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Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs
Mueller S. — Upgrading and Repairing PCs

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Íàçâàíèå: Upgrading and Repairing PCs

Àâòîð: Mueller S.


Explains how to upgrade, repair, maintain, and troubleshoot the hardware of personal computers, outlining the differences among them as well as their various configuration options. The 14th edition covers Intel's Northwood Pentium 4, NVIDIA's GeForce4 video card, and Creative Lab's Audigy sound card. The DVD contains two hours of instructional video. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: Fourteenth Edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2002

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1605

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007

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Buttons (mouse)      1021
Buying tips, analog modems      1084—1086
Buying tips, broadband Internet access      1071
Buying tips, cables      1124—1125 1147 1234
Buying tips, cases, ATX-style      1220
Buying tips, cases, desktop      1221
Buying tips, cases, form factors      1219—1220
Buying tips, cases, low-profile      1220
Buying tips, cases, micro-tower      1221
Buying tips, cases, mini-tower      1221
Buying tips, cases, tower      1221
Buying tips, CD-R media      782
Buying tips, cooling fans      1233
Buying tips, DMMs (digital multimeters)      1201—1202
Buying tips, floppy disk drives      1228
Buying tips, game controllers      1036—1037
Buying tips, gateways      1147
Buying tips, hard disk drives      1228—1229
Buying tips, heatsinks      1233
Buying tips, hubs      1147
Buying tips, keyboards      1019—1020 1230
Buying tips, LCD (liquid crystal display) monitors      858
Buying tips, LPX-compatible products      208
Buying tips, microphones      958
Buying tips, monitors      1231—1232
Buying tips, motherboards      349—351 1221
Buying tips, motherboards, ATX      1222
Buying tips, motherboards, Baby-AT      1222
Buying tips, motherboards, BIOS      1225
Buying tips, motherboards, chipsets      1224—1225
Buying tips, motherboards, data books      1225
Buying tips, motherboards, integrated adapters      1227—1228
Buying tips, motherboards, junipers      1223
Buying tips, motherboards, LPX      1222
Buying tips, motherboards, memory      1225—1227
Buying tips, motherboards, micro-ATX      1222
Buying tips, motherboards, NLX      1222
Buying tips, motherboards, obsolete form factors      1221
Buying tips, motherboards, ports      1227—1228
Buying tips, motherboards, processors      1223—1224
Buying tips, mouse      1230—1231
Buying tips, optical drives      1229—1230
Buying tips, power supply      1221
Buying tips, power supply, chassis/case      1207—1208
Buying tips, power supply, form factors      1205
Buying tips, power supply, manufacturer recommendations      1206
Buying tips, power supply, proprietary designs      1206
Buying tips, RAM (random access memory), DIMMs      466—467
Buying tips, RAM (random access memory), RIMMs      467
Buying tips, RAM (random access memory), SIMMs      466
Buying tips, RAM (random access memory), suppliers      465—466
Buying tips, removable drives      688—689 1228
Buying tips, SCSI (small computer system interface)      571
Buying tips, sound cards      933—934 938 1232
Buying tips, speakers      956 1232
Buying tips, switches      1147
Buying tips, tape drives, capacity      709—710
Buying tips, tape drives, costs      710—711
Buying tips, tape drives, data throughput      710
Buying tips, tape drives, software compatibility      710
Buying tips, tape drives, tape compatibility      710
Buying tips, video adapters      1231—1232
Buying tips, video monitors      859—860
Buying tips, video monitors, brightness and contrast      864
Buying tips, video monitors, digital controls      871
Buying tips, video monitors, dot pitch      863—864
Buying tips, video monitors, emissions      866—867
Buying tips, video monitors, frequencies      867—871
Buying tips, video monitors, interlaced/noninterlaced      865
Buying tips, video monitors, placement considerations      871—872
Buying tips, video monitors, power management      865—866
Buying tips, video monitors, refresh rates      868—870
Buying tips, video monitors, resolution      861—862
Buying tips, video monitors, room lighting issues      872
Buying tips, video monitors, size      860—861
Buying tips, video monitors, stripe pitch      864
Byte Runner Technologies      1458
Bytes in Bad Sectors error message      665
C-Media Electronics sound cards      944
C0h-C9h POST codes      1287
Cable Datacom News      1059
Cable Detected setting (BIOS IDE Configuration menu)      396
Cable modems, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Cable Internet Connections      1047
Cable modems, asymmetrical networks      1047
Cable modems, bandwidth      1047—1048
Cable modems, bundled cable modems      1045
Cable modems, CableLabs Certified cable modems      1045
Cable modems, CATV networks      1045—1046
Cable modems, connecting to Internet with      1044—1045
Cable modems, costs      1048
Cable modems, DOCSIS-compliant cable modems      1045
