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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), cables and connectors 551—555
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), compared to ATA (AT Attachment) 565—571
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), data transfer rates 541—543
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration 559—563
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), embedded SCSI 538
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), expanders 556
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), forward/backward compatibility 541
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), hard disk construction 565—569
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), host adapters 538 571
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), IDs 538
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), multiple SCSI devices 539
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), performance 569
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), pinouts 552—555
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), PnP (Plug and Play) 563—564
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), recommendations 571
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), signaling 546—548 556
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), SIP (SCSI Interlock Protocol) 546
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), standards 538—551
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators 556—559 571
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), troubleshooting 564—565
Interfacing to disk drives 834
Interfacing to disk drives, disk controller I/O port commands 836
Interfacing to disk drives, Interrupt 13h 835—836
Interfacing to disk drives, Interrupt 21h 835
Interfacing to disk drives, Interrupt 25h 835
Interfacing to disk drives, Interrupt 26h 835
Interference, RFI (radio-frequency interference) 1333—1334
Interference, speakers 957
Interlaced monitors 865
interleave 428 636
Interleave, CD-ROM discs 726
Interleave, CD-ROM XA drives 736
Interlink cables 991
Internal analog modems 1084—1085
Internal cable modems 1047
internal cache See Level 1 cache
Internal CD-audio connectors 926
Internal CD/DVD drives 776—777
Internal hub spindle motors 624
Internal power protection systems 1208—1209
Internal registers 51
Internal Zip drives 672
International Electrical Committee See IEC
International keyboard layouts 1013—1014
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9660 standard 745—746
International Telecommunication Union SeeITU
Internet Connection Sharing See ICS
Internet connections, analog modems, 56Kbps modems 1079—1083 1089
Internet connections, analog modems, AT commands 1075
Internet connections, analog modems, baud rates 1075
Internet connections, analog modems, bit rates 1075
Internet connections, analog modems, call-waiting support 1087
Internet connections, analog modems, data bits 1073
Internet connections, analog modems, data-compression standards 1078—1079
Internet connections, analog modems, error-correction protocols 1077—1078
Internet connections, analog modems, external 1084—1085
Internet connections, analog modems, fax modems 1084
Internet connections, analog modems, gaming-optimized modems 1087
Internet connections, analog modems, internal 1084—1085
Internet connections, analog modems, MNP10EC support 1086
Internet connections, analog modems, modulation standards 1076—1077
Internet connections, analog modems, parity 1073
Internet connections, analog modems, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface) buses 1086
Internet connections, analog modems, proprietary standards 1079
Internet connections, analog modems, recommendations 1084—1086
Internet connections, analog modems, software modems 1087—1088
Internet connections, analog modems, standards organizations 1074
Internet connections, analog modems, start-stop communications 1073—1074
Internet connections, analog modems, stop bits 1074
Internet connections, analog modems, support for 1088—1089
Internet connections, analog modems, telephone company upgrades 1089—1090
Internet connections, analog modems, troubleshooting 1097—1100
Internet connections, analog modems, upgrading 1086—1087
Internet connections, analog modems, USB (Universal Serial Bus) connections 1087
Internet connections, analog modems, voice support 1087
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, advantages 1042—1043
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, cable moderns 1044—1049
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, choosing 1071
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, comparison of access types 1067—1069
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, DirecWAY 1060—1063
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line) 1049—1056
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, filtering services 1044
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband 1056—1060
