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Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)
Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)

Àâòîðû: Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J.


The Handbook of Mathematical Economics aims to provide a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for the field of mathematical economics. It surveys, as of the late 1970's the state of the art of mathematical economics. This is a constantly developing field and all authors were invited to review and to appraise the current status and recent developments in their presentations. In addition to its use as a reference, it is intended that this Handbook will assist researchers and students working in one branch of mathematical economics to become acquainted with other branches of this field. Volume 3 covers Mathematical Approaches to Welfare Economics, including social choice theory, optimal taxation, and optimal growth, together with Mathematical Approaches to Economic Organization and Planning, including organization design and decentralization.

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 751

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.03.2007

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Aarts, EHL      2078
Abstract exchange economy      1909 1910—1912 1917 1920
Abstract exchange economy, revenue in      1938—1939
Accumulation, bubbles in      1685
Accumulation, capital accumulation      1753
Activity analysis, static economies with taxes      2128
Activity analysis, static production economy      2079 2081 2082 2086 2088
Adaptive learning rules      1749—1750 (see also “Sunspot equilibria learning”)
Admati, A.      1667
Aggregate excess demand function      1541 1543
Aggregate excess demand function, OGM      2113
Aggregate excess demand function, static exchange economy      2051 2052 2055
Aggregate excess demand function, static production economy      2083 2085
Aiyagari, S.R.      1758
Alaoglu's theorem      1840—1841 1842 1859 1880
Albeverio, S.      2205
Aliprantis, C.D.      1842 1872 1873 1881 1882 1888 1890
All-solutions algorithm (Drexler)      2061 2064 2065
Allais paradox      1826
Allais, M.A.      1768 1771 1796 1900 1946
Allen — Hicks elasticity of substitution      2011
Allen, B.      1784 2013
Allen, F.      1609
allocation      1883
Allocation, complete contingent-commodity equilibrium consumption      1633
Allocation, contingent market equilibrium allocations      1540
Allocation, financial market equilibrium allocations      1540
Allocation, intertemporal allocation problems      1836—1837
Allocation, OGM      1907
Allocation, OGM, abstract exchange economy      1910
Allocation, OGM, feasible allocation      1907—1908 1921 1930
Allocation, OGM, optimality of equilibrium allocations      1926—1937
Allocation, production economy (GEI)      1578
Allocation, quasi-Walrasian allocation      2184
Allocation, under uncertainty      1837
Allocation, Walrasian allocation      2184
Alternative, theorem of      1626
Anderson — Dierker theorem      2197—2198 2204
Anderson — Rashid theorem      2179
Anderson, P.W.      2210 2220
Anderson, R.M.      2145—2205
Anderson, S.P.      2024
Anger, B.      1805
Anscombe — Aumann preference      1796—1798
Anscombe, F.J.      1796—1797
Anticipated utility theory      1778—1779
Antonelli, G.B.      2077 2085
APT model (asset pricing)      1667
Araujo, A.      1639 1640 1844 1872 1873 1874 1875 1889 2102
Arbitrage, approximate solution of PDE      1664—1665
Arbitrage, arbitrage pricing functional      1649 1653
Arbitrage, arbitrage-free      see “No-arbitrage”
Arbitrage, meaning of      1648
Arbitrage, no-arbitrage equilibrium      1534—1536
Arbitrage, no-arbitrage equilibrium, stochastic exchange economies      1559—1562
Arbitrage, no-arbitrage pricing      1607 1617
Arbitrage, no-arbitrage pricing, capital asset pricing model (CAPM)      1623
Arbitrage, pricing      1625—1627
Arbitrage, pricing, redundant securities      1655—1656
Arbitrage, self-financing strategies and      1648—1649
Archibald, G.C.      2024 2040
