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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), connectors 966—967
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), drivers 966
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), enabling 968—969
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), functions 964
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), game ports 1036
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), hubs 964—965
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), IRQs (interrupt requests) 968
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), keyboards 1001—1003
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), legacy-free PCs 971
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), NRZI (Non-Return to Zero) data encoding 964
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), PnP (Plug and Play) 967
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), self-identifying peripherals 968
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), speed 966
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), support for 967—968
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB 2.0 969—970
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB Legacy support 1002—1003
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB On-The-Go 970—971
Ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USBready utility 968
Ports, VESA VIP (Video Interface Port) 909—910
Positional audio 945—946
Positive DC voltages 1156—1157
Positive-pressure-ventilation design 1165
POST (Power On Self Test) 359 1272—1273
POST (power on self test), audio error codes 1273—1274
POST (power on self test), audio error codes, AMI BIOS 1275
POST (power on self test), audio error codes, Award BIOS 1280
POST (power on self test), audio error codes, IBM BIOS 1288—1289
POST (power on self test), audio error codes, Phoenix BIOS 1284—1288
POST (power on self test), checkpoint codes 1274
POST (power on self test), checkpoint codes, AMI BIOS 1275—1280
POST (power on self test), checkpoint codes, Award BIOS 1281—1282
POST (power on self test), diagnostic services 1273
POST (power on self test), error display 1273
POST (power on self test), fatal errors 1273
POST (power on self test), memory count 1291
POST (power on self test), onscreen messages 1274
POST (power on self test), onscreen messages, Award BIOS 1282—1284
POST (power on self test), onscreen messages, IBM BIOS 1289—1291
POST (power on self test), troubleshooting 1335—1336
POST INDEX GAP sector data 602—603
PovverDVD4.x 937
Povver_OK signal 1158—1159
Power calibration area (PCA) 721
Power connectors, AT 1169—1171
Power connectors, ATX, ATX 12V power connectors 1174—1176
Power connectors, ATX, ATX auxiliary power connectors 1173—1174
Power connectors, ATX, ATX main power connectors 1171—1173
Power connectors, ATX, ATX optional 6-pin connectors 1176
Power connectors, ATX, Dell proprietary ATX design 1177—1179
Power connectors, floppy disk drives 648—649
Power connectors, hard disk drives 625
Power connectors, installation 820
Power connectors, peripheral power connectors, physical connector part numbers 1183—1184
Power connectors, peripheral power connectors, pinouts 1182—1183
Power connectors, power switch connectors 1179—1181
Power connectors, SATA (Serial ATA) 533—534
Power cycling 1195—1196 1330—1331
Power factor correction (PFC) 1190—1191
Power Management menu (BIOS Setup) 401—404
Power Management setting (BIOS Power Management menu) 402—403
Power management, ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) 1197
Power management, APM (Advanced Power Management) 1197—1198
Power management, BIOS Power Management settings 401—404
Power management, desktop systems 1196
Power management, Energy Star systems 1196
Power management, monitors 865—866
Power management, Pentium processors 142
Power management, portable systems 1196
Power management, SMM (System Management Mode) 74
Power memory area (PMA) 722
Power on self test See POST
Power supply, +12v power sources 1156—1157
Power supply, +3.3v power sources 1156—1157
Power supply, +5v power sources 1156—1157
Power supply, -12v power sources 1157—1158
Power supply, -5v power sources 1157—1158
Power supply, 425W (PC Power and Cooling) 1194
Power supply, backup power 1211—1214
Power supply, batteries, replacing 1215—1216
Power supply, batteries, RTC/NVRAM 1211—1216
Power supply, BIOS Power Management menu 401—404
Power supply, chassis/cases 1207—1208
Power supply, choosing 1221
power supply, connecting 1252—1254
Power supply, constant voltage 1160
Power supply, defined 39
Power supply, Dell motherboards 1220
Power supply, efficiency 1189
Power supply, ESD (electrostatic discharge) 467 1236—1239 1307
Power supply, form factors 1159
Power supply, form factors, AT/Desktop 1162
Power supply, form factors, AT/Tower 1162
Power supply, form factors, ATX 1164—1166
Power supply, form factors, Baby-AT 1162
Power supply, form factors, industry standards 1159—1160
Power supply, form factors, LPX 1163—1164
Power supply, form factors, NLX 1166
Power supply, form factors, PC/XT 1161
Power supply, form factors, proprietary standards 1161
Power supply, form factors, SFX 1166—1167
Power supply, form factors, table of 1160—1161
