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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Care and maintenance, tools, chip inserters 1305
Care and maintenance, tools, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1312
Care and maintenance, tools, electric screwdrivers 1316
Care and maintenance, tools, electrical testing equipment 1311
Care and maintenance, tools, English/metric fasteners 1309
Care and maintenance, tools, ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection kits 1307
Care and maintenance, tools, files 1307
Care and maintenance, tools, flashlights 1307
Care and maintenance, tools, hemostats 1307
Care and maintenance, tools, infrared thermometers 1316—1317
Care and maintenance, tools, logic probes 1313
Care and maintenance, tools, logic pulsers 1314
Care and maintenance, tools, loopback connector 1311—1312
Care and maintenance, tools, memory testers 1315
Care and maintenance, tools, needle-nose pliers 1306
Care and maintenance, tools, nut drivers 1304
Care and maintenance, tools, outlet testers 1314—1315
Care and maintenance, tools, parts grabbers 1305 1317—1318
Care and maintenance, tools, Phillips-head screws 1308
Care and maintenance, tools, screwdrivers 1304
Care and maintenance, tools, slotted-head screws 1308
Care and maintenance, tools, soldering/desoldering tools 1309—1311
Care and maintenance, tools, temperature probes 1316
Care and maintenance, tools, thumb screws 1309
Care and maintenance, tools, Torx drivers 1306
Care and maintenance, tools, Torx screws 1308 1316
Care and maintenance, tools, tweezers 1305
Care and maintenance, tools, vise 1307
Care and maintenance, tools, wire cutters 1307
Care and maintenance, tools, wire strippers 1307
Care and maintenance, trackballs 1034
Carpel tunnel syndrome 1016
Carrierless amplitude/phase (CAP) 1050
CAS-2 (column address strobe) timing 269
Cases, ATX-style 1220
Cases, buying tips 1207—1208
Cases, cover assembly 1263—1265
Cases, custom cases 1208
Cases, defined 39
Cases, desktop 1221
Cases, form factors 1219—1220
Cases, low-profile 1220
Cases, micro-tower 1221
Cases, mini-tower 1221
Cases, mounting motherboards in 1246—1248
Cases, no-tool 1309
Cases, tower 1221
Castlewood Orb drives 680—681
Category 3 cables 1124
Category 5 cables 1124
Cathode-ray tube monitors See CRT monitors
CATV networks 1045—1046
CAV (constant angular velocity) technology, CD-ROMs 730—731
CAV (constant angular velocity) technology, DVDs 760
CCITT (Comite Consultatif International Telephonique et Telegraphique) 1074
CCS (Common Command Set) 544
CD audio connectors 294
CD EXTRA discs 743
CD SPDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) sound card connectors 927
CD-DA drives 735
CD-i players 735—736
CD-iCE emulator 736
CD-R discs See also CD-ROM discs; CD-RW discs
CD-R discs, bulk on spindle 782
CD-R discs, burning 780
CD-R discs, burning, 'For Music Use Only' discs 795—796
CD-R discs, burning, AHRA (Audio Home Recording Act) 795
CD-R discs, burning, buffer underruns 789—790
CD-R discs, burning, DAE (digital audio extraction) 793—795
CD-R discs, burning, reliability 788—789
CD-R discs, burning, SCMS (serial copy management system) 795
CD-R discs, burning, software 792
CD-R discs, burning, tips and recommendations 790—792
CD-R discs, capacity 780
CD-R discs, compared to CD-RW 783
CD-R discs, conventional surface media 782
CD-R discs, copy protection 796—797
CD-R discs, jewel cases 782
CD-R discs, media color 780—782
CD-R discs, media layers 780
CD-R discs, overbuming 780
CD-R discs, pre-grooves 779
CD-R discs, printable surface media 782
CD-R discs, recording speeds 782
CD-R discs, spin-coating process 779
CD-R discs, unbranded media 782
CD-R drives 739 778—779.
