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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Enhanced 3DNovv! technology 78
Enhanced Capabilities Port (ECP) 989
Enhanced Disk Drive (EDD) 518
Enhanced IDE (EIDE) 499
Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) 988—989
ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) 17—18
Ensoniq ESI 370 series sound cards 942
Environment-based bump mapping 899
Environmental acclimation 623
Environmental Audio Extensions (EAX) technology 946
EPIC (explicitly parallel instruction computing) 195
EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) 988—989
EPROM (erasable programmable ROM) 365—366
Epson America, Inc. 1459
Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM) 365—366
Erasers 366 1324
ergonomic keyboards 1006 1016
Ergonomic Resources 1006
Errata No 23 141—142
Error correction codes (ECC) 463—464 535
Error correction protocols 1077—1078
Errors, ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) 409
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system) 410—414
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system), DISK BOOT FAILURE 412
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system), Invalid partition table 413
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system), No boot device available 413
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system), No boot sector on fixed disk 413
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system), NO ROM BASIC - SYSTEM HALTED 412
Errors, BIOS (basic input/output system), Non-System disk or di error 412
Errors, boot process, central hardware test 1295
Errors, boot process, sector errors 1296—1297
Errors, boot process, video ROM errors 1295
Errors, CD-ROM discs 726—727
Errors, CRC (cyclic redundancy checking) 549
Errors, Disk Change 654
Errors, DVD discs 755—756
Errors, ECC (error correction codes) 463—464 535
Errors, error correction protocols 1077—1078
Errors, FAT (file allocation table) 1363
Errors, FAT (file allocation table), cross-linked files 1365—1366
Errors, FAT (file allocation table), damaged FAT 1366—1367
Errors, FAT (file allocation table), invalid files or directories 1366
Errors, FAT (file allocation table), lost clusters 1364—1365
Errors, file system errors, Boot Error Press Fl to Retry 1378
Errors, file system errors, DOS 1379
Errors, file system errors, Hard Disk Controller Failure 1378—1379
Errors, file system errors, Invalid Drive Specification 1378
Errors, file system errors, Invalid Media Type 1378
Errors, file system errors, Missing Operating System 1377—1378
Errors, file system errors, NO ROM BASIC - SYSTEM HALTED 1378
Errors, file system errors, Windows 2000/XP 1379—1380
Errors, file system errors, Windows 9x/Me 1379
Errors, floppy disk drives 664—665
Errors, POST (power on self test), audio error codes 1273—1275 1280 1284—1289
Errors, POST (power on self test), checkpoint codes 1274—1282
Errors, POST (power on self test), error display 1273
Errors, POST (power on self test), fatal errors 1273
Errors, POST (power on self test), memory count 1291
Errors, POST (power on self test), onscreen messages 1274 1282—1284 1289—1291
Errors, soft memory errors 419
Errors, soft memory errors, alpha particles 457
Errors, soft memory errors, cosmic rays 457—458
Errors, soft memory errors, ECC (error correcting code) 463—464
Errors, soft memory errors, fault tolerance 458—459
Errors, soft memory errors, incorrect memory types 458
Errors, soft memory errors, line noise 458
Errors, soft memory errors, parity checking 459—463
Errors, soft memory errors, power glitches 458
Errors, soft memory errors, radio frequency interference 458
Errors, soft memory errors, static discharge 458
Errors, soft memory errors, timing glitches 458
Errors, sound cards, advanced features 955
Errors, sound cards, Chipset Setup options 955
Errors, sound cards, low volume 953—954
Errors, sound cards, no sound 952—953
Errors, sound cards, one-sided sound 953
Errors, sound cards, parity errors 954
Errors, sound cards, scratchy sound 954
Errors, sound cards, startup problems 954
ESD (electrostatic discharge) 467 1236—1239 1307
ESS Technology 944
Ethernet 1107—1109
Ethernet, cables 1114
Ethernet, compared to home networking 1144
Ethernet, defined 1109
Ethernet, Fast Ethernet 1109
Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet 1109
Ethernet, hubs 1119—1120
Ethernet, hubs, buying tips 1147
Ethernet, hubs, compared to switches 1120—1121
Ethernet, hubs, dual-speed 1121
Ethernet, hubs, managed/unmanaged 1119
Ethernet, hubs, placement of 1122—1123
Ethernet, hubs, ports 1122
Ethernet, hubs, stackable 1121
Ethernet, Intel 815/815E chipsets 268
Ethernet, network adapter connectors 1111—1113
Ethernet, switches, address storing 1120
Ethernet, switches, buying tips 1147
Ethernet, switches, compared to hubs 1120—1121
Ethernet, switches, dual-speed 1121
Ethernet, switches, placement of 1122—112?.
