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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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$attrdef system file 1374
$baddus system file 1374
$bitmap system file 1374
$boot system file 1374
$logfile system file 1374
$mft system file 1374
$mftmirr system file 1374
$quota system file 1374
$upcase system file 1374
$volume system file 1374
'Boxed' processors 212
'Click of death' (Zip drives) 674—676
'For Music Use Only' discs 795—796
+12v power sources 1156—1157
+3.3v power sources 1156—1157
+5v power sources 1156—1157
-12v power sources 1157—1158
-5v power sources 1157—1158
.13 micron manufacturing (processors) 82
/c switch (XCOPY32 command) 834
/E switch (MSCDEX) 805
/e switch (XCOPY32 command) 834
/h switch (XCOPY32 command) 834
/K switch (MSCDEX) 805
/k switch (XCOPY32 command) 834
/L switch (MSCDEX) 805
/M) switch (MSCDEX) 805
/MBR parameter (FDISK utility) 1346—1347
/r switch (XCOPY32 command) 834
/S switch (MSCDEX) 805
/V switch (MSCDEX) 805
00h-99h POST codes 1276—1288
0Ah-0Fh POST codes 1276—1284
1.2MB 5 1/4-inch floppy drives 657—658
1.44MB 3 1/2-inch floppy drives 655—656
1000-3-2 Harmonics standard 1191
1000-3-3 Flicker standard 1191
100Base-TX 1109
101-key keyboards 996—997 1013
104-key keyboards 997—998
104-key keyboards, Application key 998
104-key keyboards, key combinations 998—1001
104-key keyboards, layout 998
104-key keyboards, trilograms 999
104-key keyboards, WIN key 998
10Base-T 1109
1284 parallel port standard See IEEE
137GB barrier (CHS) 526—527
1394 standard See IEEE
16-bit buses 308—309 495
16-bit buses, DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels 333
16-bit buses, interrupts 327—328
16-bit processors, 80286 121—122
16-bit processors, 80386 124
16-bit processors, 8086 119—120
16-bit processors, real mode operation 52
16-bit systems 36
16-bit systems, bus designs 37
16-bit systems, compared to 8-bit systems 37—38
16-bit systems, expansion slots 37
16450 UART chips 979—980
16550 UART chips 979—981
16550A UART chips 979
16650 UART chips 981
16750 UART chips 981
168-pin DIM Ms (dual inline memory modules), capacities 438
168-pin DIM Ms (dual inline memory modules), illustration 437
168-pin DIM Ms (dual inline memory modules), pinouts 442—444
16850 UART chips 981
184-pin DIMMs (dual inline memory modules), capacities 438
184-pin DIMMs (dual inline memory modules), pinouts 437 444—445
1Ah-1Ch POST codes 1285
1st-generation processors, 80186 120
1st-generation processors, 80188 120
1st-generation processors, 8086 119—120
1st-generation processors, 8088 120
1st-generation processors, bus widths 35—36
1st-generation processors, maximum installable memory 434
1xx-243xxx POST codes 1289—1291
2-2-2 timing 269
2.1GB barrier (CHS) 520
2.88MB 3 1/2-inch floppy drives 656—657
20-pin ATX main power connectors 1171—1173
24-bit mode (video adapters) 888
25-pin serial port connectors 978
286 processors 35—36 121—122
2Ah-2Fh POST codes 1277
2nd-generation processors 35—36 121—122
3 1/2-inch floppy disk drives, 1.44MB 655—656
3 1/2-inch floppy disk drives, 2.88MB 656—657
3 1/2-inch floppy disk drives, 720KB 657
3 1/2-inch floppy disks 652
3-3-3 timing 269
30-pin SIMMs (single inline memory modules) 435—438
305 RAM AC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) drives 574
32-bit buses 309 495
32-bit mode (video adapters) 888
32-bit processors, 80386, 386DX 123—124
32-bit processors, 80386, 386SL 124
32-bit processors, 80386, 80387 math coprocessor 124—125
32-bit processors, 80386, addressable memory 123
32-bit processors, 80386, MMU (memory management unit) 122
32-bit processors, 80386, protected mode 123
