Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Donoghue W.F. — Distributions and Fourier transforms |
Предметный указатель |
Agmon, S. 53 232
Artin, E. 21
Ascoli — Arzela theorem 3
Balaguer, F. 52
Bernstein, S.N. 51 164 227
Beurling, A. 230 252 289 312
Blaschke product 9 221
Blaschke, W. 9
Bochner, S. 184
Borel measure 24
Borel, E. 50
Bounded distribution 230
Bounded set 85
Calderon, A. 176
Cantor measure 191
Cantor set 34
Capacitary measure 301
Capacitary potential 301
Capacity 304
Caratheodory outer measure 24
Choquet, G. 52 305
Conjugate convex function 71
Conjugate space 87
Convolution of measures 125
Corominas, E. 52
Dexter diagonal 273
Dirac delta 92 95
Distinguished boundary 80
distribution 87 91
Division problem 107
du Bois-Reymond 96 97
du Plessis, N. 277
Dual space 87
Equicontinuous family 3
Euler equation 111 155
Euler — Lagrange equation 97
Exponential polynomial 227
Exponential type 287
Fatou, P. 24 220
Frostman, O. 297 310
Fubini theorem 35
Garding, L. 50 229
Gaussian 139 183
Gegenbauer polynomials 172
Green's formula 40
Hadamard, J. 19 245
Hahn — Banach theorem 75
Hardy, G.H. 250
Harmonic function 43
Harnack's inequality 46
Hartogs' theorem 79
Hausdorff — Young theorem 262
Helly's theorem 29
hessian 70
Hoermander, L. 273
Holder's inequality 17
Holomorphy envelope 81
Ikehara, S. 238
Indicator diagram 288
Irreducible representation 173
Jensen's formula 133
Jensen's inequality 16
La Vallee-Poussin, C.J. 245
Lebesgue point 57
Lebesgue, H. 24
Legendre polynomials 172
Leibnitz, G. 54 98
Levi, Beppo 24
Lindelof, E. 18 286
Lions, J.L. 224
Liouville's theorem 45
Lipschitzian function 3
Littlewood, J.E. 236
Locally convex space 84
Locally finite covering 92
Logarithmically convex function 16
| Lower semicontinuous function 5
Maak sums 63
Maak, W. 59
Mandelbrodt, S. 232
Marriage problem 60
Minkowski, H. 68 166
Modulus of continuity 3
Montel space 86
Narrow convergence 230
Norm 84
Order of distribution 91
Ostrowski, A. 12
Outer measure 24
Parseval equation 143 163
Partition of unity 93
Phragmen — Lindelof theorem 286
Poisson integral 42
Poisson summation formula 162 166
Polar sets 311
Polycylinder 77
Positive distribution 94
Positive matrix 181
Radon measure 24
Reflection 33 45
Regular outer measure 24
Regular summability method 236
Regularization 56
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 146
Riesz kernel 118 158
Riesz, F. 27 128 282
Riesz, M. 258 297
Salem, R. 267
Schoenberg, I.J. 205
Schur, I. 182
Schwartz, L. 207
Schwarz reflection principle 33 45
Schwarz's lemma 8
Semicontinuous 5
Seminorm 84
Siegel, C.L. 166
Sierpinski, W. 12
Singular measures 190 193
Sinister diagonal 273
Sobolev, S. 275
Solid harmonic 169
Spherical harmonic 169
Stone, M.H. 189
Strong topology 87
Subharmonic function 41 131
Superharmonic function 41
Tauber, A. 236
Tchebysheff polynomials 172
Tchebysheff, P. 278
Thorin, G.O. 133 258
Thorp, E. 196
Three circles theorem 19
Three Lines theorem 18
Titchmarsh, E. 224 260
Tonelli theorem 35
Translation group 109
Type set 258
Ultraspherical polynomials 172
Ungar, P. 174
Upper semicontinuous 5
van der Corput, J.G. 194 199 264
Wallin, H. 196
Weak positive type 185
Weak topology 87
Weak-star topology 87
Weyl, H. 127 198
Wiener, N. 193 234 235
Young's inequality 75
Young, W.H. 75 262 275
Zeta function 241
Zonal harmonic 171
Zygmund, A. 176
Реклама |