Ethernet, switches, ports 1122
Ethernet, switches, stackable 1121
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), access points 1132
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), costs 1135
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), NICs (network interface cards) 1132
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), notebook computers 1135
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), security 1133
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), users per access point 1134—1135
Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), Web site 1132
Even cycles (RDRAM) 432
Event Log setting (BIOS Event Logging menu) 397
Event Logging menu (BIOS Setup) 397—398
Evergreen 132
Exabyte Corporation 1459
Exit Discarding Changes setting (BIOS Exit menu) 406
Exit menu (BIOS Setup) 406
Exit Saving Changes setting (BIOS Exit menu) 406
Expanders (SCSI) 556
expansion cards 1263
expansion slots See I/O buses
Explicitly parallel instruction computing (EPIC) 195
Extended Configuration menu (BIOS Setup) 386 390—391
Extended data out RAM (EDO RAM) 429
Extended FAT (file allocation table) partitions 1343
Extended Graphics Array (XGA) 861
Extended Industry Standard Architecture buses See EISA buses
Extended Memory Specification 484—485
Extended PC (PC/XT-class) systems 36—38
Extended-ATX motherboards 219
Extenders (DOS) 54
extensions (filename) 1349
extents 1375
External analog modems 1084—1085
External cable modems 1046
External cables 1263—1265
external cache See Level 2 cache
External CD/DVD drives 776—777
External data buses 48—50
External drives 840—841
External speakers, AC adapters 956
External speakers, amplification 955
External speakers, buying tips 956
External speakers, DBB (dynamic bass boost) 956
External speakers, frequency response 956
External speakers, headphones 957
External speakers, interference 957
External speakers, magnetic shielding 955
External speakers, sleep feature 957
| External speakers, surround sound 957—958
External speakers, total harmonic distortion 956
External speakers, typical speaker setup 957—958
External speakers, volume control 956
External speakers, watts 956
Extigy sound card 928—931
Extra nets 1103
Extremely low frequency (ELF) emissions 866
EzFlyer removable-media drives 683
EZSTART software 1292
F0h-15h POST codes 1276
F0h-F9h POST codes 1288
faceplates 626—627 648 818
Failed transistors (LCDs) 855
Failures, memory, hard fails 457
Failures, memory, soft errors 457—464
Failures, power 1198—1199
Failures, power, diagnostic procedures 1199
Failures, power, digital infrared thermometers 1203—1204
Failures, power, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1200—1203
Failures, power, inadequate cooling 1200
Failures, power, overloaded power supply 1199
Failures, power, variable voltage transformers 1204
Fair Access Policy (FAP) 1062—1063
Fake parity modules 463
Fake processors 84—85
FamilyClick 1044
FamilyConnect Filter Pack 1044
Fan power connectors 293
FAP (Fair Access Policy) 1062—1063
Faraday, Michael 576
Fast Ethernet 1109
Fast Mode parallel ports 988—989
Fast Page Mode DRAM (FPO DRAM) 428
Fast SCSI (small computer system interface) 543
Fast-160DT SCSI (small computer system interface) 545
Fast-40 SCSI (small computer system interface) 545
Fast-80DT SCSI (small computer system interface) 545
Fast-ATA standard 499
Fastchip Web site 367
FAT (File Allocation Table) 1340—1341
FAT (file allocation table), chains 1351
FAT (file allocation table), cIusters/allocation units, floppy disk cluster sizes 1354
FAT (file allocation table), cIusters/allocation units, hard disk cluster sizes 1354—1355
FAT (file allocation table), cIusters/allocation units, lost clusters 1364—1365
FAT (file allocation table), cIusters/allocation units, slack 1354
FAT (file allocation table), copying 1353—1354
FAT (file allocation table), data areas 1355
FAT (file allocation table), directory/FAT relationship 1352—1353
FAT (file allocation table), disk defragmentation 1369—1371
FAT (file allocation table), extended partitions 1343
FAT (file allocation table), FAT12 1340
FAT (file allocation table), FAT16 1340
FAT (file allocation table), FAT16, converting to FAT32 1363
FAT (file allocation table), FAT16, creating with aftermarket utilities 830
FAT (file allocation table), FAT16, creating with FDISK 828—830
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32 1340 1358
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, backward compatibiIity 1359
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, cIusters/allocation units 1359-1362
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, Conversion Wizard 1363
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, converting FAT16to 1363
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, FAT mirroring 1362
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, limitations 1359
