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Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas |
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Rubinstein, F.M. 474
RUF vertex 57 (also “Octant”)
Ruff, R. 465
Run representation 10 (also see “Runlength representation”)
Runlength representation 10 111 325 353 357
runs 116
Russell, D.B. 426 476
Rutovitz, D. 10 49 116 357 465
S side 55 (also “Boundary” “Edge”)
Saalfeld, A. xi 174 465
Sacks-Davis, R. xi 460 463
SAIL ix 425
Sakauchi, M. 458—459 465
Salzberg, B. 454 465
Salzman, J. xi
Samet, H. vii—ix 8 12 18 21 23 30 40 42 45 55 63—64 70 72 74 78 84—85 98—99 110 113 117 125 136 142—144 155—156 174 187—189 191 195 197 199—200 210—213 215 217 222 235—236 238 242—243 245 248 259 261 263 284 298 314 326 328 339 345—346 348 363 366—367 370 381 389 400 404 408 411 414 416 420 430 439—440 443 452 458—459 463 464—469 472
Sandor, J. 468
Sands, M. 281 442
Sankar, R. 458
Sarnak, N. 439 468
Sasikumaran, S. 449
Satoh, T. 452
Satterthwaite, E. ix 425 432
Saxe, J. 433 468
SBW 345
Scaling 247 249
Scaling, DF-expression 54
Scene 271
Scene coherence 269—270 296—297 315—316 418
Scherson, I.D. 315 468
Scheuermann, P. 461 468
Schilling, W. 446
Schmitt, F. 468
Schumacker, R.A. 2 267—269 471
Schwartz, J.T. 23 189 468
Scott, D.S. 10 393 424 468
SE 4 (also “Corner” “Vertex”)
Secondary ray 293 293—294 306
Sedgewick, R. 190 445 468
Seed-filling polygon coloring algorithm 755
Seeger, B. 452 468
Segment tree 180—181
Segmentation 10
Seidel, R. 441
Sellis, T. xi 441 469 471
Semi-quadtree 241
Set-theoretic operations vii 229—243
Set-theoretic operations, aligned quadtree 231—234
Set-theoretic operations, DF-expression 54
Set-theoretic operations, unaligned quadtree (also see “Rectilinear unaligned-quadtree intersection”, “General unaligned-quadtree intersection”) 234—242
Sevcik, K.C. 459
Sextree 7 55 406
Shacter, B.J. 453
Shading 257 291 418
Shading, model see “Illumination model”
Shaffer, C.A. xi 6 8 12 30 40 45 55 70 74 78 84—85 99 136 142 216 236 243 245 248 259 261 263 339 353 367 369 392 395 397 400 414—416 422—424 430 461 464 466—467 469
Shamos, M.I. 234 462 469
Shand, M.A. 469
Shankar, P. 473
Shape approximation 328
Shape recognition 396
Shapira, R. 443
Shapiro, E. 440
Shapiro, L. 184 188—189 198 212—213 411 455
Share_PM1_vertex 169
Sharir, M. 23 189 468
Shephard, G.C. 445
Shephard, M.S. 23 477
Sherlekar, D. xi
Shift sensitivity of quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT) 390—392 397 424
Shifting see “Translation”
Shigei, Y. 85 451
Shimizu, K. 42 459
Shirai, Y. 298 476
Shmoys, D.B. 26 453
Shneier, M. 25 176 218 231 274 363 368 447 450 463 469—470
short-circuit evaluation 425
Shpitalni, M. 441 470
Shustek, L.J. 443
Side 55 184
Siegel, A. 189 468
Silhouette 176—177 179 277
Silva Filho, Y.V. 470
Silva, C. 470
Sim, Y.B. 180—181 410 436
Simple polygon 6
Simultaneous linear equations 321
Six, H.W. 448 470
SIZ 202 305
Skeleton 358—360 359
Sleator, D.D. 432 439
Sloan, K.R.Jr. 354 356 460 470
Smeulders, A.W.M. 439
Smith, J.L. 31 37 429
Smith, T. xi 443 457 470
Snell's law 295
Snyder, J.M. 470
Sobhanpanah, C. 470
Solid modeling vii ix 23
Solntseff, N. 470
Sommerville, D.M.Y. 470
Son 26 166
Sorenson, P.G. 438
Sotomayor, D.L.G. 470
Space planning 23
Space tracing 297—299 315
Space-filling curve 25 116
Space-ordering methods 25—26
Sparrow, E.M. 295 472
spatial databases vii
Spatial index vii 22
Specular exponent 295
Specular reflection 292 294—295
Speer, L.R. 319 470
Sperling, G. 471
Split step 11
Split-and-merge segmentation algorithm 10 25
Sproull, R.R 2 267—269 471
Spurious holes see “Hole creation”
Square 166
Squarecode 245 393
Srihari, S.N. ix 23 42 143 175 354 410 421 446 471 477
Srivastava, S.K. 176 471
Stage one of neighbor finding 70
Stage two of neighbor finding 70
Staircase 199 201 205 213 411
Staircase-like objects 345
Stanat, D.F. 433
Standard deviation 10
Stanley, M. xi
Steele, R. 353 448
Steiglitz, K. 6 23 81 153 162 191 197—198 218 222 229 231 247—248 271 273 291 367—368 404 408 411 448
Steinberg, H.A. 297 434
Stenstrom, J.R. 471
Stevens, A. 448
