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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Component video 913
Composite ferrite read/write heads 580
Compressed air 1018 1323
Compression, ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation) 932
Compression, codecs 912
Compression, MNP 5 standard 1078—1079
Compression, MPEG (Motion Pictures Experts Group) 932
Compression, V.42bis standard 1078—1079
Compression, V.44 standard 1079
CompUSA, Inc. 1458
CompuServe 1458
Computer Discount Warehouse 1458
Computer history 12
Computer history, ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer) 17
Computer history, Analytical Engine 16—17
Computer history, Colossus 17
Computer history, Difference Engine 16
Computer history, ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) 17—18
Computer history, IBM 28—30
Computer history, ICs (integrated circuits) 19
Computer history, Intel 31—34
Computer history, mechanical calculators 16
Computer history, microprocessors 20—22
Computer history, PCs (personal computers), Altair kit 22
Computer history, PCs (personal computers), Apple I 23
Computer history, PCs (personal computers), Apple II 23
Computer history, PCs (personal computers), IBM Model 5100 23
Computer history, PCs (personal computers), IBM Personal Computer 23—24
Computer history, PCs (personal computers), PC-compatible systems 25
Computer history, punch-card systems 17
Computer history, semiconductors 19
Computer history, stored-program technique 18
Computer history, timeline 12—16
Computer history, UNI VAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 18
Computer history, vacuum tubes 18—19
Computer history, white-box systems 31—32
Computer Reseller News 709
Computer Shopper 709
CONFIG.SYS file, DOS boot process 1299
CONFIG.SYS file, mouse drivers 1022 1028—1029
Configuration See also installation
Configuration files, AUTOEXEC.BAT 1022 1028—1029
Configuration files, CONFIG.SYS 1022 1028—1029
Configuration, adapter memory 488—489
Configuration, ATA (AT Attachment) 507—510
Configuration, BIOS See Setup program
Configuration, CD-ROM drives 838—840
Configuration, documentation 1239—1240
Configuration, DVD-ROM drives 838—840
Configuration, hard disk drives See also Setup program
Configuration, hard disk drives, automatic drive detection 821
Configuration, hard disk drives, configuration items 626
Configuration, hard disk drives, host adapters 815—816
Configuration, hard disk drives, manual drive parameters 821—822
Configuration, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) 1091
Configuration, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), client computers 1093—1094
Configuration, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), online resources 1094
Configuration, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), Windows 2000/XP 1093
Configuration, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing), Windows 98/Me 1092—1093
Configuration, monitors, monitor power-management settings 866
Configuration, monitors, monitor refresh rates 869—870
Configuration, monitors, multiple monitors 894
Configuration, networking software 1149—1150
Configuration, parallel ports 990
Configuration, power supply 1252—1254
Configuration, processor operating voltages 106—107
Configuration, SCSI (small computer system interface) drives, delayed start 562
Configuration, SCSI (small computer system interface) drives, external terminators 560—562
Configuration, SCSI (small computer system interface) drives, parity checking 562
Configuration, SCSI (small computer system interface) drives, SCSI ID setting 559—560
Configuration, SCSI (small computer system interface) drives, synchronous negotiation 563
Configuration, SCSI (small computer system interface) drives, terminator power 562
Configuration, serial ports 981—982
Configuration, speakers 948
Configuration, system-configuration templates 339—343
Configuration, video adapters 892—893
Configuration, Windows keyboard parameters 1012
Conflicts, adapter memory 489
Conflicts, game port conflicts 936
Conflicts, IRQs (interrupt request channels) 331—332 1027—1028
Conflicts, ROM BIOS 486
Conflicts, sound cards 950—951
connecting See installation
Connectors, ATA (AT Attachment) 494
Connectors, ATA (AT Attachment), 40-pin 502—504
Connectors, ATA (AT Attachment), 50-pin 504—505
Connectors, ATA (AT Attachment), keying 506
Connectors, ATA (AT Attachment), master position 501
Connectors, card edge connectors 307 841—843
Connectors, cleaning 1326—1327
Connectors, data cable connectors 820
Connectors, enhanced 101-key keyboards 997
Connectors, floppy disk drives 648—650
Connectors, hard disk drives 625
Connectors, keyboard 1014—1016
Connectors, keyboard, 5-pin DIN 1014
