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Reeves C.R., Rowe J.E. — Genetic Algorithms: Principles and Perspectives. A Guide to GA Theory |
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litism 45 57 123
litism, convergence 124
litism, threshold 130
-hard problems 6 214 227
Allele 20 22 29 38 42 50 56
Alphabet 19 21 27 29 65 77
alphabet, minimal 72 91
Altenberg, Lee 91 262 268
B ck, Thomas 60 139
Baldwin effect 54
Basin of attraction 233
Behe, Michael 12 18
binary mask 167
Bornholdt, Stefan 197
breeder GA 55
Building block 71 72 266 270 277
building block, hypothesis 57 71 78 83 265
Cerf, Raphael 139
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 112
Characteristic function 176
CHC algorithm 57
Chromosome 65
commonality 81
Computational complexity 284
Constraints 51
constraints, penalty 52
constraints, repair 52
Convergence 122—130
Convergence, almost surely 124
Convex hull 146
Coset 166
Crossover 38
crossover, bias 38
crossover, HUX 57
crossover, mask 39 40
crossover, non-linear 39
Crossover, one-point 49
crossover, operator 158
Crowding 46
Culberson, Joseph 109
Cumulants 177 179
cumulants, finite population corrections 190
cumulants, proportional selection 181
cumulants, selection and mutation 189
cumulants, selection, mutation and crossover 195
Darwin, Charles 2 10 17
Davidor, Yuval 202 228
Davis, Lawrence (Dave) 31 45 53
Davis, Thomas 121 138
Dawkins, Richard 3 11—14 17
De Jong, Kenneth 4 5 7 39 45 46 60 131 139
Deb, Kalyanmoy 288
Deception 78 86 88—90 266 267
Deletion 46
Delta Coding 24
Diagonalization 154 169
Distance 47
Distance, Hamming 47 218 222
Distribution, binomial 182
distribution, cumulants 177
Distribution, Gaussian 177 183
Distribution, moments 176
Distribution, multinomial 119 144
Diversity 30 37 44 46 48 57
dynamic parameter encoding 24
dynamics, selection 147
dynamics, selection mutation 156
dynamics, selection mutation crossover 161
Eigenvalue 114 151 242
Eigenvector 114 151 242
Encoding 20 43
encoding, binary 21 24
encoding, discrete 22
encoding, permutation 23
English, Tom 109
entropy 198
Epistasis 202—217
Epistasis variance 244
epistasis, correlation 215
epistasis, variance 209
Eremeev, Anton 262
Evolution strategy 2 25 45 57
Experimental design 204 225
Falkenauer, Emanuel 41 60
First hitting time 284
Fisher, Sir Ronald 17
Fitness 31
Fitness function 14 20 33 52
fitness function, , 292
fitness function, landscape 292
fitness function, 125 178 288
fitness function, deceptive 290
fitness function, HIFF 290
fitness function, imitation 115 178 287
fitness function, long path 291
fitness function, Royal Road 78 255 288
fitness function, trap 276 288
fitness function, ‘basin with a barrier’ 197
fitness, in genetics 14
fitness, landscape 14
fitness, ratio 68
fitness, sharing 46
Fixed point 257
fixed point, 195
Fixed point, asymptotically stable 279
Fixed point, hyperbolic 162
fixed point, selection 146
fixed point, selection mutation 152
focused heuristic 162
Fogel, David 2 17
Fogel, Lawrence 2 17
force of 152
forma 81
Forrest, Stephanie 228 262
Fourier series 174
Fourier transform 168
Freisleben, Bernd 262
Gatlin, Lila 13
Geiringer’s Theorem 194
Generation 34 49 50 53 54 58 73 76 80
generation, gap 45
generational GA 45 70
generational operator 144
Genetic drift 147
Genetic programming 2 170
Genetics 36
Genotype 4 20 21 25 30 47 49 55
Goldberg, David 16 17 60 91 288
Goodwin, Brian 13 18
Gould, Stephen Jay 11 17
Gray code 98
Group action 163
Group, commutative 169
Group, transitive 164
grouping states 131
H hn, Christian 262
He, Jun 284
Heckendorn, Robert 228 262
Hitchhiking 83
Holland, John 1—4 7 10 11 16 17 60 91
hybrid GAs 52 54
Hyperplane 65 71 74 77 83
Implicit parallelism 66 76 78 265
incest prevention 57
incremental GA see Steady-state GA
infinite population model 144 268
Inner product 88 145 168
intrinsic parallelism see Implicit parallelism
inversion 43
Jansen, Thomas 197 284
| Jones, Terry 228 231 262
Kallel, Leila 221 228 262
