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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Standards and specifications, wireless networks, Bluetooth 1136
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, comparison of standards 1137—1138
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, HomeRF 1136—1137
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, IEEE 802.11a 1136
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, IEEE 802.11g 1136
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, RadioLAN 1136
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, topologies 1137
Standards and specifications, wireless networks, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) 1132—1135
Standards and specifications, XMS (Extended Memory Specification) 484—485
Standards and specifications, Zip drives 673—674
Standby Mode selling (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
Standby power supply 1212
Standby slate (APM) 1197
Star 8010 computer 1020
Star computers 14
star topology 1118—1119 1137
StarBand 1063—1064
startup, troubleshooting 954
Static Column memory See FPO DRAM (Fast Page Mode DRAM)
Static discharge 458 1332
Static-filled sound, troubleshooting 954
Status codes (CMOS RAM) 382—383
Steering (IRQ) 326 330 1027
Stencil buffering 899
stepper motors 614 646—647
Steppings, Pentium 4,189 192
Steppings, Pentium II processors 156 159
Steppings, Pentium III processors 165—170
Steppings, Pentium processors 142—143
Steppings, Pentium-MMX processors 143
stereo systems 948—950
Stereophonic sound cards See sound cards
Stop bits 1074
StopBIOS command 1011
Storage See discs; drives; file systems
Storage-Soft, Inc. 1460
STP (shielded twisted pair) cables 1114—1115
STPCLK# pins 142
Strain gauge 1032
Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) 77—78
Strings (BIOS ID), AMI Hi-Flex BIOS 369—370
Strings (BIOS ID), AMI Hi-Flex BIOS String 2 370
Strings (BIOS ID), AMI Hi-Flex BIOS String 3 371
Strings (BIOS ID), older AMI BIOS versions 369
Strings (BIOS ID), viewing 369
Stripe pitch (CRT monitors) 864
Striping disks 535 570
Stuck keyswitches 1017
Subcode bytes (CD-ROMs) 725—726
Subdividing hard disk drives See partitioning hard disk drives
Subpixels (LCDs) 853
Substrate material 576
Super Block (HPFS) 1377
Super Density (SD) disks 748
Super Extended Graphics Array (SXGA) 861
Super I/O chips 236—237 290—291 981
Super Socket 7 sockets 96—97
Super VGA (Video Graphics Array) 861 877—878
Super-IPS (in-place switching) 854
Super7 Sockets 96—97
Superchips Web site 367
SuperDisk drives 677—679
Superlwisl passive-matrix 854
Supermicro Computer, Inc. 1461
Superparamagnetic limits 611
Superscalar architecture 134
Superscalar execution 74—76
surge protectors 1210—1211
surround sound 957—958
Suspend Mode selling (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
Suspend state (APM) 1197
SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array) 861 877—878
Swabs 1323—1324
SWAP (Shared Wireless Access Protocol) 1136
Swap Floppy Drive selling (BIOS Setup) 407
Switches, address storing 1120
Switches, buying tips 1147
Switches, compared to hubs 1120—1121
Switches, dual-speed 1121
Switches, front panel AC switches 1180—1181
Switches, front panel motherboard-controlled 1181
Switches, integral AC switches 1180
Switches, placement of 1122—1123
Switches, ports 1122
Switches, stackable 1121
Switching power supply 1160
Switching power supply, loads 1185—1186
Switching power supply, loads, apparent power 1190
Switching power supply, loads, inductive 1190
Switching power supply, loads, load regulation 1189
Switching power supply, loads, maximum load current 1189
Switching power supply, loads, minimum load current 1189
Switching power supply, loads, nonlinear 1191
Switching power supply, loads, reactive power 1190
Switching power supply, loads, resistive 1190
Switching power supply, loads, working power 1190
Switching power supply, output ratings 1186
SXGA (Super Extended Graphics Array) 861
Syjel removable-media drives 683
Symantec Norton Utilities 114 1372
Symmetric multiprocessing 156
Symmetrical DSL (SDSL) 1052
Symphony HomeRF 1137
SYNC BYTE sector data 602
Synchronous cache design 423
Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) 429—430 886
Synchronous graphics RAM (SGRAM) 886
Synchronous math coprocessors 125
Synchronous Negotiation 563
SYQT, Inc. 682
SyQuest 682—683
SYSmark ratings 57—58
System assembly 1218—1219 1235—1236