CD-R drives, burning CDs, 'For Music Use Only' discs 795—796
CD-R drives, burning CDs, AHRA (Audio Home Recording Act) 795
CD-R drives, burning CDs, buffer underruns 789—790
CD-R drives, burning CDs, DAE (digital audio extraction) 793—795
CD-R drives, burning CDs, reliability 788—789
CD-R drives, burning CDs, SCMS (serial copy management system) 795
CD-R drives, burning CDs, software 792
CD-R drives, burning CDs, tips and recommendations 790—792
CD-R drives, capacity 780
CD-R drives, copy protection 796—797
CD-R drives, disc grooves 779
CD-R drives, disc media layers 780
CD-R drives, mechanical drive operation 779
CD-R drives, media color 780—782
CD-R drives, media options 782
CD-R drives, multisession recording, Disc-at-Once 740
CD-R drives, multisession recording, packet writing 740—741
CD-R drives, multisession recording, sessions 739
CD-R drives, multisession recording, Track-at-Once 740
CD-R drives, recording speeds 782
CD-R drives, troubleshooting 811
CD-ROM discs 717—718. See also CD-R discs; CD-RW discs
CD-ROM discs, bootable CDs 806—808 811
CD-ROM discs, capacity 716 727—728
CD-ROM discs, care and handling 718
CD-ROM discs, care and maintenance 808—809
CD-ROM discs, CD EXTRA 743
CD-ROM discs, CD-DA 735
CD-ROM discs, CD-i 735—736
CD-ROM discs, CD-ROM XA 736—739
CD-ROM discs, copy protection 727
CD-ROM discs, EFM data encoding 728—730
CD-ROM discs, error handing 726—727
CD-ROM discs, file systems, HFS (Hierarchical File System) 747
CD-ROM discs, file systems, High Sierra 744—745
CD-ROM discs, file systems, ISO 9660 745—746
CD-ROM discs, file systems, Joliet 746—747
CD-ROM discs, file systems, Rock Ridge 747—748
CD-ROM discs, file systems, UDF (Universal Disk Format) 747
CD-ROM discs, form factor 716
CD-ROM discs, history of 717
CD-ROM discs, hub clamping area 721
CD-ROM discs, interleaves 726
CD-ROM discs, lands 718—720
CD-ROM discs, lead-in 722
CD-ROM discs, lead-out 722
CD-ROM discs, liooting from 1296
CD-ROM discs, mass production 718—719
CD-ROM discs, multisession recording, Disc-at-Once 740
CD-ROM discs, multisession recording, packet writing 740—741
CD-ROM discs, multisession recording, sessions 739
CD-ROM discs, multisession recording, Track-at-Once 740
CD-ROM discs, PCA (power calibration area) 721
CD-ROM discs, Photo CD 741—742
CD-ROM discs, Picture CD 742—743
CD-ROM discs, pits 718—720
CD-ROM discs, PMA (power memory area) 722
CD-ROM discs, program area 722
CD-ROM discs, reading 720—721
CD-ROM discs, rescue CDs 807
CD-ROM discs, sampling rates 725
CD-ROM discs, sectors 724
CD-ROM discs, subcode bytes 725—726
| CD-ROM discs, summary of formats 733—734
CD-ROM discs, technical parameters 723
CD-ROM discs, tracks 721—722
CD-ROM discs, video CDs 743
CD-ROM discs, Yellow Book standard 735
CD-ROM drives 716—717. See also CD-R drives; CD-RW drives
CD-ROM drives, access times 768—769
CD-ROM drives, bootable CDs 806—808 811
CD-ROM drives, buffers/cache 769—770
CD-ROM drives, buying tips 1229—1230
CD-ROM drives, care and maintenance 808—809
CD-ROM drives, CAV (constant angular velocity) technology 730—731
CD-ROM drives, CD EXTRA 743
CD-ROM drives, CD-DA 735
CD-ROM drives, CD-i 735—736
CD-ROM drives, CD-ROM XA 736—739
CD-ROM drives, CLV (constant linear velocity) technology 730—731
CD-ROM drives, configuration 838—840
CD-ROM drives, data transfer rates 768
CD-ROM drives, defined 39
CD-ROM drives, DMA (Direct Memory Access) 770—771
CD-ROM drives, drive sealing 776
CD-ROM drives, drivers, CDROM.SYS 1268
CD-ROM drives, drivers, DOS ATAPI adapter drivers 804
CD-ROM drives, drivers, DOS SCSI adapter drivers 803—804
CD-ROM drives, drivers, loading 1267—1269
CD-ROM drives, drivers, MSCDEX 804—805 1268
CD-ROM drives, external drives 776—777 840—841
CD-ROM drives, file systems, HFS (Hierarchical File System) 747
CD-ROM drives, file systems, High Sierra 744—745
CD-ROM drives, file systems, ISO 9660 745—746
CD-ROM drives, file systems, Joliet 746—747
CD-ROM drives, file systems, Rock Ridge 747—748
CD-ROM drives, file systems, UDF (Universal Disk Format) 747
CD-ROM drives, history of 717
CD-ROM drives, installation 837—838 1259—1261
CD-ROM drives, installation, card edge connectors 841—843
CD-ROM drives, installation, cautions 839
CD-ROM drives, installation, external drives 840—841
CD-ROM drives, installation, host adapters 838
CD-ROM drives, installation, internal drives 841
CD-ROM drives, installation, jumper settings 838—840
CD-ROM drives, installation, ribbon cables 841—843
CD-ROM drives, installation, SCSI (small computer system interface) chains 843—844
CD-ROM drives, interfaces, ATA/ATAPI 772—773
CD-ROM drives, interfaces, FireWire 774
CD-ROM drives, interfaces, parallel ports 773
CD-ROM drives, interfaces, SCSI/ASPI 771—772
CD-ROM drives, interfaces, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 773—774
