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Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas |
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-tree 37
358 (also see “City block metric”)
358 (also see “Euclidean metric”)
358 (also see “Chessboard metric”)
quadtree 18—20 163—174 165 298 303—304
quadtree, deletion 170—172
quadtree, insertion 167—170
approach 289
355 (also see “Composite value”)
356 (also see “Differentiator”)
2-3 tree 166
2.5-dimensional hidden-surface elimination 270—272 276—277
2DRE (two—dimensional run encoding) 48—51 49 105
2DRE (two—dimensional run encoding), rotation 50 (also see “Linear image transformation”)
2DRE (two—dimensional run encoding), translation 50 (also see “Linear image transformation”)
3DDDA 419 (also see “Three-dimensional digital differential analyzer”)
3DRE (three-dimensional run encoding) 105
4-adjacent, blocks 2
4-adjacent, image elements 184
4-adjacent, pixels 2
8-adjacent, blocks 2
8-adjacent, image elements 184
8-adjacent, pixels 2
Abdali, S.K. 429
Abe, S. 458
Abel, D.J. 30—31 37 136 154 199 429 455
Abram, G.D. 13 283—284 443
ACC 262
Access array 138
Ackermann function 187
Acoustics 317
Active border 199 221 238 259 265 367 414
Active border element 199
Active corner 221 223 422
Active edge 199
Active equivalence class 188
Active image element 188
Active node 136
Active node table 137
Active output quadtree block 237
Active region 408
Active unaligned quadtree block 238
Adams, O. 429
Adaptive hierarchical coding see “AHC”
Adaptive uniform grid 14
Adaptive-grid method 297
Adel’so-Velskii, G.M. 429
adj 61 88
Adjacency graph 10
Adjacency tree 82 156 198 218 222 368 404 406 410 421
Adjacent, blocks 59
Adjacent, pixels 58
Admissible scanning order 190 190—191
Agarwal, P. 470
Aggarwal, J.K. 10 176—177 180—181 218 281 393 410 436 451 456
AHC (adaptive hierarchical coding) 13 22
Aho, A.V. vii 166 430
Ahuja, N. 176—179 181 247—248 253—256 259—260 410 415—416 430 461 465 471 474—475
Akman, V. 14 174 410 442
Alander, J. 430
Alexandridis, N. 430 434 477
Alexandrov, V.V. 26 430
ALG1 128
ALG2 129
Algol ix 425
ALGOL W ix 425
Algorithm A to construct a QMAT from a region quadtree 375
Algorithm B to construct a QMAT from a region quadtree 375—376
Aliasing 274 289 316—318
aligned 69
Aligned quadtree 229
Aligned quadtree, intersection 231—233
Aligned quadtree, set-theoretic operations 231—234
Aligned quadtree, union 233
Alignment problem 290—291
Allen, L. xi
Altenhofen, M. 430
Amanatides, J. 296 316 420 430
Anderson, D.P. 228 430
Anderson, D.R. 26 461
Andresen, F.P. 422 430
Ang, C.K. xi 261 416 430
Angell, I.O. 470
Animation 23
Ansaldi, S. 430
antialiasing 274 316—317
Antony, R. xi 431
Antoy, M. xi
Antoy, S. xi
Aplc approximation 353
Appel, A.A. 296 431
Approximation quality 339—345
Approximation, inner see “Inner approximation IB”
Approximation, inner black see “Inner approximation IB”
Approximation, inner white see “IW”
Approximation, outer see “Outer approximation OB”
Approximation, outer black see “Outer approximation OB”
Approximation, outer white see “OW”
Approximation, white forest see “White forest approximation FWW”
Arbib, M.A. 24 464
Architecture 23
Area computation 218
Aref, W. xi
Arimoto, S. 176 459
Arnaldi, B. 315 431
Artzy, E. 431
Arvo, J. xi 319—321 431
Asano, T. 440
Atherton, P. 270 275—276 318—319 431 475
Atkinson, H.H. xi 431
Auto-adaptive block coding 55
Avis, D. 431 473
Ayala, D. 20 289 298 324 431 434 458
Aziz, N.M. 431
B face 86
B-tree 30 53 99 136 142 241
Back-to-front algorithm (painter's algorithm) 271—272 276 282 285—286
Ballard, D.H. 431
Barnes, J. 431
Barr, A.H. 290—291 470 474
Barrera, R. 431
Barsky, B.A. 319 468 470
Bartholdi, J.J. 111 432
Baskett, F. 443
Battaile, B. 294 321 445
Bauer, H. ix 425 432
