Авторизация |
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Hille E. — Methods in classical and functional analysis |
Предметный указатель |
-difference equation 376
eby ev constants 459-464
eby ev polynomials 459 464
eby ev polynomials, center of algebra 277
eby ev polynomials, quadric 42
eby ev, P. L. 459
Abelian 295
Abstract holomorphic functions 249-258
Abstract polynomials 264 274
Abstract Riemann — Stieltjes integrals 230-236
Abstract spaces 51
Acz l uniqueness theorem 427
Acz l – Hossz theorem 430 448
Acz l, J. 422 426 429 430 435 437 439
Addition matrix 19
Addition sequence 86
Addition theorems 376 424 435
Addition vector 2 8 52
Additive function 380 422
Additive functional 471
Additive group 52
Additive measure 113
Additive set function 468
Additive space 385
Adverse 279
Albert, A. A. 411
Algebra, abelian 295
Algebra, associative 20
Algebra, Banach 80-84 276-304
Algebra, center of 277
Algebra, commutant of 295
Algebra, commutative 20 276
Algebra, distributive 20
Algebra, Hausdorff 225
Algebra, non-associative 20
Algebra, non-commutative 20 276
Algebra, quotient, (= residue class) 292
Algebra, sigma 112
Algebra, simple 290
Algebra, topological 225
Almost everywhere 113
Analytic continuation 256 262 271
Analytic Fr chet 264 275
Analytic Lorch 275
Analytic, 254
Angular semi-module 386
Antiderivation 372 379
Antisymmetry 162
Approximation theorems, Bernstein 10
Approximation theorems, Landau 106
Approximation theorems, Lebesgue 100 158
Approximation theorems, Weierstrass 99
Approximations, successive 194-199
Arithmetic means 95 428 434 440 448 467
Arzel , G. 98
Ascoli, C. 98
Ascoli, equi-continuity 97
Automorphism 79
Average 437
Average, A 437
Average, moving 148
axes 1
Axiom of Choice 163
Bachman, G. 50 85
Baire, category 160
Baire, R. L. 160
Banach, algebra 80-84 276-304
Banach, closed graph theorem 312
Banach, Fixed Point Theorem 169-172
Banach, Hahn — B. extension theorem 318
Banach, S. 95 159 187 311
Bartle, R. G. 111
Basis 3 11
Basis, orthogonal 3 11
Basis, orthogonulization process 3-7 12 69
Basis, orthonormal 3 12
Bernstein approximation theorem 101
Bernstein polynomials 101 343
Bernstein, S. N. 100 343
Bessel functions 71
Bessel inequality 71 150
Bessel, F. W. 71
Birkhoff — Kellogg theorem 159
Birkhoff, G. 248
Birkhoff, G. D. 159
Blaschke function of support 394
Blaschke, W. 394 411
Block 115
Bochner, S., integral 236-248
Bohnenblust, H. F., — Sobczyk theorem 319
Bohr, H., almost periodic functions 353
Bolzano, B., — Weierstrass theorem 98 160
Bonsall, F. F. 187
Borel sets 146 468
Borel, E. 468
Borel, Heine — B. theorem 160
Borel-property 160
Boundedness 305-310
Boundedness, principle of uniform 212-217
Bounyakovsky — Schwarz inequality 139
Bounyakovsky, V. J. 139
Bourbaki, N. 15 409
Bourlet operators 424
Bourlet operators, derivation 424
Bourlet operators, multiplication 426
Bourlet operators, substitution 426
Bourlet, C. 435
Box product 395
Brillouin, L. 416 435
Brouwer, L. E. J. 159
Brouwerfixed point theorem 159
Cacciopolli, R. 159
Capacity, 470
Capacity, logarithmic 473
Capacity, Newtonian 469
Carath odory functional inequality 366
Carath odory measure theory 115
Carath odory, C. 115 158 366
Carleson, L. 468 474
Carlfman inequality 451
Carlfman, T. 341 381 451
Carlson, F. 264
Cartwright, M. 411
Category, Baire 160
Cauchy 201
Cauchy estimates 254
Cauchy first theorem 95
Cauchy functional equations 418-428
Cauchy induction argument 401 441
Cauchy integral 254
Cauchy majorant 201
Cauchy product 94
Cauchy product theorem 201
Cauchy sequences 54
Cauchy sequences, equivalence classes of 160
Cauchy, A. L. 7 201 204 401 435 441
Cayley operator 335 359
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 34
Cayley, A. 34
Ces ro, (C, 1)-summability 95 185
Ces ro, E. 95
Characteristic equation of matrix 29 34
Characteristic function of sets 134
Characteristic root-see characteristic value characteristic space 37
Characteristic value of integral equation 179 184
Characteristic value of matrix 29-33 36-39 44-50 185 342
Characteristic value of operator 65 80 179 328 337 341
