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Carmona R. — Practical Time-Frequency Analysis |
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Предметный указатель |
Intertwining operator 106
Invariance 104 134
Invariant measure 106
Inverse Fourier transform 30 48
Inverse Gabor transform 104
Inversion formula 133
Isometry 132
Isserlis formula 238
Jaffard 145 160 269
Johnstone 314 353
Karhunen 223
Karhunen — Loeve 225
Karhunen — Loeve basis 225
Karhunen — Loeve transform 223 225
Kernel regression 310
Klauder 128
Kodera 308
Koopmans 97
Kotelnikov 36
Kovacevic 216 217
Kozek 249 251 269
Kronland-Martinet 160 307
Kuo 254
Kurtz 268
Lag 46
Lagrange multiplier 331 335 340
Laplacian 140
Lawton 217
Lebesgue decomposition 42
Left regular representation 106
Lemarie 216
Linear chirp 57 113 148
Linear reconstruction scheme 136
Littlewood 136 138 160
Littlewood — Paley decomposition 172
Littlewood — Paley MRA 187
Local Area Network 244 268
Local cosine basis 200
Local extrema 318
Local extremum 179
Local regularity 143
Local trigonometric basis 169
Locally Holder continuous 143
Locally stationary process 248 253 269
Location 157
Loeve 223
Long range dependence 245
Low 169
Low-pass filter 312
Maes 120 299 308
Malahanobis distance 316
Mallat 130 174 179 181 183 214 216 252 269 318 321 353
Malvar 169
Marr 353
Marseille method 279 292
Masry 269
Matching pursuit 181 196
Mayer 268
McKean 64
Mean 69
Meyer 145 160 179 187 196 197 200 215 216 253
Modulation 104
Monte Carlo simulations 75
Monte Carlo, Markov Chain 291
Moore 160
Morlet 128 139 157 160 212
Morlet wavelet 139 157
Moscovici 160
Mother wavelet 129
Moving Average 79
MRA, Daubechies 190
MRA, Haar 187
MRA, Littlewood — Paley 187
MRA, Shannon 186
Multiplicatively stationary 256
Multiresolution analysi continuous 136
Multiresolution analysis 136 184
Murenzi 160
Nagy 64
Narrow-band 115
Natural frequency 34 48
Nearest neighbor method 310
Newton 97
Noise 67
Noise, computational 315
Noise, observation 315
Noisy observations 68
Nonnegative definite 42 51
Nonnegative definite function 69
Nonparametric 79
Normal operator 224
Note 52
Nyquist 36
Nyquist density 167 169
Nyquist frequency 37
Nyquist limit 115 124
Oblique projection 104
Occupation measure 292 294
Octave 157
Orthogonal -measure 73 78
Oscillating singularity 145
Over-complete representation 168
Paley 36 136 138 160
Papanicolaou 252 269
Parametric model 79
Parseval 30
Parseval formula 33
Parseval identity 29
Paul 128 138 160
Paxson 268
Penalty function 282 285 286
Percival 97
Periodogram 48 49 54 80
Phase 279
Phase, unwrapping 300 332
Physical spectrum 231
Pitch 120
Poisson point process 229
Polarization identity 29
Polynomially localized 30
Poor 353
Position, wavelet packet 198
Posterior probability 285
Power 29 41
Power, spectrum 29 58 77
Pre-whitened wavelet transform 281
Prewhitening 85 88
Prewhitening, filter 88
Priestley 65 248 249 269
Prior probability 284
Process 1/f 255
Progressive 130 137
Progressive, wavelet 139
Pseudo-spectrum 256
Pseudo-wavelet 324
Pyramidal algorithm 137 192 206
Qian 65
Quadrature mirror filter 186 206
Radar 59
Ramanathan 269
Rapidly oscillating 145
Reassignment algorithm 298
Reassignment map 298
Reassignment method 298
Reconstruction formula 135
Redundancy 104 133 163
Reed 64