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 1064—1067
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, ISPs (Internet service providers) 1044
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, leased lines 1070—1071
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, security 1071—1072
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, service interruptions 1069
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, signal lights 1097
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, speeds 1068
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, StarBand 1063—1064
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, summary of access types 1043
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, TCP/IP settings 1069
Internet connections, broadband Internet access, The Complete Idiot's Guide to High-Speed Internet Access 1044
Internet connections, gateways 1090—1091
Internet connections, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), configuration 1091—1094
Internet connections, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), online resources 1094
Internet connections, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), requirements 1091
Internet connections, proxy servers 1090—1091
Internet connections, routers 1090—1091 1094—1095
Internet connections, sharing 1151
Internet connections, troubleshooting 1096—1097
Internet protocol (IP) 1139
Internet service providers (ISPs) 1044
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) 1140—1141
Interposer cards 495
Interrupt 13h 835—836
Interrupt 21h 835
Interrupt 25h 835
Interrupt 26h 835
Interrupt setting (BIOS Peripheral Configuration menu) 392—393
Interrupts See IRQs (interrupt request channels)
intranets 1103
Invalid Drive Specification error message 1378
Invalid files or directories 1366
Invalid Media error message 664
Invalid Media Type error message 1378
Invalid partition table (error message) 413
IO.SYS file 1299—1300
Iomega, Bernoulli drives 672
Iomega, contact information 1459
Iomega, Peerless drives 682
Iomega, Zip drives 671—672
Iomega, Zip drives, 'click of death' 674—676
Iomega, Zip drives, class action lawsuit 675—676
Iomega, Zip drives, damaged drives 675—676
Iomega, Zip drives, data recovery 676
Iomega, Zip drives, diagnostic utilities 675
Iomega, Zip drives, disks 672
Iomega, Zip drives, reliability 673
Iomega, Zip drives, specifications 673—674
Iomega, Zip drives, trouble shooting 675—676
Iomega, Zip drives, Zip 100 672—674
Iomega, Zip drives, Zip 250 672—674
Iomega, Zip drives,Internal view 674
IP (Internet Protocol) 1139
IPL (initial program load) ROM 358 482
IPS (in-plane switching) 854
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) 1140—1141
IrDA (infrared data) connectors 293
Iron oxide 576 610
IRQ Reservation setting (BIOS Resource Configuration menu) 399
IRQ Steering 326 330
IRQs (interrupt request channels) 325—326
IRQs (interrupt request channels), 16-bit ISA/EISA/MCA interrupts 327—328
IRQs (interrupt request channels), 8-bit ISA bus interrupts 326—327
IRQs (interrupt request channels), conflicts 331—332
IRQs (interrupt request channels), edge-triggered interrupt sensing 326
IRQs (interrupt request channels), interrupt sharing 326
IRQs (interrupt request channels), IRQ Steering 326 330 1027
| IRQs (interrupt request channels), maskable interrupts 326
IRQs (interrupt request channels), mouse conflicts 1027—1028
IRQs (interrupt request channels), PCI interrupts 328—331
IRQs (interrupt request channels), sound card conflicts 950
IRQs (interrupt request channels), USB (Universal Serial Bus) 968
IRQS Break [Event From] Suspend setting (BIOS Power Management menu) 404
IRs (infrared thermometers) 1316—1317
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses 296
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses, 16-bit 308—309
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses, 32-bit 309
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses, 8-bit 307—308
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses, bandwidth 307
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses, DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels 332—333
ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) buses, interrupts 326—328
ISA-based NICs (network interface cards) 1111
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 1064—1065
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), BRI (basic rate interface) 1065
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), costs 1066—1067
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), kilobytes 1066
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), multiple call signaling 1066
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), PRI (primary rate interface) 1066
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), TAs (terminal adapters) 1067
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), wire feet 1066
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 9660 standard 745—746
