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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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M1543 chips 249—250
M1543C chips 277
M1561 chips 250
M1621 chips 276
M1631 chips 277
M1641B chips 276
M1647 chips 290
M1651 chips 277
M1651T chips 278
Macintosh See Apple Computers
Macrovision, CopyGuard 767—768
Macrovision, SafeAudio 796
Macrovision, SafeDisc 797
Maestro-2 sound cards 944
MAG InnoVision 1459
Magnetic disk media 669
Magnetic fields, flux 577 587—588
Magnetic fields, risks to floppy disks 662
Magnetic shielding 955
Magnetic storage 574. See also hard disk drives
Magnetic storage, areal density 591—593
Magnetic storage, Bernoulli drives 672
Magnetic storage, bit cells (transition cells) 577 585
Magnetic storage, capacity measurements 590
Magnetic storage, compared to magneto-optical drives 685
Magnetic storage, disk/tape material 576
Magnetic storage, drive letter assignments, DOS 685—687
Magnetic storage, drive letter assignments, Windows 9x/Me 685—687
Magnetic storage, drive letter assignments, Windows NT/2000/XP 687—688
Magnetic storage, electromagnetism 575—576
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes 584—586
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, ARLL (Advanced Run Length Limited) 587
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, clock signals 585
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, comparison of 588—589
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, endecs 585
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, FM (frequency modulation) 586
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, MFM (modified frequency modulation) 577 586
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, RLL (run length limited) 577 587—588
Magnetic storage, encoding schemes, timing 585
Magnetic storage, floptical drives 676—677
Magnetic storage, flux 577 587—588
Magnetic storage, head sliders 583—584
Magnetic storage, history of 574—575
Magnetic storage, Jaz drives 679
Magnetic storage, Jaz drives, cost 679
Magnetic storage, Jaz drives, specifications 679—680
Magnetic storage, LS-120 SuperDisk drives 677—679
Magnetic storage, magnetic fields 577
Magnetic storage, magneto-optical drives 683—685
Magnetic storage, microdrive technology 694
Magnetic storage, Orb drives 680—681
Magnetic storage, Peerless drives 682
Magnetic storage, PRML (Partial-Response, Maximum-Likelihood) 589—590
Magnetic storage, read process 579
Magnetic storage, read/write heads 576—579
Magnetic storage, read/write heads, AMR (anistropic magneto-resistant) 581—582
Magnetic storage, read/write heads, ferrite 579—580
Magnetic storage, read/write heads, GMR (giant magneto-resistive) 583
Magnetic storage, read/write heads, MIG (metal-in-gap) 580
Magnetic storage, read/write heads, MR (magneto-resistive) 581—582
Magnetic storage, read/write heads, TF (thin film) 580
Magnetic storage, Shark drives 683
Magnetic storage, SyQuest drives 682—683
Magnetic storage, tape drives 695—696
Magnetic storage, tape drives, ADR (Advanced Digital Recording) 697 703—704
Magnetic storage, tape drives, advantages of 697
Magnetic storage, tape drives, AIT (advanced intelligent tape) 697 706
Magnetic storage, tape drives, alternatives to 696
Magnetic storage, tape drives, backup software 711—712
Magnetic storage, tape drives, capacity 709—710
Magnetic storage, tape drives, choosing 709—710
Magnetic storage, tape drives, comparison of 708
Magnetic storage, tape drives, costs 710—771
Magnetic storage, tape drives, DAT (digital audio tape) 697 705—706
Magnetic storage, tape drives, data throughput 710
Magnetic storage, tape drives, disadvantages of 696
Magnetic storage, tape drives, DLT (digital linear tape) 706
Magnetic storage, tape drives, installation 711
Magnetic storage, tape drives, LTO (linear tape-open) 707
Magnetic storage, tape drives, QIC 697—699
Magnetic storage, tape drives, QIC-Wide 699—700
Magnetic storage, tape drives, SLR drives 706
Magnetic storage, tape drives, software compatibility 710
Magnetic storage, tape drives, summary of standards 697
Magnetic storage, tape drives, tape compatibility 710
Magnetic storage, tape drives, tape retensioning 714
Magnetic storage, tape drives, Travan 700—702
Magnetic storage, tape drives, troubleshooting 712—714
Magnetic storage, tape drives, VXA drives 697 706
Magnetic storage, tape drives, write process 578—579
Magnetic storage, Zip drives 671—672
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, 'click of death' 674—676
