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Chavel I. — Isoperimetric Inequalities : Differential Geometric and Analytic Perspectives |
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-cover 102
-thickening 15 54
-immeasurability 101
-algebra 100
Adams, C. 29
Adams, R.A. 29 224
Alexandres, A.D. 51
Almgren, F. 51 99
Approximate identity 229
Arc length function 4
Area, integral geometric 53
Area, lower 125
Area, Minkowski 58
Area, of boundaries in graphs 142
Area, of metric sphere in Riemannian manifold 125
Area, surface 2 3 17 25 31
Arede, T. 224
Aubin, T. 184 224
Azencott, R. 224
Baemstein, A. 99
Bakry, D. 183 254
Bandle, C. 183 254
Barlow, M. 254
Bendabdallah, A. 224
Benjamini, I. 29 233
Berard, P.H. 184 254
Berger, M. 29 99
Besson, C. 254
Blaschke, W. 28
Boundaries in graphs 142
Boundaries in graphs, area of 142
Boundary conditions, vanishing Dirichlet 196
Bounded geometry, for graphs 140
Bounded geometry, for Riemannian manifolds 136
Brooks, R. 232
Burago, Y. 3 28 99
Burchard, A. 99
Buser, P. 155
Cao, J. 29
Caratheodory, C. 99
Carleman, T. 5I
Carlen, E.A. 254
Carron, G. 184
Chavel, I. 29 99 155 183—185 224 233 253 254
Cheeger's constant 127
Cheeger's constant, in compact case 162
Cheeger's constant, modified 130
Cheeger, J. 183 253
Cheng, S.Y. 183
Circumdisk 57
Circumradius 53
Combinatorial, length of 140
Combinatorial, metric 140
Combinatorial, path 140
Complete, geodesically 120
Connection 121
Connection, Levi-Civita 121
Constant, alternate Sobolev, in compact case 163
Constant, Cheeger's 127
Constant, Cheeger's, in compact case 162
Constant, Cheeger's, modified 130
Constant, isoperimetric, modified, of Riemannian manifold 130
Constant, isoperimetric, of 44 45
Constant, isoperimetric, of compact Riemannian manifold 162
Constant, isoperimetric, of graphs 144
Constant, isoperimetric, of Riemannian manifold 127
Constant, Lipschitz 20
Constant, Sobolev, in compact case 162
Constant, Sobolev, of 44 45
Constant, Sobolev, of graphs 173
Constant, Sobolev, of Riemannian manifold 131
Convergence of sets in 81
Convex, function 22
Convex, hull of 28
Convex, linear combination 27
Convex, set 27
Coordinates, Euclidean 17
Coordinates, geodesic spherical 125
Coordinates, Riemann normal 123
Coulhon, T. 155 183 184 233 254
Countable additivity 100
Countably subadditive 101
Courant, R. 28
Croke, C. 155
Curvature, constant 123
Curvature, Gauss 32
Curvature, mean 32 36 44
Curvature, of path in 5
Curvature, Ricci 122
Curvature, sectional 122
Curvature, tensor 121
Cut locus, domain inside, of a point 125
Davies, E.B. 224 254
Dierkes, U. 28
Differential operator, elliptic 19
Differential operator, uniformly 19
Dirichlet energy integral 195
Discretization of Riemannian manifold 147
Discretization of Riemannian manifold, covering radius of 147
Discretization of Riemannian manifold, separation radius of 147
Distance, combinatorial, between points 140
Distance, Hausdorff, between compact sets 54
Distance, Riemannian, between points 119
Dodziuk, J. 184 224 254
Domain 3
Domain, Lipschitz 87
Exponential map 120
Faber, C. 99
Fabes, E. 254
Federer, H. 29 51 99 116 183
Fegan, H.D. 224
Feldman, E.A. 184 233 254
Figiel, T. 29
Fischer, H.R. 224
Fleming, W.H. 51 183
Formula, Cauchy's, for area of boundaries of convex domains 26
Formula, co-area for perimeter 89
Formula, co-area for smooth functions 25
Formula, co-area for smooth mappings 25
Fourier transform 203
Frenet formulae 5
Function, characteristic 13
Function, differential of, on graphs 144 170
Function, discretization of 178
Function, gradient of, on Riemannian manifold 157
Function, indicator 13
Function, Laplacian of, acting as distribution 198
Function, Laplacian of, Friedrichs extension of 195
Function, Laplacian of, on Riemannian manifold 193
Function, Lipschitz 19
Function, mean value 162
Function, of bounded variation 82
Function, polynomial decay 252
Function, smoothing of 179
Function, weak derivative of 23
Function, weak derivative of, 195
Functional, isoperimetric 36
Fundamental form, first 31
Fundamental form, second 32
Fundamental tone 78
Gaffney, M.P. 224
Gage, M. 29
Gallot, S. 254
Gauss map 32
Geodesic 119
Geodesic, completeness 120
Geodesic, flow 126
Geodesic, flow, kiuematic density of 127
Geodesic, flow, Liouville's theorem 127
Geodesic, spherical coordinates 125
| Gilbarg, D. 29 224
Giusti, E. 99 100
Graph 140
Graph, Cayley, of group 141
Graph, combinatorial path in 140
Graph, distance between points 140
Graph, with bounded geometry 140
Grigor'yan, A.A. 155 156 184 224 233 254
Gromov, M. 29 51 184 253
Hadwiger, H. 28
Hasminkii, R.Z. 224
Hausdorff dimension 105
Hausdorff distance between compact sets 54
Hausdorff measure 102
