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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), motherboards 357—360
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), non-PC ROM upgrades 367
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), passwords 1216
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), PnP (Plug and Play) 348 408—409
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), PnP (Plug and Play), ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) 409—410
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), PnP (Plug and Play), device IDs 409
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), PnP (Plug and Play), initializing 410
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), POST (power on self test) 359
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), POST (power on self test), audio error codes 1273 1280 1284—1289
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), POST (power on self test), checkpoint codes 1274—1282
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), POST (power on self test), onscreen messages 1274 1282—1284 1289—1291
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), PROM (programmable ROM) 363—365
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), replacing 383
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), ROM chip part numbers 362—363
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), ROM hardware 360—362
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), ROM shadowing 362 486
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), RTC/NVRAM (real time clock/nonvolatile memory) chips 359
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program 359
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, accessing 384
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, additional setup features 406—408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Advanced menu 387—391
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Boot Configuration menu 389—390
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Boot menu 404—405
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Boot Up Floppy Seek feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Boot Up System Speed feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, CPU Clock Multiplier feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, CPU Frequency feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, CPU Internal Cache/External Cache feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, CPU Vcore Setting feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Event Logging menu 397—398
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Exit menu 406
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Extended Configuration menu 386 390—391
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Gate A20 Option feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, HDD S.M.A.R.T.Capability feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, IDE Configuration menu 394—396
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, IDE Drive Configuration menu 406
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, IMskette Configuration menu 397
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, main menu 386—387
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Maintenance menu 385—386
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, numeric keypads 1004
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Operating Frequency feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, PCI Configuration menu 389
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, PCI/VGA Palette Snoop feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Peripheral Configuration menu 392—394
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Power Management menu 401—404
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, PS/2 Mouse Function Control feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Quick Power On Self Test feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Report No FDD For WIN 95 feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Resource Configuration menu 399—400
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, ROM Shadowing feature 408
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, running 1265—1266 1270
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Security menu 400—401
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Security Option feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, summary of menus 384—385
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Swap Floppy Drive feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Typematic Delay feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Typematic Rate feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Typematic Rate Setting feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Video Configuration menu 398
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Setup program, Virus Warning feature 407
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), The BIOS Companion 373
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), updates 374
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, advantages of 373—374
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, chip replacements 383
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, CMOS RAM addresses 381—382
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, CMOS RAM backups 375—376
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, CMOS RAM diagnostic status codes 382—383
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, flash ROM recovery 378—380
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, flash ROM upgrades 376—378
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, IML (Initial Microcode Load) 380
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, keyboard-controller chips 376
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, obtaining updates 374
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, prerequisites 374—375
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, version information 374—375
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), upgrading, Y2K issues 383
