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Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)
Àâòîðû: Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The Handbook of Mathematical Economics aims to provide a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for the field of mathematical economics. It surveys, as of the late 1970's the state of the art of mathematical economics. This is a constantly developing field and all authors were invited to review and to appraise the current status and recent developments in their presentations. In addition to its use as a reference, it is intended that this Handbook will assist researchers and students working in one branch of mathematical economics to become acquainted with other branches of this field. Volume 3 covers Mathematical Approaches to Welfare Economics, including social choice theory, optimal taxation, and optimal growth, together with Mathematical Approaches to Economic Organization and Planning, including organization design and decentralization.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 751
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.03.2007
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Infinite dimensional spaces, core equivalent method 1881
Infinite dimensional spaces, Debreu — Scarf theorem 1881 1888
Infinite dimensional spaces, determinancy of equilibrium 1888—1889
Infinite dimensional spaces, Duffie 1875
Infinite dimensional spaces, finite approximations method 1879—1881
Infinite dimensional spaces, finite point theorem 1882
Infinite dimensional spaces, games approach 1882
Infinite dimensional spaces, general consumption sets with empty interior 1888
Infinite dimensional spaces, impatience 1844
Infinite dimensional spaces, interior consumption 1859—1864
Infinite dimensional spaces, interior consumption, finitely additive measures 1861
Infinite dimensional spaces, intertemporal allocation problems 1836—1837
Infinite dimensional spaces, joint continuity 1853—1854 1858
Infinite dimensional spaces, lattice structure of price space 1876—1879
Infinite dimensional spaces, marginal rates of technological transformation 1886
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures 1838—1842
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Alaoglu's theorem 1840—1841 1842 1859 1880
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Ascoli's theorem 1850 1851
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Banach lattice 1841
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, commodity space 1842
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Hahn — Banach theorem 1838—1839 1840 1879—1880
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Heine — Borel theorem 1850
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, infimum (greatest lower bound) 1840
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Lebesgue measure 1845 1847
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Lebesgue spaces 1841
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Lipschitz function 1846 1848
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Minkowski's theorem 1838—1839 1852
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Rademacher function 1845 1853 1868
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Riesz decomposition property 1841—1842
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, Riesz space 1840
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, separation theorem 1839—1840 1843 1853 1860 1870
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, supremum (least upper bound) 1840
Infinite dimensional spaces, mathematical structures, vector lattice 1840 1841
Infinite dimensional spaces, monotonicity 1852 1855 1857 1858 1863 1876 1880 1885
Infinite dimensional spaces, Negishi approach 1854 1879—1881 1889
Infinite dimensional spaces, one consumer, marginal rates of substitution 1864
Infinite dimensional spaces, order ideal 1871—1874
Infinite dimensional spaces, order ideal, exchange economy 1872
Infinite dimensional spaces, order ideal, quasi-interior 1873
Infinite dimensional spaces, preferences and continuity 1842 1843—1846
Infinite dimensional spaces, pricing 1847—1849
Infinite dimensional spaces, pricing, lattice structure of price space 1876—1879
Infinite dimensional spaces, pricing, supporting prices 1864
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context 1882—1888
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, allocation 1883
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, boundedness assumptions 1883
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, compactness assumptions 1883
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, data of economy 1883
