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Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas
Samet H. — Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas

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Название: Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and Other Areas

Автор: Samet H.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 507

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Coherence      269
col      99 106 113 202
Cole, A.J.      437
COLOR      113
Colored pixel      273
Coloring algorithm      163 197
Comer, D.      30 37 53 136 437
COMMON_EDGE      62 90
Compare      149
COMPARE_T      311
Complete quadtree      24 131
Component      2 186
Component counting      5 219—223 422 genus”)
components      205
Composite value ($v_{C}$)      355 355—356
Compression      55 346—352
Computational geometry      317
Computed tomography      175
Computer graphics      vii viii
Computer vision      vii 23
Comp_type      306
cond      426
Cone tracing      296 316 320
Conflict      286
Connected component labeling      2 5 174 755 215 221 366
Connected component labeling, depth-first approach      755 191 199
Connected component labeling, explicit quadtree      191—198 (also see “Pointer quadtree”)
Connected component labeling, pointerless quadtree      199—213
Connected component labeling, predetermined approach      7 55 191 199 201
Connected component labeling, three-dimensional data      189 204—205
Connected graph      219
Connection graph      185
Connectivity destruction      341—343
Connolly, C.I.      180 437 471
Construct      114
Constructive solid geometry (CSG)      281
Convex hull      288 318 320 398
Cook, B.G.      30 437
Cook, H.      xi
Cook, R.L.      294—295 316 437
Cooper, C.N.      460
Coplanarity problem      290—291
COPY_TREE      231
Core      29 241
Corner      58 184
Corridor computation      see “Region expansion”
Cottingham, M.S.      437
Covered      248
Coxeter, H.S.M.      9 437
CQUAD      112
Crack      291
Crack perimeter      213
create      426
Creutzburg, E.      437
Cross-sectional images      175
Crow, F.C.      282 437
CSG      see “Constructive solid geometry”
CSG tree (constructive solid geometry tree)      281
CSIDE      216
Curved surfaces, display of      286—292
Cutlip, M.W.      438
Cutoff value      42
CYCLE      220
Cyrus — Beck clipping algorithm      301 304
Cyrus, M.      301 304 438
D face      86
D-Euclidean metric      360
Dadoun, N.      296—297 317—318 420 438
Dandamudi, S.P.      438
Darbari, H.      449
DATA      166 202
Davis, E.      438
Davis, L.S.      24 422 430 438 442 449
Davis, W.A.      276 438 444
DB edge      87
DDA algorithm      see “Digital differential analyzer algorithm”
de Coulon, F.      55 438
de Floriani, L.      xi 430 438
De Morgan's law      233
DECODE_2DRE      50
Degree      3
Delaunay, B.      438
DeMenthon, D.      xi
DeMillo, R.A.      74 131 404 438
den      306
Denlinger, J.L.      456
Deo, N.      463
Depth      31
depth-first connected component labeling      185 191 199 367
DEPTH_FIRST      185
DeRose, T.D.      319 470
Dew, P.M.      438
DeWitt, D.J.      458
DF edge      87
DF-expression, bintree      55—56 200—201
DF-expression, centroid computation      54
DF-expression, neighbor finding      110
DF-expression, quadtree      23 53 53—54 116 125 135 156 234 345
DF-expression, rotation      54 (also see “Linear image transformation”)
DF-expression, scaling      54 (also see “Linear image transformation”)
DF-expression, set-theoretic operations      54
DF-expression, translation      54 (also see “Linear image transformation”)
DF_TO_QT      54
Diaz, B.M.      5 432
Diebel, H.      475
Diehl, R.      430
Differentiator ($v_d$)      355 355—356
Diffuse reflection      292
Digital differential analyzer (DDA) algorithm      315
Digital tree      14
Digitization      164 245
Dijkstra, E.W.      22
Dillencourt, M.B.      x—xi 400 408 439 475
Dinstein, I.      189 439
Dippe, M.      316 439
dir      33
DIRECT      305
Direction cube      319
Directional code      30
Disk, access      135 241
Disk, memory device      26 47 161 241
Display quadtree      277
Dist      364 (also see “Distance transform”)
Distance function      358 358—360
Distance function, quadtree      see “Quadtree distance”
Distance transform (DIST)      361
Distributed ray tracing      294 316
DIST_EDGE      365
DIST_VERTEX      366
Dithering      229—231 250