System assembly, BIOS Setup program 1265—1266
System assembly, cables 1234
System assembly, cases, ATX-style 1220
System assembly, cases, cover assembly 1263—1265
System assembly, cases, desktop 1221
System assembly, cases, form factors 1219—1220
System assembly, cases, low-profile 1220
System assembly, cases, micro-tower 1221
System assembly, cases, mini-tower 1221
System assembly, cases, mounting motherboards in 1246—1248
System assembly, cases, tower 1221
System assembly, CD-ROM drives 1259—1261
System assembly, cooling fans 1233
System assembly, documentation of physical configuration 1239—1240
System assembly, ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection 1236—1239
System assembly, expansion cards 1263
System assembly, external cables 1263—1265
System assembly, floppy disk drives 1228 1259—1261
System assembly, hard disk drives, buying tips 1228—1229
System assembly, hard disk drives, capacity 1228
System assembly, hard disk drives, installation 1259—1261
System assembly, hardware resources 1234—1235
System assembly, heatsinks 1233
System assembly, input devices, keyboards 1230
System assembly, input devices, mouse 1230—1231
System assembly, miscellaneous hardware 1234
System assembly, monitors 1231—1232
System assembly, motherboards, ATX 1222
System assembly, motherboards, Baby-AT 1222
System assembly, motherboards, BIOS (basic input/output system) 1225
System assembly, motherboards, cables 1254—1255 1259
System assembly, motherboards, chipsets 1224—1225
System assembly, motherboards, Desktop Form Factors Web site 1223
System assembly, motherboards, heatsinks 1241—1243
System assembly, motherboards, integrated adapters 1227—1228
System assembly, motherboards, jumpers 1223
System assembly, motherboards, LPX 1222
| System assembly, motherboards, memory 1225—1227 1244
System assembly, motherboards, micro-ATX 1222
System assembly, motherboards, mounting in case 1246—1248
System assembly, motherboards, NLX 1222
System assembly, motherboards, obsolete form factors 1221
System assembly, motherboards, ports 1227—1228
System assembly, motherboards, processors 1223—1224 1241—1243
System assembly, operating system installation 1266—1267
System assembly, operating system installation, CD-ROM drivers 1267—1269
System assembly, operating system installation, device drivers 1269
System assembly, operating system installation, drive formatting 1267
System assembly, operating system installation, drive partitions 1267
System assembly, optical drives 1229—1230
System assembly, power supply, choosing 1221
System assembly, power supply, connecting 1252—1254
System assembly, preparation 1236—1237
System assembly, removable drives 1228
System assembly, required components 38—39
System assembly, required tools 1236
System assembly, software resources 1234—1235
System assembly, sound cards 1232
System assembly, speakers 1232
System assembly, troubleshooting 1266
System assembly, video adapters 1231—1232 1261—1263
System assembly, white box components 1234
system backups 1319—1320
System BIOS Cacheable setting (BIOS Setup) 390
system boards See motherboards
System boot process 1294—1295
System boot process, BIOS Boot Configuration menu 389—390 404—405
System boot process, bootable CDs 806—808 811
System boot process, booting from CD-ROM 1296
System boot process, DOS 1299
System boot process, errors 1378
System boot process, operating system independent 1295—1299
System boot process, operating system independent, central hardware test 1295
System boot process, operating system independent, cold starts 1296
System boot process, operating system independent, MBR (master boot record) 1298
System boot process, operating system independent, Plug and Play BIOS 1295
System boot process, operating system independent, POST (power on self test) 1295 1335—1336
System boot process, operating system independent, ROM BIOS 1295—1296
System boot process, operating system independent, sector errors 1296—1297
System boot process, operating system independent, VBR (volume boot record) 1298
System boot process, operating system independent, video ROM scan 1295
System boot process, operating system independent, warm starts 1296
System boot process, rescue CDs 807
System boot process, SCSI (small computer system interface) ports 539
System boot process, troubleshooting 1335—1336
System boot process, Windows 9x/Me 1299
System boot process, Windows 9x/Me, IO.SYS file 1300
