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Hille E. — Methods in classical and functional analysis |
Предметный указатель |
Fubini, G. 135
Functional equations 412-436
Functional equations, "cryptoanalysis 412-417
Functional equations, Acz l — Ngintern type 426-436
Functional equations, addition theorems 424 435
Functional equations, antiderivations 372 379
Functional equations, Bourlet type 424 426 435
Functional equations, Cauchy and generalizations 418-423 435
Functional equations, derivation 424
Functional equations, dissolvent 280 287-290
Functional equations, mean value type 439-449
Functional equations, multiplication theorems 424
Functional equations, Picard 169
Functional equations, resolvent 36 281-290 413
Functional equations, Schr der 426 436
Functional inequalities 362-379 380-411
Functional inequalities, absurd 363
Functional inequalities, Carath odory 366
Functional inequalities, classification 362-364
Functional inequalities, determinative 363 364-367
Functional inequalities, Gronwall 370
Functional inequalities, multiplicative 376-379
Functional inequalities, Nagumo 366 373
Functional inequalities, restrictive 363
Functional inequalities, trivial 362
Functionals 7
Functionals, additive on matrices 421
Functionals, bilinear 7
Functionals, bounded 8
Functionals, inner product 7 12
Functionals, linear 7 12 60-63 76-77 317-322
Functionals, linear multiplicative 63 103 149
Functionals, multiplicative on matrices 422
Functionals, on 109
Functionals, on 103
Functionals, on 92
Functionals, on 146
Functions, -holomorphic 282
Functions, -holomorphic 252
Functions, abstract holomorphic 249-258
Functions, additive 419
Functions, additive, non-homogeneous 419
Functions, almost periodic 353
Functions, Bessel 71
Functions, bounded variation 107-111
Functions, Cauchy holomorphic 249
Functions, characteristic 134
Functions, characteristic, Fourier series of 155
Functions, continuous 96-107
Functions, continuously differentiable 190
Functions, Fr chet analytic 264 275
Functions, gauge ( = semi-norms) 40 11 181 1
Functions, Green’s 316 471
Functions, indicator 391
Functions, Lorch analytic 275
Functions, meromorphic 181
Functions, piecewise linear 98
Functions, simple 125
Functions, spectral 342 350-353
Functions, subadditive 40 380-400
Functions, subharmonic 255
Functions, suboperative 385
Functions, support 395
Gateaux, (G)-diflerentiable 265 275
Gateaux, R. 249 264
Gauge function (= semi-norm) 40 317 383 396
Gauge function (= semi-norm), circular 319
Gauss, C. F., arithmetico-geometric means 451
Gelfand bounded variation 229
Gelfand integral 248
Gelfand operational calculus 296-304
Gelfand representation theorem 290-296
Gelfand spectral mapping theorem 302
Gelfand spectral radius 52 277
Gelfand uniqueness theorem 300
Gelfand, I. M. 229
Gelfand, Z. 49 290
Generator, infinitesimal 167
Goursat, E. 195
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization process 3-7 12 69
Gram, Gramian 5 13
Gram, J. P. 4
Graph 306
Graves integral 248
Graves, L. M. 248 264
Green’s function of linear differential equations 316
Green’s function of potential theory 471
Gronwall inequality = lemma 370
Gronwall, T. H. 370 373 379
Group, additive 52 386
Group, of regular elements 81 277
Group, of reversible elements 279
Growth indicator 391
H lder inequality 88-90 138
H lder means 450
H lder — Jensen inequality 400
H lder, O. 88 400
Hahn — Banach theorem 318
Hahn, H. 322
Hahn, regular 177
Halmos, P. 50 161
Hamel additive non-measurable 419
Hamel basis 419
Hamel, G. 419
Hamilton — Cayley theorem 34
Hamilton, Sir W. R. 34
Hardy, G. H. 411
Harmonic mean 447
Hartman, S. 158
Hausdorff algebra 225
Hausdorff positive polynomials 343
Hausdorff space 218
Hausdorff space, linear 220
Hausdorff — Toeplitz theorem 335 341
Hausdorff, F. 218 335 361
Helly, E. 322
Hermite matrix 24
Hermite operators 233
Hermite, C 24
Hermite, Hermitian form 42-50
Highberg, I. E. 264
Hilbert space 69 331 342
Hilbert, D. 183 249
Hill, G. W. 184
Hillf addition formulas 424 435
Hillf functional equations 169 188
Hillf geometric extremal problems 451 456 474
Hillf Landau’s inequality 188
Hillf Taylor’s theorem (semi-groups) 167
Hillf — Thomas — Fermi equation 416 435
Hillf, E. 111 167 188 211 248 275 304 330 371 385 410 411 424 435 474
Hillinger, E. 342
Hoffman, K. 84
Hossz — Acz l theorem 430 448
Hossz , H. 422 426 430 435
Hs , I. — C 112 162 212
Hs , partial ordering 162
Hull, convex 13
Hypercube 13
Hyperplane 17
Hyperplane, of support 396
Ideals 63 290 291
Ideals, maximal 291
Ideals, proper, trivial, unit 290
