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Nijenhuis A., Wilf H.S. — Combinatorial algorithms for computers and calculators |
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Arrays, hidden 8
Arrays, policies 8—9
Backtrack method 240—245
Balls-in-cells model 47—48 52
Bell number 94
Binary tree 180
Breadth-first search 161
Bumping algorithm 85
Capacity 196
Categories of usage 3
Cayley's theorem 261
Chi-square test 24
Chromatic polinomial 178—186
Chromatic polinomial, factorial form 290
Chromatic polinomial, tree 180
Coloring, graph 178 246
Combinatorial family 100
composition 65 105
Composition, next 46—51
Composition, power series 187—195
Composition, random 52—53
Connected component 158
Connectivity 158
Connectivity edge 199
Covering relation 234
Cycle, permutation 144—149
Cycle, product 151—155
Decoding 106 113—115
Delete-and-identify algorithm 181
Depth-first search 160 240—245
Dilworth number 198
Edge connectivity 199
Encoding 293
Equivalence relation 89
Euler circuit 148 249—250
Euler identity 73
Euler number 104
Exheap program 141
Factorization, unique 80
Flow 197
Flow, admissible 197
Frobenius construction 86
Generator, group 55
Gray code 14—17
Greedy algorithm 283
Group 55
Hamilton walk 15 55
Heap 136
Heapsort 136—140
Hook 118
Hook, formula 124
Hook, formula, proof 127
I/O/W/B 5—6
Incidence matrix 218
Inclusion-exclusion 221
Inverse, function 191 195
Inverse, permutation 146
Inversion, matrix 226 236
Inversion,permutation 146
Inversion,table 57
Kirchhoff law 197
KZ-net 199
Latin rectangle 218
Lexicographic sequence, combinatorial family 102
Lexicographic sequence, k-subset 27—38
Lexicographic sequence, partition 66—273
Lexicographic sequence, subset 17—18
Lexicographic sequence, Young tableau 120
Loop-free program 68
Marriage theorem 199
Matching 198
Matrix entries (0-1) 199
Max-flow-min-cut theorem 198
Maximal chain 235
Memoryless codes 19 34 59
Menger theorem 201
Moebius function 228 233—239
Network 196—216
Network, flow problem 197
Newton form, polynomial 171—177
NEX programs 3 6
Next algorithm 3 6 102 293
Next algorithm, composition 46—51 292
Next algorithm, equivalence 88—92 292
Next algorithm, k-subset 26—38
Next algorithm, memory less 19 31 34 59
Next algorithm, multisubset 291
Next algorithm, object 101—103
Next algorithm, partition, integer 65—71
Next algorithm, partition, plane 84
Next algorithm, partition, set 88—92 292
Next algorithm, permutation 54—61
Next algorithm, subset 13—22
| Next algorithm, Young tableau 117—132
Off-line algorithm 159
On-line algorithm 159
Partially ordered set 100 200 228 233—239
Partition of integer 78
Partition of integer, largest part k 105
Partition of integer, next 65—71
Partition of integer, random 72—77
Partition of, next 88—92
Partition of, random 93—98
Partition of, set k classes 103
Permanent 217—225
Permutation, adjacent 56 260
Permutation, cycle 144
Permutation, inverse 146
Permutation, inversion table 57
Permutation, k cycles 104
Permutation, k runs 104
Permutation, next 54—61
Permutation, product 151—157
Permutation, random 62—64
Permutation, signature 57 144
Permutation, Trotter algorithm 56
Plane partition 81—87
Poisson distribution 290
Polynomial, chromatic 178—186
Polynomial, factorial form 172
Polynomial, Newton form 171
Polynomial, Taylor expansion 173
Power series 187—195
Power series, inversion 191
Prefab 79—81
Prefab, random 80
Preflow 200
Proper coloring 178
Pruefer correspondence 268
RAN programs 7
Random algorithm 2 4 7
Random algorithm, composition 52—53
Random algorithm, k-subset 39—45 291
Random algorithm, number 7
Random algorithm, object 80—81 101—109
Random algorithm, partition, integer 72—77
Random algorithm, partition, set 93—98
Random algorithm, permutation 62—64
Random algorithm, subset 23—25
Random algorithm, unlabeled rooted tree 274—282
Random algorithm, Young tableau 117—132
Rank 101
Ranking algorithm 99—116
Recursive algorithm 15 28 56 99—116 283
Rencontre number 218
RENUMBER 150—157
Replication 80
Revolving door algorithm 28—32
Run, permutation 104
Ryser formula 221—222
Selection algorithm 99—116
Sequencing algorithm 99—116
Sign, permutation 144
Sorting 135—143
Sorting, topological 229
Spanning forest 158—170
Spanning tree 262—263
Spanning tree, minimal 283—287
Specification list 5
Stirling number 174—186 270
Subset 103
Subset, next 13—22 26—38
Subset, random 23—25 39—45
Synthesis 79—81
System of distinct representatives 198
Tag algorithm 145
Taylor expansion coefficient 172
Terminal vertex 249
Transposition 54 145
Transposition, adjacent 56
Tree, chromatic polynomial 180
Tree, labeled 267—273
Tree, minimum spanning 283—287
Tree, rooted 274—282
Tree, spanning 262—263
Tree, unlabeled 81
Trotter algorithm 56
Tutte polynomial 181
Unrank 99—116
Van der Waerden conjecture 220
Vector subspace 104
Young tableau 117—132
Young tableau, combinatorial family 119
Young tableau, hook 118
Young tableau, random 123
Young tableau, sequencing 120
Zeta matrix 228 233
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