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Astfalk G. — Applications on Advanced Architecture Computers |
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Hartree — Fock method 3—5
Hartree — Fock method, parallel 4
Heat transfer 244
Helmholtz motion 214—216 218—220
Heredity 299
Heuristic 37
Hewlett — Packard 58 227
Hewlett — Packard, PA-RISC 89
Hewlett — Packard, PA7100 91
Hierarchy of grids 336
High-performance computing see "HPC"
High-performance FORTRAN see "HPF"
Hill-climbing algorithm 37 42
histogram 301 302 305—307
History matching 335 336 339—341
Householder, transform 338
Householder, transformation 132
Householder, triangularization 133
HPC 57 58 67 71—73
HPF 67 68 88 98
HPF, compilers 68
HPF, translators 68
Human genome project 299
Hypercube 283 337 339 341
Hyperplanes 281
I/O 3
I/O performance 205
IBM 227
IBM 3090 240
IBM 3090/600E 270 271
IBM ES/3090 308
IBM RS/6000 4 5 89 128 244 251 252 293 301 302 306 308
IBM SP1 244 251
IBM SP2 29 244 251 252
Idle processors 191
IEEE floating-point arithmetic see "Arithmetic floatingpoint IEEE"
image rendering 225
Image segmentation 36 38
Image, texture 227 228
Implicit enumeration 168 169
Implicit method 102 104 108
IN 226 227 229
Incidence test 239
Inmos, T800 40
Input/Output see "I/O"
Integer programming 171 278 279 283
Integer programs, nonlinear 277—286
Integerization 171
Intel 386 340
Intel Delta 4—6 13 211
Intel hypercube 226
Intel i860 340
Intel iPSC/2 35 197 204 205 336 339 340
Intel iPSC/860 283 288 294—296 339—341
Intel NX messaging library 294
Intel NX/2 198
Intel paragon 102 109 111 113 119 203 205 207
Intel Paragon, MP node 208
Interaction path 78
Interest rates, arbitrage-free 312
Interest rates, binomial lattice 312
Interest rates, scenarios 312 314 316
Interior-point method 169—171 174 328
Interpolation 190 194 195 199
Interpolation, linear 80
Intersection algorithm 231 234 236 239—242
Intersection algorithm, singularities 241
Inverse problem 47 333—335
Irregular problems 68 204
Ising spin model 17
ISV 72 73
Iterative method 336
Iterative method, block 191
jacobi 32 33 106 193 197
Jacobian 103 108 111 112 248—251 267
k-consensus object 261
Kepler 93 95 96
Keplerian, constant 94
Keplerian, ellipse 94 95
Keplerian, systems 99 100
Krylov method 108
Lagrangian, free 122
Lagrangian, multipliers 169
Lagrangian, relaxation 169
LAN 288 293—295
LAPACK 131 133 137 139
Laplace equation 28 30 32 247
Laplacian 28 32
latency 62
Latency, hiding 65
Latency, memory 63—66 73
Lattice, binomial 314—316
Lattice, face-centered cubic 205
Least squares 334 335 338
legacy code 69 71
Lennard-Jones fluid 203 205 208 209
Level curve 93 98
Lex 227
Library, Global Array (GA) 204
Lie method 95
Lifting 281—283
Limitations on computer performance 255
Linda 197 226—228 230
Linda, Network Linda 225—227 230
Linear program 141 319 320 325
Linear programming 141 143 145 147 149 150 152 169—171 174
Linear programming, parallel 150
Linear programming, relaxation 169
Linear, equations 117
Linear, operator 190
Linear, relaxation 282
Linear, system 104
Linearization 279
Link-cell algorithm 205 206
Lisp 96 97
Lisp Machine 93 96
load balancing 1 6 9 38 61 178 181 198 208 231 284 290 292 294 302 303 308 339
Load balancing, dynamic 6 114 115 203 208 209
Load balancing, static 6 109 114 305
Load balancing, work measure 208
Local error 108
Local error, expansion 103
Loops 70
LOQO 326 329
lp see "Linear programming"
LU factorization 66
Lunar theory 94
Machine architecture 86
Macromonetary policy 271
Macros, C 88
Madpack 197 198
Madpack2 197
Madpack5 198
Mandelbrot set 216
MAO see "Mechanized algebraic operations"
Mapping, algorithm-processor 177
Mapping, between spaces 190 194
Mapping, problem 35—43
Market, fixed income 311
Martele bowing 216
MasPar 102 105 110 111 117 119
MasPar, MP-1 131 136
MasPar, MP-2 29 131 136 138
Mass transfer 244
Master, process 303—307
| Master, processor 301 305 306
master-slave 4 112 113 228 292—294
Material properties 75 76 85 203
Matrix multiply 243
Matrix multiply, complex 22 23
Matrix, 0-1 159
