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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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troubleshooting, mouse, cleaning 1026—1027
Troubleshooting, mouse, DOS application problems 1029
troubleshooting, mouse, drivers 1028—1029
Troubleshooting, mouse, interrupt conflicts 1027—1028
Troubleshooting, MTFI (memory translator hub) bug 270—272
Troubleshooting, networks, networking software setup 1151—1152
Troubleshooting, networks, shared resources 1152
Troubleshooting, networks, TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) 1153
Troubleshooting, parallel ports 993
Troubleshooting, phantom directories 655 664
Troubleshooting, POST (power on self lest) 1335—1336
Troubleshooting, power supply 1198—1200
Troubleshooting, processors 114—115 198—200
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), diagnostics utilities 470
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), divide errors 471
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), fatal exception errors 471
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), general faults 471
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), global protection faults 471
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), memory defect isolation 473—475
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), module testers 471
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), parity errors 471
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), step-by-step procedures 472
Troubleshooting, RAM (random access memory), write-back cache 472
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, Device Manager 343
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, multiple-COM-port adapters 346—347
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, NICs (network interface cards) 346
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, PnP (Plug and Play) 347—349
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, prevention 337—338
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, resolving manually 338—339
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, SCSI adapter hoards 346
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, sound cards 344—345
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, system-configuration templates 339—343
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 347
Troubleshooting, resource conflicts, video software 347
Troubleshooting, SCSI (small computer system interface) 564—565
Troubleshooting, serial ports 982—985
Troubleshooting, shared Internet connections 1096—1097
Troubleshooting, software 1336
Troubleshooting, sound cards, advanced features 955
Troubleshooting, sound cards, lockups 954
Troubleshooting, sound cards, low volume 953—954
Troubleshooting, sound cards, no sound 952—953
Troubleshooting, sound cards, one-sided sound 953
Troubleshooting, sound cards, parity errors 954
Troubleshooting, sound cards, resource conflicts 950—952
Troubleshooting, sound cards, scratchy sound 954
Troubleshooting, sound cards, startup problems 954
Troubleshooting, system assembly 1266
Troubleshooting, tape drives, backup/restore operation failures 713
Troubleshooting, tape drives, had blocks 713
Troubleshooting, tape drives, media errors 713
Troubleshooting, tape drives, miscellaneous problems 714
Troubleshooting, tape drives, system lockups 713—714
Troubleshooting, tape drives, undetected drives 712
Troubleshooting, trackballs 1034
Troubleshooting, video adapters 889 916—919
Troubleshooting, video capture devices 915—916
Troubleshooting, video monitors 917—919
Troubleshooting, wireless input devices 1039
Troubleshooting, Zip drives 675—676
TRS-Model 1 computers 43
True UPS (uninterruptible power supply) 1212
TrueX technology 731—733
TSOP (thin small outline package) packages 264
TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) utility programs 936
Tubes (vacuum) 18—19
Tunnel erasure 644
Turing, .Man 12 17
Turning off/on systems 1195—1196
TV tuners 907
TV Typewriter 13
Tweezers 1305
twisted-pair cables 1114—1116
Twisted-pair cables, building 1125—1130
Twisted-pair cables, Category 3 1124
Twisted-pair cables, Category 5 1124
Twisted-pair cables, crossover cables 1126
Twisted-pair cables, grounding loops 1115
Twisted-pair cables, STP (shielded twisted pair) 1114—1115
Twisted-pair cables, UTP (unshielded twisted pair) 1127—1130
Twisted-pair cables, wiring standards 1125—1126
Two-way set associative cache 146
Tyan Computer Corporation 1461
Type II PC Card adapters 692
Type setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 396
Typematic Delay (Msec) option (BIOS Setup) 407
Typematic Rale Selling option (BIOS Setup) 407
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) option (BIOS Setup) 407
Typematic tunc lions 1012
u-pipes 134
U.S.Robotics 1461