32-bit processors, 80386, virtual real mode 123
32-bit processors, 80486 125—126
32-bit processors, 80486, 486DX 127—128
32-bit processors, 80486, 486SL 128—129
32-bit processors, 80486, 486SX 129
32-bit processors, 80486, 487SX math coprocessor 129—130
32-bit processors, 80486, AMD 486 (5x86) 132—133
32-bit processors, 80486, burst-mode memory cycles 125
32-bit processors, 80486, Cyrix/TI486 133
32-bit processors, 80486, DX2/OverDrive 130—131
32-bit processors, 80486, DX4 processors 131
32-bit processors, 80486, Level 1 cache 125
32-bit processors, 80486, math coprocessors 125
32-bit processors, 80486, Pentium OverDrive 132
32-bit processors, 80486, speeds 126
32-bit processors, Intel-compatible 144
32-bit processors, Pentium OverDrive 143
32-bit processors, Pentium, address bus width 135
32-bit processors, Pentium, addressable memory 135
32-bit processors, Pentium, BiCMOS 136
32-bit processors, Pentium, BTB (branch target butter) 135
32-bit processors, Pentium, cache 136
32-bit processors, Pentium, classic (non-MMX) step-pings 143
32-bit processors, Pentium, DIMM (dual inline memory module) width 135
32-bit processors, Pentium, FDIV (floating-point divide) bug 141—142
32-bit processors, Pentium, first-generation 137—138
32-bit processors, Pentium, instruction processing 135
32-bit processors, Pentium, math coprocessor 137
32-bit processors, Pentium, Model 1 steppings 142
32-bit processors, Pentium, packaging 137
32-bit processors, Pentium, power management bugs 142
32-bit processors, Pentium, second-generation 138—140
32-bit processors, Pentium, SIMM (single inline memory module) width 135
32-bit processors, Pentium, specifications 134
32-bit processors, Pentium, superscalar architecture 134
32-bit processors, Pentium, twin data pipelines 134
32-bit processors, Pentium, voltage 136—137 143
32-bit processors, Pentium-MMX 140—143
32-bit processors, protected mode operation 52—53
32-bit processors, virtual real mode operation 53—54
32-bit software 145—146
32-bit systems 36—38
3340 Winchester drives 596
360KB 5 1/4-inch floppy drives 658
386 processors, 386DX 123—124
386 processors, 386SL 124
386 processors, 386SX 124
| 386 processors, 80386 122—124
386 processors, bus widths 35—36
386DX processors 123—124
386SI. processors 124
386SX processors 124
387DX math coprocessor 124—125
387SX ma Hi coprocessor 124
3Ah-3Bh POST codes 1277
3Ah-3Ch POST codes 1285
3Com 1458
3D audio, DirectX support 947
3D audio, positional audio 945—946
3D audio, processing 946
3D graphics, 3D chipsets 903—906
3D graphics, 3D graphics accelerators 896—906
3D graphics, alpha blending 899
3D graphics, animation 898
3D graphics, anisotropic filtering 900
3D graphics, antialiasing 898
3D graphics, bilinear filtering 899
3D graphics, costs 897
3D graphics, depth cueing 898
3D graphics, environment-based bump mapping 899
3D graphics, flat shading 897
3D graphics, fogging 898
3D graphics, full-screen antialiasing 900
3D graphics, geometry 898
3D graphics, Gourand shading 897—899
3D graphics, hardware/software acceleration 901
3D graphics, image rendering 901
3D graphics, integrated transform and lighting 900
3D graphics, keyframe interpolation 901
3D graphics, MIP mapping 898—899
3D graphics, perspective correction 898
3D graphics, primitives 898
3D graphics, programmable vertex and pixel shading 901
3D graphics, rasterization 898
3D graphics, scan conversion 898
3D graphics, shading 898
3D graphics, software optimization 901—902
3D graphics, stencil buffering 899
3D graphics, T-buffers 900
3D graphics, texture mapping 897—898
3D graphics, textures 898
3D graphics, trilinear filtering 900
3D graphics, vertex skinning 900
