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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Image abstractions 898
Image mastering application program interface (IMAPI) 740
Images See graphics
Imalion Enterprises 1459
IMAPI (image mastering application program interface) 740
IML (Initial Microcode load) 380
In-plane switching (IPS) 854
IN0-FN6(V) selling (BIOS Setup) 391
Inactivity Timer selling (BIOS Power Management menu) 402
Inari powerline networking solutions 1144
Index holes (floppy disks) 658
Inductive power 1190
Industry control, hardware 31—34
Industry control, PC design guides 34—35
Industry control, software 28—30
Industry Standard Architecture See ISA buses
Infrared data (IrDA) pin-header connectors 293
Infrared input devices 1037
Infrared thermometers 1203—1204 1316—1317
infrastructure mode 1132
Initial Microcode load (IML) 380
Initial program load (IPL) ROM 358 482
Initializing PnP (Plug and Play) devices 410
Initiators 563
Input devices, alternative devices 1032—1033
Input devices, alternative devices, GlidePoint 1033
Input devices, alternative devices, Renaissance Mouse 1034
Input devices, alternative devices, trackballs 1033—1034
Input devices, gaming devices, compatibility issues 1036
Input devices, gaming devices, game controllers 1036—1037
Input devices, gaming devices, joysticks 1035
Input devices, gaming devices, USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports 1036
input devices, keyboards 1230
Input devices, keyboards, 104-key 997—1001
Input devices, keyboards, buying tips 1019—1020
Input devices, keyboards, cleaning 1018—1019 1327
Input devices, keyboards, connectors 1014—1017
Input devices, keyboards, controllers 1010—1011
Input devices, keyboards, disassembling 1018
Input devices, keyboards, Dvorak layout 1016
Input devices, keyboards, enhanced 101-key 996—997 1013
Input devices, keyboards, ergonomic 1016
Input devices, keyboards, international layouts 1013—1014
Input devices, keyboards, key combinations 999—1001
Input devices, keyboards, key matrix 1010
Input devices, keyboards, key numbers 1012—1013
Input devices, keyboards, keyboard interface 1010—1013
Input devices, keyboards, keyswitch design 1004—1010 1017
Input devices, keyboards, Num Lock 1004
Input devices, keyboards, numeric keypads 997 1004
Input devices, keyboards, portable 1003—1004
Input devices, keyboards, QWERTY layout 1016
Input devices, keyboards, replacing 1019—1020
Input devices, keyboards, scan codes 1012—1013
Input devices, keyboards, skins 1019
input devices, keyboards, troubleshooting 1017—1018
Input devices, keyboards, typematic functions 1012
Input devices, keyboards, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1001—1003 1016—1017
Input devices, keyboards, Web-enabled 1017
Input devices, keyboards, Windows keyboard parameters 1012
Input devices, mouse, buttons 1021
Input devices, mouse, buying tips 1230—1231
Input devices, mouse, cables 1022
Input devices, mouse, cleaning 1026—1027 1327
Input devices, mouse, components 1021
Input devices, mouse, connectors 1014—1016
Input devices, mouse, cordless 1022
Input devices, mouse, device drivers 1022—1023 1028—1029
Input devices, mouse, history of 1020—1021
Input devices, mouse, hybrid mouse 1025
Input devices, mouse, IntelliMouse Explorer 1022 1029—1030
input devices, mouse, manufacturers 1021
Input devices, mouse, optical mouse 1030
Input devices, mouse, opto-mechanical mechaism 1023
Input devices, mouse, PS/2 mouse interfaces 1024—1025
Input devices, mouse, Renaissance Mouse 1034
Input devices, mouse, Scrollpoint Pro 1030
Input devices, mouse, serial interfaces 1024
input devices, mouse, troubleshooting 1026—1029
Input devices, mouse, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1025—1026
Input devices, pointing devices, Accupoint 1032
Input devices, pointing devices, TrackPoint 1030—1032
input devices, trackballs 1021
Input devices, wireless, Logitech 1037—1038
Input devices, wireless, Microsoft 1038
Input devices, wireless, performance issues 1038—1039
Input devices, wireless, radio versus infrared 1037
Input devices, wireless, troubleshooting 1039
Input range (power supply) 1188
Input/Output See I/O devices
Insile Peripherals floptical drives 676—677
Installation See also configuration
Installation, cables 1123—1124
Installation, cables, cable distance limitations 1130
Installation, cables, cable selection 1124—1125
Installation, cables, crossover cables 1126
Installation, cables, custom-built UTP i unshielded twisted-pair) cables 1127—1130
Installation, cables, twisted-pair wiring standards 1125—1126
Installation, CD-ROM drives 837—838 1259—1261
Installation, CD-ROM drives, card edge connectors 841—843
Installation, CD-ROM drives, cautions 839
Installation, CD-ROM drives, external drives 840—841
Installation, CD-ROM drives, host adapters 838
Installation, CD-ROM drives, internal drives 841