Bauer, M.A. 432
Baumgart, B.G. 270 432
Beam tracing 268 296 316—321
Beam tree 318
Beaulieu, J.M. 432
Bechtel, F.K. 26 461
Beck, J. 301 304 438
Becker, S. ix 425 432
Beckley, D.A. 432
Beer, M. 432
Bell, S.B.M. 5 432
Bent, S.W. 432
Bentley, J.L. 14—15 23 26 432—433 442—443
Bern, M. 433
Berra, P.B. 446
Besslich, P.W. 433
| Bestul, T. xi
Bezier curve 287
Bhaskar, S.K. 433
Bhetanabhotla, M.N. 449
Bicubic surface patches 286 289 292
Bier, E.A. 452
Bieri, H. 219 433
Big O notation ix
Bilmes, J. 446
Binary array, conversion to a region quadtree 112—116
Binary array, image representation 55
Binary image 1
Binary image tree 12 (see “Bintree”)
Binary pyramid 354 356
Binary space partition tree see “BSP tree”
Binary tree, extended 404 406
Bintree 12 47 55—56 116 125 135 200 222—223 298 315 328 354 370 375 419
Bintree, DF-expression 55—56 200—201
Biquadratic surface patches 324
Bit interleaving 174—175
bit manipulation 136 199 405
black 149
Black forest (FB) 51 329
Black forest approximation (FBB) 329
Blinn, J.F. 289 452
Bloomenthal, J. 433
Blum, H. 10 357 433
BMAT 375
Boissonnat, J.D. 174 442
Bolour, A. 433
Bonfatti, F. 433
Border 2 183
Border code see “Chain code”
borderelement 202
borderlist 202
Borgefors, G. 360 369 433
Bottom-up neighbor finding 85
Bottom-up quadtree algorithms 85
Bottom-up ray tracing 299—305
Bottom-up ray tracing, implementation 305—315
Bouatouch, K. 315 431 462
Boundary 2 2—3 58
Boundary code see “Chain code”
Boundary model (BRep) 270 297 316
Boundary node 6
Bounding volume 297 299
Bowyer, A. 434
Braid, I.C. 434
Branching process 77
Brassel, K.E. 451
Breadth-first traversal 39
Bresenham, J.E. 315 419 434
Bright, S. 281 434
Brock, P.J. 322—324 437
Brodatz, P. 78 434
Brooks, J. 297 434
Brooks, R.A. 23 434
Brown, R.L. 434
Brunet, P. 20 289 298 324 431 434 458
BSP tree (binary space partition tree) 13 270 318—320 420
BSP tree (binary space partition tree), hidden-surface elimination 2S3—286
Bucher, W. 434
Bucket 14 21
Bucket PM octree 315
Bucket PR bin tree 319
Bucket PR quadtree 175
Buffer computation see “Region expansion”
Burkhard, W.A. 434
Burnett, B. xi
Burrough, P.A. ix 434
Burt, P.J. 434
Burton, W. 31 434—435
Butz, A.R. 26 435
C programming language ix 142 210 425 427
Calkins, H. 455
Callen, M.J. 456
Cameron, S.A. 435
Carlbom, I. 20 435
Carlson, W.E. 289 435
Carpenter, L. 289 294 316 437 452
Carson, S. xi
Caspary, E. 315 435 468
Catmull algorithm 287—289 322
Catmull, E. 287—289 291 322 435
Cavazza, L. 433
CC 148
cclist 148
Cebrian, J.A. 455
Cel 271
cell 305
Cell method 14 (also see “Fixed-grid method”)
Center 166
Center image 142
Centroid computation, DF-expression 54
Chain code 144 144—162 233 353
Chain code, construction from a region quadtree 156—162
Chain code, conversion to a region quadtree 144—156
Chakravarty, I. 20 435
Chamfer metric 360 368 381
Chan, K.C. 435
Chandran, S. xi
Chang, J.M. 435
Change 308
Chaudhuri, B.B. 435
Chazelle, B. 420 435
Checkerboard 5 55 70 210 352 410
Chelberg, D. 436 462
Chen, C. 435
Chen, H.H. 435
Chen, L.S. 281 436
Chen, S.S. xi
Chen, Y.C. 436
Chen, Z.T. 436 472
Cheng, S.F. 474
Chessboard distance function 261 265
Chessboard distance transform 361—370
Chessboard metric 358—360 363
Chestek, R. 436
Chiarulli, D.M. 456
Chien, C.H. xi 176—177 180—181 218 281 410 436
Chien, Y.T. xi
Chrisman, N. 462
Chu, J.H. xi 347 399 436
City block distance function 261 (also see “City block metric”)
City block distance transform 361—363
City block metric 358—360 363
Clark, J.H. 297 436
Clay, R.D. 436
Clear, R.D. 474
Cleary, J.G. 315 436
Clemmesen, M. 437
Clipping 21 165 243 317—318
Code 146
CODE1 31
CODE2 34
Cohen, E. 437
Cohen, J. 437
Cohen, M.F. 321—324 437 448
Cohen, Y. 13 55 325 403—404 437 471
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