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Networking, analog modems, voice support 1087
Networking, benefits 1103
Networking, broadband Internet access, advantages 1042—1043
Networking, broadband Internet access, cable modems 1044—1049
Networking, broadband Internet access, choosing 1071
Networking, broadband Internet access, comparison of access types 1067—1069
Networking, broadband Internet access, DirecWAY 1060—1063
Networking, broadband Internet access, DSL (digital subscriber line) 1049—1056
Networking, broadband Internet access, filtering services 1044
Networking, broadband Internet access, fixed-base wireless broadband 1056—1060
Networking, broadband Internet access, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 1064—1067
Networking, broadband Internet access, ISPs (Internet service providers) 1044
Networking, broadband Internet access, leased lines 1070—1071
Networking, broadband Internet access, security 1071—1072
Networking, broadband Internet access, service interruptions 1069
Networking, broadband Internet access, signal lights 1097
Networking, broadband Internet access, speeds 1068
Networking, broadband Internet access, StarBand 1063—1064
Networking, broadband Internet access, summary of access types 1043
Networking, broadband Internet access, TCP/IP settings 1069
Networking, broadband Internet access, The Complete Idiot's Guide to High-Speed Internet Access 1044
Networking, cables 1113
Networking, cables, buying tips 1147
Networking, cables, cable distance limitations 1130
Networking, cables, choosing 1124—1125
Networking, cables, Direct Cable Connection technology 1151
Networking, cables, grounding loops 1115
Networking, cables, installation 1123—1130
Networking, cables, Thicknet 1114
Networking, cables, Thinnet 1114
Networking, cables, twisted-pair 1114—1116 1124—1130
Networking, CATV networks, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Cable Internet Connections 1047
Networking, CATV networks, asymmetrical Networks 1047
Networking, CATV networks, bandwidth 1047—1048
Networking, CATV networks, bundled cable modems 1045
Networking, CATV networks, CableLabs cable modems 1045
Networking, CATV networks, costs 1048
Networking, CATV networks, external cable modems 1046
Networking, CATV networks, internal cable modems 1047
Networking, CATV networks, performance 1048—1049
Networking, CATV networks, security 1049
Networking, CATV networks,DOCSIS-compliant cable modems 1045
Networking, client/server networks 1104—1107
Networking, defined 1102
Networking, Ethernet 1107—1109
Networking, Ethernet, cables 1114
Networking, Ethernet, compared lo home networking 1144
Networking, Ethernet, defined 1109
Networking, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet 1109
Networking, Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet 1109
Networking, Ethernet, hubs 1119—1123 1147
Networking, Ethernet, network adapter connectors 1111—1113
Networking, Ethernet, switches 1120—1123 1147
Networking, Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless fidelity) 1132—1135
Networking, extranets 1103
Networking, gateways 1147
Networking, HANs (home area networks) 1103
Networking, hardware and software requirements 1104
Networking, hardware worksheet 1147—1148
Networking, HFC (hybrid liber/coax) networks 1045
Networking, HomePNA, compared lo Ethernet 1144
Networking, HomePNA, topology 1142—1143
Networking, HomePNA, version 1.0 1141—1142
Networking, HomePNA, version 2.0 1142
Networking, HomePNA, Web site 1141
Networking, hubs, buying tips 1147
Networking, hubs, compared lo switches 1120—1121
Networking, hubs, dual-speed 1121
Networking, hubs, managed/unmanaged 1119
Networking, hubs, placement of 1122—1123
Networking, hubs, ports 1122
Networking, hubs, stackable 1121
Networking, infrastructure mode 1132
Networking, intelligent sharing 1102
Networking, Internet 1103
Networking, intranets 1103
Networking, LANs (local area networks) See LANs
Networking, network adapters 482—484 1292—1293
Networking, networking software, configuring 1149—1150
Networking, networking software, installing 1148—1149
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), bus types 1111
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), connectors 1111—1113
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), costs 1110
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), full-duplex 1110
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), half-duplex 1110
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), installing 1145—1446
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), speed 1110—1111
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), testing 1146
Networking, NICs (network interface cards), Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 1132
Networking, peer-to-peer networks 1105—1007
Networking, powerline networking 1143—1444