Archimedean axiom      1769 1770 1797 1800 1801 1805—1806
Archimedean point      1901
Arnold, L.      1669
Arrow model      1625—1626 1635
Arrow securities      1539
Arrow — Debreu model      1524 1525 1560 1684 1798 1900 1901 1964 1970 1981
Arrow — Hahn monopolistic competition      1984
Arrow — Pratt theory      see “Risk aversion”
Arrow, K.J.      1539 1573 1617 1666 1809 1811 1813 1814 1822 1854 1855 1900 1903 1917 1923 1929 1946 1964 1984 1997 2031 2052 2068 2069 2071 2099 2210 2220 2221
Arrow, K.J., “Role of Securities” paper      1618—1620
Arthur, W.B.      2220
Ascending bit auctions      1773
Ascoli's theorem      1850 1851 2170—2171
Asset pricing, APT model      1667
Asset pricing, arbitrage pricing      1625—1627
Asset pricing, CAPM      see “Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)”
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative      1646—1665
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, American put option      1659 1665
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, arbitrage PDE      1664—1665
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, arbitrage pricing      1648—1649 1655—1656
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, Brownian case      1656—1659
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, equivalent martigale measure      1650—1652
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, equivalent martigale measure, alternative sufficient conditions for      1653—1654
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, equivalent martigale measure, state price process and      1654—1655
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, equivalent martigale measure, viability      1653
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, free lunch      1653—1654
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, numeraire-invariance      1650
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, PDE method, extensions of      1665
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, PDE method, Krylov's theorem      1663 1665
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, PDE method, Marklov case      1659—1664
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, reading sources      1669
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, short-term rate      1647
Asset pricing, continuous-time derivative, spanning and Girsanov's theorem      1656—1659
Asset pricing, equilibrium asset pricing models      1668
Asset pricing, extended recursive preference models      1631—1632
Asset pricing, frictions      1668
Asset pricing, reading sources, asymmetric information      1667
Asset pricing, reading sources, derivative asset pricing      1669
Asset pricing, reading sources, equilibrium models      1668
Asset pricing, reading sources, frictions      1668
Asset pricing, reading sources, mutual funds and      1667
Asset pricing, reading sources, recursive models      1670
Asset pricing, recursive models      1629—1631 1670
Asset pricing, representative-agent pricing      1625 1627—1631 1639—1642
Asset pricing, risk      1632
Asset pricing, security markets      1617 1625—1632
Asset pricing, state-pricing      1626
Asset pricing, stochastic Euler equation      1629—1631
Asset pricing, time consistency      1631—1632
Assets, endogenous asset formation in GEI model      1608—1609
Assets, financial      1530
Assets, goods delivery assets      1593
Assets, income delivery assets      1593
Assets, nominal      1530 (see also “Incomplete markets nominal
Assets, numeraire      1532—1523 1594
Assets, secondary or derivative      1530 1607—1608
Assets, social and private consequences      1548—1549
Asymmetric information      1667
Attraction, basin of      2213
Attractors, Feigenbaum attractor      2216
Attractors, Henon attractor      2216—2217
Attractors, Lorenz attractor      2217
Attractors, Mackey — Glass attractor      2217
Attractors, strange      2215
Auerbach and Kotlikoff model      2122 2123—2125 2126
Auerbach, A.J.      2122 2123—2125 2126
Aumann continuum economy      2180 2182 2184 2192—2193 2194 2195 2203