Divide and conquer      vii 320 420
Dobkin, D.      319 420 435 439
Doctor, L.J.      42 276 281 439
Dodsworth, J.      438
Don’t care      37
Dope vector      78
Dorst, L.      439
Driscoll, J.R.      439
Du, H.C.      441
Du, W.H.      468
Dubitzki, T.      439
Duda, R.O.      439
Duff, T.      272 289 417 439 462
Duin, R.P.W.      439
Durst, M.J.      48 439
Dutton, G.      439
Dyer, C.R.      x 5—6 14 23 30 156 219 221—222 265 352 397 399 415 439—440 451—452
Dynamic interference detection      314
Dynamic programming      400
E side      58 (also “Boundary” “Edge”)
Eastman, C.M.      23 440
Eastman, R.D.      xi 422 430
Edahiro, M.      440
Edelman, S.      440
Edelsbrunner, H.      xi 434 440—441
EDGE      58 184
Edge quadtree      273—274
Edge view      177
Edge-neighbor      58
Edgelist      166
EDGE_DIR      308
Egenhofer, M.J.      441
Eight triangle rule      291 418
Eight-connected      2 162 213
Eisenstat, S.C.      74 131 404 438
Elber, G.      441
Elcock, E.W.      441
Elmes, G.A.      441
else      426
EMIT      321
Emmer, M.      9 437
Emmerman, P.J.      xi 431
Enbody, R.J.      441
ENCODE_FBW      333
ENCODE_FWB      338
END      426
Endo, T.      12 23 53—54 110 200 229 326 450
ENDROW      135
Equivalence class      186
Equivalence table      188 212
eq_class      193
Escher staircase      9
Escher, M.C.      9
Esperanca, C.      xi
Esterling, D.M.      441
Estrin, G.      xi
Euclidean distance function      26 261
Euclidean distance transform      361—363
Euclidean metric      358—360 363
Euler number      200 219
Euler's formula      219 222
EVENROW      122
Evens, M.W.      432
EXCELL      21 299—300 302
expand      261
EXPAND1      261
EXPAND2      261
EXPAND3      261
Explicit quadtree      26 (also see “Pointer quadtree”)
EXP_CCL      193
Extended binary tree      404 406
Exterior node      6
External face      219
F face      86
Fabbrini, F.      441
Face      219
Face view      177
Face, external      219
Face, internal      219
Face-neighbor      85
FACE_DIR      308
Facsimile transmission      325
Faddeeva, V.N.      441
Fagin, R.      441
Falcidieno, B.      430 438
Faloutsos, C      xi 441 469
Fan, N.P.      442
Father      26
Faugeras, O.      174 442 462
Faverjon, B.      23 442
FB      329 (also see “Black forest”)
FB'      338
FBB      330 (also see “Black forest approximation”)
FBB'      338
FBW      332
FBW'      339
FD linear bintree      48
FD linear octree      227 305
FD linear quadtree      40 42—48 116 125 135 156 161—162 212 263
FD linear quadtree, neighbor finding      98—105
FD locational code      40 40—41 49 136 234 260 303 413
Feature detection      24
Feature extraction      24
Fekete, G.      xi 442
Feynman, R.P.      281 442
find      186 195 237
Findpath problem      23
FIND_2D_BLOCK      128
FIND_3D_BLOCK      227
Finite element analysis      viii 23 291
Finkel, R.A.      14 23 442—443
FIRST_POINT      309
Five-dimensional space      319—320
Fixed-grid method      14 297 304
FL linear quadtree      38
FL linear quadtree, construction from a vector representation      154
FL linear quadtree, neighbor finding      105—108
FL locational code      37 37—40 48 329
Flajolet, P.      442
Flickner, M.D.      189 439
Floodplain image      45—46 71 78—81 142 262 339 350
Foley, J.D.      176 442
Fong, A.C.      189 442
Fontdecaba, J.      458
Forest of quadtrees      51—53 270
Forest, black      see “Black forest fb”
Forest, white      see “White forest fw”
Forest-based approximation      329—354
FOREST_BLACK2      334
FOREST_GB      52
FOREST_WHITE2      334
Forgash, D.      271 450
Forrest, A.R.      442
four triangle rule      291 418
four-connected      2 158 162 213
four-dimensional scene      314
Fragment      21
Franco, J.      476
Frank, A.      441 442
Franklin, W.R.      14 174 410 442
Fredkin, E.      14 443
Fredman, M.L.      443
Freeman, H.      144 443
Freeston, M.      443
Frieder, G.      431
Friedman, J.H.      14 432 443
front-to-back algorithm      272 278—279 282 285 319
Fu, K.S.      435 476
Fuchs, H.      13 270 283—284 286 318 443
Fuhrmann, D.R.      443
Fujimoto, A.      297 304 315 419 443
Fujimura, K.      xi 12 20 23 45 78 99 177 179 254 259 278 282 314 339 416—417 443 466—467 477
Fujishiro, I.      452 455
Fukuda, S.      176 459
Full node      4
FW      331 (also see “White forest”)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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