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Templates, system-configuration 339—343
Terminal adapters (TAs) 1067
Terminate and Slay Resident (TSR) utility programs 936
Terminators (SCSI) 556
Terminators (SCSI), active 557—558
Terminators (SCSI), FPT (forced perfect termination) 557
Terminators (SCSI), HVD (high voltage differential) 559
Terminators (SCSI), LVD (low voltage differential) 559
Terminators (SCSI), passive 557
Terminators (SCSI), recommendations 571
Test equipment Sec also tools
Test equipment, analog meters 1313
Test equipment, breakout boxes 1312
Test equipment, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1312
Test equipment, electric screwdrivers 1316
Test equipment, electrical testing equipment 1311
Test equipment, logic probes 1313
Test equipment, logic pulsers 1314
Test equipment, loopback connector 1311—1312
Test equipment, memory testers 1315
Test equipment, outlet testers 1314—1315
Testing See also troubleshooting
Testing, cables 1017
Testing, hard disk drives 837
Testing, monitors 872—873
Testing, NICs (network interface cards) 1146
Testing, parallel ports 993
Testing, power supply, back probing 1202—1203
Testing, power supply, digilal infrared thermometers 1203—1204
Testing, power supply, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1200—1203
Testing, power supply, variable voltage transformers 1204
Testing, processors 84 114
Testing, serial ports 982
Testing, serial ports, loopback testing 984—985
Testing, serial ports, MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics) 983
Testing, serial ports, Windows operating systems 983
Testing, video adapters 920
Testing, video monitors 920
Texture mapping 897—898
textures 898
TF (thin film) read/write heads 580
TFT (thin film transistor) arrays 853
THD (total harmonic distortion) 940 956
The BIOS Companion 373
The Complete Idiot's Guide to High-Speed Internet Access 1044
The Register Web site 34
Theater surround sound 957—958
Thermal recalibration 618
Thermal shock 1195
Thermometers, digital infrared thermometers 1203—1204
Thermometers, infrared thermometers 1316—1317
Thick Ethernet coaxial cables 1114
Thickness of floppy disks 661
Thicknet 1114
thin clients 716
Thin Ethernet coaxial cables 1114
Thin film read/write heads 580
Thin film recording media 611
Thin film transistor arrays 853
Thin small outline package (TSOP) packages 264
Thinnet 1114
Third Boot Device setting (BIOS Bool menu) 405
Third-generation processors, 386DX 123—124
Third-generation processors, 386SL 124
Third-generation processors, 386SX 124
Third-generation processors, 80387 math coprocessor 124—125
Third-generation processors, addressable memory 123
Third-generation processors, bus widths 35—36
Third-generation processors, MMU (memory management unit) 122
Third-generation processors, protected mode 123
Third-generation processors, virtual real mode 123
Thomas, Charles Xavier 16
Throttle Duty Cycle selling (BIOS Power Management menu) 403
Throughput 710
Thruslmasler ACM Game card 936
Thumb screws 1309
ThunderBird Avenger sound cards 943
ThunderBird Q3D sound cards 943
Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm selling (BIOS Power Management menu) 404
Timeline of computer history 12—16
Timing, CAS-2 (column address strobe) timing 269
Timing, encoding schemes 585
Timing, timing glitches 458
Timing, tin-plated contacts 454—456 1226
TIP (Trouble In Paradise) 675
TLB (translation lookaside buffer) 136
Token-ring 1107—1109
TomsHardware.com Web site 68
Tools See also utilities
Tools, cleaning tools, brushes 1323—1324
Tools, cleaning tools, chemical-freeze sprays 1323
Tools, cleaning tools, cleaning supply companies 1324
Tools, cleaning tools, compressed air 1323
Tools, cleaning tools, contact cleaners/lubricants 1322—1323
Tools, cleaning tools, disassembly tools 1321
Tools, cleaning tools, erasers 1324
Tools, cleaning tools, silicone lubricants 1324
Tools, cleaning tools, standard chemical cleaners 1322
Tools, cleaning tools, swabs 1323—1324
Tools, cleaning tools, vacuum cleaners 1323
Tools, digital infrared thermometers 1203—1204
Tools, line conditioners 1211
Tools, maintenance tools 1303
Tools, maintenance tools, analog meters 1313
Tools, maintenance tools, breakout boxes 1312
Tools, maintenance tools, chip extractors 1305
Tools, maintenance tools, chip inserters 1305
Tools, maintenance tools, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1200—1203 1312
Tools, maintenance tools, electric screwdrivers 1316
Tools, maintenance tools, electrical testing equipment 1311
Tools, maintenance tools, English/metric fasteners 1309
Tools, maintenance tools, ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection kits 1307
Tools, maintenance tools, files 1307
Tools, maintenance tools, flashlights 1307
Tools, maintenance tools, hemostats 1307