Isolating memory defects 473—475
ISPs (Internet Service Providers) 1044
Itanium 2 processors 196
Itanium processors 44 194—196
Itanium processors, backward compatibility 196
Itanium processors, bus widths 36
Itanium processors, cache 196
Itanium processors, EPIC (explicitly parallel instruction computing) 195
Itanium processors, maximum installable memory 434
Itanium processors, PAC (pin array cartridge) packaging 196
ITU (International Telecommunication Union) 1074
ITU (International Telecommunication Union), fax modem standard 1084
ITU (International Telecommunication Union), V.42 standard 1078
ITU (International Telecommunication Union), V.42bis standard 1078—1079
ITU (International Telecommunication Union), V.44 standard 1079 1082—1083
ITU (International Telecommunication Union), V.90 standard 1077 1082
ITU (International Telecommunication Union), V.92 standard 1077 1082—1083
Jameco Computer Products 1459
JAZ drives 679—680
JDR Microdevices 1459
JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council) 430
Jensen Tools, Inc. 1307 1459
Jewel cases 782
Jitter 794 962
Jobs, Steve 15 23 30 1020
Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) 430
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) 912
Joliet file system 746—747
joysticks 926 1035
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 912
Jumper settings, ATA (AT Attachment) 508—509
Jumper settings, floppy disk drives 846
Jumper settings, motherboards 133 1223 1243
Jumper settings, optical drive installation 838—840
JVC Professional Products Company 1459
K5 processors 144
K56flex chipsets 1081
K6 processors, 3DNow! technology 78
K6 processors, BIOS support 175
K6 processors, future developments 177
K6 processors, motherboard compatibility 174—175
K6 processors, multiplier settings 176—177
K6 processors, specifications 175—176
K6 processors, technical features 174—175
K6 processors, voltage 175
Kenbak-1 computers 13
Key combinations (Windows) 998—1001
Key matrix 1010
Key numbers 1012—1013
Key Tronic keyboards 1007
Keyboard error no keyboard present (error message) 1283
Keyboard is locked out - Unlock the key (error message) 1283
Keyboard shortcuts (Windows) 998—1001
Keyboard-controller chips 376
keyboards 996
Keyboards, 104-key 997—1001
Keyboards, buying tips 1019—1020 1230
Keyboards, cleaning 1018—1019
Keyboards, cleaning procedures 1327
Keyboards, connectors 1014—1016
Keyboards, connectors, 5-pin DIN 1014
Keyboards, connectors, 6-pin mini-DIN 1014
Keyboards, connectors, Baby-AT motherboards 205
Keyboards, connectors, connector signals 1015
Keyboards, connectors, full-size AT motherboards 207
Keyboards, connectors, troubleshooting 1017
Keyboards, controllers 1010—1011
Keyboards, defined 39
Keyboards, disassembling 1018
Keyboards, Dvorak layout 1016
Keyboards, Enhanced 101-key 996—997 1013
Keyboards, ergonomic 1016
Keyboards, international layouts 1013—1014
Keyboards, key matrix 1010
Keyboards, key numbers 1012—1013
Keyboards, keyboard interface, bouncing/debouncing keystrokes 1010
Keyboards, keyboard interface, key numbers 1012—1013
Keyboards, keyboard interface, scan codes 1012—1013
Keyboards, keyboard interface, USB Legacy support 1011
Keyboards, keyswitch design 1004—1005
Keyboards, keyswitch design, capacitive 1008—1010
Keyboards, keyswitch design, foam element 1006—1007
Keyboards, keyswitch design, membrane 1007—1008
Keyboards, keyswitch design, pure mechanical 1005—1006
Keyboards, keyswitch design, rubber dome 1007
Keyboards, keyswitch design, stuck keyswitches 1017
Keyboards, Num Lock 1004
Keyboards, numeric keypads 997 1004
Keyboards, portable 1003—1004
Keyboards, QWERTY layout 1016
Keyboards, replacing 1019—1020
Keyboards, scan codes 1012—1013
Keyboards, skins 1019
keyboards, troubleshooting 1017—1018
Keyboards, typematic functions 1012
Keyboards, USB (Universal Serial Bus) hubs 1016—1017
Keyboards, USB (Universal Serial Bus) hubs, Natural Keyboard Elite 1001—1002
Keyboards, USB (Universal Serial Bus) hubs, requirements 1002
Keyboards, USB (Universal Serial Bus) hubs, USB Legacy support 1002—1003
Keyboards, Web-enabled 1017
Keyboards, Windows keyboard parameters 1012
Keyboards, wireless, Logitech 1037—1038
Keyboards, wireless, Microsoft 1038
Keyboards, wireless, performance issues 1038—1039
Keyboards, wireless, radio versus infrared 1037
Keyboards, wireless, troubleshooting 1039
Keycaps, cleaning 1018—1019
Keycaps, removable 997
Keyframe interpolation 901
Keying, ATA (AT Attachment) connectors 506
Keying, RIMMs (Rambus inline memory modules) 447
Keylock connectors 293
Keystrokes, bouncing/debouncing 1010
Keyswitches 1004—1005
Keyswitches, capacitive 1008—1010 1017
Keyswitches, cleaning 1006
Keyswitches, foam element 1006—1007
Keyswitches, membrane 1007—1008
Keyswitches, pure mechanical 1005—1006
Keyswitches, rubber dome 1007
Keyswitches, stuck keyswitches 1017
KeyTronicEMS 1459
Kibibytes 1066
Kilby, Jack 13
Killer apps 25
kilobytes 1066
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