Cable modems, external      1046
Cable modems, internal      1047
Cable modems, performance      1048—1049
Cable modems, security      1049
Cable select (CSEL) signals      507 510
CableLabs Certified cable modems      1045
Cables      1113
Cables to Go      1458
Cables, ATA (AT Attachment)      506—507
Cables, buying tips      1147 1234
Cables, cable distance limitations      1130
Cables, choosing      1124—1125
Cables, DCC (Direct Cable Connection)      991—992
Cables, Direct Cable Connection technology      1151
Cables, drive installation      817—819
Cables, external cables      1263—1265
Cables, floppy disk drives      649—651 845
Cables, grounding loops      1115
Cables, hard disk drives      625
Cables, IEEE-1394      972
Cables, installation      1123—1124
Cables, installation, cable distance limitations      1130
Cables, installation, cable selection      1124—1125
Cables, installation, crossover cables      1126
Cables, installation, custom-built UTP (unshielded twisted-pair) cables      1127—1130
Cables, installation, twisted-pair wiring standards      1125—1126
Cables, keyboard cables      1017
Cables, loopback testing      984—985
Cables, motherboard cables      1254
Cables, mouse cables      1022
Cables, null modem cables      991
Cables, optical drives      841—843
Cables, SCSI (small computer system interface)      541—543 551—552
Cables, SCSI (small computer system interface), A-cable external shielded connectors      554
Cables, SCSI (small computer system interface), A-cable internal unshielded connectors      554
Cables, SCSI (small computer system interface), IBM PS/2 SCSI external connectors      555
Cables, SCSI (small computer system interface), P-cable shielded connectors      555
Cables, SCSI (small computer system interface), recommendations      571
cables, testing      1017
Cables, Thicknet      1114
Cables, Thinnet      1114
Cables, twisted-pair      1114—1116
Cables, twisted-pair, building      1125—1130
Cables, twisted-pair, Category 3      1124
Cables, twisted-pair, Category 5      1124
Cables, twisted-pair, crossover cables      1126
Cables, twisted-pair, STP (shielded twisted pair)      1114—1115
Cables, twisted-pair, UTP (unshielded twisted pair)      1114 1127—1130
Cables, twisted-pair, wiring standards      1125—1126
Cables, USB (Universal Serial Bus)      965
Cables, Y splitter cables      1183
Cache      420 1225—1226
cache misses      70
Cache RAM setting (BIOS main menu)      386
Cache, 486DX processors      127
Cache, access times      420
Cache, Am5x86(TM)-P75 processors      133
Cache, asynchronous design      423
Cache, bus snooping      73
Cache, cache tag      244
Cache, CD/DVD drives      769—770
Cache, compared to DRAM      420
Cache, controllers      423
Cache, Cyrix 6x86/6x86MX processors      185
Cache, defined      68 420
Cache, four-way set associative cache      72—73 146
Cache, hard disk drive cache programs      635
Cache, hit ratio      421
Cache, internal      136
Cache, Itanium processors      196
Cache, Level 1      68—71 421
Cache, Level 1, cache misses      70
Cache, Level 1, cache operation      69—70
Cache, Level 1, compared to Level 2 cache      422—423
Cache, Level 1, importance of      69
Cache, Level 1, NexGen Nx586 processors      174
Cache, Level 1, Pentium II processors      155—156
Cache, Level 1, Pentium Pro processors      146
Cache, Level 1, Pentium-MMX improvements      76
Cache, Level 2      421
Cache, Level 2, cache operation      71
Cache, Level 2, compared to Level 1 cache      422—423
Cache, Level 2, Pentium II processors      155—156
Cache, Level 2, Pentium II/III Xeon processors      172
Cache, Level 2, Pentium III processors      165
Cache, Level 2, Pentium Pro processors      149
Cache, Level 2, Pentium processors      136
Cache, Level 2, performance and design      71—72
Cache, maximum cache      423
Cache, nonblocking cache      73
Cache, Pentiu m-MMX processors      140
Cache, Pentium II processors      155—156
Cache, Pentium Pro processors      146
Cache, pipeline burst mode      423
Cache, speed      73—74
Cache, synchronous design      423
Cache, two-way set associative cache      146
Cache, write-back cache      472
Cache, write-back cache, Am5x86(TM)-P75 processors      132
Cache, write-back cache, Pentium-MMX processors      140
Cache, write-through cache      73
Cache,cache controllers      73 636
Caddy load mechanism (CD/DVD drives)      775
Calculations, data transfer rates      634
Calculations, mechanical calculators      16
Calculations, power consumption, example      1192
Calculations, power consumption, floppy disk drives      1193
Calculations, power consumption, hard disk drives      1193—1194
Calculations, power consumption, motherboards      1193
Calculations, video RAM (random access memory)      886—889
Calibrate      824
Call-waiting support      1087
CAM (Common Access Method)      564
CAM ATA (Common Access Method ATA)      496
Cameras, digital, flash memory      689
Cameras, digital, flash memory, CompactFlash      690
Cameras, digital, flash memory, comparison of      691
Cameras, digital, flash memory, MMC (MultiMediaCard)      690
Cameras, digital, flash memory, PC Card      690
