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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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South Bridge chipsets, Intel 440BX 261
South Bridge chipsets, Intel 440EX 260
South Bridge chipsets, Intel 450FX 259
South Bridge chipsets, Intel 450KX/GX 258
South Bridge chipsets, MVP4 249
South Bridge chipsets, SiS5581/5582 252—253
South Bridge chipsets, SiS5591/5592 253
SOYO Tek 1460
Spare Block (HPFS) 1377
SparQ removable-media drives 683
Sparse files 1375
SPD (serial presence delect) 443
SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) sound card connectors 927
Speakers, AC adapters 956
Speakers, amplification 955
Speakers, buying tips 956 1232
speakers, connecting 293 948
Speakers, DBB (dynamic bass boost) 956
speakers, frequency response 956
Speakers, headphones 957
Speakers, interference 957
Speakers, magnetic shielding 955
Speakers, sleep feature 957
speakers, surround sound 957—958
Speakers, total harmonic distortion 956
Speakers, typical speaker setup 957—958
speakers, volume control 956
Speakers, watts 956
Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 1093
Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows 98, Second Edition 1093
Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows Me 1093
Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 1093
Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP Professional 1093
Specialized Products Company 1307
Specifications See standards and specifications
speculative execution 78—79 145
Speed, broadband Internet access 1043 1068
Speed, cache 73—74
Speed, CD/DVD drives 730—732 760 763
Speed, CD/DVD drives, access times 768—769
Speed, CD/DVD drives, buffers/cache 769—770
Speed, CD/DVD drives, CD-R drives 782
Speed, CD/DVD drives, CD-RW drives 784
Speed, CD/DVD drives, data transfer rates 768
Speed, CD/DVD drives, DMA (Direct Memory Access) 770—771
Speed, CD/DVD drives, processor utilization 770
Speed, CLKMUL (clock multiplier) 126
Speed, hard disk drives 597
Speed, hard disk drives, access times 635
Speed, hard disk drives, average seek times 634
Speed, hard disk drives, cache controllers 636
Speed, hard disk drives, cache programs 635
Speed, hard disk drives, interleave 636
Speed, hard disk drives, latency 635
Speed, hard disk drives, transfer rates 630—634
Speed, math coprocessors 113
Speed, memory 423
Speed, memory, clock speeds 424—426
Speed, memory, cycle times 424—426
Speed, memory, interleaving 428
Speed, memory, latency 426
Speed, memory, memory bus bandwidth 426—427
Speed, memory, MHz (megahertz) 423—426
Speed, memory, module speeds 453
Speed, memory, nanoseconds 423
Speed, memory, processor bus bandwidth 427—428
Speed, memory, SDRAM (synchronous DRAM) 430
Speed, memory, VRAM (video RAM) 886
Speed, motherboards, AMD P-Ratings 62—64
Speed, motherboards, Cyrix P-Ratings 61—62
Speed, motherboards, processor overciocking 66—68
Speed, motherboards, setting 58
Speed, NICs (network interface cards) 1110—1111
Speed, processors 54
Speed, processors, 386DX 123
Speed, processors, 80286 121
Speed, processors, 80486 126—129
Speed, processors, 8088 120
Speed, processors, Am5x86(TM)-P75 132
Speed, processors, AMD P-Ratings 62—65
Speed, processors, comparison of 61
Speed, processors, cycles 55
Speed, processors, Cyrix 61—62 119 133 186
Speed, processors, detecting 353
Speed, processors, doubling 130—131
Speed, processors, iCOMP 2.0 index ratings 56—57
Speed, processors, iCOMP 3.0 index ratings 57
Speed, processors, instruction execution times 55—56
Speed, processors, Intel ratings 59—61
Speed, processors, maximum safe speeds 61 197
Speed, processors, motherboard speeds 58—61
Speed, processors, overciocking 66—68
Speed, processors, Pentium 4 SYSmark 2002 ratings 57—58
Speed, processors, Pentium II processors 152—153
Speed, processors, Pentium III processors 172
Speed, processors, Pentium Pro processors 149
Speed, processors, Pentium processors 138—139
Speed, processors, Pentium-MMX processors 140
Speed, processors, tripling 131
Speed, processors, wait states 55
Speed, SCSI (small computer system interface) transfer rates 541—543
Speed, Ultra320 SCSI (small computer system interface) 550
Speed, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 966
SpeedGuide.net Web site 1048
SPGA (staggered pin grid array) 86 138
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, cables and connectors 551—555
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, Fiber Channel SCSI 550—551
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, pinouts 552—555
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, SPI 545—546
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, SPI-2 546
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, SPI-3 548—549
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, SPI-4 550
SPI (SCSI Parallel Interface) standards, SPI-5 550
Spills on keyboards, cleaning 1019
Spin rates (hard disk drives) 598
Spin-coating process (CD-R) 779
Spin-valve heads 583
Spindle motors 623—624 647
Spindle Syne Itemization (SPSYNC) signals 507
SpinRite utility 824 1372—1373
Split-plane power designs 106
Splitterless DSL (digital subscriber line) 1052
splitters 1053
Spread Spectrum setting (BIOSSetup) 391
SPS (standby power supply) 1212
SPSYNC (Spindle synchronization) signals 507
Sputtered thin-film recording media 611
sputtering 580 611
SRAM (static RAM) 420—423. See also cache
SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) 77—78
ST-506/412 MFM controllers 604
Stabilant 22a 1006 1322—1323
Stackable hubs 1121
Stackable switches 1121
Staggered pin grid array (SPGA) 86 138
