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Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas |
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Overlay see “Union”
Overmars, M.H. 441 461
OW (outer white approximation) 328
Ozkarahan, E.A. 461
O’Rourke, J. 441 460
p1 166
P2 166
page fault 161 186
Painter's algorithm see “Back-to-front algorithm”
Palimaka, J. 461
Panhandle-like objects 345—346
Papert, S. 219 457
Parallel architectures 316
Parallel processing, quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT) 395—397 424
Parallel projection 276 276—280 282 292
Parallel projection, oblique 176
Parallel projection, orthographic 176
Park, C.M. 184 189 461
Partial edge 199 (also see “Active edge”)
Partial ordering 329
Pascal ix 425—426
Patch 286—290 298 321
Path 99 106 333
Path compression 190
Path planning 314 369
Path-length distance transform 363 368
Pathlength balancing transformation 198
Patnaik, L.M. 458
Patrick, E.A. 26 461
Pattern matching 24
Pattern recognition vii 23
Pavel, M. 13 55 325 403—404 437 471
Pavlidis, T. 10 24 354 447 472
Peano — Hilbert order 25 116 401
Peano, G. 25 461
Pearson, G. xi
Pebble image 71 78—81 142
Penrose, R. 9 437
Perimeter 5—8
Perimeter, computation 68 200 213—219 366 389
Perimeter, crack 213
Perimeter, inner 213
Perimeter, outer 213
Perspective projection 276 280 292
Perucchio, R. viii 23 291 450
Peters, F. 247 461
Peucker, T. 454 462
Peuquet, D. ix 455 462 470
Pfaltz, J.L. 10 184 188—190 197 357 462 464
Philip, G.M. 174 475
Phong model 294—295
Phong shading 281
Phong, B.T. 281 294—295 462
Piano movers problem 23
Pienovi, C. 438
Pietikainen, M. 25 462
Pippenger, N. 441
Pixel 1 113
Plan 24
Planar graph 219
Plane-sweep techniques 143
Platzman, L.K. 432
PM octree 20 228 245 270 303
PM octree, curved surface 289 298 324
PM octree, radiosity 324
PM quadtree 18 228 245 303
PM_delete 171
PM_insert 168
Point 166
Point location, five-dimensional space 320
Point location, quadtree 225—227
Point quadtree 15
Point-in-polygon determination 408
Point-in-region determination, quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT) 393—395
Pointer quadtree 42
Pointer quadtree, construction from a raster representation 117—125
Pointer quadtree, general unaligned-quadtree intersection 236
Pointer quadtree, rectilinear unaligned-quadtree intersection 235—236
Pointerless quadtree 30
Pointerless quadtree, connected component labeling 199—213
Pointing device 228
Polyakov, A.O. 26 430
Polygon coloring 183
Polygon expansion see “Region expansion”
Polygon intersection problem 234
Polygon, conversion to an MX quadtree 162—163 247
Polygonal map 18
Ponce, J. 442 462
Porter, T. 272 294 316 417 437 462
Posdamer, J.L. 174—175 181 289 462
Positive definiteness property 358
Potmesil, M. 176 462
PR bintree 18
PR k-d tree 18
PR quadtree 77—18 164—165 172
PR quadtrie 18
Pratt, M.J. 474
Pratt, W.K. 12 462
Predetermined 187
Predetermined connected component labeling 185 191 199 201
Predictive quadtree construction 174
preload 425
preorder traversal 53
Preparata, F.P. 420 453 459 462
Preprocessing cone 24
Prewitt, J.M.S. 463
Primary ray 292 294 306
Prince, H.B. 475
Priol, T. 315 431 462
Progressive approximation 40 325
Progressive transmission 325
Progressive transmission, oblique parallel 776
Progressive transmission, orthographic parallel 776
Projection image 176
Projection methods 293
Projection methods, region octree 276—283
Ptr 305 333
Puech, C. 77 442 456 463
Pujari, A.K. 453
Pulleyblank, R. 316 463
Purtilo, J. xi
Pyramid viii 24—25 354 356
Pyramid, viewing 267
Pyramid-based approximation 354—356
QCAT 380
QMAT see “Quadtree medial axis transform”
QRAT 380
quad 112
Quadrant 4
Quadtree 2
| Quadtree distance 68 361—370
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT) 68 326 370—398 572
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), algorithm A to construct from a region quadtree 375
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), algorithm B to construct from a region quadtree 375—376
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), construction from a region quadtree 375—381
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), conversion to a region quadtree 381—389