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, exclusion assumption 1885
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, Possibility of Truncation 1884
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, profit maximization 1885
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, quasi-equilibrium 1883
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, recursive treatment 1883
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, technological transformation rates 1886
Infinite dimensional spaces, production context, utility maximization 1885—1886
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness 1864—1871
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness, F-properness 1866 1872 1875 1881
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness, one consumer, preferences 1865
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness, one consumer, supporting prices 1864
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness, several consumers 1867—1871
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness, uniform properness 1866 1886
Infinite dimensional spaces, properness, weak optima 1867 1869
Infinite dimensional spaces, quasi-equilibrium 1870 1872 1880
Infinite dimensional spaces, Riesz decomposition property 1869 1873
Infinite dimensional spaces, separable utilities and finance model 1874—1876
Infinite dimensional spaces, sublattices 1881
Infinite dimensional spaces, supportability 1852—1853 1855—1856 1859 1861
Infinite dimensional spaces, supportability, weak optima 1867 1889—1890
Infinite dimensional spaces, topology 1843—1846
Infinite dimensional spaces, topology, Banach lattice 1841 1847 1850 1851 1864 1870
Infinite dimensional spaces, topology, compatible topology 1843
Infinite dimensional spaces, topology, Hausdorff 1838 1839 1842 1851 1876
Infinite dimensional spaces, topology, Mackey topology 1839 1844—1845 1851 1854 1860
Infinite dimensional spaces, topology, weak topology 1839
Infinite dimensional spaces, wealth map 1853
Infinite dimensional spaces, welfare theorems, first 1855
Infinite dimensional spaces, welfare theorems, second 1854 1855—1856 1860
Infinite economies see “Infinite dimensional spaces: overlapping generations model (OGM)”
Infinitesimal 2149—2150 2152
Information, asymmetric 1667
Information, Modigliani and Miller model 1620
Ingersoll, J. 1642 1645 1665 1669
Instantaneous real return 1645
Instantaneous regression coefficient 1646
Integration, S-integrable 2178 2182 2185 2188 2189 2190 2193 2194
Integration, uniformly integrable 2178 2197
Interest, independent 1751
Interest, riskless 1575
Internal definition principle 2159—2160 2162 2165 2175 2177 2181 2185 2193
Internal sets 2152—2154 2156 2157
Invariance Theorem 1547—1548
Invariance theorem, homotopy invariance theorem 1966 1985 1986 1987—1988
Inverse function theorem 1965
invisible hand 1525
Ionescu-Tulcea, C. 1882
Ireland, N.J. 2024 2040
Irwin, M.C. 2116
Ito endowments 1644—1645
Ito's lemma 1643—1644 1650 1658 1661
Jackson, M.O. 1609
Jacobian determinant 1735 1736 1740
Jacobian matrix 1986 2059 2070
Jacobs, D.A.H. 2070
Jacobs, R. 1669
Jacobsen, H.J. 2039
Jacod, J. 1668 1669 1673
Jaffray, J.Y. 1685 1773 1781
Jamshidian, F. 1669
Jarrow, R. 1668 1669
Jerison, Michael 2085 2089
John, R. 2089
Johnsen, T. 1632 1790
Johnson, H. 1669
Jones, L. 1837 1846 1864 1867 1889
Jones, L.E. 2015 2021 2099
Jones, R. 1669
Judd, K.L. 2112 2137 2199
Jullien, B. 1781
Kahn, C.M. 1717 1752
Kahn, D. 1608
Kahneman, D. 1771 1778
Kakutani fixed-point theorem 1858 1882 1964 1971 1984 1985 2005 2054 2075 2081
Kalman, P. 1864 1888—1889
Kami, Edi 1763—1831
Kamiya, K. 1978 1983
Kamiya, K., algorithm 1986 1987
Kamiya, K., existence theorem 1971 1972
Kandori, M. 1629
Karatzas, I. 1639 1640 1669 1876
Karmarkar, U.S. 1778
Keenan, D. 2072
Kehoe, T. 1752 1889 1943 1945 2049—2144
Keisler, H.J. 2199 2205
Keller, H.B. 2126
Keynesian economics 1946 1948 2039
Keynesian economics, animal spirits 1946 1947
Khan, M. Ali 1880 1889 1890 1969 1971 1983 2196—2197 2198 2204
Kihlstrom, R.E. 1816 1818 1819 2068
Kim, I.J. 1669
King, R. 2220
Kirkpatrick, S. 2077
Kirman, A. 1976
Kolmogorov measure 2199
Koopmans, T.C. 1539 2072 2079 2090 2099
Kopp, P. 1669
Kotlikoff, L.J. 2122 2123—2135 2126
Kranz, D.M. et al 1800
Krasa, S. 1608
Kraus, A. 1668
Krein — Rutman theorem 1627
Kreps, D. 1565 1627 1632 1639 1647 1651 1653 1668 1669 1685 1846 2015
Kreps, D.M. 1792
Kreweras, G. 1776
Krugman, P. 2040
Krylov, N. 1663 1669
Krylov, N., theorem 1663 1664 1665
Ku, B. 1608
Kuhn — Tucker theorem 2036—2037 2072 2129
Kuhn, H.W. 2056 2099
Kunita, H. 1668
Kurtz, T. 1642 1669
Kydland, F.E. 2107 2137
Kyotaki 1758
Laffont, J.J. 1691
Lagged correlation integral 2231
Lagrange multiplier 2074 2076 2081 2086 2090 2129
laisser-faire 1525