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, class action lawsuit 675—676
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, damaged drives 675—676
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, data recovery 676
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, diagnostic utilities 675
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, disks 672
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, internal view 674
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, internal Zip drives 672
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, reliability 673
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, specifications 673—674
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, troubleshooti ng 675—676
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, Zip 100 672—674
Magnetic storage, Zip drives, Zip 250 672—674
Magnetic tape media 669
Magneto-optical drives See also optical storage
Magneto-optical drives, compared to magnetic drives 685
Magneto-optical drives, drive letter assignments, DOS 685—687
Magneto-optical drives, drive letter assignments, Windows 9x/Me 685—687
Magneto-optical drives, drive letter assignments, Windows XT/2000/XP 687—688
Magneto-optical drives, Fujitsu DynaMO 685
Magneto-optical drives, read/write process 684
Magneto-optical drives, removable drives 683
Magneto-optical drives, Sony 685
Magneto-resistive (MR) read/write heads 581—582
main boards See motherboards
Main memory See RAM (random access memory)
Main menu (BIOS Setup) 386—387
Main power connectors (ATX) 1171—1173
Maintenance See care and maintenance
Maintenance menu (BIOS Setup) 385—386
Maintenance Wizard 1328
Make codes (keyboards) 1012
Managed hubs 1119
Managing power, ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) 1197
Managing power, APM (Advanced Power Management) 1197—1198
Managing power, desktop systems 1196
Managing power, Energy Star systems 1196
Managing power, portable systems 1196
Manual drive parameters 821—822
Manufacturer-supplied diagnostic software 1272
Manufacturing, CD-ROM discs 718—719
Manufacturing, processors, .09 micron manufacturing 84
Manufacturing, processors, .13 micron manufacturing 82—83
Manufacturing, processors, bonding 84
Manufacturing, processors, Celeron processors 163
Manufacturing, processors, Coppermine 82
Manufacturing, processors, dies 82
Manufacturing, processors, doping 81
Manufacturing, processors, metallization layers 82
Manufacturing, processors, overciocking fraud 85
Manufacturing, processors, overciocking protection 85
Manufacturing, processors, photolithography 80—82
Manufacturing, processors, processor fakes 84—85
Manufacturing, processors, processor re-marking 84—85
Manufacturing, processors, silicon 80
Manufacturing, processors, steppers 82
Manufacturing, processors, test process 84
Manufacturing, processors, wafers 80 83
Manufacturing, processors, yields 84
| Mapping drive letters, DOS 685—687
Mapping drive letters, Windows 9x/Me 685—687
Mapping drive letters, Windows XT/2000/XP 687—688
Mask ROM (read-only memory) 363
Maskable interrupts 326
Masks (486 processors) 129
Mass-producing CD-ROM discs 718—719
Master boot code 1342
Master boot records (MBRs) 1298 1341—1346
Master drives 507
Master file tables (MFTs) 1374
Master Photo CD discs 741
Master position 501
Master separation (CD-ROMs) 718
Math chips See math coprocessors
Math coprocessors 112—114
Math coprocessors, 486 processors 125
Math coprocessors, 486DX processors 128
Math coprocessors, 487SX processors 129—130
Math coprocessors, 80287 122
Math coprocessors, 80387 124—125
Math coprocessors, 8087 120
Math coprocessors, Pentium processors 137 141—142
Matrix math extensions (MMX) 76—78
Matrox Graphics, 3D chipsets 905
Matrox Graphics, contact information 1460
Matrox Graphics, multiple-head video adapters 896
Mauchly, John W. 12 17
Maxell Corporation 1460
Maximum cache 423
Maximum Capacity setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 396
Maximum load current 1189
Maximum speeds (processors) 61 197
Maximum trap (DMMs) 1202
Maxtor, DiamondMax D540X-4G120J6 632
Maxtor, low-level formatting software 823
Maxtor, Web site 823
MBRs (master boot records) 1298 1341—1346
MC (nherocartridge) standards 698—699
MCA (microchannel architecture) buses 309—311 327—328
McAfee.com 1460
MCI I (memory controller hub) 238—239
McKinley (Itanium 2) 196
MCM (multichip module) 146
Mean time to failure (MTTF) 1188
Mean tune between failures (MTBF) 636—637 1188
MechanicaI keyswitches 1004—1005
MechanicaI keyswitches, capacitive 1008—1010
MechanicaI keyswitches, foam element 1006—1007
