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Sites, chipsets, SiS600/5595 283
Sites, chipsets, SiS620/5595 282—283
Sites, chipsets, SiS630 282
Sites, chipsets, SiS633/635 281
Sites, Pentium II 144
Sites, Pentium II, cache 155—156
Sites, Pentium II, DIB (dual independent bus) 79—80 145 153
Sites, Pentium II, die sizes 153
Sites, Pentium II, dynamic execution 78—79 145 153
Sites, Pentium II, heating/cooling issues 156
Sites, Pentium II, iCOMP 2.0 Index rating 153
Sites, Pentium II, installation 156
Sites, Pentium II, instruction execution 145
Sites, Pentium II, MMX technology 153
Sites, Pentium II, Mobile Module 161—162
Sites, Pentium II, mult iprocessing 156
Sites, Pentium II, power usage 153
Sites, Pentium II, processor ID information 156 159
Sites, Pentium II, running 32-bit software 145—146
Sites, Pentium II, SEC (single-edge contact) packaging 150
Sites, Pentium II, specifications 154—155
Sites, Pentium II, speeds 152—153
Sites, Pentium II, transistors 153
Sites, Pentium II, voltage ID definitions 160—161
Sites, Pentium II/III Xeon 172—173
Sites, Pentium III 144
Sites, Pentium III, architectural features 164—165
Sites, Pentium III, DIB (dual independent bus) 79—80 145
Sites, Pentium III, dynamic execution 145
Sites, Pentium III, ID markings 165
Sites, Pentium III, instruction execution 145
Sites, Pentium III, Level 2 cache 165
Sites, Pentium III, overciocking 172
Sites, Pentium III, running 32-bit software 145—146
Sites, Pentium III, SECC2 package 164
Sites, Pentium III, variations 165—170
Sites, Pentium Pro 144
Sites, Pentium Pro, cache 146
Sites, Pentium Pro, chipsets 149
Sites, Pentium Pro, DIB (dual independent bus) 79—80 145—146
Sites, Pentium Pro, Dual Cavity PGA packaging 146
Sites, Pentium Pro, dynamic execution 78—79 145
Sites, Pentium Pro, form factors 149
Sites, Pentium Pro, instruction execution 145
Sites, Pentium Pro, integrated L2 cache 149
Sites, Pentium Pro, MCM (multichip module) 146
Sites, Pentium Pro, running 32-bit software 145—146
Sites, Pentium Pro, specifications 147—148
Sites, Pentium Pro, speeds 149
Sites, Pentium Pro, transistors 146
Sites, Pentium Pro, VID (voltage identification) pins 149—150
Sites, Pentium-compatible, AMD Athlon 177—180
Sites, Pentium-compatible, AMD Athlon XP 182—183
Sites, Pentium-compatible, AMD Duron 184
Sites, Pentium-compatible, AMD-K6 78 174—177
Sites, Pentium-compatible, Cyrix 6x86/6x86MX 185—186
Sites, Pentium-compatible, XexGenXx586 173—174
Skew (signals) 962
Skins (keyboard) 1019
Slack 1354
Slarl on Command option (SCSI) 562
Slarl-stop communications 1073—1074
SlarlBIOS command 1011
Slave drives 507
Slaves 331
Sleep feature (speakers) 957
Sliders (head) 583—584
Slimline power supply 1163—1164 1220
Slored-program technique 18
Slot 1 slots (SC242) 103
Slot 2 slots (SC330) 104
Slots, CD/DVD slot load mechanism 775—776
Slots, expansion slots See I/O buses
Slots, processor 103 1223
Slots, processor, Slot 1 (SC242) 103
Slots, processor, Slot 2 (SC330) 104
Slots, processor, specifications 230—232
Slotted masks 864
Slotted-head screws 1308
SLR drives 706
Small Computer System Interface See SCSI
SmartMedia 690
SMI (System Management Internipt) 124
SMM (system management mode) 74
SMM (System Management Mode), 486SL processors 128
SMM (System Management Mode), Cyrix 6x86/6x86MX processors 185
SMM (System Management Mode), PGA-370 Socket 1 91
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 2 92—93
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 3 93
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 370 98—99 162 1223
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 4 94—95
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 423 100 1223
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 478 101 1223
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 5 95—96
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 6 96
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 603 103 1223
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 7 96—97 106 1223
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket 8 97
SMM (System Management Mode), Socket A 101—102 1223
SMM (System Management Mode), Specifications 89—90 230—232
SMM (System Management Mode), ZIF (zero insertion force) 86 91
Snooping (bus) 73
SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) 940
Sockets, chips, reseating 1325
Soft Adjacent Layer (SAL) structure 582
Soft memory errors, alpha particles 457
Soft memory errors, cosmic rays 457—458
Soft memory errors, DRAM (dynamic RAM) 419
