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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Bonding 84
Books, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Cable Internet Connections 1047
Books, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Personal Firewalls 1072 1103
Books, ATX/ATX 12 V Power Supply Design Guide 1.1 1176
Books, Parkinson's Law 596—597
Books, Programmer's Guide to the AMIBIOS 371
Books, Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 1093
Books, Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 1093
Books, Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows Me 1093
Books, Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 1093
Books, Special Edition Using Microsoft Windows XP Professional 1093
Books, The BIOS Companion 373
Books, The Complete Idiot's Guide to High-Speed Internet Access 1044
Books, Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Third Edition 1072 1103
Books, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Eleventh Edition 924 1109
Books, Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Tenth Anniversary Edition 996
Boot Configuration menu (BIOS Setup) 389—390
Boot Error Press Fl to Retry error message 1378
Boot menu (BIOS Setup) 404—405
boot process 1294—1295
Boot process, BIOS Boot Configuration menu 389—390 404—405
Boot process, bootable CDs 806—808 811
Boot process, booting from CD-ROM 1296
Boot process, DOS 1299
Boot process, errors 1378
Boot process, operating system independent 1295—1299
Boot process, operating system independent, central hardware test 1295
Boot process, operating system independent, cold starts 1296
Boot process, operating system independent, MBR (master boot record) 1298
Boot process, operating system independent, Plug and Play BIOS 1295
Boot process, operating system independent, POST (power on self test) 1295 1335—1336
Boot process, operating system independent, ROM BIOS 1295—1296
Boot process, operating system independent, sector errors 1296—1297
Boot process, operating system independent, VBR (volume boot record) 1298
Boot process, operating system independent, video ROM scan 1295
Boot process, operating system independent, warm starts 1296
Boot process, rescue CDs 807
Boot process, SCSI (small computer system interface) ports 539
Boot process, troubleshooting 1335—1336
Boot process, Windows 9x/Me 1299
Boot process, Windows 9x/Me, IO.SYS file 1300
Boot process, Windows 9x/Me, real-mode configuration 1300—1301
Boot process, Windows 9x/Me, WIN.COM file 1301—1302
Boot process, Windows NT/2000/XP 1302
Boot records, master partition boot records 1341—1343
Boot records, master partition boot records, format of 1344—1345
Boot records, master partition boot records, system indicator byte values 1345—1346
Boot records, master partition boot records, volume boot records 1347—1348
Boot ROM (read-only memory) 358
Boot Up Floppy Seek setting (BIOS Setup) 407
Boot Up System Speed setting (BIOS Setup) 407
Bootable CDs 806—808 811
Bootstrap loader 360
Borland 1458
Bott, Ed 1093
Bouncing keystrokes 1010
BP (bus frequency) pins 85 139
BR1 (basic rate interface) 1065
Branch prediction 78—79 135 145
Branch target buffer (BTB) 135
Brattain, Walter 12 19
Break codes 1012
breakout boxes 1312
Bridge taps 1051
Brightness of LCD panels 864
Broadband Internet access, advantages 1042—1043
Broadband Internet access, cable modems 1044
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Cable Internet Connections 1047
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, asymmetrical networks 1047
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, bandwidth 1047—1048
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, bundled cable modems 1045
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, CableLabs Certified cable modems 1045
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, CATV networks 1045—1046
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, connecting to Internet with 1044—1045
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, costs 1048
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, DOCS IS - compliant cable modems 1045
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, external 1046
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, internal 1047
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, performance 1048—1049
Broadband Internet access, cable modems, security 1049
Broadband Internet access, comparison of access types 1067—1069
Broadband Internet access, convenience 1043
Broadband Internet access, cost 1043
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY 1060—1061
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, commissioning 1062
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, costs 1062
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, FAP (Fair Access Policy) 1062—1063
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, installation 1062
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, performance 1063
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, requirements 1061—1062
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, vendors 1062
Broadband Internet access, DirecWAY, Web sites 1062
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), ADSL (asymmetric DSL) 1050—1051
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), advantages 1049
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), availability 1050—1051
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), CAP (carrierless amplitude/phase) 1050
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), CDSL (consumer DSL) 1052
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), costs 1055
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), DMT (discrete multitone) 1050
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), DSL modems 1053
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), DSLAM (DSL access multiplier) 1050
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), DSLReports.com Web site 1051
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), G.Lite 1052
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), low-pass filters 1050
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), microfilters 1053
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), Personal DSL 1055
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), SDSL (symmetrical DSL) 1052
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), security 1054—1055
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), service providers 1050—1051
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), splitters 1053
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), technical problems 1056
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), telephone line issues 1051
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), transceivers 1050
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), type comparison 1052—1053
Broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line), xDSL 1049
Broadband Internet access, ease of reconnection 1043
Broadband Internet access, filtering services 1044
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband 1056—1057
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, availability 1058—1060
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, benders 1058
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, costs 1058—1060
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, LDMS 1058
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, MMDS 1058
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, security 1060
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, telco return service 1057
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, two-way service 1057
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, vendors 1058
Broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband, WBRs (wireless broadband routers) 1058
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 1064—1065
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), BRI (basic rate interface) 1065
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), costs 1066—1067
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), kilobytes 1066
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), multiple call signaling 1066
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), PRI (primary rate interface) 1066
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), TAs (terminal adapters) 1067
Broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), wire feet 1066
Broadband Internet access, ISPs (Internet service providers) 1044
Broadband Internet access, leased lines 1070—1071
Broadband Internet access, service interruptions 1069
Broadband Internet access, signal lights 1097
Broadband Internet access, speed 1043 1068
Broadband Internet access, StarBand 1063—1064
Broadband Internet access, summary of access types 1043
Broadband Internet access, TCP/IP settings 1069
Broadband Internet access, telephone line usage 1043