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), versions 374—375
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), video adapter BIOS 481
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), video BIOS 882—883
ROM BIOS (read-only memory BIOS), Y2K issues 383
ROM Shadowing setting (BIOS Setup) 408
Root directory (FAT) 1348
Root directory (FAT), contents of 1349
Root directory (FAT), directory entry status byte 1350
Root directory (FAT), directory file attribute byte 1351
Root directory (FAT), directory format 1350
Root directory (FAT), entry limits 1349
Root directory (FAT), FAT32 1359
Root directory (FAT), filename extensions 1349
Root directory (FAT), location 1349
Root directory (FAT), size 1349
Root hubs (USB) 964
Rotary voice-coil actuators 617
routers 1090—1091
Routers, Internet sharing 1094—1095
Routers, WBRs (wireless broadband routers) 1058
Roxio Software 1460
RRIP (Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol) 747
RS-422 serial interface 979
RTC/NVRAM (real-time clock/nonvolatile memory) 359 1214—1216
Rubber dome keyswitches 1007
Run Length Limited (RLL) 577 587—588
Rutledge, Joseph 1030
S-video connectors 913
S.M.A.R.T.(Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) 499 637—639
Safe Audio 796
SafeDisc 797
Safety, power supply safety certifications 1191
Safety, power-protection systems, backup power 1211—1214
Safety, power-protection systems, built-in power protection 1208—1209
Safety, power-protection systems, line conditioners 1211
Safety, power-protection systems, phone-line surge protectors 1211
Safety, power-protection systems, surge protectors 1210—1211
SAL (Soft Adjacent Layer) structure 582
Sampling 725 941—942
SanDisk Corporation CompactFlash 690
Santa Cruz sound card 928—930
SASI (Shugart Associates System Interface) 538 642
SATA (Serial ATA) 493 531—534
SATA (Serial ATA), 8B/10B encoding 532
SATA (Serial ATA), backward compatibility 531
SATA (Serial ATA), data connector pinouts 532—533
SATA (Serial ATA), differential NRZ (Xon-Return to Zero) 532
SATA (Serial ATA), power connector pinouts 533—534
SATA (Serial ATA), Serial ATA Workgroup 497 531
SATA (Serial ATA), standards 531—532
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY 1060—1061
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, commissioning 1062
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, costs 1062
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, FAP (Fair Access Policy) 1062—1063
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, installation 1062
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, performance 1063
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, requirements 1061—1062
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, vendors 1062
Satellite-based Internet access, DirecWAY, Web sites 1062
Satellite-based Internet access,StarBand 1063—1064
Save Custom Defaults setting (BIOS Exit menu) 406
Saving CMOS RAM settings 375—376
SB-Link connectors 935
SC242 slots 103
SC330 slots 104
Scan codes (keyboards) 1012—1013
Scan conversion 898
ScanDisk utility 1368—1369
Scanning frequency (CRT) 849
SCAT (Single Chip AT) chipsets 233
SCMS (serial copy management system) 795
Scratchy sound 954
screen flicker 849
Screen phosphors 863
Screens See monitors
| Screwdrivers 1304 1316
Screws, hard disk drives 818
Screws, Phillips-head screws 1308
Screws, slotted-head screws 1308
Screws, thumbscrews 1309
Screws, Torx screws 1205 1308 1316
Scrollpoint Pro 1030
SCSI (small computer system interface), adapter boards 346
SCSI (small computer system interface), Apple Computers 538
SCSI (small computer system interface), booting 539
SCSI (small computer system interface), cables 541—543 551 571
SCSI (small computer system interface), CD/DVD drive interfaces 771—772 803—804
SCSI (small computer system interface), compared to ATA (AT Attachment), advantages and limitations 570—571
SCSI (small computer system interface), compared to ATA (AT Attachment), hard disk construction 565—569
SCSI (small computer system interface), compared to ATA (AT Attachment), performance 569
SCSI (small computer system interface), data transfer rates 541—543
SCSI (small computer system interface), diagnostic software 1292
SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration, delayed start 562
SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration, external terminators 560—562
SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration, parity checking 562
SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration, SCSI ID setting 559—560
SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration, synchronous negotiation '563
SCSI (small computer system interface), drive configuration, terminator power 562
SCSI (small computer system interface), embedded SCSI 538
SCSI (small computer system interface), expanders 556
SCSI (small computer system interface), forward/backward compatibility 541
SCSI (small computer system interface), host adapters 538 571 815—816
SCSI (small computer system interface), IDs 538
SCSI (small computer system interface), low-level drive formatting 822
SCSI (small computer system interface), LVD (low voltage differential) signaling 547—548
SCSI (small computer system interface), multiple SCSI devices 539
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation 837—838
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, card edge connectors 841—843
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, chains 843—844
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, external drives 840—841
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, host adapters 838
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, internal drives 841
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, jumper settings 838—840
SCSI (small computer system interface), optical drive installation, ribbon cables 841—843
SCSI (small computer system interface), PnP (Plug and Play) 563—564
SCSI (small computer system interface), recommendations 571
SCSI (small computer system interface), signaling, HVD (high voltage differential) 546—548 556
SCSI (small computer system interface), signaling, SE (single-ended) 546
SCSI (small computer system interface), SIP (SCSI Interlock Protocol) 546
