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Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J. — Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)
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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Mathematical Economics (vol. 4)
Àâòîðû: Intriligator M.D., Arrow K.J.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The Handbook of Mathematical Economics aims to provide a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for the field of mathematical economics. It surveys, as of the late 1970's the state of the art of mathematical economics. This is a constantly developing field and all authors were invited to review and to appraise the current status and recent developments in their presentations. In addition to its use as a reference, it is intended that this Handbook will assist researchers and students working in one branch of mathematical economics to become acquainted with other branches of this field. Volume 3 covers Mathematical Approaches to Welfare Economics, including social choice theory, optimal taxation, and optimal growth, together with Mathematical Approaches to Economic Organization and Planning, including organization design and decentralization.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1986
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 751
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 01.03.2007
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Oseledec, V.I. 2214
Ostroy, J. 1837 1846 1849 1864
Overlapping generations model (OGM) 1685 1689 1690 1693 1706 1754—1755 1899—1960
Overlapping generations model (OGM), abstract exchange economy 1909 1910—1912 1917 1920
Overlapping generations model (OGM), abstract exchange economy, revenue in 1938—1939
Overlapping generations model (OGM), aggregate endowment of commodity 1906—1907
Overlapping generations model (OGM), aggregate excess demand functions 2113
Overlapping generations model (OGM), aggregate revenue at equilibrium 1937—1940
Overlapping generations model (OGM), Allais and Samuelson model 1900
Overlapping generations model (OGM), allocation 1907
Overlapping generations model (OGM), allocation, feasible allocation 1907—1908 1921 1930
Overlapping generations model (OGM), allocation, for abstract exchange economy 1910
Overlapping generations model (OGM), allocation, optimality 1926—1937
Overlapping generations model (OGM), autarky 1920—1921 1942
Overlapping generations model (OGM), chaos and 2217—2218 2219 2221—2223
Overlapping generations model (OGM), chaos and, perfect foresight dynamics 2222
Overlapping generations model (OGM), commodity bundles 1903—1904 1905—1906 1913
Overlapping generations model (OGM), compensated equilibrium 1915 1921—1922 1929
Overlapping generations model (OGM), competitive equilibria 1902 1908 1910 1923
Overlapping generations model (OGM), competitive equilibria, existence of 1915—1926
Overlapping generations model (OGM), competitive equilibria, existence of, truncations 1917—1926
Overlapping generations model (OGM), competitive equilibria, optimality of allocations 1926—1937
Overlapping generations model (OGM), computational methods 2122—2127
Overlapping generations model (OGM), consumer's excess demand functions 2119 2120
Overlapping generations model (OGM), consumption bundles 1929
Overlapping generations model (OGM), consumption bundles, convergences of prices and 1922
Overlapping generations model (OGM), consumption periods 1913
Overlapping generations model (OGM), countable infinity of individuals and commodities 1901 1903
Overlapping generations model (OGM), cycles 1940—1943
Overlapping generations model (OGM), economy 1903—1915
Overlapping generations model (OGM), endowment periods 1913
Overlapping generations model (OGM), existence of equilibria 2112—2115
Overlapping generations model (OGM), failure of finite valuation 1901—1902
Overlapping generations model (OGM), fiat money 2113 2114 2115 2116 2119 2120
Overlapping generations model (OGM), Gauss — Seidel method 2123—2125
Overlapping generations model (OGM), gross substitutability 2125
Overlapping generations model (OGM), immortality of individual 1912
Overlapping generations model (OGM), impatience 1905 1914
Overlapping generations model (OGM), indeterminancy and 1943—1946 1947
Overlapping generations model (OGM), intragenerational heterogeneity 1941
Overlapping generations model (OGM), macroeconomics and 1946—1947
Overlapping generations model (OGM), market clearing 1902 1920
Overlapping generations model (OGM), monotonicity 1920 1921 1928 1937
Overlapping generations model (OGM), multiplicity of equilibria 2115—2222
Overlapping generations model (OGM), n-commodity version 1758
Overlapping generations model (OGM), optimality of equilibrium allocations 1926—1937
Overlapping generations model (OGM), prices, convergences of consumption, bundles and 1922
Overlapping generations model (OGM), production and 1903
Overlapping generations model (OGM), revenue and 1937—1940
Overlapping generations model (OGM), Samuelson steady-state 1942
Overlapping generations model (OGM), simple demographic structure 1914—1915 1932—1933 1940
Overlapping generations model (OGM), simple demographic structure, bounded curvature condition 1936
Overlapping generations model (OGM), simple demographic structure, non-vanishing Gaussian curvature condition 1932—1933 1937
Overlapping generations model (OGM), social security system 1900
Overlapping generations model (OGM), stationary economies and cycles 1940—1943
Overlapping generations model (OGM), stochastic models 1911 1912
Overlapping generations model (OGM), temporal and demographic structure 1910—1915
