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Form factors, motherboards, WTX motherboards 226
Form factors, motherboards,Flex-ATX molherboards 218—219
Form factors, Pentium Pro processors 149
Form factors, power supply 1159
Form factors, power supply, AT/Desktop 1162
Form factors, power supply, AT/Tower 1162
Form factors, power supply, ATX 1164—1166
Form factors, power supply, Baby-AT 1162
Form factors, power supply, buying tips 1205
Form factors, power supply, industry standards 1159—1160
Form factors, power supply, LPX 1163—1164
Form factors, power supply, NLX 1166
Form factors, power supply, PC/XT 1161
Form factors, power supply, proprietary designs 1206
Form factors, power supply, proprietary standards 1161
Form factors, power supply, SFX 1166—1167
Form factors, power supply, table of 1160—1161
FORMAT.COM utility 608
FORMAT.COM utility, high-level formatting 830—831 1267
FORMAT.COM utility, limitations 831—832
FORMAT.COM utility, volume boot records 1347
Formatted floppy disk drive parameters 655
Formatted transfer rates 631
Formatting See also partitioning
formatting, floppy disks 653
Formatting, hard disk drives, high-level formatting 604 608 830—831 1267
Formatting, hard disk drives, low-level formaiting 604—607 822—824
ForteMedia FM-801 sound cards 944
Forward compatibility (SCSI) 541
Four-way set associative cache 72—73 146
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, 486DX 127—128
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, 486SL 128—129
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, 486SX 129
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, 487SX math coprocessor 129—130
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, AMD 486 (5x86) 132—133
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, burst-mode memory cycles 125
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, Cyrix/TI 486 133
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, DX2/OverDrive 130—131
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, DX4 processors 131
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, instruction execution times 125
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, level 1 cache 125
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, math coprocessors 125
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, Pentium OverDrive 132
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, speeds 126
Fourth-generation processors, 80486, upgrading 126
Fourth-generation processors, bus widths 35—36
FPO DRAM (last Page Mode DRAM) 428
FPT (forced perfect termination) 557
FPUs (floating-point units) 112—114
FPUs (floating-point units), 486DX processors 128
FPUs (floating-point units), 487SX 129—130
FPUs (floating-point units), Pentium processors 137 141—142
Fraudulent processors 84—85
Frequency, FM (frequency modulation) 586 931
Frequency, frequency response 940 956
Frequency, FSK (frequency-shift keying) 1076
Frequency, monitors 867—868
Frequency, monitors, horizontal frequencies 870—871
Frequency, monitors, vertical scan frequencies 868—870
Fretting corrosion 454
FriendTech's I.P.X Zone Web site 208
Front panel motherboard-controlled switches 1181
Front panel power supply AC switches 1180—1181
Front-panel connectors 295
Front-side bus (FSB) 295 300—304
Frozen systems 713—714 954 1098—1099
FSB (front-side bus) 295 300—304
FSK (frequency-shift keying) 1076
FST (flat square tube) monitors 850
Fujitsu DynaMO drives 685
Full On state 1197
Full-duplex operation 1110
Full-duplex protocols 1077
Full-screen antialiasing 900
Full-size AT motherboards 207—208
Functions (USB) 964
FWH (Firmware Hub) 264—266 272
G.Lite 1052
Gainward multiple-head video adapters 896
Gamberg, Richard 1083
Game Blaster sound cards 922
game controllers 1036—1037
Game playing, 3D audio, DirectX support 947
Game playing, 3D audio, positional audio 945—946
Game playing, 3D audio, processing 946
Game playing, game controllers 1036—1037
Game playing, gaming optimized modems 1087
Game playing, multimedia 923—924
Game playing, pointing devices 1035—1036
Game playing, sound cards, 3D audio 945—947
Game playing, sound cards, AdLib 922
Game playing, sound cards, ALC650 944
Game playing, sound cards, Allegro 944
Game playing, sound cards, AudioDrive 944
Game playing, sound cards, Aureal 943
Game playing, sound cards, Canyon3D-2 944
Game playing, sound cards, CMI 8738 944
Game playing, sound cards, comparison of features 933—934
Game playing, sound cards, connectors 924—928
Game playing, sound cards, data compression 932
Game playing, sound cards, DirectX 923
Game playing, sound cards, discontinued sound cards 944
Game playing, sound cards, DMA emulation 935
Game playing, sound cards, drivers 933
Game playing, sound cards, DSPs (digital signal processors) 932—933
Game playing, sound cards, EMU 1 OK1 942