3D graphics, vertices 898
3D graphics, video memory requirements 887—888
3D graphics, virtual texture 900
3D graphics, visible surface determination 898
3D graphics, Z-buffering 899
3DNow! technology 78
3GIO 321—322
3M Renaissance Mouse 1034
3rd-generation processors, 386DX 123—124
3rd-generation processors, 386SL 124
3rd-generation processors, 386SX 124
3rd-generation processors, 80387 math coprocessor 124—125
3rd-generation processors, addressable memory 123
3rd-generation processors, bus widths 35—36
3rd-generation processors, MMU (memory management unit) 122
3rd-generation processors, protected mode 123
3rd-generation processors, virtual real mode 123
4-way set associative cache 72—73
4.2GB barrier (CHS) 520—522
40-conductor cables (ATA) 507
40-pin connectors (ATA) 502—504
4004 processors 42
425W power supply (PC Power and Cooling) 1194
430FX chipsets 242—243
430HX chipsets 243—244
430LX chipsets 242
430NX chipsets 242
430TX chipsets 245
430VX chipsets 244—245
440BX chipsets 260—261
440EX chipsets 260
440FX chipsets 259
440GX chipsets 262
440LX chipsets 259—260
440ZX chipsets 261—262
440ZX-66 chipsets 261—262
450KX/GX chipsets 149 258
450NX chipsets 262—263
486 processors, 486DX 127—128
486 processors, 486SL 128—129
486 processors, 486SX 129
486 processors, 487SX math coprocessor 129—130
486 processors, 82350 chipsets 239—240
486 processors, AMD 486 (5x86) 132—133
486 processors, burst-mode memory cycles 125
486 processors, bus widths 35—36
486 processors, Cyrix/TI 486 133
486 processors, DX2/OverDrive 130—131
486 processors, DX4 processors 131
486 processors, instruction execution limes 125
486 processors, Level 1 cache 125
486 processors, math coprocessors 125
486 processors, maximum installable memory 434
486 processors, Pentium OverDrive 132
486 processors, sockets 89—90
486 processors, speeds 126
486 processors, upgrading 126
486DX processors 127—128
486SL processors 128—129
486SX processors 129—130
487SX math coprocessor 129—130
4Ah-4Eh POST codes 1285
4Bh-4Fh POST codes 1278
4DWave-NX series sound cards 944
4th-generalion processors, 80486 125
4th-generalion processors, 80486, 486DX 127—128
4th-generalion processors, 80486, 486SL 128—129
4th-generalion processors, 80486, 486SX 129
4th-generalion processors, 80486, 487SX math coprocessor 129—130
4th-generalion processors, 80486, AMD 486 (5x86) 132—133
4th-generalion processors, 80486, burst-mode memory cycles 125
4th-generalion processors, 80486, Cyrix/TI 486 133
4th-generalion processors, 80486, DX2/OverDrive 130—131
4th-generalion processors, 80486, DX4 processors 131
4th-generalion processors, 80486, instruction execution times 125
4th-generalion processors, 80486, Level 1 cache 125
4th-generalion processors, 80486, math coprocessors 125
4th-generalion processors, 80486, Pentium OverDrive 132
4th-generalion processors, 80486, speeds 126
4th-generalion processors, 80486, upgrading 126
4th-generalion processors, bus widths 35—36
5 1/4-inch floppy drives, 1.2MB 657—658
5 1/4-inch floppy drives, 360KB 658
5-pin DIN keyboard connectors 1014
5.1 Surround sound 958
50-pin connectors (ATA) 504—505
528MB barrier (CHS) 516—518
530 chipsets 251—252
540 chipsets 251
555.2 Harmonics standard 1191
555.3 Flicker standard 1191
5571 chipsets 253
5581 chipsets 252—253
5582 chipsets 252—253
5591 chipsets 253
5592 chipsets 253
5595 chipsets 251—252
56Kbps modems 1079—1080
56Kbps modems, chipsets 1081
56Kbps modems, limitations 1080—1081
56Kbps modems, Modem-on-LIold feature 1082
56Kbps modems, PCM Upstream feature 1083
56Kbps modems, performance optimization 1089
56Kbps modems, QuickConnect 1082
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