Tools, maintenance tools, infrared thermometers 1316—1317
Tools, maintenance tools, logic probes 1313
Tools, maintenance tools, logic pulsers 1314
Tools, maintenance tools, loopback connectors 1311—1312
Tools, maintenance tools, memory testers 1315
Tools, maintenance tools, needle-nose pliers 1306
Tools, maintenance tools, nut drivers 1304
Tools, maintenance tools, outlet testers 1314—1315
Tools, maintenance tools, parts grabbers 1305 1317—1318
Tools, maintenance tools, Phillips-head screws 1308
Tools, maintenance tools, screwdrivers 1304
Tools, maintenance tools, slotted-head screws 1308
Tools, maintenance tools, soldering/desoldering lools 1309—1311
Tools, maintenance tools, temperature probes 1316
Tools, maintenance tools, thumb screws 1309
Tools, maintenance tools, Torx drivers 1306
Tools, maintenance tools, Torx screws 1205 1308 1316
Tools, maintenance tools, tweezers 1305
Tools, maintenance tools, vise 1307
Tools, maintenance tools, wire cutters 1307
Tools, maintenance tools, wire strippers 1307
Tools, phone-line surge protectors 1211
Tools, surge protectors 1210—1211
Tools, system assembly tools 1236
Tools, variable voltage transformers 1204
Topologies, bus 1115—1117
Topologies, comparison of 1116
Topologies, HomePNA 1142—1143
Topologies, point-to-point 1137
Topologies, ring 1117—1118
Topologies, star 1118—1119 1137
Torx drivers 1306
Torx screws 1205 1308 1316
Toshiba America 1461
Total harmonic distortion 940 956
| Total installed memory 487—488
Total Memory setting (BIOS main menu) 386
Total usable memory 487—488
Touch pads 1033
Tower cases 1221
TPI (tracks per inch) 599
Track following systems 616
Track pads 1033
Track Zero Bad error message 664
Track-at-Once (TAG) recording 740
Track-width specifications (floppy disk drives) 651
trackballs 1021 1033—1034
TrackPoint pointing device 1030—1032
tracks 601—602. See also sectors
Tracks per inch (TPI) 599
Tracks, CD-ROM discs 721—722
Tracks, defined 600 651
Tracks, DVD discs 751—753
Tracks, hard disk drives 597
Tracks, TPI (tracks per inch) 599
Tracks, track densities 599
Tracks, track following systems 616
Tracks, typical track/sector format 602
Tracks, usable space 603
Trailers (sectors) 601
Transceivers (DSL) 1050
Transfer rates, CD/DVD drives 760 763 768
Transfer rates, hard disk drives 630—631
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, calculating 634
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, formatted transfer rates 631
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, IBM Deskstar 120GXP specifications 631—632
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, interlace transfer rates 631
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, Maxtor DiamondMax D540X-4G120J6 specifications 632
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, media transfer rates 631
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, raw transfer rates 631
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, Seagate Cheetah 36ES specifications 633
Transfer rates, hard disk drives, Seagate Cheetah X15 specifications 633
Transformers 1204
Transient response (power supply) 1189
Transistors, 486DX processors 127
Transistors, DRAM (dynamic RAM) 419
Transistors, history of 19
Transistors, Pentium II processors 153
Transistors, Pentium Pro processors 146
Transistors, Pentium processors 138
Transistors, Pentium-MMX processors 140
Transition cells 577 585
Translation, CHS bit-shift translation 518—520
Translation, LBA-assist translation 522—524
Translation, TLB (translation lookaside buffer) 136
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 1069 1139—1140 1153
Transparent DMA (TDMA) 935
Trap (DMMs) 1202
Travan tape drives 700—702
Travelstar 32GII 2 1/2 hard disk drives 606
Tray load mechanism (CD/DVD drives) 774—775
Trichloroethane 1322
Trident sound cards 944
Trilinear filtering 900
Trilograms 999
Trinitech diagnostic software 114
Trinitron picture tubes 864
Triodes 18
Tripling processor speed 131
Tripp Lite Manufacturing 1461
Triton (430FX) chipsets 242—243
Triton II (430IIX) chipsets 243—244
Triton III (430VX) chipsets 244—245
Trouble In Paradise (TIP) 675
troubleshooting See also care and maintenance; errors; testing
Troubleshooting, ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) error codes 409
Troubleshooting, adapter cards 1336—1337
Troubleshooting, analog modems, computer lockups 1098—1099
Troubleshooting, analog modems, dial-up problems 1097—1098
Troubleshooting, analog modems, modem sounds 1100
Troubleshooting, analog modems, undetected external modems 1099—1100
Troubleshooting, basic guidelines 1334—1335
Troubleshooting, BIOS (basic input/output system) error messages 410—414
Troubleshooting, boot process 1335—1336
Troubleshooting, bootable CDs 811
Troubleshooting, broadband service interruptions 1069
Troubleshooting, broadband signal lights 1097