Aumann continuum economy, hyperfinite exchange economy compared      2187—2190
Aumann equivalence theorem      1888 2190 2192
Aumann, R.J.      1796—1797 2177
Autarky, OGM      1920—1921 1942
Average cost pricing      1967 1972 1974 1976 1981 1984
Azariadis, C.      1689—1690 1696 1715 1726 1728 1733 1734 1738 1740 1758
Azema's martingale      1639
Bachelier, L.      1669
Back, K.      1668 1868 1888
Balasko, Y.      1551 1685 1688 1692 1758 1914 1922 1932 2112 2114—2115
Banach lattice      1841 1847 1850 1851 1864 1870
Bankruptcy, costs in Modigliani and Miller model      1620
Bankruptcy, GEI model      1579 1609
Barnett, W.A.      2210
Barone-Adesi, G.      1669
Basin of attraction      2213
Baumol, W.      2210
Beato and Mas — Colell model      1977—1980 1981 1983 1984
Beato, P.      1968—1969 1971 1974 1976 1977 1989
Becker, R.A.      1890 2136
Belief generation      1745
Bellman equation      1643
Bellman, R.      2094
Benassy, J.—P.      1997—2045
Benhabib, J.      1943 2110 2116 2210 2217 2219 2221 2223
Benveniste, L.M.      1932 1936 2094 2102
Bercovici, H.      1890
Bergman, Y.      1668
Berndt, E.R.      2210
Bernoulli's hypothesis      1777—1778
Bertrand — Edgeworth model      2001—2003 2011—2013 2015
Bertrand's rule      2000 2002
Bertsekas, D.      2105 2107 2109
Beta pricing formula      1607
Betweenness property      1773—1776
Betweenness property, behavioural implications of      1773
Betweenness property, very weak substitution      1776
Betweenness property, weighted utility theory      1774—1776
Bewley, T.F.      1836 1837 1844 1845 1849 1854 1858 1860 1861 1863 1864 1879—1881 1880 1883 1884 1905 2075 2090 2199 2204 2220
Bhattacharya, S.      1667
Bifurcation theory      1722—1723 1725
Bifurcation theory, in space of economies      1741—1743
Bifurcation theory, subcritical Flip bifurcation      1742
Bifurcation theory, supercritical Flip bifurcation      1742
Billingsley, P.      2176 2179
Binmore, K.      1748
Birkhoff ergodic theorem      2215
Black — Scholes call option pricing model      1660
Black — Scholes formula      1647
Black — Scholes model      1562 1565 1660
Black — Scholes option pricing formula      1658—1659 1660 1664
Black, F.      1622 1651 1665 1669
Blackwell, D.      2094
Blanchard, O.J.      1717 1752
Blaschke, W.      1800
Block, H.D.      2069
Blume's theorem      1709
Blume, L.      2103 2205
Boiteux, M.      1971—1972
Bojan, P.      1860 1882
Boldrin and Montrucchio theorem      2224
Boldrin, M.      2102 2111 2210 2219 2220 2223 2224
Bollerslev, T.      2231
Bolzano — Weierstrass theorem      2166
Bona, J.L.      1945 2122
Bonnisseau and Cornet theorem      1969 1971 1972 1977—1978 1981—1983 1984
Bonnisseau, J.M.      1969 1977—1978
Borel measure      1659 1837 1845 1846
Borel probability      1790
Borel sets      1845 2176 2179
Borsuk — Ulam theorem      1551
Bounded functions      2170
Bounded quantifiers      2157
Bounded rationality      1667
Bowen, R.      2214
Boyd, J.H.      1888
Boyle, P.      1669
Brandenburger, A.      2205
Braun, R.A.      2137
Bray, M.      1667
Breeden, D.      1643 1646 1668 1669 1670
Brock, W.A.      1670 2099 2209—2234
Brouwer's fixed-point theorem      1550 1551 1964 1971 1977 1979 1985 2053—2054 2055 2057 2115
Brown — Robinson theorem      2185 2196—2197
Brown, D.      1668 1670 1844
Brown, D.J.      1842 1872 1873 1881 1882 1888 1930 1940 1945 1963—1995 2122 2181 2196—2197 2198 2204 2205
Brownian motion      1647 1669 1671
Brownian motion, dynamic spanning      1636 1638 1656—1659
Brownian motion, Girsanov's theorem      1656—1659
Brownian motion, standard filtration      1671
bubbles      1685
Budget gap      2183
Bulirsch — Stoer method      2063
Bulirsch, R.      2063
Bundles, cartesian product bundle      1555 1557
Bundles, commodity bundles      1574 1590 1687 1798 1836 1847 1871
Bundles, commodity bundles, not present in market      1871
Bundles, commodity bundles, OGM      1901 1902 1903—1904 1905—1906 1913
Bundles, commodity bundles, pricing      1847
Bundles, consumption bundles      1528 1540 1852
Bundles, mod 2 Euler number of      1555—1557