Networking, protocols, IP (Internet Protocol) 1139
Networking, protocols, IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) 1140—1141
Networking, protocols, NetBEUI 1141
Networking, protocols, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) 1139—1140 1153
Networking, recording network information 1147—1148
Networking, shared hardware components 1102
Networking, shared Internet connections gateways 1090—1091
Networking, shared Internet connections gateways, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) 1091—1094
Networking, shared Internet connections gateways, proxy servers 1090—1091
Networking, shared Internet connections gateways, routers 1090—1091 1094—1095
Networking, shared Internet connections gateways, troubleshooting 1096—1097
Networking, switches, address storing 1120
Networking, switches, buying tips 1147
Networking, switches, compared lo hubs 1120—1121
Networking, switches, dual-speed 1121
Networking, switches, placement of 1122—1123
Networking, switches, ports 1122
Networking, switches, stackable 1121
Networking, tips and tricks 1150—1151
Networking, Token-Ring 1107—1109
Networking, topologies, bus 1116—1117
Networking, topologies, comparison of 1116
Networking, topologies, ring 1117—1118
Networking, topologies, star 1118—1119
networking, troubleshooting 1151—1153
Networking, WANs (wide area networks) 1103
Networking, wireless networking 1123
networking, wireless networks 1131
Networking, wireless networks, Bluetooth 1136
Networking, wireless networks, comparison of standards 1137—1138
Networking, wireless networks, HomeRF 1136—1137
Networking, wireless networks, IEEE 802.11a 1136
Networking, wireless networks, IEEE 802.12g 1136
Networking, wireless networks, RadioLAN 1136
Networking, wireless networks, topologies 1137
Networking, wireless networks, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 1132—1135
New Enhanced AT (NEAT) CS8221 chipsets 233
New Technology File Syslem See NTFS
NexGen processors 48 173—174
nForce 945
Nibble Mode memory 428
Nickel-ferrile (Nile) film 582
NICs (network interface cards), bus types 1111
NICs (network interface cards), connectors 1111—1113
NICs (network interface cards), costs 1110
NICs (network interface cards), half-duplex 1110
NICs (network interface cards), installing 1145—1146
NICs (network interface cards), lull-duplex 1110
NICs (network interface cards), resource conflicts 346
NICs (network interface cards), speed 1110—1111
NICs (network interface cards), testing 1146
NICs (network interface cards), Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 1132
Nile (nickel-ferrite) film 582
NLX motherboards 1222
NLX motherboards, advantages 222—223
NLX motherboards, identifying 223
NLX motherboards, length of 223
NLX motherboards, power supply 1166
NLX motherboards, riser cards 221—222
| NLX motherboards, specification 223
NLX motherboards, system layout 223—224
NMB Technologies 1005
NMIs (nonmaskable interrupts) 461
No boot device available (error message) 413
No boot sector on fixed disk (error message) 413
NO ROM BASIC _ SYSTEM HALTED (error message) 412 1378
No-tool cases 1309
Noble, David 642
Non-PC ROM upgrades 367
Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) 532 964
Non-system disk or disk error (error message) 412
Nonblocking cache 73
Nondestructive formatters 824
Noninterlaced monitors 865
Nonlinear power 1191
Nonmaskable interrupts (NMIs) 461
Nonresident attributes (NTFS) 1375
Nonstandard system indicator byte values 1346
Nonvolatile memory See ROM BIOS
Nonvolatile storage 596. See also hard disk drives
North Bridge chipsets 236—237
North Bridge chipsets, Adaddin IV 249
North Bridge chipsets, Adaddin V 249—250
North Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro 4 276
North Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro 5 277
North Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro 5T 278
North Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro II 276
North Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro TnT2 277
North Bridge chipsets, ALiMagic1 290
North Bridge chipsets, AMD-761 285
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo KLE133 280
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo KT133 287
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo KT133A 288
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo KX133 287
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo MVP3 247
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo Pro 280—281
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo Pro266 278
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo Prol33A 279
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo VP2 246
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo VP3 247
North Bridge chipsets, Apollo VPX 247
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 430FX 243