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards 538—539
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Fast SCSI 543
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Fiber Channel SCSI 550—551
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, packetized SCSI 549
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, SCSI-1 540—541
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, SCSI-2 540—544
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, SCSI-3 540 544—545
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, table of 540—541
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra SCSI 545—546
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra160 SCSI 548—550
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra160+ SCSI 549—550
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra2 SCSI 546
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra3 SCSI 548—549
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra320 SCSI 550
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra4 SCSI 550
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra5 SCSI 550
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Ultra640 SCSI 550
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Web site 540
SCSI (small computer system interface), standards, Wide SCSI 543
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators 556
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators, active 557—558
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators, FIVD (high voltage differential) 559
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators, FPT (forced perfect termination) 557
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators, LVD (low voltage differential) 559
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators, passive 557
SCSI (small computer system interface), terminators, recommendations 571
SCSI (small computer system interface), troubleshooting 564—565
SCSISelect utility 1292
SD (Super Density) disks 748
SDRAM (synchronous DRAM) 429—430 886
SDRAM (synchronous DRAM), BIOS Setup options 390
SDRAM (synchronous DRAM), DDR SDRAM (double data rate SDRAM) 1226
SDRAM CAS Latency Time setting (BIOS Setup) 390
SDRAM Precharge Control setting (BIOS Setup) 390
SDRAM RAS Precharge Time setting (BIOS Setup) 390
SDRAM RAS-to-CAS Delay setting (BIOS Setup) 390
SDSL (symmetrical DSL) 1052
SE (single-ended) signaling 546
Seagate Technology, Cheetah 36ES 633
Seagate Technology, Cheetah X15 633
Seagate Technology, contact information 1460
Seagate Technology, low-level formatting software 823
Seagate Technology, Web site 823
Sealing CD/DVD drives 776
SEC (single-edge contact) packaging 87—88
SEC (single-edge contact) packaging, Pentium II processors 150
SEC (single-edge contact) packaging, Pentium II/III Xeon processors 172
SEC-DED (single-bit error-correction double-bit error detection) 463
SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire) 910
SECC2 (single-edge contact cartridge 2) packaging 87 159 164
Second Boot Device setting (BIOS Boot menu) 405
Second-generation Pentium processors 138—140
Second-generation processors 35—36 121—122
Secondary ATA (AT Attachment) channels 511
secondary cache See Level 2 cache
Secondary IDE Master setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 394
Secondary IDE Slave setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 395
Secondary master hard disk fail (error message) 1284
Secondary Master IDE setting (BIOS IDE Drive Configuration menu) 406
Secondary monitors 893
Secondary slave hard disk fail (error message) 1284
Secondary Slave IDE setting (BIOS IDE Drive Configuration menu) 406
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), 137GB barrier 526—527
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), 2.1GB barrier 520
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), 4.2GB barrier 520—522
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), 528MB barrier 516—518
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), 8.4GB barrier 525—526
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), ATA CI IS parameter limits 517
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), BIOS CI IS parameter limits 516—517
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), BIOS commands 516
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), CHS bit-shift translation 518—520
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), combined parameter limits 518
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), compared to LBA (logical block address) 514—515
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), converting to LBA (logical block address) 515
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), LBA-assist translation 522—524
Sector addressing, CHS (cylinder head sector), standard CHS 524
Sector addressing, LBA (logical block address), BIOS commands 516
Sector addressing, LBA (logical block address), compared to CHS (cylinder head sector) 514—515
Sector addressing, LBA (logical block address), converting to CFIS (cylinder head sector) 515
Sector addressing, LBA (logical block address), LBA-assist translation 522—524
Sector addressing, prefixes for decimal/binary multiples 513—514
SECTOR NUMBER sector data 602
sectors 597. See also tracks
Sectors, addressing, CFIS (cylinder head sector) 520—527
Sectors, addressing, LBA (logical block address) 514—516 522—524
Sectors, addressing, prefixes for decimal/binary multiples 513—514
Sectors, CD-ROM discs 724 736—739
Sectors, data bytes 601
Sectors, defined 651
Sectors, DVD discs 753—754
Sectors, errors 1296—1297
Sectors, fields 602—603
Sectors, gaps in 601
Sectors, headers/trailers 601
Sectors, master boot sectors 1341—1342
Sectors, master boot sectors, format of 1344—1345
Sectors, master boot sectors, system indicator byte values 1345—1346
Sectors, numbering 601
Sectors, typical track/sector format 602
Sectors, usable space 601—602
Sectors, volume boot sectors 1347—1348
Security menu (BIOS Setup) 400—401
Security Option setting (BIOSSetup) 407
Security, BIOS (basic input/output system) 400—401
Security, broadband Internet access 1071—1072
Security, CATV networks 1049
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