Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Stibitz G.R., Larrivee J.A. — Mathematics and Computers |
Предметный указатель |
abacus 46
Abakanovicz 59
Accounting, applications 212
Accumulator 109
Accuracy of analog and digital computers compared 151
Acoustic delay line 102
Acoustic pulses 102
Adding machine 5 6 47
Addition tables, binary 111
Addition tables, decimal 111
Aeronautical engineering, applications 212
Agriculture, applications 212
Aiken 53 54
Aircraft, applications 213
Airplanes 40
Amplifiers 37 164
Amsler 58
Analog computer 5 32 38 55 150 194
Analog-to-Digital Converter 123
Analogies 128
Analytical engine 50
Andrews 54
Approximate numbers 67
Approximate solutions 72
Approximations 17
Approximations, successive 73
Aptitudes 36
Argument of function 9
Arithmetic unit 109
Astronomy 41
Astronomy, applications 213
Automatic factory 202
Automatic program 141
Automation 202
Babbage 25 48—54
Ballistics 25 41
Banking, applications 213
Base 65
bernoulli 76
Bernoulli's method 76
Binac 55
Binary adder 112
Binary coded decimal 99
Binary notation 66 96
biology 29
Biology, applications 213
Biquinary system calculator 116
Bit 106
Black Box 153
Boundary-value problems 89
Boys 59
Branching programs 147
Buffer register 108
Bush 60
Business 32
Business, applications 214
Caldwell 60
CAM 154 195
Cam, three-dimensional 156
Capacitor (condenser) 161
Cathode-ray tube 103
Census, Bureau of the 52
checking for errors 145
Chemical engineering, applications 214
Chemistry, applications 215
Chess 43 206
Civil engineering, applications 215
Coded digital scheme 99
Codes, biquinary 104
Codes, self-complementing 104
Codes, shifted binary 104
Codes, two-out-of-five 104
Commands 137
Complement 105
Complex root-finder 168
Complex-number computer 53
Computation 25
Computing procedure 67
Computist 24 28 128
Condenser 161
Condon 43
Conducting sheet 168
Control 133
Conversion, coordinate 38 151
Counting computers 61
Crystal diode 118
Curtiss 187
Cyclic code 125
D'Ocagne 58
Decimal notation 65 96
Degrees of freedom 97
Demanet 167
Derivative 16
Descartes 21 26 57
Desk calculator 35 52 110
Difference Engine 48
Differential adders 156
Differential analyzer 45 60 160 170
Differential equations 18 40 85
Differentiating, components for 162
Diffusion equation 187
Digit register 97
Digital computer 5 26 32 95 128 150
Digital notation 66 150
Digital-to-Analog Converter 123
Dynamic memory 101
Dynamics 41
Echo delay line 103
Eckert 54
Econometrics 36
Economics, applications 215
Education, applications 216
Electrical engineering 35
Electrical engineering, applications 216
Electrical fields 185
Electrical transfer 107
Electrolytic tank 152
Electron tubes 99 152
Engineering 38 204
ENIAC 55 111
Evaluation of errors 197
Excess-three code 104
Exponential function 88
External checks 145
Faraday 20 21 27 28
Feedback 164
Floating decimal point 143
Forsythe 184
Fourier analysis 39 164
Fox 177
Fry 169
Function 9
Function computers 57
Function unit 61 158 205
Function-generating components 152
Function-generating components, one variable 153
Function-generating components, two variables 155
Games, applications 216
Gauss 22 24
Gears 49 107 154
Geophysics, applications 216
Goldstine 54 147 199
Graeffe 76
Graeffe's method 76
Gray code 125
Gunfire control 38
Harmonic analysis 39 164
| Harmonic analyzer 39 60
Heat flow 152
Heaviside 21
Herman 58
Hertz 20
Hollerith 51—53
Hooke 21
Hydraulic equation solver 167
Industry 32
input devices 118
Input table 172
Insurance, applications 217
integral 17 38 160 171
Integraph 59
Integration 17 80 161
Integrators, ball-and-disk 59
Integrators, electrical 161
Integrators, optical 163
Integrators, watt-hour meter 60
Integrators, wheel-and-disk 160
Internal checks 147
Interpolation 83
Inventory 33
Joule 21
Kelvin 59 60
Kempe 169
Kempe linkage 169
Keyboard 132
Kirchhoff 21
Laboratory 27
Lalanne 58
Laning 142
Laning's method 142
Laplace 22 61
Laplace's equation 61
Lehmer 191
Leibnitz 47 48
Lever 154
Liebler 184
line printers 120
Linear equation solvers 61 165
Linear equations 12 35 70 165 181
Linear programming 203
Linkage computers 158 169
Logic, applications 217
Logical design 50 128
Lucas 61 168 169
Machine control 204
Maddida 62
Magnetic cores 104
Magnetic drum 103
Magnetic tape 100
Magnetic tape handler 119
Mallock 61 167
Management 201
management, applications 217
Marconi 20
Margetts 57
Mark I 54
Mathematics, applications 218
Mauchly 54
Maxwell 20 21 28 58
Mechanical engineering, applications 218
Mechanical multiplier 158
Mechanical transfer 107
Mechanical translation 205
Medicine 43
Medicine, applications 218
memory devices 100
Mercury column 102
Meteorology, applications 219
Michaelson 60
Middle-of-the-square method 189
Mining, applications 219
Monte Carlo method 176
Mueller 48
Musical composition 208
Napier 47
Network analyzer 152
Newton 75
Newton — Raphson method 75
NIM 43 206
Noise 40
Nomogram 45 57
Numbers 7 8 9
Numerical integration 72
Numerical methods 26
Numerical solutions 26
Odometer 159 172
Ohm 21 36
Opler 184
Optical integrator 162
Oughtred 47 57
output devices 118
Paper tape 100
Parallel computers 144
Parallel transfer 107
Partial differential equations 42 90 185
Pascal 47 48
Pascal's calculating machine 47
Payroll 33
Permitted states 97 116
Petroleum engineering, applications 219
Photocell 162
Physics, applications 219
Planimeter 58
Planimeter, hatchet 59
Polynomial 9 37 82
Potential 90 185
Potentiometer 157
Power booster 164
Principal diagonal 181
Printer, letter-forming 120
Printer, line 120
printing, applications 220
probability 175
Program, automatic 141
Projectiles 41
Prytz 59
Psychology 36
Punched cards 51 184
Quadrature 72
Rafferty 191
Railways, applications 220
Random sequences 175 187
Random sequences, table of 190
Raphson 75
Recording head 100
register 97
Regula Falsi 75
Relaxation method 79 93
Relaxation method, table 80
Relay computers 53
Relay interpolator 54
relays 107
Reservations, airline 43
Ripple tank 152
Roots 11 167
Roots, analog computers for 37 167
Russell 2
Scale models 151
Scheutz 51
Scotch-yoke mechanism 155 169
Serial computers 144
Serial transfer 108
Servos 37 164
Shannon 146
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