Idempotcnt 24 82 277 285 288 294
Image 56 165
Image, pre 56
Implicit function theorem 189-194
Independence, linear 3 10 53
Indicator inequality 392
| Indicator of radial growth 391
Induction, principle 86
Induction, retrogressive 401 432
Inequality, Banach 368
Inequality, Carath odory 366
Inequality, Carleman 451
Inequality, Cauchy 3 7
Inequality, differential integral 356
Inequality, functional 362-411
Inequality, Gronwall 369
Inequality, H lder 88 138
Inequality, indicator 392
Inequality, Kurepa 169
Inequality, Landau — Kallman — Rota 167
Inequality, Minkowski 90 139
Inequality, Nagumo 373
Inequality, triangle 12 54
Inequality, Volterra 369
Infimum 163
Infinitely many unknowns 184-186
Infinitely many unknowns, linear 16
Infinitely many unknowns, minimal 34-35
Infinitely many unknowns, ordinary differential 204-211 373-376 415 417
Information theory 429 447 449
Injection, injective 15 427
Integral equations, Fredholm 181-184
Integral equations, Volterra 179-181
Integral, Bochner 236-248
Integral, Lebesgue 123-136
Integral, Radon — Stieltjes 103 469
Integral, Riemann 112
Integral, Riemann — Stieltjes 103
Integral, Riemann — Stieltjes, abstract 230-236
Integration of Fourier series 155
Involution 24 137 334
Ionescu Tulcea functional equation 423
Ionescu Tulcea functional inequality 383-385
Ionescu Tulcea suboperative functions 385
Ionescu Tulcea, C. T. 383 385 411 423 435
Isometry 69 76 155
Isomorphism 19 69 300
J approximation theorems, Fej r 153 157
Jacobson, N., circle product 279
Jensen convex functions 400-408
Jensen equation 428 434
Jensen inequality 400
Jensen, J. L. W. V. 400 411
Jordan operator 296
Jordan, C., curve theorem 253
K-capacity 470
Kallman, R. R., Landau — Rota theorem 167 183 361
Kellogg, O. D., — Birkhoff-fixed point theorem 159
Kemperman, J. H. B. 419 425
Kernel, Dirichlet 150
Kernel, Fej r 151
Kernel, nullspace 14 57 306
Kernel, of integral equation 178-184
kernel, resolvent 180
kernel, symmetric 183
Koch, H. von 184
Kolmogorov matrix 329
Kolmogorov postulates 437
Kolmogorov, A. N. 84 317 437
Kronecker delta 6
Kronecker, L. 85
Kuczma, M. 435
Kunze, R. 84
Kurepa, S. Kurepa inequality 169
Landau approximation theorem 106
Landau inequality 167
Landau — Kallman — Rota theorem 167 188 361
Landau, E. 167
Lattice 163
Laurent expansion 255 417
Law of cancellation 53
Law of Cosines 5
Law of exponents 19 166
Lebesgue approximation theorems 100 158
Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem 136 240
Lebesgue integral 125
Lebesgue integration 123-136
Lebesgue measurable 119-123
Lebesgue measure 112-119
Lebesgue modulus of continuity 145 149
Lebesgue monotone convergence theorem 126 144
Lebesgue spaces 112-158 136-149
Lebesgue summability 158
Lebesgue — Riemann theorem 150
Lebesgue, H. 100
Lindel f majorants 204 211
Lindel f Phragm n-growth indicator 391
Lindel f Vitali theorem 259
Lindel f, E. 204 263
Linear transformations 12-18 56- 60 305- 330
Linear transformations, into : equals 110
Linear transformations, into : equals 104
Linear transformations, into : equals 93-94
Linear transformations, adjoint 44 77 322-325 333
Linear transformations, bounded 57 165 305-310
Linear transformations, closed 307 310-316
Linear transformations, extension of 307
Linear transformations, Hermitian 44 77 333 341-361
Linear transformations, inverse 14 58 65 165 322-325
Linear transformations, normal 78 334 338-341
Linear transformations, unitary 18 78 334
Liouville, J., theorem 257
Lipschitz, R., condition 165 192
Littlewood, J. E. 411
Lorch reflexive space 221
Lorch, E. R. 211 249
Lorch-analytic 275
Losonczi, L. 419 435
M bius constants 187
M bius inversion formula 187
M bius, A. F. 187
Majorants 199-204
Majorants, Cauchy 204 211
Majorants, Lindel f 204 211
Majorants, series 210
Mapping 14
Mapping, bounded 57 165 305-310
Mapping, cell-intern 433
Mapping, contraction 165-169
Mapping, contractive 173-175
Mapping, injective, (= one-one) 15 58 165
Mapping, intern 427 430
Mapping, into 14
Mapping, inverse 14 58 165 322-325
Mapping, onto (= surjective) 15 58 165
Martin, R. S. 264
Mass 468
Matrix 16-27
Matrix, characteristic equation 29 35
Matrix, diagonal 28 47
Matrix, divisor of zero 25
Matrix, hermitian 24
Matrix, idempotent 24
Matrix, infinite 184-186
Matrix, inverse 21
Matrix, Jacobian 194
Matrix, Kolmogorov 329
Matrix, minimal equation 35 41
Matrix, nilpotent 25
Matrix, norms of 25 41
Matrix, nullity 17
Matrix, positive 198
Matrix, rank 17
Matrix, regular, singular 17
Matrix, similar 23
Matrix, spectrum 29
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