Kauffman, Stuart 13 18 262 292
Knapsack problem 21
Lamarckian evolution 54
landscape 163 231—262
landscape, amplitude spectrum 243
landscape, graph 163 240—245
Limiting distribution 121
Local optimum 89 231 233—241 247 250 256—259
local optimum, formal definition 239
Local search see Neighbourhood search
Locus 3 27 43 44 50 66
M hlenbein, Heinz 36 55 139
Macready, Bill 109
magnetization 198
Manderick, Bernard 228
Markov chain 111
Markov chain, absorbing state 116
Markov chain, expected time to absorption 117
Markov chain, inhomogeneous 127
Markov process 111
Mating see Crossover
Matrix, primitive 113
Matrix, reducible 116
Matrix, stochastic 112
Matrix, transition 112
Mayr, Ernst 4 12 15 18
Merz, Peter 262
Metastable state 154 159 172
Michalewicz, Zbigniew 52 58 60
Midgley, Mary 18
Mitchell, Melanie 60 91 288
mixing matrix 84 164 169
mixing operator 160 164 166 169
Multi-point crossover 38
Mutation 30 44—45 49 56 57 183—190
mutation, adaptive 31 45 129
mutation, annealing 127
mutation, independent 161
mutation, matrix 151
Mutation, rate 31 46 50 56 57
Naudts, Bart 197 221 228 262
Neighbourhood 105 107 232 235
neighbourhood search 7 30 54 89 231 232
neighbourhood search, first improvement 233
neighbourhood search, steepest ascent 233
neighbourhood, 235 250
neighbourhood, bit-flip 233
Neutral networks 162 170 269
Niching 46
No free lunch theorem 95—109 273
Objective 5 21—23 33 35 52 100 104
objective, multiple 53
Order statistics 284
Permutation 22 39 163
Permutation, matrix 164
Perron — Frobenius theorem 114 152
Phenotype 4 20 21 25 30 46 47 49 55
Poli, Riccardo 91 170
Population 19 45 57
Population, finite 161 190
population, initial 25 27 29
population, inoculation 29
Population, size 25 27 56
population, size, variable 58
population, uniform 119 146 257
population, vector 142 173
Pr gel — Bennett, Adam 197
Price’s theorem 80
Principe, Jose 121 138
Probability generating function 176
Provine, William 18
Punctuated equilibrium 269
Quadratic form 158
Quadratic operator 158 161
Radcliffe, Nicholas 29 41 53 91 109 170
Rana, Soraya 228 262
random number generation 51
Random search 102 104 107 108
Rattray, Magnus 197
Rechenberg, Ingo 2 17
Recombination see Crossover
reduced surrogate 48
Reeves, Colin 17 228 262
Replacement strategy 45 46
Representation 19—25 163
respect 81 167
Robbins’ proportions 194
Rogers, Alex 197 262
Rowe, Jonathan 170
Rudolph, G nter 124 138 285
Santa Fe Institute 169 261
Scaling 33
Schema 65 72 166 267
Schema theorem 68 70 71 168 170
schema, length 67
Schema, order 67
Schmitt, Lothar 139
Schoenauer, Marc 52
Schwefel, Hans — Paul 2 17
Selection 31—38 119—120 145—151 179—183 250 265
selection, artificial 15 36 55
selection, deletion 53
Selection, fitness-proportional 31 68 73 119 135 223
Selection, intensity 36 55
selection, natural 2 11—13 15
selection, population litist 57
Selection, pressure 33
selection, proportional 145
selection, rank 148
selection, ranking 33 46
Selection, roulette wheel 31 49
selection, stochastic universal (SUS) 31
selection, strong 128
Selection, tournament 34
selection, truncation 36 46 56
selection, ‘headless chicken’ 250
Shapiro, James 12 13
Shapiro, Jonathan 197
sharing function 46
simplex 142
Simulated annealing 9 54 96 127 232 260
Spears, William 39 131 139
Stadler, Peter 261
Statistical mechanics 174
steady-state GA 45 48 58 123
Stephens, Christopher 91 170 268
Stochastic process 111
String 19
String, binary 21 23 24 27
String, Length 20 25 27
structural crossover 167
structural space 167
Subgroup 166
Supermartingale 124
Surry, Patrick 29 53 109
Tabu search 52 96 106—108 232 260
Takeover time 37
Termination 30
Two-armed bandit 71—72 77
Vose, Michael 91 138 144 169 268
Wagner, Gunter 262
Walsh coefficients 87 88 207 208 210 215 217 222 224 244 245 283
Walsh function 87 207 244
Walsh transform 86 87 168 170 282 283
Watson, Richard 290
Weber, Bruce 13 18
Wegener, Ingo 197 284
Weinberger, Edward 262
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