Power supply, grounded outlets 1208
Power supply, hold-up time 1189
Power supply, importance of 1156
Power supply, input range 1188
Power supply, line regulation 1189
Power supply, linear design 1185
Power supply, loads 1185—1186
Power supply, loads, apparent power 1190
Power supply, loads, inductive 1190
Power supply, loads, load regulation 1189
Power supply, loads, maximum load current 1189
Power supply, loads, minimum load current 1189
Power supply, loads, nonlinear 1191
Power supply, loads, reactive power 1190
Power supply, loads, resistive 1190
Power supply, loads, working power 1190
Power supply, manufacturers 1206
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, AT 1169—1171
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, ATX 12V power connectors 1174—1176
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, ATX auxiliary power connectors 1173—1174
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, ATX main power connectors 1171—1173
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, ATX optional 6-pin connectors 1176
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, Dell proprietary ATX design 1177—1179
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, flex-ATX motherboards 219
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, micro-ATX motherboards 216
Power supply, motherboard power connectors, power switch connectors 1179—1181
Power supply, MTBF (mean time between failures) 636—637 1188
Power supply, MTTF (mean time to failure) 1188
Power supply, negative DC voltages 1157—1158
Power supply, outlet testers 1314—312 15
Power supply, output ratings 1186—1187
Power supply, overloading 1184 1194 1199
Power supply, overvoltage protection 1189
Power supply, PARD (Periodic and Random Deviation) 1189
Power supply, peak inrush current 1188
Power supply, Pentium 4 issues 189 192—193
Power supply, PFC (power factor correction) 1190—1191
Power supply, positive DC voltages 1156—1157
Power supply, power connectors 211
Power supply, power connectors, AT 1169—1171
Power supply, power connectors, ATX 1171—1179
Power supply, power connectors, floppy disk drives 648—649
Power supply, power connectors, hard disk drives 625
Power supply, power connectors, installation 820
Power supply, power connectors, peripheral power connectors 1182—1184
Power supply, power connectors, power switch connectors 1179—1181
Power supply, power connectors, SATA (Serial ATA) 533—534
Power supply, power cycling 1195—1196
Power supply, power management, ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) 1197
| Power supply, power management, APM (Advanced Power Management) 1197—1198
Power supply, power management, desktop systems 1196
Power supply, power management, Energy Star systems 1196
Power supply, power management, portable systems 1196
Power supply, power management, SMM (System Management Mode)' 74
Power supply, power-protection systems 1208—1210
Power supply, power-protection systems, backup power 1211—1214
Power supply, power-protection systems, built-in power protection 1208—1209
Power supply, power-protection systems, line conditioners 1211
Power supply, power-protection systems, phone-line surge protectors 1211
Power supply, power-protection systems, surge protectors 1210—1211
Power supply, power-use calculations, example 1192
Power supply, power-use calculations, floppy disk drives 1193
Power supply, power-use calculations, hard disk drives 1193—1194
Power supply, power-use calculations, motherboards 1193
Power supply, powering off/on 1195—1196
Power supply, Power_Good signal 1158—1159
Power supply, preventative maintenance, power cycling 1330—1331
Power supply, preventative maintenance, power-line noise 1332—1333
Power supply, preventative maintenance, static electricity 1332
Power supply, processor operating voltages 68 105—107
Power supply, processor operating voltages, AMD-K6 processors 175
Power supply, processor operating voltages, Ani5x86(TM)-P75 processor 132
Power supply, processor operating voltages, dual-plane power design 106
Power supply, processor operating voltages, Pentium II processors 160—161
Power supply, processor operating voltages, Pentium processors 136—137 143
Power supply, processor operating voltages, setting 106—107
Power supply, processor operating voltages, single-plane power design 106
Power supply, processor operating voltages, Socket 7 processors 106
Power supply, processor operating voltages, VID (voltage identification) 149—150
Power supply, processor operating voltages, voltage measurements 1202—1203
Power supply, processor operating voltages, voltage regulators 1157
Power supply, processor operating voltages, VRT (voltage reduction technology) 105
Power supply, protective features 1188
Power supply, repairing 1205
Power supply, replacing 1205—1206
Power supply, ripple 1189
Power supply, safety certifications 1191
Power supply, soft-power feature 1158
Power supply, switching design 1160 1185
Power supply, test equipment, back probing 1202—1203
Power supply, test equipment, digital infrared thermometers 1203—1204
Power supply, test equipment, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1200—1203
Power supply, test equipment, variable voltage transformers 1204
Power supply, transient response 1189
Power supply, troubleshooting 1198—1200