Stales (APM) 1197
Standard chemical cleaners 1322
Standard CHS (cylinder head sector) 524
Standard parallel ports 987—988
Standard recording 605
Standard system indicator byte values 1345
Standards and specifications, ADR (Advanced Digital Recording) 704
Standards and specifications, AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) buses 322—323
Standards and specifications, AMD-K6 processors 175—176
Standards and specifications, analog modems, 56Kbps modems 1079—1083 1089
Standards and specifications, analog modems, CCITT (Comite Consultant International Telephonique et Telegraphique) 1074
Standards and specifications, analog modems, data-compression standards 1078—1079
Standards and specifications, analog modems, error-correction protocols 1077—1078
Standards and specifications, analog modems, fax modems 1084
Standards and specifications, analog modems, ITU (International Telecommunication Union) 1074
| Standards and specifications, analog modems, modulation standards 1076—1077
Standards and specifications, analog modems, proprietary standards 1079
Standards and specifications, analog modems, telephone company upgrades 1089—1090
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment) 496—497
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), "Ultra-ATA" 499—500
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA-1 standard 498
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA-2 standard 498—499
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA-3 standard 499
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA/ATAPI-4 standard 499—500
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA/ATAPI-5 standard 500—501
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA/ATAPI-6 standard 501—502
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), ATA/ATAPI-7 standard 502
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), IEEE-1394 500
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), SATA (Serial ATA) 531—532
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), table of 497—498
Standards and specifications, ATA (AT Attachment), Technical Committee T13 496
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM discs 723
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, access times 768—769
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, buffers/cache 769—770
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CD EXTRA 743
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CD-DA 735
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CD-i 735—736
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CD-R 739
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CD-ROM XA 736—739
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CD-RW 739
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, CPU utilization 770
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, data transfer rates 768
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, DMA (Direct Memory Access) 770—771
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, multisession recording 739—741
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, Photo CD 741—742
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, Picture CD 742—743
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, summary of standards 733—734
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, video CDs 743
Standards and specifications, CD-ROM drives, Yellow Book standard 735
Standards and specifications, DVD discs 752—753
Standards and specifications, DVD drives 761 764
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, access times 768—769
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, buffers/cache 769—770
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, data transfer rates 768
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, DMA (Direct Memory Access) 770—771
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, DVD-R 800—801
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, DVD-RAM 799
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, DVD-RW 801
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, DVD-RW+ 801—802
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, media compatibility 798
Standards and specifications, DVD drives, processor utilization 770
Standards and specifications, HomePNA 1141—1143
Standards and specifications, Jaz drives 679—680
Standards and specifications, LS-120 drives 678
Standards and specifications, math coprocessors 114
Standards and specifications, multimedia, history of 923
Standards and specifications, multimedia, minimum hardware/software requirements 924
Standards and specifications, network cabling color-coding standards 1125
Standards and specifications, Orb drives 680—681
Standards and specifications, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface) buses 316—317
Standards and specifications, Pentium II processors 154—155
Standards and specifications, Pentium Pro processors 147—148
Standards and specifications, Pentium processors 134
Standards and specifications, power supply 1159—1160
Standards and specifications, power supply, AT/Desktop 1162
Standards and specifications, power supply, AT/Tower 1162
Standards and specifications, power supply, ATX 1164—1166
Standards and specifications, power supply, Baby-AT 1162
Standards and specifications, power supply, efficiency 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, hold-up time 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, input range 1188
Standards and specifications, power supply, line regulation 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, linear design 1185