Installation, CD-ROM drives, jumper sellings 838—840
Installation, CD-ROM drives, ribbon cables 841—843
Installation, CD-ROM drives, SCSI (small computer system interface) chains 843—844
Installation, CD/DVD drivers, DOS ATAPI adapter drivers 804
Installation, CD/DVD drivers, DOS SCSI adapter drivers 803—804
Installation, CD/DVD drivers, MDSDEX (Microsoft CD Extensions) 804—805
Installation, CD/DVD drivers, Windows 9x/NT support 805—806
installation, device drivers 1269
Installation, DirecWAY 1062
Installation, DVD drives 777—778 837—838
Installation, DVD drives, card edge connectors 841—843
Installation, DVD drives, cautions 839
Installation, DVD drives, external drives 840—841
Installation, DVD drives, host adapters 838
Installation, DVD drives, internal drives 841
Installation, DVD drives, jumper sellings 838—840
Installation, DVD drives, ribbon cables 841—843
Installation, DVD drives, SCSI (small computer system interface) chains 843—844
Installation, expansion cards 1263
Installation, external cables 1263—1265
Installation, floppy disk drives 663 845—846 1259—1261
Installation, hard disk drives 814—815 1259—1261
Installation, hard disk drives, ATA (AT Attachment) connectors 819
Installation, hard disk drives, automatic disk installation programs 832
Installation, hard disk drives, cables 817—819
Installation, hard disk drives, data cable connectors 820
Installation, hard disk drives, drive bay sizes 820
Installation, hard disk drives, drive configuration 815
Installation, hard disk drives, drive jumpers 819
Installation, hard disk drives, drive-mounting hardware 817
Installation, hard disk drives, faceplates/bezels 818
Installation, hard disk drives, host adapter configuration 815—816
Installation, hard disk drives, physical installation 817
Installation, hard disk drives, pin configuration 819
Installation, hard disk drives, power connectors 820
Installation, hard disk drives, screws 818
Installation, hard disk drives, step-by-step procedures 819—821
Installation, hard disk drives, system configuration 821—822
Installation, heatsinks 110—112 1241—1243
Installation, memory modules 467—468 1244
Installation, memory modules, DIMMs (dual inline memory modules) 469
Installation, memory modules, ESD (electrostatic discharge) 467
Installation, memory modules, RIMMs (Rambus inline memory modules) 448
Installation, memory modules, SIMMs (single inline memory modules) 468
Installation, motherboard cables 1254—1255 1259
Installation, mouse drivers 1028—1029
| Installation, networking software 1148—1150
Installation, NICs (network interface cards) 1145—1146
Installation, operating systems 1266—1267
Installation, Pentium II processors 156
Installation, power supply 1252—1254
Installation, processors 1241—1243
Installation, removable-media drives 671
Installation, sound cards 947—950
Installation, tape drives 711
Installation, video adapters 1263
Instruction execution times 55—56 125
Instruction processing 135
Instruction sets (math coprocessors) 112
Insufficient disk space error message 665
INT13h 516—517
INTA# interrupts 328
INTB# interrupts 328
INTC# interrupts 328
INTD# interrupts 328
Integral cache See Level 1 cache
Integral power supply AC switches 1180
Integrated adapters 1227—1228
Integrated audio chipsets 944—945
Integrated circuits (ICs) 19
Integrated Controller Hub (ICH) 264—265 272—274
Integrated Drive Electronics See ATA (AT Attachment)
Integrated Services Digilal Network Sec ISDN
Integrated transform and lighting 900
Integrated video/motherboard chipsets 878—882
Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance index See iCOMP index
Intel Rapid BIOS Boot setting (BIOS Boot menu) 404
Intel, chipsets 234—235
Intel, chipsets, 430FX (Triton) 242—243
Intel, chipsets, 430HX (Triton II) 243—244
Intel, chipsets, 430LX (Mercury) 242
Intel, chipsets, 430NX (Neptune) 242
Intel, chipsets, 430TX 245
Intel, chipsets, 430VX (Triton III) 244—245
Intel, chipsets, 440BX 260—261
Intel, chipsets, 440EX 260
Intel, chipsets, 440FX 259
Intel, chipsets, 440GX 262
Intel, chipsets, 440LX 259—260
Intel, chipsets, 440ZX 261—262
Intel, chipsets, 440ZX-66 261—262
Intel, chipsets, 450KX/GX 149 258
Intel, chipsets, 450NX 262—263
Intel, chipsets, 81 SEP 266—269
Intel, chipsets, 810 263—266
Intel, chipsets, 810E 263—266
Intel, chipsets, 810E2 263—266
Intel, chipsets, 815 266—269
Intel, chipsets, 815E 266—269
Intel, chipsets, 820 269—272
Intel, chipsets, 820E 269—272
Intel, chipsets, 82350 239—240
Intel, chipsets, 840 272—274
Intel, chipsets, 850 274—275
Intel, chipsets, 860 275
Intel, chipsets, hub architecture 238—239
Intel, chipsets, integrated audio chipsets 945
Intel, chipsets, integrated video/motherboard chipsets 879
Intel, chipsets, Intel 440FX 259
Intel, chipsets, model numbers 235—236
Intel, chipsets, North Bridge 236—237
Intel, chipsets, Pentium II processors 257 284