Power supply, universal power supplies 1187—1188
Power supply, UPS (uninterruptible power supply) 1212—1214
Power supply, video monitor energy-saving features 865—867
Power switch connectors 1179—1181
Power-line networking 1143—1144
Power-line noise 1332—1333
Power-protection systems, backup power 1211—1214
Power-protection systems, built-in power protection 1208—1209
Power-protection systems, line conditioners 1211
Power-protection systems, phone-line surge protectors 1211
Power-protection systems, surge protectors 1210—1211
PowerQuest, contact information 1460
PowerQuest, PartitionMagic 830 1363
PowerQuest, Web site 1363 1460
Power_Good signal 1158—1159
PPGA (plastic pin grid array) package 162
PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) 1010
PPM Control by APM setting (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
PQFP (plastic quad flat pack)Packaging 244
PR scale See P-Ratings
Pre-grooves (CD-R) 779
PRE-INDEX GAP sector data 602—603
Precursors to ATA (AT Attachment) 492—493
Predictive failure analysis (PFA) 637
Prefixes for decimal/binary multiples 513—514 653
Presence detect pin configurations (SIMMs) 440—442
Press ESC to skip memory test (error message) 1283
Press TAB to show POST screen (error message) 1284
Preventative maintenance See also care and maintenance
Preventative maintenance, active/passive 1318—1319
Preventative maintenance, cleaning 1320—1321
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, boards 1326
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, brushes 1323—1324
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, chemical-freeze sprays 1323
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, cleaning supply companies 1324
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, compressed air 1323
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, connectors 1326—1327
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, contact cleaners/lubricants 1322—1323
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, contacts 1326—1327
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, disassembly 1324—1325
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, disassembly and cleaning tools 1321
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, erasers 1324
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, keyboards 1327
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, mouse devices 1327
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, silicone lubricants 1324
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, standard chemical cleaners 1322
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, swabs 1323—1324
Preventative maintenance, cleaning, vacuum cleaners 1323
Preventative maintenance, dust 1334
Preventative maintenance, hard disk drives, file defragmentation 1327—1328
Preventative maintenance, hard disk drives, Maintenance Wizard 1328
Preventative maintenance, hard disk drives, virus checking 1329
Preventative maintenance, heating and cooling 1329—1330
Preventative maintenance, operating environment 1329
Preventative maintenance, pollutants 1334
Preventative maintenance, power cycling 1330—1331
Preventative maintenance, power-line noise 1332—1333
Preventative maintenance, reseating socketed chips 1325
Preventative maintenance, RFI (radio-frequency interference) 1333—1334
Preventative maintenance, static electricity 1332
Preventative maintenance, system backups 1319—1320
Preventing resource conflicts 337—338
PRI (Primary Rate Interface) 1066
Price See costs
Primary FAT (file allocation table) partitions 1343
Primary IDE Master setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 394
Primary IDE Slave setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 394
Primary master hard disk fail (error message) 1284
Primary Master IDE setting (BIOS IDE Drive Configuration menu) 406
Primary monitors 893—894
primary rate interface (PRI) 1066
Primary slave hard disk fail (error message) 1284
Primary Slave IDE setting (BIOS IDE Drive Configuration menu) 406
Primary/Secondary IDE INT# setting (BIOS Resource Configuration menu) 400
Primitives 898
Printable surface media (CD-R) 782
PRML (Partial-Response, Maximum-Likelihood) 589—590
Probe leads (DMMs) 1201
Probes (logic) 1313
Processes, .09 micron manufacturing 84
Processes, .13 micron manufacturing 82—83
Processor complex 228
Processor fakes 84—85
Processor re-marking 84—85
Processor Serial Number setting (BIOS main menu) 386
Processor Speed setting (BIOS main menu) 386
Processor Speed setting (BIOS Maintenance menu) 385
Processor Type setting (BIOS main menu) 386
Processors 42. See also chipsets; motherboards
Processors, 'boxed' processors 212
Processors, 32-bit 52—54
Processors, 4004 processors 42
Processors, 6502 processors 43
Processors, 8008 processors 43
Processors, 80186 processors 120
Processors, 80188 processors 120
Processors, 80286 processors 35—36 121—122
Processors, 80386 processors, 386DX 123—124
Processors, 80386 processors, 386SL 124
Processors, 80386 processors, 386SX 124
Processors, 80386 processors, 80386 122—124
Processors, 80386 processors, bus widths 35—36
Processors, 80486 processors, 3DXow! technology 78
Processors, 80486 processors, 486DX 127—128
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