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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs |
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Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), DVI (Digital Visual Interface) 856
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), flat-panel 856—857
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), interlaced/noninterlaced 865
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), monochrome 852 855
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), passive-matrix 852—855
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), polarizing filters 853
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), resolution 851
Monitors, LCD (liquid crystal display), subpixels 853
Monitors, multiple monitors, configuring 894
Monitors, multiple monitors, DualView 894
Monitors, multiple monitors, enabling 895
Monitors, multiple monitors, multiple-head video adapters 895—896
Monitors, multiple monitors, online resources 894
Monitors, multiple monitors, primary displays 893—894
Monitors, multiple monitors, secondary displays 893
Monitors, placement considerations 871—872
monitors, power management 865—866
Monitors, refresh rates 868—870 1232
monitors, resolution 861—862
Monitors, room lighting issues 872
monitors, size 860—861 1231
Monitors, testing 872—873 920
monitors, troubleshooting 917—919
Monitors, video adapter types 859
Mono-in sound card connectors 926
Monochrome LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors 852 855
Monophonic sound cards 929
Moore's law 24—26
Moore, Gordon 20 24—26
Morris, Robert 15
MOS Technologies 43
Motherboard Homeworld's Mobot search engine 351
motherboards 1221. See also BIOS (basic input/output system); buses; chipsets
Motherboards, 'disposable' PCs 203
Motherboards, AT 207—208 1169—1171
Motherboards, ATX 210—215 494 1222
Motherboards, ATX, advantages 214
Motherboards, ATX, compared to Baby-AT and LPX 211—212
Motherboards, ATX, compared to micro-ATX Motherboards 216
Motherboards, ATX, connector panel 211
Motherboards, ATX, connectors 212 1166
Motherboards, ATX, cooling features 212
Motherboards, ATX, identifying 214
Motherboards, ATX, manufacturing costs 212
Motherboards, ATX, memory location 212
Motherboards, ATX, power supply 1164—1165
Motherboards, ATX, power supply connectors 211 1171—1179
Motherboards, ATX, processor location 212
Motherboards, ATX, riser card 219—221
Motherboards, ATX, Soft Power 1166
Motherboards, ATX, specification 215
Motherboards, Baby-AT 204—207 1162 1222
Motherboards, backplane systems 227—230
Motherboards, backplane systems, active 228—229
Motherboards, backplane systems, passive 227—228
Motherboards, buying tips 349—351
Motherboards, cables 1254—1255 1259
Motherboards, CMOS RAM addresses 291
Motherboards, connectors 292
Motherboards, connectors, AMR (Audio Modem Riser) 296
Motherboards, connectors, ATAPI-style line-in connectors 294
Motherboards, connectors, battery connectors 293
Motherboards, connectors, CD audio connectors 294
Motherboards, connectors, chassis intrusion connectors 294
Motherboards, connectors, CNR (Communications and Networking Riser) 296
Motherboards, connectors, front-panel connectors 295
Motherboards, connectors, IrDA (infrared data) connectors 293
Motherboards, connectors, LED and keylock connectors 293
Motherboards, connectors, microprocessor fan power connectors 293
Motherboards, connectors, power connectors 1169—1181
Motherboards, connectors, speaker connectors 293
Motherboards, connectors, telephony connectors 294
Motherboards, connectors, Wake on LAN connectors 294
Motherboards, connectors, Wake on Ring connectors 294
Motherboards, Cyrix 6x86/6x86MX processors 185
Motherboards, defined 38
Motherboards, Desktop Form Factors Web site 1223
Motherboards, documentation 352
Motherboards, extended-ATX 219
Motherboards, flex-ATX 218—219
Motherboards, integrated adapters 1227—1228
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, AMD-K5 support 144
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, AMD-K6 support 174—175
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, jumpers 1223
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX 208—210 1222
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, connectors 209—210
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, dimensions 209
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, expansion slots 209