Stolfi, J. 441 455
Stone image 142
Stonebraker, M. 471
Stopping points for thinning 396
Stout, Q.F. 367 369 457 469
Strassen, V. 471
Strong, H.R. 441
Stroud, I.A. 434
Subsumed 371
Subsuming element 389
| Subsumption property 371
Sulonen, R. 455 472
Surface area 7
Surface interpolation 174
Surface triangulation 174
Sutherland, I.E. 2 267—269 471
Sutherland, R.J. 449
sw 4 (also “Corner” “Vertex”)
Sweep 176
Swensen, J. 316 439
Symmetry property 358
Tabakman, Z. 444
table 137
Tail recursion 162
Takagi, M. 451
Tamminen, M. x 12 20—21 23 55 110 143 174 187—189 191 199—200 210—213 222 238 242 281 290 297—300 302 314 367 403 411 449 452 455 467 471—472
Tanaka, T. 297 304 315 419 443
Tang, Z. 472
Taniguchi, R.I. 450
Tanimoto, S. viii 23—25 85 197 210 217 248—250 252 260 354 356 415 448 470 472
Tarjan, R.E. 186—187 432 439 454 463 468 472
Tessellation 286
Tetrahedralization 291
Teuber, M.L. 9 438
THEN 426
Thibault, W.C. 472
Thinning 396—397
Thinning, stopping points 396
Thomas, A.L. 472
Three-dimensional digital differential analyzer (3ddda) 419
Three-dimensional run encoding 105 (also see “3dre”)
Threshold 10
Thresholding 183
TID 10 393
Tikkanen, M. 430 473
Tilove, R.B. 472
Tobler, W. 436 472
Tokarcik, L. xi
Tong, L. xi
Top-down neighbor finding 85 197 217 366
Top-down quadtree algorithms 85
Top-down ray tracing 299
Topography image 71 78—81 142
Torborg, J.G. 42 276 281 439
Toriya, H. 177 179 254 259 278 282 417 443 477
Torrance, K.E. 294—295 321 437 445 472
Total path length (TPL) 409
Toussaint, G.T. 473
TPL see “Total path length”
Translation see “Linear image transformation”
Translation, 2dre 50
Translation, DF-expression 54
Translation, linear quadtree 256—259
Translation, pointer quadtree 253—256
Translation, power of two 247
Translation, region quadtree 6 8 244
translucence 293
Transmit 335
Transparence 293
Transparent node 277
Traveling salesman problem 26
Triangle inequality property 358
Triangular decomposition 278—279
Triangular quadtree 179 279
Triangular tessellation see “Triangular tiling”
Triangular tiling 4
Triangulation 174 290
Trie 14
Triendl, E. 447
Tropf, H. 473
Truncation error 419
Truncation-based approximation 326—329
Tucker, L.W. 23 84 473
Two triangle rule 291
Two-dimensional run encoding 49 213
TYPE 100 305
T_IN 305
T_OUT 305
U face 86
UB edge 87
Udupa, J.K. 281 436
UF edge 87
Uhr, L. 24 473
Ullman, J.D. vii 166 430 473
Unaligned quadtree 229
Unaligned quadtree, set-theoretic operations (also see “Rectilinear unaligned-quadtree intersection”, “General unaligned-quadtree intersection”) 234—242
Uncolored 117
Uniform orientation 4
union 186 194
Union, aligned quadtree 233
Union, DF-expression 413
UNIX, 4.2BSD version 210
UNIX, 4.3BSD version 142 263
Unnikrishnan, A. 405 473
Vaidya, P.M. 473
Vaishnavi, V. 473
Value 425
van Dam, A. 176 442
van Emde Boas, P. 450
van Leeuwen, J. 187 441 461 472—473
van Lierop, M.L.P. 241 249—250 252 260 415 473—474
Van Rosedale, J. 441
van Wijk, J.J. 316 449
Vanderschel, D. 20 435 473
Varady, T. 449 474
Variable resolution viii 3
VAX11/750 210
VAX11/785 142 263
Vazquez, A.M. 431
Veenstra, J. 176—179 181 410 430 474
VEN 59
Venkatesh, Y.V. 405 473
Vertex 184
Vertex set 262 265 416
Vertex view 177
Vertex-neighbor 58
Very large-scale integration see “VLSI”
Viewing pyramid 267
ViewPoint 276
Visibility number 285
VL linear quadtree 34 48 116
VL linear quadtree, neighbor finding 108—109
VL locational code 34 34—35 39—40 48 52 298 329 333
VLSI (very large-scale integration) 296
Voelcker, H. viii 23 291 450 464 474
Void node 4
Von Herzen, B. xi 290—291 474
Voxel 4
VVN 59
W side 58 (also “Boundary” “Edge”)
Wagle, S. ix 458
Walker, M. 474
Walker, W. 461
Wallis, A.F. 474
Walsh, J.P. 296—297 317—318 420 438
Walsh, T.R.S. 8 256 258—260 399—400 415—416 431 435 441 444 474
Walter, I. 25 462
Wang, X. 438
Ward, G.J. 474
Warnock algorithm 270 272—275 289
Warnock, J.E. 22 270 272—274 289 474
Watson, D.F. 174 475
Webber, R.E. ix—x 6 18 30 40 42 45 78 84—85 98—99 144 154—155 197—198 235 243 245 248 282 298 339 400 404 407—408 411 464 466—468 475
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