Broadband Internet access, The Complete Idiot's Guide to High-Speed Internet Access 1044
Brown power switch connector wires 1180
brushes 1323—1324
BTB (branch target buffer) 135
Buckling spring keyboards 1009
| Buffers, buffer underruns 789—790 1230
Buffers, CD/DVD drives 769—770
Buffers, DIMMs (dual inline memory modules) 443
Buffers, stencil buffering 899
Buffers, T-buffers 900
Buffers, Z-buffering 899
Bugs 114
Bugs, MTII (Memory Translator Hub) bug 270—272
Bugs, Pentium processors 141—142
Building systems See assembling systems
Built-in power protection systems 1208—1209
Built-in synchronous math coprocessors 125
Bulk on spindle media (CD-R) 782
Bulletin board systems (BBSes) 1042
Bump Mapping 899
Bumpless build-up layer (BBUL) 87
Bundled cable modems 1045
burning CDs 780
Burning CDs, 'For Music Use Only' discs 795—796
Burning CDs, AHRA (Audio Home Recording Act) 795
Burning CDs, buffer underruns 789—790
Burning CDs, copy protection 796—797
Burning CDs, DAE (digital audio extraction) 793—795
Burning CDs, reliability 788—789
Burning CDs, SCMS (serial copy management system) 795
Burning CDs, software 792
Burning CDs, tips and recommendations 790—792
Burst extended data out RAM (BEDO RAM) 429
Bus frequency (BF) pins 85 139
Bus snooping 73
Bus topology 1116—1117
buses 35
Buses, AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) 296 322—324
Buses, arbitrated buses 331
Buses, AT-class systems 37—38
Buses, ATA (AT Attachment) 495—496
Buses, bandwidth 296—300
Buses, bus snooping 73
Buses, busmasters 73 331
Buses, compatibility 306
Buses, defined 295
Buses, DIB (dual independent bus) architecture 79—80
Buses, DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels 332—333
Buses, EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture), bandwidth 311
Buses, EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture), interrupts 327—328
Buses, EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture), pinouts 312
Buses, I/O port addresses 333
Buses, I/O port addresses, bus-based device port addresses 334—337
Buses, I/O port addresses, chipset-based device port addresses 334
Buses, I/O port addresses, motherboard-based device port addresses 334
Buses, identifying 307
Buses, importance of 306
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels) 325—326
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), 16-bit ISA/EISA/MCA bus interrupts 327—328
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), 8-bit ISA bus interrupts 326—327
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), conflicts 331—332
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), edge-triggered interrupt sensing 326
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), interrupt sharing 326
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), IRQ Steering 326 330
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), maskable interrupts 326
Buses, IRQs (interrupt request channels), PCI interrupts 328—331
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) 296
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), 16-bit 308—309
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), 32-bit 309
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), 8-bit 307—308
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), bandwidth 307
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels 332—333
Buses, ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), interrupts 326—328
Buses, local buses 314—316
Buses, MCA (microchannel architecture) 309-311 327-328
Buses, memory buses 305—306 426—427
Buses, NICs (network interface cards) 1111
Buses, PC/XT-class systems 37
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface) 296
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), adapter cards 318
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), bandwidth 317
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), board configurations 319
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), bus types 318
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), interrupts 328—331
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), modems 1086
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), PCI Express 321—322
Buses, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface), specifications 316—317
Buses, processors 295 300—304
Buses, processors, address buses 50—51
Buses, processors, bandwidth 427—428
Buses, processors, external data buses 48—50
Buses, processors, internal data buses 51
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), advantages and limitations 570—571
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), Apple Computers 538
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), booting 539
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), cables 541—543 571
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), cables and connectors 551—555
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), compared to ATA (AT Attachment) 565—571
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), data transfer rates 541—543
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration 559—562
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), embedded SCSI 538
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), expanders 556
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), forward/backward compatibility 541
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), hard disk construction 565—569
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), host adapters 538 571
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), IDs 538
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), multiple SCSI devices 539
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), performance 569
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), pinouts 552—555
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), PnP (Plug and Play) 563—564
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), recommendations 571
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), signaling 546—548 556
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), SIP (SCSI Interlock Protocol) 546
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), standards 538—551
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), synchronous negotiation 563
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators 556—559 571
Buses, SCSI (small computer system interface), troubleshooting 564—565
Buses, slaves 331
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), adapters 971
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), advantages of 962—963
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), cables 965
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), CD/DVD drives 773—774
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), compared to IEEE-1394 973—975
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), connectors 928 966—967
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), drivers 966
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), enabling 968—969
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), functions 964
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), game ports 1036
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), hubs 964—965
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), IRQs (interrupt requests) 968
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), keyboards 1001—1003 1016—1017
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), legacy USB support 393
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), legacy-free PCs 971
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), modem connections 1087
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), mouse interfaces 1025—1026
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), NRZI (Non-Return to Zero) data encoding 964
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), PnP (Plug and Play) 967
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), resource conflicts 347
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), self-identifying peripherals 968
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), speed 966
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), support for 967—968
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB 2.0 969—970
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB Legacy support 1002—1003
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB On-The-Go 970—971
Buses, USB (Universal Serial Bus), USBready utility 968
Buses, VESA (Video Electronics Standards Association) 316
Buses, video adapters 889—892
Buses, video adapters, AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) 890—891 1232
Buses, video adapters, comparison of 891—892
Buses, video adapters, PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) 890
Buses, video adapters, widths 35—36 889
Busisom 20
Busmaster ATA (AT Attachment) 529
Busmaster DMA (Direct Memory Access) 529
Busmasters 73 331
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