Soft memory errors, incorrect memory types 458
Soft memory errors, line noise 458
Soft memory errors, parity checking, chipset support 460
Soft memory errors, parity checking, disabling 461
Soft memory errors, parity checking, fake parity modules 463
Soft memory errors, parity checking, NMIs (nonmaskable interrupts) 461
Soft memory errors, parity checking, odd parity 460
Soft memory errors, parity checking, parity bits 459—460
Soft memory errors, parity checking, parity-check messages 460—462
Soft memory errors, power glitches 458
Soft memory errors, radio-frequency interference 458
Soft memory errors, SERs (soft error rates) 457
Soft memory errors, static discharge 458—459
Soft Power 1158 1166
Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN setting (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
Software acceleration 901
Software modems 1087—1088
Software resources 1234—1235
Software resources, troubleshooting 1336
Software resources, voice recognition software 937—938
Software, 32-bit 145—146
Software, copyrights 29
Software, diagnostic software 1272—1273
Software, diagnostic software, aftermarket software 1273
Software, diagnostic software, general-purpose diagnostics 1293
Software, diagnostic software, manufacturer-supplied software 1272
Software, diagnostic software, network interface adapters 1292—1293
Software, diagnostic software, operating system diagnostics 1294'
Software, diagnostic software, operating system software 1273
Software, diagnostic software, peripheral diagnostics software 1272
Software, diagnostic software, POST (power on self test) 1272—1291
Software, diagnostic software, SCSI (small computer system interface) adapters 1292
Software, Display-Mate 920
Software, drivers See also BIOS (basic input/output system)
Software, drivers, CD/DVD 803—806 1267—1269
Software, drivers, installation 1269
Software, drivers, mouse drivers 1022—1023 1028—1029
Software, drivers, sound card drivers 933
Software, drivers, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 966
Software, drivers, video drivers 892—893
Software, drivers, VxDs 1301
Software, industry control 28—30
| Software, MS-DOS applications 1029
Software, networking software 1104
Software, networking software, configuring 1149—1150
Software, networking software, installing 1148—1149
Software, networking software, troubleshooting 1151—1152
Software, optimization 901—902
Software, reverse-engineering 29—30
Software, software acceleration 901
Software, software modems 1087—1088
Solder suckers 1310
Soldering tools 1309—1311
Solid State Floppy Disk Forum 690
SONTCblue 1460
Sony, CD-ROM design and development 717
Sony, contact information 1460
Sony, magneto-optical drives 685
Sony, Memory Stick 690
Sony, SPIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface) sound card connectors 927
Sony, Trinitron picture tubes 864
Sound See audio
Sound Blaster sound cards, default resource assignments 950—951
Sound Blaster sound cards, DMA emulation 935
Sound Blaster sound cards, history of 922
Sound Blaster sound cards, PC/PCI interface 935
Sound Blaster sound cards, Sound Blaster Audigy 928—929 942
Sound Blaster sound cards, Sound Blaster Extigy 928—931
Sound Blaster sound cards, Sound Blaster Pros 923
Sound Blaster sound cards, TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) utility programs 936
sound cards See also audio
Sound cards, 3D audio, DirectX support 947
Sound cards, 3D audio, positional audio 945—946
Sound cards, 3D audio, processing 946
Sound cards, AdLib 922
Sound cards, ALC650 944
Sound cards, Allegro 944
Sound cards, AudioDrive 944
Sound cards, Aureal 943
Sound cards, buying lips 1232
Sound cards, Canyon3D-2 944
Sound cards, CMl 8738 944
Sound cards, comparison of features 933—934
Sound cards, connectors 924—925
Sound cards, connectors, aux in 928
Sound cards, connectors, CD SPDIF in/out 927
Sound cards, connectors, digital DIN out 927
Sound cards, connectors, I2S in 928
Sound cards, connectors, IEEE-1394 928
Sound cards, connectors, internal CD-audio 926
Sound cards, connectors, joystick 926
Sound cards, connectors, line-in 925
Sound cards, connectors, line-out 925
Sound cards, connectors, MIDI 926
Sound cards, connectors, MIDI in/out 927
Sound cards, connectors, mono-in 926
Sound cards, connectors, rear-out 925
Sound cards, connectors, SPDIF in/out 927
Sound cards, connectors, TAD (telephone answering device) in 927
Sound cards, connectors, USB (Universal Serial Bus) port 928
Sound cards, data compression 932