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, identifying 209
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, LPX-compatible products 208
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, power supply 1163—1164
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, power supply connectors 1169—1171
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, riser cards 209
Motherboards, Intel-compatible, LPX, upgrading 208
Motherboards, micro-ATX 215—217 1166—1167 1222
Motherboards, mini-ATX 213
Motherboards, mounting in case 1246—1248
Motherboards, NLX, advantages 222—223
Motherboards, NLX, identifying 223
Motherboards, NLX, length of 223
Motherboards, NLX, power supply 1166
Motherboards, NLX, riser cards 221—222
Motherboards, NLX, specification 223
Motherboards, NLX, system layout 223—224
Motherboards, obsolete form factors 1221
Motherboards, overciocking 352—353
Motherboards, PC motherboards 203—204
Motherboards, PnP (Plug and Play) 347—349
Motherboards, ports 1227—1228
Motherboards, power consumption 1193
Motherboards, PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) chips 1010
Motherboards, processor sockets/slots 230—232 1223
Motherboards, proprietary designs 226—227
Motherboards, PS/2 mouse interfaces 1024—1025
Motherboards, resource conflicts, Device Manager 343
Motherboards, resource conflicts, multiple-COM-port adapters 346—347
Motherboards, resource conflicts, NICs (network interface cards) 346
Motherboards, resource conflicts, PnP (Plug and Play) 347—349
Motherboards, resource conflicts, preventing 337—338
Motherboards, resource conflicts, resolving manually 338—339
Motherboards, resource conflicts, SCSI adapter boards 346
Motherboards, resource conflicts, sound cards 344—345
Motherboards, resource conflicts, system -configuration templates 339—343
Motherboards, resource conflicts, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 347
Motherboards, resource conflicts, video software 347
Motherboards, speed, AMD P-Ratings 62—64
Motherboards, speed, Cyrix P-Ratings 61—62
Motherboards, speed, memory bus bandwidth 426—427
Motherboards, speed, processor bus bandwidth 427—428
Motherboards, speed, processor comparisons 58—61
Motherboards, speed, processor overclocking 66—68
Motherboards, speed, setting 58
Motherboards, summary of form factors 202—203
Motherboards, Super I/O chips 290—291
Motherboards, troubleshooting 1018
Motherboards, UPI (Universal Peripheral Interface) chips 1010
Motherboards, voltage regulators 1157
Motherboards, voltages 140
Motherboards, WTX 226
Motherboards, XT 203—204
Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) 912 932
Motorola keyboard controllers 1010
Motors, spindle motors 623—624 647
Motors, stepper motors 614 646—647
Mount Rainier standard 741 785
Mounting motherboards 1246—1248
Mouse, buttons 1021
Mouse, buying tips 1230—1231
Mouse, cables 1022
Mouse, cleaning 1026—1027 1327
| Mouse, components 1021
Mouse, connectors 1014—1016
Mouse, cordless 1022
Mouse, defined 39
Mouse, device drivers 1022—1023 1028—1029
Mouse, history of 1020—1021
Mouse, hybrid mouse 1025
Mouse, IntelliMouse Explorer 1022 1029—1030
mouse, manufacturers 1021
Mouse, optical mouse 1030
Mouse, opto-mechanical mechanism 1023
Mouse, PS/2 mouse interfaces 1024—1025
Mouse, Renaissance Mouse 1034
Mouse, Scrollpoint Pro 1030
Mouse, serial interfaces 1024
mouse, troubleshooting, cleaning 1026—1027
Mouse, troubleshooting, DOS application problems 1029
mouse, troubleshooting, drivers 1028—1029
Mouse, troubleshooting, interrupt conflicts 1027—1028
Mouse, USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1025—1026
Mouse, wireless, Logitech 1037—1038
Mouse, wireless, Microsoft 1038
Mouse, wireless, performance issues 1038—1039
Mouse, wireless, radio versus infrared 1037
Mouse, wireless, troubleshooting 1039
MOVs (metal-oxide varistors) 1210
MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) 912 932
MPR I emissions standard 867
MPR II emissions standard 867
MPS 1.1 (Multiprocessor Specification) 149
MR (magneto-resistive) read/write heads 581—582
MR (Microid Research) 373
MRII-R (memory repeater hub, RDRAM-based) 273
MRII-S (memory repeater hub, SDRAM-based) 273
MS-DOS See DOS (disk operating system)
MSAUs (multistation access units) 1117
MSCDEX (Microsoft CD Extensions) 804—805
MSCDEX.EXE driver 1268
MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics) 983 1027