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips 290
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 16450 UART 979—980
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 16550 UART 979—981
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 16550A UART 979
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 16650 UART 981
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 16750 UART 981
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 16850 UART 981
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 8250 UART 979—980
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 8250A UART 980
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, 8250B UART 980
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, FIFO (first in first out) butlers 979
UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter) chips, manufacturers 980
UDF (Universal Disk Format) file system 747
UDMA (Ultra-DMA) 530
UDMA (Ultra-DMA), CD/DVD drives 770—771
UDMA (Ultra-DMA), transfer modes 500—502
UDMA (Ultra-DMA), Ultra DMA Mode setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 396
UL (Underwriters Laboratories), power supply safely certifications 1191
UL (Underwriters Laboratories), surge protector standards 1210
Ultra 160 SCSI standard 548—550
Ultra 160+ SCSI standard 549—550
Ultra Extended Graphics Array (UXGA) 861
Ultra SCSI standard 545—546
Ultra-DMA See UDMA
Ultra-X, Inc. 1461
Ultra2 SCSI standard 546
Ultra320 SCSI standard 550
Ultra3SCSI standard 548—549
Ultra4 SCSI standard 550
Ultra640 SCSI standard 550
UltraATA 499—500
UltraMon 894
Ultrium LTO (linear tape-open) tape drives 707
UMA (unified memory architecture) 879
UMA (upper memory area) 477—479 816
UMA (upper memory area), adapter ROM 481
UMA (upper memory area), host adapter BIOS 481—482
UMA (upper memory area), IPL ROM 482
UMA (upper memory area), motherboard BIOS 484
UMA (upper memory area), shared memory 483—484
UMA (upper memory area), video adapter BIOS 481
UMA (upper memory area), video RAM 479—481
UMB (upper memory block) 1028
Unbalanced signaling 546
Unbranded media 782
Unbuffered DIMMs (dual inline memory modules) 444
Underwriters Laboratories See UL
Undetected external modems 1099—1100
Undetected tape drives 712
UnErase utility 1372
UnFormat utility 1372
Unicomp keyboards 1019—1020
Unicorn Computers Web site 208
Unified Memory Architecture (UMA) 879
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 1212—1214
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 18
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter chips See UART chips
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) 18
Universal Disk Format (UDF) file system 747
| Universal DSL (digital subscriber line) 1052
Universal Peripheral Interface (UPI) 1010
Universal power supplies 1187—1188
Universal Serial Bus See USB
Unmanaged hubs 1119
Unshielded twisted-pair cables See UTP cables
Update Sequence Number (USN) Journal 1375
Updating processor microcode 115
Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Third Edition 1072 1103
Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Eleventh Edition 924 1109
Upgrading and Repairing PCs, lentil Anniversary Edition 996
UPI (Universal Peripheral Interface) 1010
Uplink ports (hubs) 1122
Upper memory area See UMA
Upper memory block (UMB) 1028
Upright mouse 1034
UPS (uninterruptible power supply) 1212—1214
US Online 1064
USB (Universal Serial Bus), adapters 971
USB (Universal Serial Bus), advantages of 962—963
USB (Universal Serial Bus), cables 965
USB (Universal Serial Bus), CD/DVD drives 773—774
USB (Universal Serial Bus), compared to IEEE-1394 973—975
USB (Universal Serial Bus), connectors 928 966—967
USB (Universal Serial Bus), drivers 966
USB (Universal Serial Bus), enabling 968—969
USB (Universal Serial Bus), functions 964
USB (Universal Serial Bus), game ports 1036
USB (Universal Serial Bus), hubs 964—965
USB (Universal Serial Bus), IRQs (interrupt requests) 968
USB (Universal Serial Bus), keyboards, hubs 1016—1017
USB (Universal Serial Bus), keyboards, Natural Keyboard Elite 1001—1002
USB (Universal Serial Bus), keyboards, requirements 1002
USB (Universal Serial Bus), keyboards, USB Legacy support 1002—1003
USB (Universal Serial Bus), legacy USB support 393
USB (Universal Serial Bus), legacy-free PCs 971
USB (Universal Serial Bus), modem connections 1087
USB (Universal Serial Bus), mouse interfaces 1025—1026
USB (Universal Serial Bus), NRZI (Non-Return to Zero) data encoding 964
USB (Universal Serial Bus), PnP (Plug and Play) 967
USB (Universal Serial Bus), resource conflicts 347
USB (Universal Serial Bus), self-identifying peripherals 968
USB (Universal Serial Bus), speed 966
USB (Universal Serial Bus), support for 967—968
USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB 2.0 969—970
USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB Legacy support 1002—1003