Characteristic vector 37 44 45 80 328 337 341
Choquet, G. 468 474
| Closed graph theorem 312
Closure 310-316
Closure relation 151 154 158
Cocountable 111
Cofactor 22
Commutant 295
Commutator 296
Compactedness theorem 98 151
Compactness 98 160
Compactness, conditional 160
Compactness, sequential 161
Compactness, weak 222
Complement, orthogonal 76 332
Completeness, of 97
Completeness, of 88 161
Completeness, of 140-143
Completeness, weak 221
Cone 13
Cone, positive 164
Conjugation 78
Consistency theorem 450
Continuity, modulus of 97 145 149
Continuity, strong, uniform, weak of operator functions 227
Continuity, strong, weak- of vector functions 226
Continuity, uniform- scalar functions 97
Continuous functions 96-107
Continuous spectrum 328-387
Contraction, fixed point theorems 169-173
Contraction, mappings 165-169
Contractive mappings 173-175
Convergence 54
Convergence, absolute 230
Convergence, dominated, (integrals) 136 240
Convergence, monotone 126 238
Convergence, sense of metric 13 26 54 159
Convergence, strong 218
Convergence, unconditional 230
Convergence, uniform 97
Convergence, weak 221
Convex functions 400-406
Convex solid 12 396-399
Convexity 12
Convolution in 138
Convolution in 156 178
Coordinates, Cartesian, I covering 160
Cram r, H. 264
Cryptoanalysis 412-417
Cylinder 124
Dar czy, Z. 419 435
Darboux, G. 418 435
de Finetti, B. 437
Determinant 3
Determinant, nullity 17
Determinant, of matrix 15
Determinant, rank 17
Determinative inequalities 363 364-367
Difference set 218 296
Differentiability, strong, weak 227
Differentiability, uniform of holomorphic functions 250
Differential inequality 365
Differential, Fr chet 266
DIMENSION 8 11 17 53
Dirichlet, kernel 151
Dirichlet, P. G. L. 151
Dirichletoperator 360
Dirichletproduct 94
Disphere 192
Dissolvent 280-290
Dissolvent equations 287 417
Dissolvent, expansion at infinity 288
Dissolvent, operational calculus 303 304
Distance 9 39 40 159
Domain = open connected set 264
Domain of transformation 14 305
Dominated Convergence Theorem 136 240
Dunford addition formulas 424 435
Dunford bounded variation 229
Dunford integral 248
Dunford, N. 229 248 249 304 330 361 430
D’Alembert, J. 434
Edelstein, M., fixed point theorem 173
Eggleston, E. G. 408 411
Egyptian Institute 70
Eigen-see characteristic element, divisor of zero 277
Element, idempotent 277
Element, inverse, invertible 277
Element, maximal 163
Element, member 13
Element, negative 52
Element, neutral 165 279
Element, nilpotent 277
Element, positive 162
Element, quasi-nilpotent 277
Element, regular 81 277
Element, reversible 279
Element, singular 81 277
Element, unit 81
Element, zero 52
Endomorphism 57
Epsilin, B. 158 330 361
Equality 52
Equations characteristic 29 34
Equicontinuity 97
Equilibrium distribution, potential 469
Equilocally bounded 272
Equivalence class 146 160
Equivalence class, modulo maximal ideal 292
Extension, Bohnenblust — Sobczyk theorem 319
Extension, Hahn — Banach theorem extension, principal 297
Exterior conformal mapping radius 472
Fantappie, L. 249
Fatou, P., Fatoulemma 136 239
Fej r, L. 151
Fej rkernel 151
Fej rtheorem 157
Fekete, M. 456 460 471
Feketeexterior conformal mapping radius 472
Feketepolynomial 471
Feketetransfinite diameter 456 458
Fermi, E., Thomas — F. equation 416
Field, rational 160
Field, rational, extension of 420
Field, scalar 52
Field, sigma 112
Fischer, E. 156
Fischer, E., Riesz — F. theorem 156
Fixed point theorems, Banach 169-188
Fixed point theorems, Brouwer 159
Fixed point theorems, Edelstein 173-175
Fixed point theorems, Volterra 176-177
Fomin, S. V. 84
Form, Hermitian 42-49
Form, polar 43
Form, quadratic 42 49
Fourier coefficients 69 149
Fourier series 69 149-158
Fourier transformation 360
Fourier, J. 69 184
Fr chet analytic 296-304
Fr chet functionals on 146
Fr chet metric 87
Fr chet, M. 55 249
Fr chetdifferentiable, differentials 265
Fredholm integral equation 178-184
Fredholm, I. 178-184
Frobenius matrix norm 25
Frobenius, G. 25
Frostman, O. 468
Fubini theorem 135
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