Intel, chipsets, RNG (random number generator) 266
Intel, chipsets, South Bridge 236—237
Intel, chipsets, summary of Pentium chipsets 240—241
Intel, chipsets, summary of Pentium Pro chipsets 253—258
Intel, chipsets, Super I/O chips 236—237
Intel, compatible processors 118
Intel, compatible processors, AMD 115—119
Intel, compatible processors, Cyrix 119
Intel, contact information 1459
Intel, iCOMP index, iCOMP 2.0 index ratings 56—57 153
Intel, iCOMP index, iCOMP 3.0 index ratings 57
Intel, iCOMP index, iFlash BIOS update 377—378
Intel, iCOMP index, industry control 31—34
Intel, iCOMP index, keyboard controllers 1010
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 4004 42
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 8008 43
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 80186 120
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 80188 120
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 80286 121—122
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 80386 122—125
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 80486 125—132
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 8080 43
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 8085 43
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 8086 44 119—120
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, 8088 44 120
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, bus widths 35—36
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Celeron 144—146 162—163
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, codenames 115—118
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, IA-32 44
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Itanium 44
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium 134—143
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium 4 186—189 192—193
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium II 144—146 150—156 159—162
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium II/III Xeon 172—173
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium III 144—146 164—172
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium OverDrive 143
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium Pro 144—149
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, Pentium-MMX 140—143
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, specifications 45—46
Intel, iCOMP index, processors, speed ratings 59—61
Intel, iCOMP index, RXG (random number generator) 266
Intel, iCOMP index, voltage regulators 1157
Intel-compatible processors, AMD 486 (5x86), Am5x86 (TM)-P75 132
Intel-compatible processors, AMD Athlon 177—180
Intel-compatible processors, AMD Athlon XP 182—183 236
Intel-compatible processors, AMD Duron 184—185 236
Intel-compatible processors, AMD K5 144
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, 3DXow! technology 78
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, BIOS support 175
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, future developments 177
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, motherboard compatibility 174—175
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, multiplier settings 176—177
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, specifications 175—176
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, technical features 174—175
Intel-compatible processors, AMD-K6, voltage 175
Intel-compatible processors, Cyrix 6x86/6x86MX 185—186
Intel-compatible processors, Cyrix/TI 486 133
Intel-compatible processors, NexGenNx586 173—174
Intelligent sharing 1102
IntelliMouse Explorer 1022 1029—1030
INTER-RECORD GAP sector data 602—603
Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) 932
Interface transfer rates 631
Interfaces, ATA (AT Attachment) See ATA
Interfaces, DVD drives, ATA/ATAPI 772—773
Interfaces, DVD drives, FireWire 774
Interfaces, DVD drives, parallel ports 773
Interfaces, DVD drives, SCSI/ASPI 771—772
Interfaces, DVD drives, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 773—774
Interfaces, floppy disk drives 642—643
Interfaces, hard disk drives 625
Interfaces, keyboards, bouncing/debouncing keystrokes 1010
Interfaces, keyboards, key numbers 1012—1013
Interfaces, keyboards, scan codes 1012—1013
Interfaces, keyboards, USB Legacy support 1011
Interfaces, mouse, hybrid mouse 1025
Interfaces, mouse, PS/2 mouse interfaces 1024—1025
Interfaces, mouse, serial interface 1024
Interfaces, mouse, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1025—1026
Interfaces, removable-media drives 670—671
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), advantages and limitations 570—571
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), Apple Computers 538
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), booting 539
Interfaces, SCSI (small computer system interface), cables 541—543 571
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