USB (Universal Serial Bus), USB On-The-Go 970—971
USBready utility 968
Use Mem Length setting (BIOS Resource Configuration menu) 400
Used Mem Base Addr setting (BIOS Resource Configuration menu) 400
user passwords 401
User Setup Access setting (BIOS Security menu) 401
USN (Update Sequence Number) Journal 1375
utilities See also commands; tools
Utilities, automatic disk installation programs 832
Utilities, Calibrate 824
Utilities, CD-burning software 792
Utilities, CHKDSK 1353
Utilities, DFT (drive fitness test) 823
Utilities, Disk Manager 823
Utilities, FDISK 607—608 1267
Utilities, FDISK, /MBR parameter 1346—1347
Utilities, FDISK, assigning drive letters 827—828
Utilities, FDISK, FAT (file allocation table) 1353
Utilities, FDISK, limitations 831—832
Utilities, FDISK, partitioning hard drives 824—830
Utilities, FDISK, undocumented capabilities 1346—1347
Utilities, FIXMBR 1347
Utilities, FORMAT.COM 830—832 608 1267 1347
Utilities, IDEDIAG 511
Utilities, IDEINFO 511
Utilities, LFNBK.EXE 1358
Utilities, Micro-Scope 823
Utilities, Norton Utilities 1372
Utilities, Partition Commander 1363
Utilities, PartitionMagic 1363
Utilities, processor-testing software 114
Utilities, RECOVER 1368
Utilities, SCANDISK 1368—1369
Utilities, SpinRite 824 1372—1373
Utilities, tape drive backup software 711—712
Utilities, USBready 968
Utilities, XCOPY 833
Utilities, XCOPY32 833—834
UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables 1114
UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables, building 1125—1130
UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables, Category 3 1124
UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables, Category 5 1124
UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables, crossover cables 1126
UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables, wiring standards 1125—1126
UXGA (Ultra Extended Graphics Array) 861
V-Communications Partition Commander 830
V-pipes 134
V.42 modem standard 1078
V.42bis modem standard 1078—1079
V.44 modem standard 1079 1082—1083
V.92 modem standard 1077 1082—1083
V/H SYNC+Blank setting (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
V90 modern standard 1077 1082
Vacuum cleaners 1018 1323
Vacuum tubes 18—19
VAFC (VESA Advanced Feature Connector) 909
Validating domains 549
Variable frequency synthesizers 58
Variable voltage transformers 1204
VBR (volume boot record) 1298
VCOMWeb site 1363
Vendor-specific commands (ATA) 496 511
Vendors See specific vendor names
Ventilation See beating/cooling issues
Verbatim QIC Xtra EX-series cartridges 699
Veritas Software 1461
Vertex skinning 900
Vertical recording 656
Vertical scan frequencies 868—870
Vertices 898
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) 123
Very low frequency (VLF) emissions 866
VESA (Video Electronics Standards Assocation) standards, buses 316
VESA (Video Electronics Standards Assocation) standards, SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array) 878
VESA (Video Electronics Standards Assocation) standards, VAFC (VESA Advanced Feature Connector) 909
VESA (Video Electronics Standards Assocation) standards, VESA VIP (Video Interface Port) 909—910
VESA (Video Electronics Standards Assocation) standards, VMC (VESA Media Channel) 909
VFAT (virtual file allocation table) 1356—1358
VFC (Video Feature Connector) 909
VGA (Video Graphics Array) 861
VGA (video graphics array), memory 480—481
VGA (video graphics array), VGA-to-NTSC converters 910—911
VGA (video graphics array), video adapters 876—877
VGA Active Monitor setting (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo KLE133 280
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo KT133 287—288
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo KT133A 287—288
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo KX133 287
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo MVP3 247—248
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo MVP4 248—249
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo Pro 280—281
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo Pro 133 279—280
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo Pro 133A 279
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo Pro Plus 281
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo Pro266 278
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo VP-1 246
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo VP2 246—247
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo VP3 247
VIA Technologies, chipsets, Apollo VPX 247
VIA Technologies, chipsets, integrated video/motherboard chipsets 879—880
VIA Technologies, chipsets, ProSavage PM133 279 288
VIA Technologies, chipsets, reference table 286
VIA Technologies, contact information 1461
Vibra-16 sound cards 942
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