Matrix, amplification 104 108
Matrix, bidiagonal 132 134
Matrix, block, sparse 250
Matrix, block, structure 250
Matrix, block, tridiagonal 110 188
Matrix, constraint 150
Matrix, dense 338
Matrix, dense, unsymmetric 66
Matrix, diagonally dominant 53
Matrix, Dirac gamma 23
Matrix, Fock 3 4 7—11
Matrix, identity 110 111
Matrix, orthogonal 132
Matrix, sparse 171 248 300 338
Matrix, sparse, format 197
Matrix, SU(3) 16 22
Matrix, tridiagonal 110 132 134 188
Matrix, unitary 16
Matrix-vector multiply 23 192 197 250 251
Matrix-vector operations 104
MBS see "Mortgage-backed securities"
MD see "Molecular dynamics"
Measure theory 27
Mechanized algebraic operations 96 97
Memory, allocation 162
Memory, bandwidth 65
Memory, Hierarchy 65—66
Memory, nodal 9
Memory, organization 62
Mesh, partitioning 71
Mesh, three-dimensional 205
Mesh, uniform 188 189 197
Message-passing 6 41 63 64 67—69 72 73 78—80 86—89 108 109 145 197 198 200 203—206 210 226 227 262 263 285 288 293—295
Method of lines 104 109
MIMD 24 29—31 33 62 73 102 109 117 119 173 174
Minima, global 37
Minima, local 37
Minimization 141 279 322
Minimization, problem 266
MIP see "Mixed integer program"
MIPS R8000 91
Mixed integer program 141—144 150—152 277 278
Mixed integer programming 141—152
Model, global atmospheric 204
Model, groundwater 204
Model, local piecewise linear 279
Modified Newton 103 108
Molecular Dynamics 20 75—77 80 81 85 88 122 177—179 203—206 209 211
Molecular dynamics, large-scale 75—82 85—92
Molecular dynamics, parallel 179—184
Molecular dynamics, three-dimensional 77
Molecular dynamics, two-dimensional 77
Monte Carlo 18 29 30 33 313
Monte Carlo, hybrid 20—22 25
Mortgage, debt 312
Mortgage, residential 312
Mortgage-backed securities 311 312 314 316 317
Motion, violin string 214—216
MPFortran 105
MPI 69 73 198 200 252
MPL 131 134 136—139 244 251 252
Multicolored ordering 195
Multigrid 107 187 193 199 200 335
Multigrid, acceleration 107
Multigrid, concurrent 192
Multigrid, frequency decomposition 194
Multigrid, nested iteration 249
Multigrid, one-way 249 253
Multigrid, parallel superconvergent 195 197
Multigrid, robust 194 197
Multigrid, telescoping 192
Multilevel grid method 335 336 339
Multilevel method, parallel 187 199 200
Multilevel method, standard 187
Multiplier adjustment method 169
Multiprocessing 255
multiprocessor 157 161 255 256 261
Multiprocessor, load 158
Musical instrument, quality of 213—214
Mutation 39 40 43
nCube 283 285 286
Nearest-neighbor 23 24 30 31 105 236 237 337
Nested iteration 190 191
Network 38 266
Network of workstations 30 109 172 205 288 293 303 320
Network, bipartite 271
Network, computing 225
Network, fat-tree 25
Network, model 266
Network, problem 317
Network, problem, two-stage stochastic 317
Network, processor see "Processor network"
news 23 30 31 315
Newton corrections, scaled 248
Newton — Raphson method 97
Newton's Third Law 78 205
NFS 303
Nine-point operator 248 250
NLP see "Nonlinear program"
Noisy data 319 320 322 330
Nonlinear program 319 320
Nonlinear system 214
Nontelescoping method 191
Northwest Airlines 165 166 168—170 172—175
now see "Network of workstations"
NP-complete 37 38
NP-hard 141 156 162 278
OB1 171
Objective function 279 282
Objective function, discrete 280
Objective function, nonlinear 279
Occam 41
ODE 109 119 267
ODE, nonstiff 108
ODE, parallel across the method 102
ODE, parallel across the system 106
ODE, stiff 108 117
ODE, systems 101—119
Oil recovery, enhanced 331
Operations research 165 166 174
Operator, genetic 39 40
Operator, inversion 40
Optimality 280
Optimization 39 267
Optimization, algorithm 37 39
Optimization, problem 282 283 319
Optimization, stochastic 316
Optimization, with uncertainty 319
Option, call 312 314
Option-adjusted spread 314
Orbiting bodies 94
Ordering, red-black 199 336
Ordinary differential equation see "ODE"
Orthogonalization 133
Orthomin(1) 197 198
Oscillation, self-sustained 214
OSL 171
OUT 226 228 229
Oxidizer jet 244
P-wave 46 47 52
P4 79 108
Pairing 166—168 172—175
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