Laitner, J. 1726 2122
Lakner, P. 1639 1640 1876
Lancaster, K.J. 2040
Landsberger, M. 1817
Large economies, Anderson — Dierker theorem 2185 2197—2198
Large economies, Brown — Robinson theorem 2185 2193—2194 2196—2197
Large economies, budget, support and demand gaps 2183—2184
Large economies, core convergence 2184—2198
Large economies, hyperfine set 2148 2160—2161 2162 2167 2182 2184 2204
Large economies, Loeb measure construction 2148
Large economies, Manelli's examples 2189 2192 2194—2195
Large economies, non-standard analysis 2148 2179—2198
Large economies, preferences 2180—2182
Large economies, tenant farmer economy 2190—2192
Laroque, G. 1668 1749 1750
Larson, S. 1771—1772
Law of Large Numbers 2199
Le, C. Van 2099
Learning see “Sunspot equilibria learning”
LeBaron, B. 2228 2229
Lebesgue integral 1661
Lebesgue measure 1780 1841 1845 1848 2175—2176 2199 2215 2216
Lee, S. 1669
Lehoczky, J.P. 1639 1640 1876
Leibniz' formulation of calculus 2149—2150
Leland, H. 1668
Lenglart, E. 1669
Lerner index 2010 2014 2038
Lerner's 'degree of monopoly1 2009
LeRoy, S.F. 1629 1849
Levine, D.K. 1752 1889 1943 1945 2096 2102 2115—2117 2119 2121 2122 2125 2127 2130 2134 2136
Levitan, R.E. 2040
Lewis, L. 1844
Lewis, L.M. 2205
Li — Yorke theorem 2217—2218
Li, T.Y. 2217—2218
Liability, limited 1970
Liability, unlimited 1970
Liapunov exponent 2227
Liapunov exponent, chaos 2212—2213 2214—2215 2216 2219
Liapunov function 2068 2071 2086
Lifting theorems 2177—2178
Lindley, V.D. 1796
Lindstrom, T. 2205
Linear-quadratic approximation 2103 2107 2111—2112
Lintner, J. 1622
Lipschitz conditions 1660
Lipschitz functions 1846
Lipsey, R.G. 2023 2024 2040
Lipster, R. 1669
Lipton, D. 2122 2126
Littlewood, J.E. 1813 1817
Litzenberger, R. 1668 1669 1670
Local uniqueness, continuity and 2059
Local uniqueness, non-convex technologies 1984—8
Loeb measure 2173—2179 2182
Loeb measure, construction 2148 2174
Loeb measure, construction of Lebesgue measure 2175—2176
Loeb measure, existence of 2173—2175
Loeb measure, lifting theorems 2177—2178
Loeb measure, weak convergence 2178—2179
Loeb space 2199—2201
Loeb's theorem 2174—2175
Loeb, P.A. 2159 2161 2173 2177 2178 2198 2205
Long, J.B. 2099
Lorenz attractor 2217
Lotteries see “Utility theory”
Louie, S.G. 2078
Lucas, R. 1629 1668 1670 1730 1733 1757 1836 1884
Lucas, R.E. 2051 2094 2096 2099 2101 2103 2104 2199
Luce, R. 1769
Luenberger, D.G. 2103
Luxemburg, W.A.J. 2158 2161
Lyapunov's theorem 2149
MacAfee, R.P. 2134
MacCrimmon, K.R. 1771—1772 1775 1776
Machina, M.J. 1632 1772 1783 1784 1789 1810 1816 1823 1824 1825 1826
Mackey topology 1905—1906
Mackey topology, infinite dimensional spaces 1839 1844—1845 1851 1854 1860
Mackey topology, OGM 1914
Mackey — Glass attractor 2217
Mackey's theorem 1839
MacKinnon, J.G. 2056 2063
Macroeconomics, monopolistic competition and see “Monopolistic competition”
Macroeconomics, OGM and 1946—1947
Magill, M. 1523—1614 1667 1854 1860
Majumdar, M. 2223
Makowski, L. 1666
Malinvaud, E. 1770 1883
Manelli, A. 2189 2192 2194—2195
Manifold, equilibrium manifold 1551—1552
Manifold, Grassmanian manifold 1550—1551 1561 1563 1564
Manifold, orientable 1553
Manifold, with boundary 1555 1557
Mantel, R. 1971 1984 2054 2054—2055 2069
Mantel, R., Mantel's model 1987—1988
Mantel, R., MCP existence proof 1974—1975 1976 1977
Manuelli, R.E. 1746 1758 1889 2099
Maps, quadratic maps 2216—2217 2219
Maps, tent maps 2215—2216 2219
Marcet, A. 2112
Marginal cost pricing 1966—1967 1969 1970—1972 1974—1976 1981 1984 1985 1987—1988
Marginal cost pricing, existence proof 1974—1984
Marginal cost pricing, inefficiency of 1989—1990
Marginal cost pricing, two-part (TPMCP) 1973 1974 1979 1980 1981
Marginal rate of substitution 1864 1931
Marginal rate of technological transformation 1886
Margrabe, W. 1669
Marimon, R. 2220
Market clearing 1526 1543 1902 1920
Market failure 1524—1525
Market portfolio, capital asset pricing model (CAPM) 1624
Market portfolio, zero-beta portfolio 1624—1625
Market size, Cournot equilibrium and 2009—2010
Markets, missing 1525
Markets, sequential market models see “Sunspot equilibria”
Markets, Shubik-type 1692
Markets, spot-financial (GEI) 1529—1531
Markov chain 1694—1695
Markov matrices 1723 1741
Markov process 1617 1701—1702 1704
Markov state space setting 1659—1664
Marschak, J. 1770
Marschak, T. 2028
Martingales 1730
Martingales, Azema's martingale 1639
Martingales, equivalent martingale measure 1627 1650—1652
Martingales, equivalent martingale measure, alternate sufficient conditions for 1653—1654
Martingales, equivalent martingale measure, state price process and 1654—1655
Martingales, local martingale 1673
Martingales, martingale difference 1718
Martingales, martingale generator 1636 1638 1639 1657
Martingales, martingale multiplicity 1668