MSDOS.SYS file 1299
MSI Computers 1460
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) 636—637 1188
MTTF (mean time to failure) 1188
MuItisession recording, Disc-at-Once 740
MuItisession recording, packet writing 740—741
MuItisession recording, sessions 739
MuItisession recording, Track-at-Once 740
Multi-I/O cards 976
Multi-Sector Transfer setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu) 396
Multichip module (MCM) 146
Multidomain vertical alignment (MVA) 854
Multifrequency monitors 850
Multimedia CD 748
Multimedia extensions See MMX
MultiMediaCard (MMC) 690
Multimeters 1312
MultiPlay standard (DVD) 765
Multiple branch prediction 78—79 145
Multiple call signaling 1066
Multiple monitors, configuring 894
Multiple monitors, DualView 894
Multiple monitors, enabling 895
Multiple monitors, multiple-head video adapters 895—896
Multiple monitors, online resources 894
Multiple monitors, primary displays 893—894
Multiple monitors, secondary displays 893
Multiple SCSI (small computer system interface) devices 539
Multiple-COM-port adapters 346—347
Multiple-frequency monitors 850
Multiple-head video adapters 895—896
Multiple-pass rendering 901
Multiprocessing 156
Multiprocessor Specification (MPS) 149
MultiRead specification, CD-RW drives 787—788
MultiRead specification, DVD drives 765
MultiRead2 specification 787—788
Multiscan monitors 850
Multisession Photo CD 742
Multistation access units (MSAUs) 1117
Multisync monitors 850
Multitasking 485
Multiword DMA (Direct Memory Access) 529—530
Mumeric keypads 997 1004
MUSIC See audio
Musical Instrument Digital Interface See MIDI
MVA (multidomain vertical alignment) 854
MVP3 chipsets 247—248
MVP4 chipsets 248—249
Mylar 576
N aroma chipsets 259—260
N-type semiconductors 19
Names of files, aliases 1356
Names of files, filename extensions 1349
Names of files, long filename support 1356—1358
Nanoseconds 423
Nanosliders 584
Napier's Bones 12 16
Napier, Charles 16
Napier, John 12
Narrow-channel systems 431
National Committee on Information Technology Standards (NCITS) 496
National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) 1062
National Semiconductor 119
National Television System Committee (NTSC) 910
Natural Keyboard Elite 1001—1002
NCITS (National Committee on Information Technology Standards) 496
NDP (numeric data processor) See math coprocessors
NEAT (New Enhanced AT) CS8221 chipset 233
NEC Technologies 1460
NEC-Mitsubishi Electronics Display of America 1460
Needle-nose pliers 1306
Negative DC voltages 1157—1158
Neptune (430NX) chipsets 242
NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) 1141
NetWare operating systems 527
network adapters 482—484 1292—1293
network interface cards See NTCs
Network topologies, bus 1116—1117
Network topologies, comparison of 1116
network topologies, ring 1117—1118
network topologies, star 1118—1119
Networking 1042 1102
Networking, analog modems 1072
Networking, analog modems, 56Kbps modems 1079—1083 1089
Networking, analog modems, AT commands 1075
Networking, analog modems, baud rates 1075
Networking, analog modems, bit rates 1075
Networking, analog modems, call-waiting support 1087
Networking, analog modems, data bits 1073
Networking, analog modems, data-compression standards 1078—1079
Networking, analog modems, error-correction protocols 1077—1078
Networking, analog modems, external 1084—1085
Networking, analog modems, fax modems 1084
Networking, analog modems, gaming-optimized modems 1087
Networking, analog modems, internal 1084—1085
Networking, analog modems, MNP10EC support 1086
Networking, analog modems, modulation standards 1076—1077
Networking, analog modems, parity 1073
Networking, analog modems, PCI (Peripheral Connect Interface) buses 1086
Networking, analog modems, proprietary standards 1079
Networking, analog modems, recommendations 1084—1086
Networking, analog modems, software modems 1087—1088
Networking, analog modems, standard s organization s 1074
Networking, analog modems, start-stop communications 1073—1074
Networking, analog modems, stop bits 1074
Networking, analog modems, support for 1088—1089
Networking, analog modems, telephone company upgrades 1089—1090
Networking, analog modems, troubleshooting 1097—1100
Networking, analog modems, upgrading 1086—1087
Networking, analog modems, USB (Universal Serial Bus) connections 1087
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