Sound cards, defined 39
Sound cards, DirectX 923
Sound cards, discontinued sound cards 944
Sound cards, DMA emulation 935
Sound cards, drivers 933
Sound cards, DSPs (digital signal processors) 932—933
Sound cards, DVD support 936—937
Sound cards, EMU-8000 942
Sound cards, Ensoniq ESI 370 series 942
Sound cards, FM-801 944
Sound cards, frequency response 940
Sound cards, Game Blaster 922
Sound cards, game playing, game port conflicts 936
Sound cards, game playing, minimum requirements 934—935
Sound cards, game playing, MS-DOS game support 935—936
Sound cards, history of 922—923
sound cards, installing 947—948
Sound cards, integrated audio chipsets 944—945
Sound cards, Maestro-2 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, Aureal 943
Sound cards, manufacturers, C-Media Electronics 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, Cirrus Logic 943
Sound cards, manufacturers, Creative Labs 942—943
Sound cards, manufacturers, ESS Technology 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, ForteMedia, Inc. 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, Oak Technology 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, Philips 943
Sound cards, manufacturers, Realtek 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, Trident 944
Sound cards, manufacturers, Yamaha 943
Sound cards, MIDI support 929—932
Sound cards, monophonic/stereophonic 929
Sound cards, PC/PCI interface 935
Sound cards, resource conflicts 344—345 950—952
sound cards, sampling 941—942
Sound cards, Santa Cruz 928—930
Sound cards, SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) 940
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, default resource assignments 950—951
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, DMA emulation 935
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, history of 922
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, PC/PCI interface 935
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Audigy 928—929 942
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Extigy 928—931
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pros 923
Sound cards, Sound Blaster, TSR (Terminate and Slay Resident) utility programs 936
Sound cards, Sound Fusion 943
Sound cards, speaker connections 948
Sound cards, stereo system connections 948—950
Sound cards, suggested multimedia mini-mums 924
Sound cards, ThunderBird Avenger 943
Sound cards, ThunderBird Q3D 943
Sound cards, total harmonic distortion 940
Sound cards, troubleshooting, advanced features 955
Sound cards, troubleshooting, Chipset Setup options 955
Sound cards, troubleshooting, lockups 954
Sound cards, troubleshooting, low volume 953—954
Sound cards, troubleshooting, no sound 952—953
Sound cards, troubleshooting, one-sided sound 953
Sound cards, troubleshooting, parity errors 954
Sound cards, troubleshooting, resource conflicts 950—952
Sound cards, troubleshooting, scratchy sound 954
Sound cards, troubleshooting, startup problems 954
Sound cards, TSR (Terminate and Slay Resident) utility programs 936
Sound cards, Vibra-16 942
Sound cards, voice recognition 937—938
Sound cards, volume control 929
Sound cards, Yamaha 943
Sound Fusion sound cards 943
South Bridge chipsets 236—237
South Bridge chipsets, Adaddin 7 250
South Bridge chipsets, Adaddin IV 249
South Bridge chipsets, Adaddin V 249—250
South Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro 4 276
South Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro 5 278
South Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro II 276
South Bridge chipsets, Aladdin Pro TnT2 277
South Bridge chipsets, ALiMagic1 290
South Bridge chipsets, AMD-766 285
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo KLE133 280
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo KT133 287
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo KT133A 288
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo KX133 287
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo MVP3 247
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo Pro 280—281
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo Pro266 278
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo Prol33A 279
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo VP2 247
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo VP3 247
South Bridge chipsets, Apollo VPX 247
South Bridge chipsets, Intel 430FX 243
South Bridge chipsets, Intel 430NX 242
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