
Scheduling, processor      191
Search, best-first      284
Search, breadth-first      144
Search, depth-first      144 146 151 152 284
Search, space      142 143 181 184
Search, tree      144 146 150—152
Seismograms      45 46 48 49 51—54
Seismology      45—55
Self-scheduling      162
Semiconductor trends      60
Sequent      226
Sequent, Symmetry      197
Set covering      167 173
Set partitioning problem      151 166—168 171—174
Set partitioning problem, elastic      170
Set, minimal spanning      299
SGI      4 186 226 227
SGI, Power Challenge      119
Shared-memory      29 30 62—64 69 172 174 197 230 256—258 260
Shared-memory, emulation      203 204
Shelling      122—125 128
Shelling, numbers      125
Shelling, order      122 123 125 126 128
Shiva      204
Short-range MD problem      76
Sifting      173 174
Silicon Graphics      see "SGI"
SIMD      21 29—31 33 62 68 88 89 102 105 121 217 222 231 232 237 238 240—242 272
simplex      143 145 147 151 169—171 174 282
Simplex, input      257 259 260
Simplex, output      257 258 260
Simplicial, complex      257 258
Simplicial, map      259
Simulated annealing      37 42
Single-program multiple-data      see "SPMD"
Singular value decomposition      131—139
SLASR      134
SMP      61 72
Socket      7 10
software, third-party      59 62 72
Solid, intersection      237
Solid, modeler      232 240
Solid, modeling      231—233 235 239
Solver, linear programming      145
SOR      32 337
SOR, block      336
SOR, red-black      33
Spasm      79—81 88
Spatial decomposition      203 204 211
Speedup      6 12 42 43 98 172 173 199 218 225 229 240 252 286 293—295 306—308 336 339 340
Speedup, linear      339 341
Speedup, superlinear      42 151
Splitting techniques      103
SPMD      292 294
SPMINC      169
SPP      see "Set partitioning problem"
Spreadsheet      320 330
SSOR      193 197
SSTEQR      133
Stability, oil/water front      331
Staggered grid      245
Stark — Zeeman problem      100
Statistical mechanics      17 177
Stochastic, optimization      316
Stochastic, program      322
Stochastic, search      37
Stopping criterion      30 337
Stradivarius      see "Violin Stradivarius"
Strip-mining      70 71
Subgradient      279—281 283—285
Subgradient, optimization      169
Successive overrelaxation      see "SOR"
Sun      227
Sun, SPARC      86 91 225 227 293
Sun, SPARC-2      111
Sun, SuperSPARC      86 89
Supercomputer      57—60 65 71 72
Supernode      40
Supporting plane      279—281 283
SUPRENUM      200
Surface sound      215 220
Surfactant      185
SVD      see "Singular value decomposition"
Symbolic, algebra      95 96
Symbolic, processing      93
Symbolics      96 97
symmetric multiprocessor      see "SMP"
Symmetric successive overrelaxation      see "SSOR"
Symmetry      95
Symmetry, groups      193
Synchronization      61 70
Synchronization, barrier      108
Synchronization, cost      302
Synchronization, primitives      256 260—262
Synthesizer      215
t-list      125—127
Task management      69
Tectonic plate      45
Telescoping method      191
Tensor product      196 248
Test-and-set      256 261
Tetrahedra      127 128
TFLOPS      21
Thinking Machine Corp.      see "Connection Machine"
Three-body problem      94
Time-centered derivatives      288
Tmc      see "Connection Machine"
topology      41 63 113 177
Topology, algebraic      255
Topology, fat-tree      86
Topology, mesh      63 105
Topology, ring      63
Topology, torus      63 86
Torus      41 181 182 258
Trans conformation      179
Transitive closure      239 242
Transport phenomena      244
Transputer      40 41 178
Transputer, T800      179 184
Triangulation      121—125 127 128
Tribology      217
Tuple      226—229
Tuple, space      226 227 229
Two-level scheme      188
Two-phase flow      332
Uniform memory access      62
UNIX, AIX      303 304 307 308
UNIX, mail      303 304
Upwind differences      248
User Datagram Protocol      227
V cycle      190
Variable, decision      320
Variable, design      320
Variable, random      321
Variance      30 31
Variational, inequality      265—270 272 275
Variational, method      51
Vector, architectures      177
Vector, hardware      4 308 320
Vector, processor      171 174 175 240
Vector, spaces      190
Vector, unit      86 88 89 91
Verlet, list method      76
Verlet, method      205
Very large scale integration      see "VLSI"
Violin      213—222
Violin, body      220—221
Violin, bow      214—217 219 220
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