Cameras, digital, flash memory, reading      692—693
Cameras, digital, flash memory, SmartMedia      690
Cameras, digital, flash memory, Sony Memory Stick      690
Cameras, digital, Microdrive technology      694
Can User Flash Area setting (BIOS Boot menu)      404
Canadian Standards Agency (CSA)      1191
Canon USA, Inc.      1458
Canyon3D-2 sound cards      944
CAP (tarrierless amplitude/phase)      1050
Capacitive ke\ switches      1008—1010 1017
capacitors      419
Capacity, CD-R discs      780
Capacity, CD-ROM discs      716 727—728
Capacity, drive capacity limitations      512
Capacity, DVD discs      756—759
Capacity, floppy disks      652
Capacity, hard disk drives      597 1228
Capacity, hard disk drives, BIOS limitations      629—630
Capacity, hard disk drives, capacity limitations      629
Capacity, hard disk drives, comparison of      627—628
Capacity, hard disk drives, operating system limitations      630
Capacity, hard disk drives, SyQuest drives      682
Capacity, LS-120 drives      677
Capacity, magnetic storage      590
Capacity, maximum installable memory      434
Capacity, tape drives      709—710
Capacity, UPS (uninterruptible power supply)      1213
Card edge connectors      307 841—843
card readers      692
cards      See adapters
Care and maintenance      See also troubleshooting
Care and maintenance, CD-ROM discs      718
Care and maintenance, CD/DVD discs      808—809
Care and maintenance, CD/DVD drives      776—777 808—809
Care and maintenance, cleaning      1320—1321
Care and maintenance, cleaning, boards      1326
Care and maintenance, cleaning, brushes      1323—1324
Care and maintenance, cleaning, CD/DVD drives      776
Care and maintenance, cleaning, CDs      808—809
Care and maintenance, cleaning, chemical-freeze sprays      1323
Care and maintenance, cleaning, cleaning supply companies      1324
Care and maintenance, cleaning, compressed air      1323
Care and maintenance, cleaning, connectors      1326—1327
Care and maintenance, cleaning, contact cleaners/lubricants      1322—1323
Care and maintenance, cleaning, contacts      1326—1327
Care and maintenance, cleaning, disassembly      1324—1325
Care and maintenance, cleaning, disassembly and cleaning tools      1321
Care and maintenance, cleaning, erasers      1324
Care and maintenance, cleaning, keyboards      1018—1019 1327
Care and maintenance, cleaning, keyswitches      1006
Care and maintenance, cleaning, metal memory contacts      455
Care and maintenance, cleaning, mouse      1026—1027
Care and maintenance, cleaning, mouse devices      1327
Care and maintenance, cleaning, silicone lubricants      1324
Care and maintenance, cleaning, standard chemical cleaners      1322
Care and maintenance, cleaning, swabs      1323—1324
Care and maintenance, cleaning, trackballs      1034
Care and maintenance, cleaning, vacuum cleaners      1323
Care and maintenance, floppy disks      661—663
Care and maintenance, keyboards, cleaning      1018—1019
Care and maintenance, keyboards, defective cables      1017
Care and maintenance, keyboards, keyboard disassembly      1018
Care and maintenance, keyboards, stuck keyswitches      1017
Care and maintenance, keyswitches      1006
Care and maintenance, metal memory contacts      455
Care and maintenance, monitors      873—874
Care and maintenance, mouse      1026—1027
Care and maintenance, power-protection systems, backup power      1211—1214
Care and maintenance, power-protection systems, built-in power protection      1208—1209
Care and maintenance, power-protection systems, line conditioners      1211
Care and maintenance, power-protection systems, phone-line surge protectors      1211
Care and maintenance, power-protection systems, surge protectors      1210—1211
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, active/passive      1318—1319
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, cleaning      1320—1327
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, dust      1334
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, hard disk drives      1327—1329
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, heating and cooling      1329—1330
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, Maintenance Wizard      1328
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, operating environment      1329
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, pollutants      1334
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, power cycling      1330—1331
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, power-line noise      1332—1333
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, reseating socketed chips      1325
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, RFI (radio-frequency interference)      1333—1334
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, static electricity      1332
Care and maintenance, preventative maintenance, system backups      1319—1320
Care and maintenance, tools      1303
Care and maintenance, tools, analog meters      1313
Care and maintenance, tools, breakout boxes      1312
Care and maintenance, tools, chip extractors      1305
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