System boot process, Windows 9x/Me, real-mode configuration 1300—1301
System boot process, Windows 9x/Me, WIN.COM file 1301—1302
System boot process, Windows XT/2000/XP 1302
System Date setting (BIOS main menu) 387
system design See system assembly
System disassembly 1269—1270
System indicator byte values 1345—1346
System lockups 713—714
System Management Interrupt (SMI) 124
system management mode (SMM) 74
System management mode (SMM), 486SL processors 128
System management mode (SMM), Cyrix 6x86/6x86MX processors 185
System memory See RAM (random access memory)
system resources 324—325
System resources, conflicts, Device Manager 343
System resources, conflicts, multiple-COM-port adapters 346—347
System resources, conflicts, NICs (network interface cards) 346
System resources, conflicts, PnP (Plug and Play) 347—349
System resources, conflicts, preventing 337—338
System resources, conflicts, resolving manually 338—339
System resources, conflicts, SCSI adapter boards 346
System resources, conflicts, sound cards 344—345 952
System resources, conflicts, system-configuration templates 339—343
System resources, conflicts, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 347
System resources, conflicts, video software 347
System resources, DMA (Direct Memory Access) channels 332—333
System resources, I/O port addresses 333—337
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels) 325—326
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), 16-bit ISA/EISA/MCA bus interrupts 327—328
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), 8-bit ISA bus interrupts 326—327
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), conflicts 331—332
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), edge-triggered interrupt sensing 326
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), interrupt sharing 326
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), IRQ Steering 326 330
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), maskable interrupts 326
System resources, IRQs (interrupt request channels), PCI interrupts 328—331
System Time setting (BIOS main menu) 387
System-configuration templates 339—343
T-1 connections 1070—1071
T-3 connections 1070—1071
T-bulfers 900
T10 Technical Committee Web site 540
Tables, FAT (file allocation table) See FAT
Tables, MFT (master file table) 1374
Tables, VFAT (virtual file allocation table) 1356—1358
Tactile feedback mechanisms (pure mechanical switches) 1005
TAD (telephone answering device) in connectors 927
Tamperproof Torx screws 1205
Tandberg Data SLR drives 706
TAO (Track-at-Once) recording 740
Tape carrier packaging (TCP) 137
Tape Copy software 712
tape drives 695—696
Tape drives, ADR (Advanced Digilal Recording) 697 703—704
Tape drives, advantages of 697
Tape drives, AIT (advanced intelligent tape) 697 706
Tape drives, alternatives to 696
Tape drives, backup software 711—712
Tape drives, capacity 709—710
Tape drives, choosing 709—710
Tape drives, comparison of 708
Tape drives, costs 710—711
Tape drives, DAT (digital audio tape) 697 705—706
Tape drives, data throughput 710
Tape drives, disadvantages of 696
Tape drives, DLT (digital linear tape) 706
Tape drives, installation 711
Tape drives, LTO (linear tape-open) 707
Tape drives, magnetic tape media 669
Tape drives, QIC 697-699
Tape drives, QIC-Wide 699—700
Tape drives, SLR drives 706
Tape drives, software compatibility 710
Tape drives, summary of standards 697
Tape drives, tape compatibility 710
Tape drives, tape retensioning 714
Tape drives, Travan 700—702
Tape drives, troubleshooting, backup/restore operation failures 713
Tape drives, troubleshooting, bad blocks 713
Tape drives, troubleshooting, media errors 713
Tape drives, troubleshooting, miscellaneous problems 714
Tape drives, troubleshooting, system lockups 713—714
Tape drives, troubleshooting, undetected drives 712
Tape drives, VXA drives 697 706
Tape monitors 949
Tape relensioning 714
TAs (terminal adapters) 1067
TC02 emissions standard 867
TCP (tape carrier packaging) 137
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) 1069 1139—1140 1153
TDMA (Transparent DMA) 935
Teal, Cordon 12
Technical Committee T13 496
Tekram Technologies 1461
Telco return service 1057
Telephone answering device (TAD) in connectors 927
Telephony connectors 294
Television signals 910—911
Temperature Sec healing/cooling issues
Temperature probes 1316
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