MechanicaI keyswitches, membrane 1007—1008
MechanicaI keyswitches, pure mechanical 1005—1006
MechanicaI keyswitches, rubber dome 1007
MechanicaI keyswitches, stuck keyswitches 1017
Mechanical calculators 16
Media (recording media), AFC(anliferromagnelically coupled) 611—612
Media (recording media), floppy disks 659—661
Media (recording media), media layers 780
Media (recording media), oxide 610
Media (recording media), thin-film 611
Media transfer rales 631
Media-access holes (floppy disks) 659
Media-density-selector hole (floppy disks) 660
megahertz (MHz) 45 423—426
Membrane keyswitches 1007—1008
MemCor 610
Memory See RAM (random access memory); ROM (readonly memory)
Memory Controller Hub (MCH) 238—239
Memory Hole at 15M-16M set-ling (BIOS Setup) 391
Memory In Cassette (MIC) chips 706
Memory management units (MMUs) 122
Memory Reservation selling (BIOS Resource Configuration menu) 399
Memory Stick 690
Memory Test error message 1283
Memory test fail (error message) 1283
Memory Translator Hub (MTH) 270—272
Menus, BIOS Setup menu 384—385
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, additional setup features 406—408
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Advanced 387—391
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Boot 404—405
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Boot Configuration 389—390
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Diskette Configuration 397
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Event Logging 397—398
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Exit 406
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Extended Configuration 386 390—391
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, IDE Configuration 394—396
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, IDE Drive Configuration 406
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, main menu 386—387
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Maintenance 385—386
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, PCI Configuration 389
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Peripheral Configuration 392—394
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Power Management 401—404
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Resource Configuration 399—400
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Security 400—401
Menus, BIOS Setup menu, Video Configuration 398
Merced processors See Itanium processors
Mercury (430LX) chipsets 242
Merge bits 728
Merged MR (magneto-resistive) heads 582
Messages, error messages, BIOS (basic input/output system) 409—414
Messages, error messages, disk errors 664—665
Messages, error messages, file system error messages 1377—1379
Messages, parity-check messages 460—462
Messages, POST (power on self test) 1274
Messages, POST (power on self test), Award BIOS 1282—1284
Messages, POST (power on self test), IBM BIOS 1289—1291
Metal contacts 454—456 1226—1227
Metal detectors, risks to floppy disks 662—663
Metal-in-gap (MIG) read/write heads 580
Metal-oxide varislors (MOV) 1210
Metallization, CD-ROMs 719
Metallization, processors 82
Metcalfe, Robert 13
Metric fasteners 1309
Mezzanine buses See PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface) buses
MFM (Modified Frequency Modulation) 577 586
MFTs (master file tables) 1374
MHz (megahertz) 45 54 423—426
MIC (Memory In Cassette) chips 706
Micral computers 13
Micro 2000, diagnostic software 114
Micro 2000, Micro-Scope 823
Micro 2000, Web site 372 1460
Micro-AI motherboards 207
Micro-ATX motherboards 215—217 1222
Micro-ATX motherboards, compared to ATX motherboards 216
Micro-ATX motherboards, compatibility 217
Micro-ATX motherboards, dimensions 216—217
Micro-ATX motherboards, power supply 216 1166—1167
Micro-ATX motherboards, specification 217
Micro-Scope 823
Micro-tower cases 1221
Microcartridge standards 698—699
Microchannel architecture (MCA) buses 309—311
Microcode, reprogrammable 115
Microdrive technology 694
Microfilters 1053
Microid Research (MR) 373
Micron Network Protocol (MNP) 1074
Micron PC 1460
Micron Technologies 1460
microphones 958—959
microprocessors See processors
MicroScope software 1293
Microsoft See also Windows 9x/Mc operating systems; Windows 2000/XP operating systems; Windows NT operating system
Microsoft, contact information 1460
Microsoft, DirectShow 912
Microsoft, DirectX 903 923 947
Microsoft, ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) 1091—1094
Microsoft, industry control 28—30
Microsoft, mouse devices 1021—1022 1029—1030
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