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Hill F.J., Peterson G.R. — Computer Aided Logical Design with Emphasis on VLSI |
Предметный указатель |
Add 340
Adder 200 341
Adder, BCD 183
Adder, binary 200
Adder, carryskip 205 374
Adder, full 201
Adder, half 201 203
Adjacent, logically 90 96
AHPL 317 336 351 373 390 524
Algebra, boolean 32 34 80
Algorithmic state machine 306
All-NAND form 210 380
AND 4 9
AND, vector 325
antisymmetric 41
applicable 399
Arithmetic 20
ASIC 349
ASM 306
ASM, block 307
ASM, box 306
ASM, chart 306 308
ASM, extended 315 328
Associative 32 37
Asynchronous 416
Back annotation 357 371
Backus — Nauer 353
Base 16
Binary adder 200
Binary connectives 4
Binary numbers 6
Binary point 18
Binary-coded-decimal 22
Block diagram 9
BNF 353
Boole, George 52
Boolean 32 43 80 524
Boolean algebra 32 34
Boolean differences 463 467
Boolean hypercube 120
Boolean theorems 35
Boundary-scan 480
Branch 307 316
Branch, network 322 342
Branch-and-bound 467
Bus 245 527
BUS, active 244
BUS, declared 332
BUS, implied 338
BUS, passive 244 338
BUS, precharged 244 336
BUS, tri-state 249
CAD 1 65 341 350
CALD 1 65 387
Canonic 83 84
Carry 21 200
Carry, skip 204 373
Charge sharing 247 383
CIF 350
Class, compatibility 401
Class, equivalence 266 269 272 277
Class, set 518
clock 185 230 236 361
Clock Input Control 311
Clock, control pitfall 312
Clock, mode assumption 237 362
Clock, skew 242
Clock, two phase 243
Closed Collection 404 517
CLUNIT 329 336 527
CMOS 69 71 165 171 180 353 366 472
Codes, BCD 22
CODES, conversion 198 318
Codes, error correcting 26
CODES, error detecting 26
Codes, excess-3 23
CODES, gray 23 109
CODES, Hamming 28
CODES, one-hot 322
CODES, seven segment 25 196
Column-multiplicity 496
Combinational logic unit 329 336
Commutative 32
Compatibility Class 401 517
Compatible 399
Complement 39 104
Completely specified 267 276
Computer Aided Design 1
Concatenation 318 324
Conditional connection 331
Conditional transfer 327 329 331
Connection statement 331
Connectives 4 5
Connectives, sufficient sets 12
Consensus 46 145
Consistency search 513
Contact cut 164
Control delay 425 431
control model 313
Control pulse 311
Control sequence 313
Control sequencer 323
Control unit 313
Controllability 478
Controlled Clocking 211 312
Conway 164
Cost 66 136
Counters 265
Counters, up-down 265 280 291
Cover 403
Cover, collection 405
Cover, minimal closed 517
Covered 121
Critical race 483
cterm 338
Cube, Boolean 120
Cube, hyper 120
Cube, sub 121
Data transfer 325 327 329
Data unit 313 320
declaration 326
Decoders 93
Decomposition 490 494
Decomposition, charts 173 208 497 500
Decomposition, complex disjoint 499
Decomposition, simple disjoint 494
Deductive 476
Delay 60 177 368
Delay, worst-case 372
DeMorgan's Theorem 12 81 114
Dependency notation 213
Destination set 434
Detected fault 458
Diffusion 68 73 164
Diode 57
Diode transistor logic 57
DIP 62
Disjunctive normal form 83
Distributive 32
Dominate 129
Domino logic 186
Don't-care 106 131 397 408 437 467
Don't-care, absolute 166
Don't-care, application 166 467
| Double rail 95 169 177
DTL 57
Duality 33 165
Dummy variable 395
Dynamic hazard 442
Dynamic memory element 243
ECL 60
Edge triggering 240 390
EDIF 341 354 389
Element-list 353 375 389
Emitter coupled logic (ECL) 60
EPROM 199 387
Equivalence, class 266 269 272 277
Equivalence, relational 266
Error, correcting 26
Error, detecting 26
Espresso 144 147 408
Essential hazard 444
Essential prime implicant 100 128 149
Essential PRIMES 147
Essential, relatively 145
Event-driven 360 376
Excited-fault 458 478
Exclusive OR 4 26 181 202 217 233 461
Exitation 234 417
Exitation, map 287 428
expand 147
Extended state table 315
Factoring 209
False-path 372 392
Fan 467
Fan-in 57
Fan-out 57 58
Fan-out, point 461
Fan-out, reconvergent 469 476
fault 456
Fault, coverage 463 468
Fault, detection 458
Fault, grading 475
Fault, propagation 461 478
Fault, simulation 475
Fault, Undetectable 469
Field effect-transistor (FET) 54
Field programmable 152 199
Finite input memory 260
Finite memory 259
Flattening 357
Flip-flop 227 363
Flip-flop, clocked 230
Flip-Flop, CMOS 248 364
Flip-flop, D 231 242
Flip-flop, edge-triggered 240 390
Flip-flop, JK 231 239 286
Flip-flop, master-slave 238 248
Flip-Flop, RS 228 230
Flip-Flop, T 231
Flip-Flop, timing 240
Flow table 419
Flow Table, minimal 424
Flow Table, primitive 419 420
Fork 215
FPGA 387
Full adder 201
Full custom 65 349
Fundamental mode 418 425 441 445
Gal 156
Gate array 183 193 353
Gate Array, programmable 183 193 386
Gate level 359 375
Gates 8 62 64
Gray code 23 109
Hamming code 28
Hardware description language 305 317 359 467
Hasse 41
Hazard 109 439
Hazard, Dynamic 442
Hazard, essential 444
Hazard, Static 109 441
HDL 351
Hexadecimal 19
HPSIM2 326
Huffman Mealy Method 270
Huntington, E.V. 32
Hypercube 120 433
IC 62
Implication graph 521
Implication table 275 402 408 413 423 518
Implied 275 405
inc 335 340
Incompletely specified 105 396
Incompletely specified, function 105
Incompletely specified, sequential circuit 396 406
incr 340
Increment 221 507
Index variable 339
Indistinguishable 266
Integrated circuit 62
Integrated Circuit, custom 65
Integrated Circuit, medium scale 211
Integrated Circuit, package 62
Integrated Circuit, very large scale 54 164
Interative Networks 202 490 506
Intersection 39 147
Inverter 8 56 70 71 186
Inverter, clocked 248
Irredundant 147
JK flip-flop 231 239 286
JTAG 481
Karnaugh map 86 90 94 99 179 205 409
Language 317 353
Latch 229 237
Lattice 42 343
Laws, associative 32 37
Laws, commutative 32
Laws, DeMorgan's 12 26
Laws, distributive 32
LCA 387
Level 311
Level of description 358
Level of gating 94
Level, mode 416
Literal 83 96
Loading 57 58
Logic 1 311
Logic Symbol 9
Lower bound 36
master-slave 238 248
Maximal compatible 401
Maxterm 83
Mead 164
Mealy Model 280
Memory element 229
Memory element, clocked 230
Memory element, CMOS 248
Memory element, dynamic 242
Memory element, edge triggered 240
Memory element, input equation 254 284
Memory element, master-slave 239
Memory element, static 243
Memory, finite 259
Memory, finite input 260
Memory, length 261
Memory, read-only 196 199 309
Meta-stable 363 447
Minimal State 268 273
Minimum distance 27
Minterm 83 340
MIS 221 496
Module 326 526
Moore Model 280
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