Connectors, keyboard, 6-pin mini-DIN 1014
Connectors, keyboard, connector signals 1015
Connectors, keyboard, troubleshooting 1017
Connectors, motherboards 292 1169
Connectors, motherboards, AMR (Audio Modem Riser) 296
Connectors, motherboards, AT 207 1169—1171
Connectors, motherboards, ATAPI-style line-in connectors 294
Connectors, motherboards, ATX 211—212 1171—1176
Connectors, motherboards, Baby-AT 205
Connectors, motherboards, battery connectors 293
Connectors, motherboards, CD audio connectors 294
Connectors, motherboards, chassis intrusion connectors 294
Connectors, motherboards, CNR (Communications and Networking Riser) 296
Connectors, motherboards, Dell proprietary ATX design 1177—1179
Connectors, motherboards, front-panel connectors 295
Connectors, motherboards, IrDA (infrared data) connectors 293
Connectors, motherboards, LED and keylock connectors 293
Connectors, motherboards, LPX 209—210
Connectors, motherboards, microprocessor fan power connectors 293
Connectors, motherboards, power switch connectors 1179—1181
Connectors, motherboards, speaker connectors 293
Connectors, motherboards, telephony connectors 294
Connectors, motherboards, Wake on LAN connectors 294
Connectors, motherboards, Wake on Ring connectors 294
Connectors, mouse 1014—1016
Connectors, mouse, hybrid mouse 1025
Connectors, mouse, PS/2 mouse interfaces 1024—1025
Connectors, mouse, serial 1024
Connectors, mouse, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1025—1026
Connectors, NICs (network interface cards) 1111—1113
Connectors, peripheral power connectors 820
Connectors, peripheral power connectors, physical connector part numbers 1183—1184
Connectors, peripheral power connectors, pinouts 1182—1183
Connectors, SATA (Serial ATA), data connector pinouts 532—533
Connectors, SATA (Serial ATA), power connector pinouts 533—534
Connectors, SCSI (small computer system interface) 551—555
Connectors, serial ports 978—979
Connectors, sound cards 924—925
Connectors, sound cards, aux in 928
Connectors, sound cards, CD SPDIF in/out 927
Connectors, sound cards, digital DIN out 927
Connectors, sound cards, I2S in 928
Connectors, sound cards, IEEE-1394 928
Connectors, sound cards, internal CD audio 926
Connectors, sound cards, joystick 926
Connectors, sound cards, line-in 925
Connectors, sound cards, line-out 925
Connectors, sound cards, MIDI 926—927
Connectors, sound cards, mono-in 926
Connectors, sound cards, rear-out 925
Connectors, sound cards, SPDIF in/out 927
Connectors, sound cards, TAD in 927
Connectors, sound cards, USB port 928
Connectors, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 928 966—967
| Constant angular velocity (CAV) technology, CD-ROMs 730—731
Constant angular velocity (CAV) technology, DVDs 760
Constant linear velocity ((XV) technology, CD-ROMs 730—731
Constant linear velocity ((XV) technology, DVDs 760
Constant voltage power supply 1160
Consumer DSL (CDSL) 1052
Consumption of power supply 1192—1194
Consumption of power supply, example 1192
Consumption of power supply, floppy disk drives 1193
Consumption of power supply, hard disk drives 1193—1194
Consumption of power supply, motherboards 1193
Contact cleaners/lubricants 1322—1323
Contact information (vendors) 1457—1461
Contact start slop (CSS) design 599
Contacts, cleaning procedures 1326—1327
Contacts, CSS (contact start stop) design 599
Contacts, metals 1226—1227
Content scramble system (CSS) 766—767
Continuity tests (DMMs) 1201
Continuous drive LED 664
Contrast (LCD panels) 864
Controllerless modems 1087—1088
Controllers, ATA (AT Attachment) 493—494
Controllers, cache controllers 73 423 636
Controllers, disk controller I/O port commands 836
Controllers, floppy disk drives 647—648
Controllers, game controllers 1036—1037
Controllers, keyboards 1010—1011
Controllers, RAID (redundant array of independent disks) 535—536
Controllers, SCSI (small computer system interface) 538
Controllers, ST-506/412 MFM controllers 604
Controllers, Super I/O chips 290—291
Controllers, troubleshooting 1378
Conventional memory 387 477
Conventional memory barrier 475
Conventional surface media (CD-R) 782
Conversion Wizard (FAT32) 1363
Conversions, FAT 16 to FAT32 1363
Conversions, parallel-to-SCSI converters 992—993
Conversions, sector addresses 515
Conversions, VGA-to-NTSC converters 910—911
Cooling See healing/cooling issues
Coppermine 82 164
coprocessors See math coprocessors
Copy protection, CD-ROMs discs 727 796—797
Copy protection, DVD discs, APS (analog protection system) 767—768
Copy protection, DVD discs, CSS (content scramble system) 766—767
Copy protection, DVD discs, RPC (regional playback control) 765—766
CopyGuard 767—768
Copying FAT (file allocation table) 1353—1354
