Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Carmona R. — Practical Time-Frequency Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
A Trous algorithm 208
Abry 268
Absolutely continuous measure 42
Absolutely continuous spectrum 233
Acoustic, backscatter 289
Acoustic, signal 126
Acoustic, transient 115
Adelson 217
Adjoint action 230
Admissibility 131
Admissible wavelet 131
Affine group 135 257
Affine Wigner representation 232
Aliases 37
Aliasing 37 82 84 124
Almost periodic function 43
Ambiguity function 58 59 249
Ambiguity function, expected 250
Analytic continuation 138
Analytic function 137
Analytic signal 35 55 272
Analytic wavelet 139
Analyzing wavelet 129
Analyzing window 166
Antoniadis 353
Approximate filter 211
Approximation coefficient 192
Approximation scheme 226
Arneodo 160
Arpeggio 54
Asymptotic signal 272—274
Atom of sound 52
Attractive potential 292
Auger 308
Auscher 216
Auto regressive 79
Auto regressive, integrated moving average 79
Auto regressive, moving average 79
Auto-regressive model 91
Autocorrelation function 70
Autocovariance function 41 69
B-spline 140 187
Backseat tered 126
Balian 169
Balian — Low phenomenon 168 169
Balian — Low theorem 170
Banach space 142
Band limited 36 38
Band limited function 186
Band Pass Filter 132
Bandwidth 114 134 150
Barnwell 217
Bartlett 88 108
Bartlett spectral estimate 88
BAT 289
Battle 216
Bayes estimate 285
Bayes formula 285
Benassi 269
Benedetto 215
Beran 269
Besov 195
Best basis strategy 201
Bias 81
Bilinear reconstruction scheme 136
Biorthogonal basis 176
Blackman 108
Block averaging 88
Block averaging, spectral estimate 88
Bloomfield 97
Bochner 69
Bochner’s theorem 51 69
Bootstrapping 325
Bosq 352
Brillinger 97
Broad-band 115
Brownian motion 222 258
Burt 217
Cakmak 117
Calderon 131 160
Canny 178 353
Canny’s edge detector 178
Canonical coherent states 128
Canonical pair 272
Canonical representation 273
Cardinal function 239
Cardinal sine function 186
Carey 160
Carmona 353
Carrier frequency 59
Cauchy 137
Cauchy wavelet 137 157
Central frequency 157
Chaining 293 295
Chaining algorithm 295
Characteristic function 30
Chen 65 350
Chirp 111 122 125 159
Coalescing stars 153
Cohen class 58
Cohen, A. 217
Cohen, L. 58 65
Coiflets 191 193
Coifman 196 197 200 217 253
Combinatorial optimization 286
complete 102
Complete representation 167
Completeness 61
complexity 293
Component separation 333 335 337 341
Compression 120 163
Cone 144
Consistent estimate 81
Constant bandwidth 182
Constant bandwidth, filter 134
Constant relative bandwidth 182
Constant relative bandwidth, filter 134
Continuous measure 42
Continuous wavelet transform 130
convolution filter 87
Corona method 286
Correlogram 46
Cosine, taper 85
Cosine, wave 35 146
Covariance 62
Covariance, function 222
Covariance, kernel 249
Covariance, operator 222
Crazy climber 293 299
Crazy climber, algorithm 291
Critical density 169
Cross, covariance 240
Cross, stationarity 241
Cubic spline 140
Damage index 117
Data, tapering 82 85
Data, window 85
Daubechies 128 167 190 192 215—217 299 308
Daubechies wavelet 190
Decibel 50
Delprat 307 353
Delta signal 158
Density condition 170
detail 137
Detail, coefficient 192
DFT 48
Differential methods 276
Dilation with holes 208
Dirac 57
| Dirac signal 57
Discrete dyadic wavelet transform 178
Discrete Fourier Transform 48
Discrete Gabor transform 163 167
Discrete wavelet transform 163 175
Dobeck 122
Dolphin 122
Donoho 314 353
Doppler shift 59
Dual frame 165
Duffin 215
Duflo 160
Dyadic grid 163
Dyadic interval 198
Dyadic wavelet transform 172 318
Dyadic wavelet transform, algorithm 206
Dym 64
Dynamic range 87
Earthquake 127 155
Earthquake, engineering 115
Energy 28 29
Energy, conservation 33
Energy, density 132
Energy, distribution 321
Energy, landscape 292
entropy 202
Epoch 59
Equally spaced 309
Ergodic 70
Ergodic theorem 70
Esteban 217
Eubank 352
Euler — Lagrange equation 283
Evolutionary spectrum 249
Expansion method 310 311
Exponentially localized 31
External energy 285
Extrema reconstruction 179 318
Fast algorithm 206
Feauveau 217
Feichtinger 215
Fejer 87
Fejer kernel 81 239
Feldman 268
FFT algorithm 35
Filter 134
Filter, bank 206
Fixed scale, wavelet packet 197
Flandrin 58 63 269 308
Folding frequency 37
Fourier, coefficients 33
Fourier, inverse transform 30
Fourier, series 33
Fourier, transform 28
Fourier, transform, short term 102
Fourier, transform, window 102
Fractal dimension 255
Fractional Brownian motion 56 254 255
Fractional white noise 255
Frame 163 164
Frame, bound 164 168 171
Frame, dual 165
Frame, Gabor 166
Frame, operator 164
Frame, tight 164
Frehe 268
Frequency, center 183
Frequency, modulated signal 113 146
Frequency, shift 59
Frequency, wavelet packet 198
Friedman 181
Function space characterization 142
fundamental frequency 301
Gabor 52 64 101 127 166
Gabor — Plancherel formula 102
Gabor, coefficient 166
Gabor, discrete transform 167
Gabor, frame 166
Gabor, function 166
Gabor, spectral function 235
Gabor, spectrum 229 250
Gabor, transfer function 119 127
Gabor, transform 101 102
Gabor, transform, discrete 163
Galand 217
Gao 268 353
Gaussian 237
Gaussian, process 75
Gaussian, window 124
Ghost cross terms 114
Gilbert 268
Glauber 128
Godement 160
Goupillaud 160
Gradient method 181
Gram’s orthonormalization 176
Gravitational wave 153
Gray code 197
Greedy algorithm 181
Grochenig 215
Grossmann 128 160 179 215
Group, delay 36 55
Group, theory 135
Guillemain 307
Haar 187
Haar, basis 187
Haar, wavelet 187 192
Hamming 108
Hanning 108
Hard shrinkage 314
Hardle 352
Hardy 35
Hardy space 35
Harmonic frequency 301
Harmonic signal 301
Harmonics 50
Haussdorff 255
Haussdorff dimension 255
Heart rate variability 50
Heaviside 36 138
Heaviside function 36
Heavy tail 268
Heil 215
Heisenberg 105 169
Heisenberg Inequality 30
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 31
Hewer 254 260
hilbert 35
Hilbert transform 35 272
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 223
Holder, continuous 141 222
Holder, exponent 153
Holder, regularity 141
Holder, space 143 145
Holschneider 160
Horizontal direction 293
Houdre 268
Hudgins 268 353
Hurst 255
Hurst exponent 254—256
Hurst parameter 245
Hwang 179 353
Information cost 201
Innocent 308
Instantaneous frequency 55 148 273
Integral method 279
Integral operator 103
Intensity 229
Internal energy 285
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