Troubleshooting, CD/DVD drives, disc read failures 809—810
Troubleshooting, CD/DVD drives, read/write errors 811
Troubleshooting, CD/DVD drives, slow drive speeds 810
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, aftermarket software 1273
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, general-purpose diagnostics 1293
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, manufacturer-supplied software 1272
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, network interface adapters 1292—1293
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, operating system diagnostics 1294
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, operating system software 1273
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, peripheral diagnostics software 1272
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, POST (power on self test) 1272—1291
Troubleshooting, diagnostic software, SCSI (small computer system interface) adapters 1292
Troubleshooting, ESD (electrostatic discharge) 1236—1239
Troubleshooting, FAT (file allocation table) 1363
Troubleshooting, FAT (file allocation table), cross-linked files 1365—1366
Troubleshooting, FAT (file allocation table), damaged FAT 1366—1367
Troubleshooting, FAT (file allocation table), invalid files or directories 1366
Troubleshooting, FAT (file allocation table), lost clusters 1364—1365
Troubleshooting, file systems 1378—1380
Troubleshooting, floppy disk drives 663—665
troubleshooting, hard disk drives 836—837
Troubleshooting, IRQs (interrupt request channels) conflicts 331—332
troubleshooting, keyboards, cleaning 1018—1019
Troubleshooting, keyboards, connectors 1017
Troubleshooting, keyboards, defective cables 1017
Troubleshooting, keyboards, keyboard disassembly 1018
Troubleshooting, keyboards, keyboard replacement 1019—1020
Troubleshooting, keyboards, motherboards 1018
Troubleshooting, keyboards, stuck keyswitches 1017
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools 1303
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, analog meters 1313
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, breakout boxes 1312
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, chip extractors 1305
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, chip inserters 1305
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, DMMs (digital multimeters) 1312
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, electric screwdrivers 1316
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, electrical testing equipment 1311
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, English/metric fasteners 1309
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection kits 1307
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, files 1307
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, flashlights 1307
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, hemostats 1307
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, infrared thermometers 1316—1317
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, logic probes 1313
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, logic pulsers 1314
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, loopback connector 1311—1312
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, memory testers 1315
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, needle-nose pliers 1306
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, nut drivers 1304
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, outlet testers 1314—1315
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, parts grabbers 1305 1317—1318
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, Phillips-head screws 1308
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, screwdrivers 1304
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, slotted-head screws 1308
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, soldering/desoldering tools 1309—1311
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, temperature probes 1316
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, thumb screws 1309
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, Torx drivers 1306
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, Torx screws 1308 1316
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, tweezers 1305
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, vise 1307
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, wire cutters 1307
Troubleshooting, maintenance tools, wire strippers 1307
Troubleshooting, memory failures, ECC (error correcting code) 463—464
Troubleshooting, memory failures, hard fails 457
Troubleshooting, memory failures, parity checking 459—463
Troubleshooting, memory failures, soft errors 457—459
troubleshooting, microphones 958—959
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