Hausdorff measure, standard 104
Heat equation, homogeneous 201
Heat equation, inhomogeneous 201
Heat equation, uniqueness property 212
Heat flow 214
Heat kernel 202
Heat kernel, closed 208
Heat kernel, conservation of heat property of 208
Heat kernel, Dirichlet 209
Heat kernel, Feller property of 208
Heat kernel, minimal positive 211
Heat kernel, positive 208
Heat kernel, stochastic completeness of 208
Heat kernel, symmetric 208
Heat operator associated with the Laplacian 201
Hildebrandt, S. 28
Hirsch, M.W. 29
Holopainen, I. 156
Hoof, H. 51 155
Howards, H. 29
Hurwitz, A. 29
Hutchings, M. 29
Hyperplane, separation by 28
Hyperplane, strict 28
Hyperplane, supporting 28
Ichihara, K. 224
Incompressible flow 39
Inequality, arithmetic-geometric mean 38 49
Inequality, Bonnesen 4
Inequality, Brunn — Minkowski 62
Inequality, Buser's 136
Inequality, Crake's 136
Inequality, eigenvalue -isoperimetric 169
Inequality, Faber — Krahn 79
Inequality, Faber — Krahn, of Euclidean type 166
Inequality, geometric g-isoperimetric 168
Inequality, isodiametric 61
Inequality, isoperimetric 2—4
Inequality, isoperimetric, eigenvalue - 249
Inequality, isoperimetric, for surface area 47 51
Inequality, isoperimetric, for Minkowski area 63
Inequality, isoperimetric, for Minkowski area in 77
Inequality, isoperimetric, for Minkowski length in 74
Inequality, isoperimetric, for perimeter 94
Inequality, isoperimetric, geometric g- 249
Inequality, isoperimetric, in 8 9
Inequality, isoperimetric, in model space 4
Inequality, Wirtinger's 8 29
Injectivity radius of point 120
Injectivity radius of Riemannian manifold 120
Inradius 130
Isodiametric inequality 61
Isometry, of Riemannian manifolds 123
Isometry, quasi-, of metric spaces 140
Isometry, quasi-, of Riemannian manifolds 128
Isometry, rough, of metric spaces 142
Isoperimetric constant of 44 45
Isoperimetric constant of compact Riemannian manifold 162
Isoperimetric constant of graphs 144
Isoperimetric constant of Riemannian manifold 127
Isoperimetric constant, modified, of Riemannian manifold 130
Isoperimetric function 254
Isoperimetric functional 1 11 36 117
Isoperimetric functional, external of the 31
Isoperimetric functional, uniqueness of extremal of 39
Isoperimetric inequality, eigenvalue - 249
Isoperimetric inequality, for surface area 47 51
Isoperimetric inequality, for Minkowski area 63
Isoperimetric inequality, for Minkowski area in 77
Isoperimetric inequality, for Minkowski length in 74
Isoperimetric inequality, for perimeter 94
Isoperimetric inequality, geometric g- 249
Isoperimetric inequality, in 8 9
Isoperimetric inequality, in model space 4
Isoperimetric inequality, problem 2
Isoperimetric inequality, problem, in model space 4 29
Isoperimetric inequality, problem, solution to the 31
Isoperimetric inequality, problem, uniqueness of solution to 36
Jungster, J.J. 224
Kanai, M. 154 156 177 184
Karp, L. 224 253
Kawohl, B. 99 183
Knothe, H. 51
Krahn, E. 99
Kuerster, A. 28
Kusuoka, S. 254
Laplacian on Riemannian manifold 193
Laplacian on Riemannian manifold, acting as distribution 198
Laplacian on Riemannian manifold, Dirichlet 196
Laplacian on Riemannian manifold, Friedrichs extension of 195
Lebesgue set 96
Ledoux, M. 183
Length of path in Riemannian manifold 119
Length of vector in Riemannian metric 118
Li, P. 183 222 224 253 254
Lieb, E.H. 29 99
Liebmann, H. 31
Lindenstrauss, J. 29
Linear operator, adjoint of 185
Linear operator, closable 185
Linear operator, closed 185
Linear operator, closure of 185
Linear operator, extension of 185
Linear operator, extension of, minimal 185
Linear operator, resolvent of 187
Linear operator, resolvent set of 187
Linear operator, self-adjoint 186
Linear operator, self-adjoint, approximate eigenfuctions of 189
Linear operator, self-adjoint, essentially 186
Linear operator, self-adjoint, spectral family of 187
Linear operator, semibounded from below 186
Linear operator, semibounded from below, Friedrichs extension of 186
Linear operator, spectrum of 187
Linear operator, spectrum of, discrete 188
Linear operator, spectrum of, essential 188
Linear operator, spectrum of, point 188
Linear operator, symmetric 186
Linear operator, symmetric, nonnegative 186
Lipschitz constant 20
Lipschitz domain 87
Lipschitz function 19
Loss, M. 29 99
Mandouvalos, N. 224
Manifold, closed 161
Manifold, compact 161
Maz'ya, V.G. 51
Measure 100
Measure, -valued 15
Measure, -valued, absolutely continuous 15
Measure, -valued, Radon 16
Measure, -valued, total variation of 15
Measure, counting 142
Measure, Hausdorff 102
Measure, Hausdorff, - 102
Measure, Hausdorff, standard 104
Measure, Hausdorff, standard - 104
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