Game playing, sound cards, EMU-8000 942
Game playing, sound cards, Ensoniq ESI370 series 942
Game playing, sound cards, FM-801 944
Game playing, sound cards, Game Blaster 922
Game playing, sound cards, game port conflicts 936
Game playing, sound cards, history of 922—923
Game playing, sound cards, Iniving tips 1232
Game playing, sound cards, installing 947—948
Game playing, sound cards, integrated audio chipsets 944—945
Game playing, sound cards, ISR utility programs 936
Game playing, sound cards, Maestro-2 944
Game playing, sound cards, manufacturers 942—944
Game playing, sound cards, MIDI support 929—932
Game playing, sound cards, minimum requirements 934—935
Game playing, sound cards, monophonic/stereophonic 922
Game playing, sound cards, MS-DOS game support 935—936
Game playing, sound cards, PC/PCI interface 935
Game playing, sound cards, resource conflicts 950—952
Game playing, sound cards, Santa Cruz 928—930
Game playing, sound cards, Sound Blaster 922 950—951
Game playing, sound cards, Sound Blaster Audigv 928—929 942
Game playing, sound cards, Sound Blaster Extigy 928—931
Game playing, sound cards, Sound Blaster Pro 923
Game playing, sound cards, Sound Fusion 943
Game playing, sound cards, speaker connections 948
Game playing, sound cards, stereo system connections 948—950
Game playing, sound cards, suggested multimedia mini-mums 924
Game playing, sound cards, ThunderBird Avenger 943
Game playing, sound cards, ThunderBird Q3D 943
Game playing, sound cards, troubleshooting 950—955
Game playing, sound cards, Vibra-16 942
Game playing, sound cards, volume control 929
Game playing, sound cards, Yamaha 943
Game playing, speakers 1232
Gaming-optimized modems 1087
Gang programmers 364
Gas-plasma monitors 855
Gate A20 Option setting (BIOS Setup) 407
Gateway. Inc. 1459
gateways 1090—1091 1147
General Failure error message 665
General memory faults 471
General-purpose diagnostic software 1293
Geometry 898
| Ghost images (monitors) 849
GHz (gigahertz) 45
Giant magneto-resistive (GMR) read/write heads 583
GiB (gigabinarvbytes) 517
Gibson Research, Shields Up service 1071
Gibson Research, Spinkite 824 1372—1373
Gibson Research, TIP (Trouble In Paradise) 675
Gibson Research, Web site 1072
Giga-Byte Technology 1459
Gigabinarv bytes (GiB) 517
Gigabit Ethernet 1109
gigahertz 45
Glass (in hard disks) 576 610
Glidepoint pointing device 1033
Global Engineering Documents 501
Global protection faults 471
GM Vehicle Calibration Information Web site 367
GMCH (Graphics memory controller hub), 82810E 264
GMCH (Graphics memory controller hub), 82840 272
GMCH (Graphics memory controller hub), 82850 274
GMR (giant magneto-resistive) read/write heads 583
Gold-plated contacts 454—456 1226
Goldstar 1459
Gourand shading 897—899
GPA (graphics performance accelerator) cards 268
Graphics See also video adapters
Graphics memory controller hub See GMCH
Graphics performance accelerator (GPA) cards 268
Graphics, 2D graphics 887
Graphics, 3D graphics, 3D graphics accelerators 896—906
Graphics, 3D graphics, alpha blending 899
Graphics, 3D graphics, animation 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, anisotropic filtering 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, antialiasing 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, bilinear filtering 899
Graphics, 3D graphics, depth cuelng 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, environment-based bump mapping 899
Graphics, 3D graphics, flat shading 897
Graphics, 3D graphics, fogging 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, full-screen antialiasing 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, geometry 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, Gourand shading 897—899
Graphics, 3D graphics, hardware/software acceleration 901
Graphics, 3D graphics, image rendering 901
Graphics, 3D graphics, integrated transform and lighting 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, keyframe interpolation 901
Graphics, 3D graphics, MIP mapping 898—899
Graphics, 3D graphics, perspective correction 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, primitives 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, programmable vertex and pixel shading 901
Graphics, 3D graphics, rasterization 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, scan conversion 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, shading 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, software optimization 901—902
Graphics, 3D graphics, stencil buffering 899
Graphics, 3D graphics, T-buffers 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, texture mapping 897—898
Graphics, 3D graphics, textures 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, trilinear filtering 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, vertex skinning 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, vertices 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, video memory requirements 887—888