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), parallel processing 395—397 424
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), point-in-region determination 393—395
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), sensitivity to shifts 390—392 397 424
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), space requirements 390—392 396—397 423—424
Quadtree medial axis transform (QMAT), use as an image representation 390—398
Quadtree skeleton 370 370—398
Quadtree truncation 328
Quadtree-based approximation 35 39
Quadtrie 14
Quarendon, P. 463
Quaternary code 37
QUILT system 263
Quinary code 37
Quinlan, K.M. 20 463 476
q—edge 20 165
Q—tree 14
R face 86
Radiate 321
Radiosity 268 294 321—324
Raghavan, V.V. 463
Rahn, F. 297 434
Ramakrishnan, I.V. 458
Ramamohanarao, K. 463
Raman, V. 51 463
Raman, V.K. 432
Ramanath, M.V.S. 431 444
Ranade, S. 326 328 345—346 420 463
Random image model 70 197
Range data 179
Range image 180
Range octree 181
Ranging device 179—180
Rao, P.S. 455
Rastatter, J. xi
Raster representation 116
Raster representation, construction from a region quadtree 125—135
Raster representation, conversion to a pointer quadtree 117—125
Raster representation, predictive conversion to a linear quadtree 135—143
Raster-scan order 188
rational 306
Rational arithmetic 301
Ratschek, H. 463
Raunio, R. 472
Ravindran, S. 463
Ray casting see “Ray tracing”
Ray coherence 320
Ray space 319
Ray tracing 268 292—315
Ray tracing, neighbor finding 300—305
Ray tree 296 318
Ray-object intersection 296—297 303—304 315
RB edge 87
RD edge 87
RDB vertex 87 (also “Octant”)
RDF vertex 87 (also “Octant”)
Recognition cone 24
Recoloring see “Dithering”
Rectangle representation 374
Rectangular coding 10 393
Rectilinear unaligned-quadtree intersection 235 244
Rectilinear unaligned-quadtree intersection, linear quadtree 236—242
Rectilinear unaligned-quadtree intersection, pointer quadtree 235—236
Recurrence relations 131
Reddy, D.R. 23 463
Reddy, P.G. 453
Reference 425
reflect 321
Reflected ray 293—294
Refracted ray 293
Refraction 292
Region expansion 260—266 375 397
Region graph 222
Region octree 4 204 270
Region octree, construction from multiple views 174—181
Region octree, projection methods 276—283
Region octree, radiosity 322
Region quadtree 3
Region quadtree, bottom-up construction from a raster representation 117—125
Region quadtree, construction from a binary array 112—116
Region quadtree, construction from a chain code 144—156
Region quadtree, conversion to a chain code 156—162
Region quadtree, conversion to a raster representation 125—135
Region quadtree, optimal position 8
Region quadtree, predictive construction from a raster representation 135—143
Region quadtree, space requirements 6—8
Region quadtree, top-down construction from a raster representation 125
Region, black 2
Region, boundary 2
Region, eight-connected 2
Region, four-connected 2
Region, white 2
Regnier, M. 463
Regular decomposition 2
Reingold, E.M. 464
Reiser, J.F. xi 425 463
Rekola, P. 430 472
Relaxation 420
Remington, J. xi
Requicha, A.A.G. ix 281 453 464 474
Resolution viii 2 40
Resolution, multiresolution viii 24
Resolution, variable viii 3
Restricted quadtree 290 290—291
Reynolds, R.A. 281 436 445
RF edge 57
Rheinboldt, W.C. 23 464
Rhodes, M.L. 30 81 451
Riesenfeld, R. 437
Right 166
Rinnooy-Kan, A.H.G. 26 453
Riseman, E.M. 24 464
Ritchie, D.M. ix 425 450
Robinson, J.T. 464
Robotics vii 23
Rogers, D.F. 21 165 176 185 225 243 274 281 301 304 315 410 464
Rokne, J. 463
Ronse, C. 464
root node 4
ROPE 52 134 163 197 242
Roped quadtree 82—84
Rosenberg, J.B. 464
Rosenfeld, A. viii—x 6 8 10 25 30 40 45 84—85 99 136 142 156 184 188—190 197 213 236 243 245 248 259 261 326 328 339 345—346 357 360 396 420 433—434 439—440 452 461—464 466—467 476
Rossignac, J.R. 464
Rotation 246 (also see “Linear image transformation”)
Rotation, 2dre 50
Rotation, 90 degrees 246—247
Rotation, arbitrary 249—252
Rotation, DF—expression 54
Roth, S.D. 174 297 420 465
Round off error 419
Roussopoulos, N. 24 438 441 465 469
Row 118
rowlist 118
RU edge 57
RUB vertex 57 (also “Octant”)
Rubin, S. 23 297 463 465
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