Standards and specifications, power supply, load regulation 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, loads 1185—1186 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, LPX 1163—1164
Standards and specifications, power supply, maximum load current 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, minimum load current 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, MTBF (mean time between failures) 636—637 1188
Standards and specifications, power supply, MTTF (mean time to failure) 1188
Standards and specifications, power supply, NLX 1166
Standards and specifications, power supply, output ratings 1186—1187
Standards and specifications, power supply, overvoltage protection 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, PC/XT 1161
Standards and specifications, power supply, peak inrush current 1188
Standards and specifications, power supply, PFC (power factor correction) 1190—1191
Standards and specifications, power supply, proprietary standards 1161
Standards and specifications, power supply, protective features 1188
Standards and specifications, power supply, ripple 1189
Standards and specifications, power supply, SFX 1166—1167
Standards and specifications, power supply, switching design 1185
Standards and specifications, power supply, table of 1160—1161
Standards and specifications, power supply, transient response 1189
Standards and specifications, powerline networking 1143—1144
Standards and specifications, processors, address bus 50—51
Standards and specifications, processors, AMD 48
Standards and specifications, processors, AMD P-Ratings 62—65
Standards and specifications, processors, cache 69—74
Standards and specifications, processors, Cyrix 48
Standards and specifications, processors, Cyrix P-Ratings 61—62
Standards and specifications, processors, external data bus 48—50
Standards and specifications, processors, IDT 48
Standards and specifications, processors, Intel 45—46
Standards and specifications, processors, internal data bus 51
Standards and specifications, processors, internal Level 1 cache 68—69
Standards and specifications, processors, modes 51—54
Standards and specifications, processors, NexGen 48
Standards and specifications, processors, overciocking 66—68
Standards and specifications, processors, Pentium-compatible 45
Standards and specifications, processors, Rise 48
Standards and specifications, processors, sockets/slots 230—231
Standards and specifications, processors, speed ratings 54—61
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface) 538—539
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), data transfer rates 541—543
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), expanders 556
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Fast SCSI 543
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Fiber Channel SCSI 550—551
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), forward/backward compatibility 541
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), packetized SCSI 549
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), SCSI-1 540—541
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), SCSI-2 540—544
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), SCSI-3 540 544—545
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), signaling 546—548 556
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), SIP (SCSI Interlock Protocol) 546
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), table of 540—541
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators 556—559
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra SCSI 545—546
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra160 SCSI 548—550
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra160+ SCSI 549—550
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra2 SCSI 546
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra3 SCSI 548—549
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra320 SCSI 550
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra4 SCSI 550
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra5 SCSI 550
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Ultra640 SCSI 550
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Web site 540
Standards and specifications, SCSI (small computer system interface), Wide SCSI 543
Standards and specifications, tape drives, ADR (Advanced Digital Recording) 697 703—704
Standards and specifications, tape drives, AIT (advanced intelligent tape) 697 706
Standards and specifications, tape drives, backup software 711—712
Standards and specifications, tape drives, choosing 709—710
Standards and specifications, tape drives, comparison of 708
Standards and specifications, tape drives, DAT (digital audio tape) 697 705—706
Standards and specifications, tape drives, DLT (digital linear tape) 706
Standards and specifications, tape drives, installation 711
Standards and specifications, tape drives, LTO (linear tape-open) 707
Standards and specifications, tape drives, QIC 697-699
Standards and specifications, tape drives, QIC-Wide 699—700
Standards and specifications, tape drives, SLR drives 706
Standards and specifications, tape drives, summary of standards 697
Standards and specifications, tape drives, tape retensioning 714
Standards and specifications, tape drives, Travan 700—702
Standards and specifications, tape drives, troubleshooting 712—714
Standards and specifications, tape drives, VXA drives 697 706
Standards and specifications, wireless networks 1131
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