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 430HX 244
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 430LX 242
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 430NX 242
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 440BX 261
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 440EX 260
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 450FX 259
North Bridge chipsets, Intel 450KX/GX 258
North Bridge chipsets, MVP4 249
North Bridge chipsets, SiS5581/5582 252—253
North Bridge chipsets, SiS5591/5592 253
North Bridge chipsets,North Bridge chipsets, Adaddin 7 250
Norton Utilities 1372
Notebook computers See laptops
Novaslor 712
Novell, contact information 1460
Novell, NetWare operating systems 527
Noyce, Robert 13 20
NPN semiconductors 19
NRTC (National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative) 1062
NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) 532 964
NT See Windows NT operating system
NTdelecl.com 1302
NTFS (New Technology File System), backward compatibility 1373
NTFS (New Technology File System), compatibility 1375—1376
NTFS (New Technology File System), extents 1375
NTFS (New Technology File System), long filename support 1373
NTFS (New Technology File System), MFT (master file table) 1374
NTFS (New Technology File System), NTFS 5 updates 1375
NTFS (New Technology File System), partitions 607 1376
NTFS (New Technology File System), permissions 1375
NTFS (New Technology File System), resident/nonresident attributes 1375
NTFS (New Technology File System), system files 1374
NTFS (New Technology File System), utilities 1376
NTSC (National Television System Committee) 910
null modem cables 991
Num Lock feature (keyboards) 1004
Numbers, Intel model numbers 235—236
Numbers, key numbers 1012—1013
Numbers, physical connector part numbers 1183—1184
Numbers, ROM (read-only memory) chip part numbers 362—363
Numbers, ROM (read-only memory) chip part numbers, EEPROM (electronically erasable programmable ROM) 366
Numbers, ROM (read-only memory) chip part numbers, EPROM (erasable programmable ROM) 365
Numbers, ROM (read-only memory) chip part numbers, PROM (programmable ROM) 363
Numbers, sector numbers 601
Numeric data processors See math coprocessors
Numerical aperture 786
Nut drivers 1304
NVIDIA, 3D chipsets 905—906
NVIDIA, contact information 1460
NVIDIA, nForce 945
Nx586 processors 173—174
Oak Technology sound cards 944
Obsolete video adapters 875
Odd cycles (RDRAM) 432
Odd parity 460
OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) 368 1235
Oersted, Hans Christian 576
Off stale (APM) 1197
OLGA (organic land grid array) packaging 159
ON ACPI S5 setting (BIOS Bool menu) 405
On LAN setting (BIOS Bool menu) 404
On Modem Ring selling (BIOS Bool menu) 404
On PME selling (BIOS Bool menu) 405
Onboard serial ports 981
One-lime programmable (OTP) chips 364
One-sided sound, troubleshooting 953
Onscreen messages (POST) 1274
Onscreen messages (POST), Award BIOS 1282—1284
Onscreen messages (POST), IBM BIOS 1289—1291
OnStream ADR (Advanced Digital Recording) 697 703—704
Ontrack Dala International 1460
Ontrack Disk Manager 823
OpenGL 903
Operating Frequency selling (BIOS Setup) 408
Operating range 1188
Operating system diagnostic software 1294
Operating-system-independent boot process 1295—1299
Operating-system-independent boot process, central hardware test 1295
Operating-system-independent boot process, cold starts 1296
Operating-system-independent boot process, Plug and Play BIOS 1295
Operating-system-independent boot process, POST (power on self test) 1295 1335—1336
Operating-system-independent boot process, ROM BIOS 1295—1296
Operating-system-independent boot process, sector errors 1296—1297
Operating-system-independent boot process, VBR (volume boot record) 1298
Operating-system-independent boot process, VIBR (master boot record) 1298
Operating-system-independent boot process, video ROM scan 1295
Operating-system-independent boot process, warm starts 1296
Opposite track path (OTP) 757—758
optical drives 716. See also discs; magneto-optical drives
Optical drives, Blu-ray discs 785—787
Optical drives, buying tips 1229—1230
Optical drives, care and maintenance 808—809
Optical drives, CD EXTRA 743
Optical drives, CD-DA 735
Optical drives, CD-i 735—736
Optical drives, CD-R 739 778—779
Optical drives, CD-R, burning CDs 788—796
Optical drives, CD-R, capacity 780
Optical drives, CD-R, copy protection 796—797
Optical drives, CD-R, disc grooves 779
Optical drives, CD-R, disc media layers 780
Optical drives, CD-R, mechanical drive operation 779
Optical drives, CD-R, media color 780—782
Optical drives, CD-R, media options 782
Optical drives, CD-R, recording speeds 782
Optical drives, CD-R, troubleshooting 810—811
Optical drives, CD-ROM 716—717
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