Refinement equation 185 186
Regression, nonparametric 309
Regularity 141
| Regularly sampled 309
Reproducing kernel 103 173 241
Reproducing kernel, Hilbert space 133
Ridge 114 148 275 276 279 318 328
Ridge estimation, differential 276
Ridge estimation, integral 279
Ridge-skeleton algorithm 148
Riesz 64
Riesz basis 164 175 216
Ripley 352
Robust 276
Roux 269
Saito 217
Sample autocorrelation function 46
Sample autocovariance function 45
Sample mean 45
Sample spectral density 49
Sample spectral function 49
Sample variance 50
Sampling 82
Sampling, frequency 39 111
Sampling, rate 82
Sampling, theorem 36
SCALE 124 157 182
Scale, wavelet packet 198
Scaling function 136 175 184 187 206
Scaling function, bilinear 137
Scaling function, linear 137
Schaeffer 215
Schrodinger 127
Score 53
Second order process 222
Second wavelet crime 209
Seismic damage 115
Self similarity 256
Self-similar processes 56
Self-similar, asymptotically 244
Self-similarity 268
Shannon 36
Shannon wavelet 190
Short term Fourier transform 102
Shrinkage, hard 314
Shrinkage, soft 314
Signal + noise model 68—70 280
Signal to noise ratio 153
Signal, coding 163
Signal, finite energy 28
Signal, localization 30
Silverman 269
Simon 64
Simulated annealing 286
Sine wave 35 125
Singular measure 42
Singular value 224
Singular value decomposition 224
Singularity 158
Sinusoidal model 328
Skeleton 328
Skeleton, Gabor transform 338
Skeleton, wavelet transform 331
Slowly varying 252
smith 217
Smoothing parameter 312 332 339
Snake 283 289
Soft shrinkage 314
Softening damage index 117
Sommerfeld 64
Sonagraph 128
Sonar 122 289
Sozen 115
Spectral analysis 42
Spectral density 43 70 77 223
Spectral function 70
Spectral mass 43
Spectral measure 42 69
Spectral representation 75
Spectral window 84
Spectrogram 106 118
Spectrum 48
Spectrum, 1/f 255
Spectrum, folding 84
Spectrum, physical 231
Spectrum, weighted 231
Speech, analysis 120
Speech, model 120
Speech, signal 126
Spline, MRA 187
Spline, wavelet 187
Square root 249
Stationarity 68
Stationarity length 252
Stationary in the strict sense 68
Stationary in the wide sense 69
Stationary, increments 248 254
Stationary, processes 68
Stein 314 326
Stochastic integral 73 77
Stochastic relaxation 293
Stuetzle 181
Subsampling 120
Sudarshan 128
Swave 122
Synchrosqueezed wavelet transform 299
Synchrosqueezing 299
Synthetic clutter 122
Taper 85 102
Taqqu 268
Tchamitchian 307 353
Temperature 284
Temperature, schedule 287 292 294
Thresholding 311 312
Thresholding, function 314
Tight frame 164
Time, delay 59
Time, dependent Fourier transform 102
Time, location 183
Time-frequency atom 183
Time-frequency plane 57
Time-scale variable 130
Time-varying spectrum 229
Torresani 307 308 353
total 181
Transfer function, Gabor 127
Transfer function, wavelet 155
Transient 124
Translation 104
Tree regression 310
Trigonometric chirp 145 153
trimming 325
Two-scale difference equation 185
Under-spread process 249 250
Underwater acoustics 121
URL 357
Vaidyanathan 216
Vanishing moment 139 143 179 193
Veitch 268
Venables 352
Verona 160
Vertical direction 293
Vetterli 216 217
Ville 52 56 64
Voice 157
Wahba 314 353
Walden 97
Walker 92
Walnut 215
Wavelet transform 129
Wavelet transform, discrete 163
Wavelet transform, dyadic 172
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