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Hille E. — Methods in classical and functional analysis
Hille E. — Methods in classical and functional analysis

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Название: Methods in classical and functional analysis

Автор: Hille E.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1972

Количество страниц: 494

Добавлена в каталог: 05.05.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Space, characteristic = eigen      37
Space, complex Euclidean      1-50
Space, conjugate      88 137 221
Space, Euclidean three space      1-13
Space, Hausdorff      218
Space, Hilbert      69-80
Space, inner-product      67-80 331-361
Space, linear operator      63-67 305-330
Space, linear vector      51-84
Space, measurable      113
Space, measure      113
Space, metric      39-41 54-55 159-188
Space, null      14
Space, pre — Hilbert      67
Space, reflexive = regular      221
Space, root      36
Space, second dual      221
Space, structure      51
spaces      51-56
Spectral mapping theorem      296 302 354-361
Spectral properties      328
Spectral theorem      354-361
Spectrum      277 279
Spectrum, continuous      328
Spectrum, point      183 328
Spectrum, residual      328
Steinhaus theorem      308
Stieltjes integral      146 469
Stoll, R. R.      50
Stone, M. H.      341 361
Structure, algebraic      51
Structure, metric      51 189
Structure, topological      217
Subadditive functions      380-399
Subadditivity      12 40 380-400
Suboperative functions      385
Successive approximations      194 204
Successor      85
Summability      449-451
Summability, Ces$\grave{a}$ro      95 185
Summability, Fej$\acute{e}$r      152 157
Summability, Lebesgue      158
Supremum      163
Supremum, essential      137
Surjection, surjective = onto      15
System orthogonal, orthonormal      12 69-73
Szeg$\ddot{o}$ logarithmic capacity      473
Szeg$\ddot{o}$ transflnite diameters      456 457 471
Szeg$\ddot{o}$, G.      456 468
Szekeres, G.      172
Tangential coordinates      395
Targonski — Bourlet operators      424 426
Targonski, G. I.      424 426 435
Taylor expansion      167 255
Taylor, A. E.      84 249 264
Theorem, Acz$\acute{e}$l      427
Theorem, Acz$\acute{e}$l — Hossz$\acute{u}$      430 436
Theorem, Acz$\acute{e}$l — Ng      430-433
Theorem, addition      376 424 435
Theorem, Arzel$\grave{a}$      98 151
Theorem, Banach fixed point      169-172
Theorem, Banach — Steinhaus      308
Theorem, Bernstein      101
Theorem, Bohnenblust — Sobezyk      319
Theorem, Bolshoff — Kellogg      159
Theorem, Bolzano — Weierstrass      98 160
Theorem, Brouwer      159
Theorem, Carlson — Cram$\acute{e}$r — Wigert      264
Theorem, Cayley — Hamilton      34
Theorem, closed graph      312
Theorem, consistency      450
Theorem, dominated convergence      136 240
Theorem, Fej$\acute{e}$r      157
Theorem, Fubini      135 469
Theorem, Gelfand, representation      290-296
Theorem, Gelfand, uniqueness      300
Theorem, Hahn — Banach      318
Theorem, Heine — Borel      160
Theorem, identity      255
Theorem, implicit function      189-194
Theorem, Jordan      253
Theorem, Landau — Kallman — Rota      167 183 361
Theorem, Lebesgue approximation -s      100 158
Theorem, Liouville      257
Theorem, monodromy      263
Theorem, monotone convergence      238
Theorem, Morera      258
Theorem, Nagumo -s      285 326 366 378
Theorem, Ng      430 433
Theorem, Phragm$\acute{e}$n — Lindel$\ddot{o}$f      263
Theorem, positive operator      345-346
Theorem, Pythagoras      69 332
Theorem, Runge      258
Theorem, Spectral      354-361
Theorem, Spectral Mapping      296 302 354-361
Theorem, Splitting      349 350
Theorem, Toeplitz — Hausdorff      356-341
Theorem, uniform boundedness      217
Theorem, Vitali — Lindel$\ddot{o}$f      258-264 272-274
Theorem, Weierstrass approximation      99
Thomas, L. M., — Fermi equation      416
Toeplitz — Hausdorff theorem      335-341
Toeplitz, O.      335 361
topologies      217-226
Topologies, Hausdorff      218
Topologies, strong      217
Topologies, weak      218 220
Torus      172
Transformation      see also Linear transformation mapping
Transformation, bounded linear      56-60 63-66 305-310
Transformation, bounded linear, one-parameter semi-group      167
Transformation, bounded non-linear      165
Transformation, bounded non-linear, semi-group      165
Transformation, closed      307 310-316
Transformation, Fourier      360
Transformation, Picard      169
Transformation, Poisson      172
Translation-invariant      448
Truncation      123
Uniform boundedness principle      212-217
Uniqueness theorems for differential equations      365-366
Uniqueness theorems for fixed points      169-179
Uniqueness theorems for functional equations      426-436
Unit element      21 86 277
Unit matrix      21
Unit of length      1
Unit operator = identity      65
Unit sphere      13
Unit vector      2
Valuations, non — Euclidean      409-410 461
Vector      1 9 51
Vector space      52
Vector, addition      2 8 52
Vector, negative of      52
Vector, negative, positive      1
Vector, positive      164
Vincze, E.      426 436
Vitali theorem      258-264 272-274
Vitali, G.      258
Volterra fixed point theorem      176-177
Volterra inequality      369
Volterra integral equations      179-181
Volterra, V.      176
Walter, W.      379
Waring, E., — Newton-formula      473
Wedderburn, J. H. Maclagan      25
Wedderburn, J. H. Maclagan, matrix norm      25
Weierstrass algebraic addition theorems      424
Weierstrass approximation theorem      99
Weierstrass — Bolzano theorem      98
Weierstrass, K.      99 179
Weyl, H.      342
Wiener, N.      249
Wigert, S.      264
Wong, E. T.      50
Yood, B.      15
Yosida, K.      167 187
Zermelo, E., Zermelo axiom of choice      163
Zorn (F)-differentiability      269
Zorn lemma, maximal principle      163
Zorn, M.      163 264
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