CD-ROM drives, internal CD-audio connectors 926
CD-ROM drives, internal drives 776—777 841
CD-ROM drives, laser operation 719—720
CD-ROM drives, loading mechanisms, caddies 775
CD-ROM drives, loading mechanisms, slots 775—776
CD-ROM drives, loading mechanisms, trays 774—775
CD-ROM drives, mechanical drive operation 720
CD-ROM drives, multisession recording, Disc-at-Once 740
CD-ROM drives, multisession recording, packet writing 740—741
CD-ROM drives, multisession recording, sessions 739
CD-ROM drives, multisession recording, Track-at-Once 740
CD-ROM drives, Photo CD 741—742
CD-ROM drives, Picture CD 742—743
CD-ROM drives, processor utilization 770
CD-ROM drives, rescue CDs 807
CD-ROM drives, self-cleaning lenses 776
CD-ROM drives, speed 730—732
CD-ROM drives, summary of formats 733—734
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, disc read failures 809—810
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, read/write errors 811
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, slow drive speeds 810
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, TrueX technology 731—733
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, vibration control 731
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, video CDs 743
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, Windows 9x/NT support 805—806
CD-ROM drives, troubleshooting, Yellow Book standard 735
CD-ROM XA drives 736—739
CD-RW discs 782—783. See also CD-R discs; CD-ROM discs
CD-RW discs, burning, 'For Music Use Only' discs 795—796
CD-RW discs, burning, AHRA (Audio Home Recording Act) 795
CD-RW discs, burning, buffer underruns 789—790
CD-RW discs, burning, DAE (digital audio extraction) 793—795
CD-RW discs, burning, reliability 788—789
CD-RW discs, burning, SCMS (serial copy management system) 795
CD-RW discs, burning, software 792
CD-RW discs, burning, tips and recommendations 790—792
CD-RW discs, compared to CD-R 783
CD-RW discs, copy protection 796—797
CD-RW discs, direct overwrite 784
CD-RW discs, media layers 783
CD-RW discs, Mount Rainier standard 785
CD-RW discs, MultiRead specification 787—788
CD-RW discs, recording speeds 784
CD-RW drives 739 778—779 782—783.
CD-RW drives, buffer underrun protection 1230
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, 'For Music Use Only' discs 795—796
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, AURA (Audio Home Recording Act) 795
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, buffer underruns 789—790
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, DAE (digital audio extraction) 793—795
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, reliability 788—789
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, SCMS (serial copy management system) 795
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, software 792
CD-RW drives, burning CDs, tips and recommendations 790—792
CD-RW drives, buying tips 1230
CD-RW drives, copy protection 796—797
CD-RW drives, direct overwrite 784
CD-RW drives, mechanical drive operation 783—784
CD-RW drives, media layers 783
CD-RW drives, Mount Rainier standard 785
CD-RW drives, MultiRead specification 787—788
CD-RW drives, multisession recording, Disc-at-Once 740
CD-RW drives, multisession recording, packet wiring 740—741
CD-RW drives, multisession recording, sessions 739
CD-RW drives, multisession recording, Track-at-Once 740
CD-RW drives, recording speeds 784
CD-RW drives, troubleshooting 810—811
CDROM.SYS driver 1268
CDSL (consumer DSL) 1052
Celeron processors 144
Celeron processors, benefits 162—163
Celeron processors, bus widths 35—36
Celeron processors, DIB (dual independent bus) 79—80 145
Celeron processors, dynamic execution 145
Celeron processors, FC-PGA (flip-chip pin grid array) package 162
Celeron processors, iCOMP 2.0 index ratings 56
Celeron processors, instruction execution 145
Celeron processors, manufacturing 163
Celeron processors, PPGA (plastic pin grid array) package 162
Celeron processors, running 32-bit software 145—146
Celeron processors, SEP (single-edge processor) package 162
Cells (transition cells) 577 585
Centon Electronics, Inc. 1458
Central hardware test 1295
central processing units See processors
Central switch (CS) 1050
Centronics connectors 551
Certifications (power supply) 1191
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) 1321—1322
Chains, FAT (file allocation table) 1351
Chains, SCSI (small computer system interface) 843—844
Channels, secondary 511
Chassis See cases
Chassis intrusion connectors 294
CHDSK utility 1353
Checking for viruses 1329
Checkpoint codes (POST) 1274
Checkpoint codes (POST), AMI BIOS 1275—1280
Checkpoint codes (POST), Award BIOS 1281—1282
Cheetah 36ES drives 633
Cheetah X15 drives 633
Chemical cleaners 1321
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