Bundles, tangent bundle      1555
Bundles, vector bundles      1553—1555 1564
Bundles, “present in the market”      1847 1871
Burke, J.L.      1906 1916 1919 1920 1922 2112 2114
Burkinshaw, O.      1842 1872 1873 1881 1888 1890
Burmeister, E.      2108
Bushaw, D.W.      2026
Capital Accumulation      1753
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)      1607 1622—1625 1642—1646
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), consumption-based (CCAPM)      1642—1646 1667
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), consumption-based (CCAPM), Ito's endowments      1644—1645
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), consumption-based (CCAPM), Ito's lemma      1643—1644
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), endowment spanning      1622
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), market portfolio      1624
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), no-arbitrage pricing      1623
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), non-triviality assumption      1624
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), reading sources      1667
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), utility function      1622
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), variance aversion      1622
Caplin, A.      2005
CAPM      see “Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)”
Cardinal coordinate independence      1799
Cardinal coordinate independence, comonotonicity      1809—1810
Carino, D.      1667
Carr, P.      1669
Cartesian product bundle      1555 1557
Cash-in-advance constraints      1668 1757
Cass, D.      1539 1667 1686 1688 1690 1691 1692 1903 1914 1922 1932 1936 1940 2112 2114—2115
Cauchy sequency      2103
CCAPM (consumption-based CAPM)      1642—1646 1667
Cellina's theorem      1979
Certainty equivalent      1778—1779
Chamberlain, G.      1622 1623 1667
Chamberlin model      2003—2005
Chamberlin model, Edgeworth non-existence problem      2005—2007
Chamberlin model, entry, with      2007—2008
Chamberlin model, numbers of competitors      2011
Chamberlin model, reviewed of      2013—2014
Chamberlin model, substitutability and      2010—2011
Chamberlin, E.H.      1997
Chang, L.J.      2137
Chaos      2209—2234
Chaos, attractors, Feigenbaum attractor      2216
Chaos, attractors, Henon attractor      2216—2217
Chaos, attractors, Lorenz attractor      2217
Chaos, attractors, Mackey — Glass attractor      2217
Chaos, attractors, strange      2215
Chaos, chaotic dynamics      2213—2215
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, basin of attraction      2213
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, ergodic measure      2214
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, eventually periodic      2215
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, forward orbit      2213
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, prime period      2215
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, quadratic maps      2216—2217 2219
Chaos, chaotic dynamics, tent maps      2215—2216 2219
Chaos, chaotic equilibrium dynamics      2219—2224
Chaos, detection in dynamic time series      2224—2228
Chaos, detection in dynamic time series, fractal dimension      2226—2228
Chaos, detection in dynamic time series, reconstruction of dynamics      2224—2226
Chaos, detection in dynamic time series, smooth deterministic explanation      2224
Chaos, detection in dynamic time series, Takens' theorem      2224 2225 2226
Chaos, Feigenbaum and      2216 2222
Chaos, growth theory      2220 2223—2224
Chaos, Li — Yorke theorem      2217—2218
Chaos, Liapunov exponents      2212—2213 2214—2215 2216 2219 2227
Chaos, OGM      2217—2218 2219 2221—2223
Chaos, OGM, perfect foresight dynamics, backward      2222
Chaos, OGM, perfect foresight dynamics, forward      2222
Chaos, OGM, Ruelle — Takens scenario      2222
Chaos, period doubling route to      2211—2212 2222 2223
Chaos, period three      2217—2218
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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