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Поиск книг, содержащих: Blaschke, W.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Бляшке В. — Дифференциальная геометрия и геометрические основы теории относительности Эйнштейна (том 1) | 44, 53, 57, 59, 60, 68, 76, 133, 134, 135, 211, 217, 239, 251, 263, 273, 273, 295, 313, 321, 323 | Schneider R. — Convex Bodies: The Brunn-Minkowski Theory | 1.8, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.3, 4.5, 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7.1, 7.4, Appendix | Chavel I. — Isoperimetric Inequalities : Differential Geometric and Analytic Perspectives | 28 | Bryant R., Griffiths P., Grossman D. — Exterior differential systems and Euler-Lagrange PDEs | 61 | Szekely G.J. — Paradoxes in probability theory and mathematical statistics | I/11 | Finch S.R. — Mathematical constants | 515, 534 | Polya G. — Problems and Theorems in Analysis: Theory of Functions. Zeros. Polynomials. Determinants. Number Theory. Geometry | 367, 371, 377, 378 | Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4) | 1800 | Coxeter H.S.M. — Introduction to Geometry | 83, 131, 191, 216, 382 | Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros | 454 | Guggenheimer H.W. — Applicable Geometry | 71, 112,172 | Guggenheimer H.W. — Differential Geometry | 72, 155, 162, 174, 255, 308 | Aczel J. — Lectures on functional equations and their applications | 22, 146, 189, 326, 327, 406, 418, 446 | Dongming Wang — Elimination Practice: Software Tools and Applications | 132 | Zong Ch. — Sphere packings | 123 | Farin G. — Curves and surfaces for computer aided geometric design | 35 | Struik D.J. — A concise history of mathematics. Volume 2 | 248 | Alekseevskij D.V., Vinogradov A.M., Lychagin V.V. — Geometry I: Basic Ideas and Concepts of Differential Geometry | 201 | Adler R.J. — Geometry of random fields | 140 | Mitrinovic D.S., Pecaric J.E., Volenec V. — Recent Advances in Geometric Inequalities | 447 | Hille E. — Methods in classical and functional analysis | 394, 411 | Prasolov V.V., Tikhomirov V.M. — Geometry | 36 | Peajcariaac J.E., Tong Y.L. — Convex functions, partial orderings, and statistical applications | 212, 422 | Beckenbach E.F., Bellman R. — Inequalities | 2, 39, 53, 147, 161, 177, 183, 187 | Donoghue W.F. — Distributions and Fourier transforms | 9 | Dauns J. — A Concrete Approach to Division Rings | xii | Aleksandrov A.D., Kolmogorov A.N. — Mathematics. It's content, methods, and meaning (Vol. 2) | 116 | Mignotte M., Stefanescu D. — Polynomials: An Algorithmic Approach | 79 | Klee V., Wagon S. — Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions Series #11) | 80 | Reiter H. — Metaplectic Groups And Segal Algebras | 16, 17 | Flanders H. — Differential Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences | 44, 197 | Santalo L., Kac M. — Integral geometry and geometric probability | 1, 31(50), 36, 40(40), 48, 59, 64, 113, 114, 118, 121, 125, 197, 200(30), 201, 211, 238(35), 260, 281(51), 311, 312, 340(47), 341(47), 347, 351(39) | Klingenberg W. — A Course in Differential Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 29, 30, 129, 135, 164, 167 | Лукомская А.М. — Основные иностранные библиографические источники по математике и механике 1931-1957 | 334, 388, 849, 989 | Beckenbach E., Bellman R. — Inequalities (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge) | 2, 39, 53, 147, 161, 177, 183, 187 | Chvatal V. — Linear programming | 267, 270 |