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, Partition Commander 1363
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, partition creation 828—830 1362—1363
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, Partition Magic 1363
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, partition sizes 1359
FAT (file allocation table), FAT32, root directory 1359
FAT (file allocation table), file system errors 1363
FAT (file allocation table), file system errors, cross-linked files 1365—1366
FAT (file allocation table), file system errors, damaged FAT 1366—1367
FAT (file allocation table), file system errors, invalid files or directories 1366
FAT (file allocation table), file system errors, lost clusters 1364—1365
FAT (file allocation table), file system utilities 1367
FAT (file allocation table), file system utilities, Norton Utilities 1372
FAT (file allocation table), file system utilities, RECOVER 1368
FAT (file allocation table), file system utilities, SCANDISK 1368—1369
FAT (file allocation table), file system utilities, SpinRite 1372—1373
FAT (file allocation table), hexadecimal values 1353
FAT (file allocation table), invalid files/directories 1366
FAT (file allocation table), master boot code 1342
FAT (file allocation table), master partition boot records 1341—1346
FAT (file allocation table), mirroring 1362
FAT (file allocation table), partition creation 828—830 1362—1363
FAT (file allocation table), partition creation, Partition Magic 1363
FAT (file allocation table), partition creation, partition sizes 1359
FAT (file allocation table), partition creation, root directory 1359
FAT (file allocation table), partitions 607
FAT (file allocation table), primary partitions 1343
FAT (file allocation table), read-and-write cylinders 1355—1356
FAT (file allocation table), root directory 1348
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, contents of 1349
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, directory entry status byte 1350
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, directory file attribute byte 1351
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, directory format 1350
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, entry limits 1349
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, filename extensions 1349
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, location 1349
FAT (file allocation table), root directory, size 1349
FAT (file allocation table), system indicator byte values 1345—1346
FAT (file allocation table), table structure 1351—1354
FAT (file allocation table), VFAT (virtual file allocation table) 1356—1358
FAT (file allocation table), volume boot records 1347—1348
FAT 12 file systems 1340
FAT 16 file systems 1340
FAT 16 file systems, converting to FAT32 1363
FAT 16 file systems, creating with aftermarket utilities 830
FAT 16 file systems, creating with FDISK 828—830
Fat32 file system 1340 1358
FAT32 file system, backward compatibility 1359
FAT32 file system, clusters/allocation units 1359—1362
FAT32 file system, Conversion Wizard 1363
FAT32 file system, converting FAT 16 to 1363
FAT32 file system, FAT mirroring 1362
FAT32 file system, limitations 1359
FAT32 file system, Partition Commander 1363
FAT32 file system, partition creation 828—830 1362—1363
FAT32 file system, partition sizes 1359
FAT32 file system, PartitionMagic 1363
FAT32 file system, root directory 1359
fatal errors 471 1273
Fault tolerance 458—459
Fault tolerance, ECC (error correcting code) 463—464
Fault tolerance, parity checking, chipset support 460
Fault tolerance, parity checking, disabling 461
Fault tolerance, parity checking, fake parity modules 463
Fault tolerance, parity checking, odd parity 460
Fault tolerance, parity checking, parity bits 459—460
Fault tolerance, parity checking, parity-check messages 460—463
Fault tolerance, parity checking, XMLs (nonmaskable interrupts) 461
Fax modems 1084
FBh-FFh POST codes 1276
FC-PGA (flip-chip pin grid array) package 86—87 162
FCC (Federal Communications Commission) 1191
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) 1117
fdisk utility 607—608 1267
FDISK utility, /MBR parameter 1346—1347
FDISK utility, assigning drive letters 827—828
FDISK utility, FAT (file allocation table) 1353
FDISK utility, limitations 831—832
FDISK utility, partitioning hard drives 824—830
FDISK utility, partitioning hard drives, advantages of 825—826
FDISK utility, partitioning hard drives, drive letter assignments 827—828
FDISK utility, partitioning hard drives, FAT32 volumes 828—830
FDISK utility, partitioning hard drives, large hard disk support 826
FDISK utility, undocumented capabilities 1346—1347
FDIV (floating-point divide) bug 141—142
Fedco Electronics, Inc. 1459
Federa I Conl nmnicati on s Commission (FCC) 1191
Felsenstein, Lee 14
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