copyrights 29
Cordless input devices See wireless input devices
cordless mouse 1022
Cordless Wheel Mouse 1038
Corel Systems, Inc. 1458
Corrosion 454
Cosmic rays 457—458
costs See also buying tips
Costs, 3D graphics accelerators 897
Costs, 8086 processors 119
Costs, ATA (AT Attachment) 494
Costs, ATX motherboards 212
Costs, broadband modems 1043
costs, CATV networks 1048
Costs, Chipsets 1225
Costs, DirecWAY 1062
Costs, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1202
Costs, DSL (digital subscriber line) 1055
Costs, electricity 1195—1196
Costs, fixed-base wireless broadband 1058—1060
Costs, hard disk drives 639
Costs, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) 1066—1067
Costs, Jaz drives 679
Costs, LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors 851
Costs, LS-120 drives 679
Costs, memory 417—418
Costs, NICs (network interface cards) 1110
Costs, PROM (programmable ROM) 364
Costs, surge protectors 1211
Costs, tape drives 710—711
Costs, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 1135
Cover assembly (cases) 1263—1265
Cowarl, Robert 1093
CPU at nnnn (error message) 1283
CPU Clock Multiplier selling (BIOS Setup) 408
CPU Frequency selling (BIOS Setup) 408
CPU Information selling (BIOS Maintenance menu) 385
CPU Internal Cache/External Cache selling (BIOS Setup) 407
CPU Vcore Setting setting (BIOS Setup) 408
CPU Warning Temperature setting (BIOS Setup) 391
CPUFAN Off in Suspend selling (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
CPUFAN Turn On IN Win98 set-ling (BIOS Setup) 391
CPUs (central processing units) See processors
crashes See troubleshooting
Cray, Seymour 13
CRC (cyclic redundancy checking) 501 549
CRC (cyclic redundancy checking), CRC Error error message 665
CRC (cyclic redundancy checking), sector data 602—603
Creative Labs, contact information 1458
Creative Labs, EMU-8000 audio chips 942
Creative Labs, EMU10K1 audio chips 942
Creative Labs, Ensoniq ESI370 series sound cards 942
Creative Labs, Game Blaster 922
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster Audigy 942
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster Pro 923
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster, default resource assignments 950—951
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster, DMA emulation 935
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster, history of 922
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster, PC/PCI interface 935
Creative Labs, Sound Blaster, TSR utility programs 936
Creative Labs, Vibra-16 sound cards 942
Cross-interleave Reed-Solomon code (CIRC) 726
cross-linked files 1365—1366
Crossover Cables 990 1126
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, curved picture lubes 850
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, dot pitch 848 863—864
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, DVI (Digital Video Interface) 850—851
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, electron guns 848
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, FST (flat square lube) designs 850
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, horizontal scan rates 849
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, multiple-frequency monitors 850
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, persistence 849
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, phosphor triads 863
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, raster 849
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, refresh rates 849—850
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, scanning frequency 849
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, screen phosphors 863
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, shadow masks 848 863
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, short-neck CRTs 872
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, slotted masks 864
CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors, stripe pitch 864
Crucial Technologies 1458
CS (central switch) 1050
CS Electronics Web site 571
CS8220 chipsets 233
CS8221 chipsets 233
CSA (Canadian Standards Agency) 1191
CSEL (cable select) signals 507 510
CSS (contact start stop) design 599
CSS (content scramble system) 766—767
CTV (constant linear velocity) technology, CD-ROMs 730—731
CTV (constant linear velocity) technology, DVDs 760
Current CPU Temperature selling (BIOS Setup) 391
Current CPUFAN 1/2/3 Speed set-ling (BIOS Setup) 391
Current System Temperature set-ling (BIOS Setup) 391
Curved picture tubes 850
Custom cases 1208
Custom PROM (programmable ROM) programming 364—365
Customizer 101 keyboards 1009
Customizer 104 keyboards 1009
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