Graphics, 3D graphics, virtual texture 900
Graphics, 3D graphics, visible surface deteminaton 898
Graphics, 3D graphics, Z-buffering 899
Graphics, GMCH (Graphics memory controller hub), 82810E 264
Graphics, GMCH (Graphics memory controller hub), 82840 272
Graphics, GMCH (Graphics memory controller hub), 82850 274
Graphics, GPA (graphics performance accelerator) cards 268
Gray code 617
Green Book standard (CD-i) 735—736
Green PCs 142
Green power switch connector wires 1180
Ground connectors 625
Grounded outlets 1208
Grounding loops 1115
Grove, Andrew 20
hackers 23
Half-bridge forward converting switching power supply 1160 1185
Half-duplex protocols 1077 1110
Halt instruction 142
Hammer processors 44
Hand tools 1303
Hand tools, chip extractors 1305
Hand tools, chip inserters 1305
Hand tools, ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection kits 1307
Hand tools, files 1307
Hand tools, flashlights 1307
Hand tools, hemostats 1307
Hand tools, needle-nose pliers 1306
Hand tools, nut drivers 1304
Hand tools, parts grabbers 1305 1317—1318
Hand tools, screwdrivers 1304
Hand tools, Torx drivers 1306
Hand tools, tweezers 1305
Hand tools, vise 1307
Hand tools, wire cutters 1307
Hand tools, wire strippers 1307
Hard Disk Controller Failure error message 1378—1379
Hard disk drives, 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) drives 574
Hard disk drives, access times 635
Hard disk drives, air filters 621—622
Hard disk drives, areal density 591—593
Hard disk drives, buying tips 1228—1229
Hard disk drives, cache controllers 636
Hard disk drives, cache programs 635
Hard disk drives, capacity 597 1228
Hard disk drives, capacity, BIOS limitations 629—630
Hard disk drives, capacity, capacity limitations 629
Hard disk drives, capacity, comparison of 627—628
Hard disk drives, capacity, operating system limitations 630
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, 137GB barrier 526—527
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, 2.1GB barrier 520
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, 4.2GB barrier 520—522
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, 528MB barrier 516—518
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, 8.4GB barrier 525—526
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, ATA CHS parameter limits 517
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, BIOS CHS parameter limits 516—517
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, BIOS commands 516
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, CHS bit-shift translation 518—520
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, combined parameter limits 518
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, compared to LBA (logical block address) 514—515
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, converting to LBA (logical block address) 515
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, LBA-assist translation 522—524
Hard disk drives, CHS (cylinder head sector) addressing, Standard CHS 524
Hard disk drives, configuration 815. See also Setup program
Hard disk drives, configuration, automatic drive detection 821
Hard disk drives, configuration, configuration items 626
Hard disk drives, configuration, host adapters 815—816
Hard disk drives, configuration, manual drive parameters 821—822
Hard disk drives, cost 597 639
Hard disk drives, CSS (contact start stop) design 599
Hard disk drives, cylinders 597
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes 577 584—586
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, 8B/10B encoding 532
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, ARLL (Advanced Run Length Limited) 587
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, clock signals 585
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, comparison of 588—589
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, EFM (eight to fourteen modulation) data encoding 728—730
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, EFM+ (eight to sixteen) data encoding 759—760
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, endecs 493 585
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, FM (frequency modulation) 586
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, MFM (modified frequency modulation) 577 586
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, RLL (run length limited) 577 587—588
Hard disk drives, data encoding schemes, timing 585
Hard disk drives, defined 39 596
Hard disk drives, defragmentation 1369—1371
Hard disk drives, disk sweep 618
Hard disk drives, drive capacity limitations 512
Hard disk drives, drive letter assignment 685 827—828
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