Overlapping generations model (OGM), topology 1904—1906
Overlapping generations model (OGM), topology, Mackey topology 1905—1906 1914
Overlapping generations model (OGM), truncated model 1917—1926 1939 2114—2115 2122
Overlapping generations model (OGM), uncertainty and 1903
Overlapping generations model (OGM), value of arbitrary commodity bundles 1901 1902
Overlapping generations model (OGM), well behaved 1942
Overlapping generations model (OGM), with government expenditure 1712—1713
Overspill 2162—2163
O’Hara, M. 2103
Pareto efficiency and optimality see “Optimality”
Pareto, V. 2072
Parkinson, M. 1669
Paroush, J. 1822
Parthasarathy, K.R. 1773
Partial spanning 1584—1585 1589
Path-following method 1985 1986 1987—1988
Peck, J. 1692 1707 1726 1729 1746 1758
Peleg, B. 1871 1881 2097
Pelikan, S. 2223
Perfect foresight 1685 1699—1700
Perfect foresight, backward dynamics 2222
Perfect foresight, equilibrium 1699—1700
Perfect foresight, forward dynamics 2222 (see also “Rational expectations”)
Perturbation argument 1564 1600
Pfleiderer, P. 1667
Pines, D. 2210 2220
Pliska, S. 1651 1668 1669
Plosser, C. 2099 2220
Plungers 1825
Podczeck, K. 1837 1846 1849
Poincare sections 2227
Poincare — Hopf index/method 1750
Poincare — Hopf theorem 1734—1741
Poisson process 1639
Polemarchakis, H. 1557 1593 1594 1607 1608 1691 1899—1960
Policy function, computational methods 2106 2111 2112
Policy function, dynamic production economy 2097 2098
Policy function, stochastic economy 2102
Policy iteration algorithm 2105
Pontier, M. 1639 1876
Porteus, E.L. 1632 1792
Portfolio choice 1603 1813—1814 1816—1817
Portfolio efficiency condition 1604
Possibility of Truncation 1884
Postlewaite, A. 2031
Poterba, J. 2122 2126
Prabhakar, N.D. 1860
Pratt, J.W. 1811 1813 1814 1816
Prechac, A. 1692
Preferences, Anscomb and Aumann 1800
Preferences, Frechet differentiate 1782 1784 1785
Preferences, functional representation of 1772—1773
Preferences, Gateaux differentiability 1784 1785—1786
Preferences, irrelevance 1781
Preferences, large economies 2180—2182
Preferences, monotonicity 1852 1876 2068
Preferences, monotonicity, infinite dimensional spaces 1855 1857 1858 1885
Preferences, non-linear, risk aversion and 1822—1826
Preferences, ordinal independence 1781
Preferences, preference relation 1766
Preferences, smooth 1528 1784—1785
Preferences, state dependent 1800—1802 1820—1821 1820—1822
Preferences, stochastic dominance 1778 1781
Preferences, strong axiom of revealed 2085
Preferences, weak axiom of revealed, static exchange economy 2067—2068 2069
Preferences, weak axiom of revealed, static production economy 2083 2085
Prescott, E.C. 1670 1836 1864 1884 2023 2094 2096 2099 2101 2103 2104 2107 2137 2199
Press, W.H. 2127
Prices, Arrow — Debreu (GE) prices 1560
Prices, Boiteux — Ramsey prices 1972
Prices, decentralization by 2201
Prices, extended price equilibrium 1965 1966
Prices, factor prices, computation in space of 2086—2089
Prices, infinite dimensional spaces and 1847—9
Prices, non-linear prices 1972—1973
Prices, price deflator 1650
Prices, security price process 1559
Prices, state prices 1536—1537 1619 1626 1654—1655
Prices, stochastic spot price process 1558—1559
Prices, stochastic state price process 1559—1560
Prices, undercutting argument 2001 2002
Pricing, arbitrage see “Arbitrage”
Pricing, average cost pricing 1967 1972 1974 1976 1981 1984
Pricing, beta pricing formula 1607
Pricing, bounded losses pricing rules 1981—1984 1985
Pricing, marginal cost pricing 1966—1967 1969 1970—1972 1974—1976 1981 1984 1985 1987—1988
Pricing, marginal cost pricing, equilibrium 1969—1970
Pricing, marginal cost pricing, existence proof 1974—1984
Pricing, marginal cost pricing, inefficiency of 1989—1990
Pricing, marginal cost pricing, optimality 1966
Pricing, no-arbitrage pricing formula 1607
Pricing, state pricing 1626 1654—1655
Pricing, two-part marginal cost pricing 1973 1974 1979 1980 1981
Pricing, two-part tariff 1967 1973
Prisman, E. 1668
Probability, internal probability space 2173—2174
Probability, weak convergence 2178—2179
Procaccia, I. 2217 2226 2227
Product topology 1905—1906
Production economy, incomplete markets 1576—1579
Production economy, incomplete markets, contingent markets (GE) 1578—1579
Production economy, incomplete markets, efficiency 1601—1607
Production economy, incomplete markets, stochastic 1587—1588
Production economy, incomplete markets, two-period production economy 1576—1578 (see also “Stock-market (GEI)”)
Production economy, smooth 1576—1577
Production economy, static see “Static production economy” “Infinite production
Production equilibrium 1982 1983
Properness see “Infinite dimensional spaces properness”
Protter, P. 1669 1673
Pseudo-equilibrium 1547 1549—1550 1554 1556 1561
Purchasing power 1574
Purchasing power, nominal asset equilibrium and 1568 1569
Put options, American 1659 1665
Quantifiers, bounded 2157
Quantity theory equations 1574
Quasi-Walrasian allocation 2184
Quasidemand set 2183
Quiggin, J. 1777
Quinzii, M. 1574 1589 1602 1607 1667 1970 1973 1988
Rademacher functions 1845 1853 1868
Radner equilibrium 1685
Radner, R. 1527 1539 1589 1684 2097
Radon measures representation 2176
Radon — Nikodym derivatives 1636 1638 1651 1654 1872 2188
Raiffa, H. 1769
Ramsey, F. 1972
Ramsey, F.P. 1796
Ramsey, J. 2227
Random number generators 2210
Random variables, continuum of 2149 2190—2203
Random variables, continuum of, Keisler's price adjustment model 2199 2201—2203
Random walk 1730
Rashid, S. 2179 2181 2182 2196—2197 2198 2204 2205
Rational expectations 1684
Rational expectations, chaos and 2219 2222 2223
Rational expectations, equilibria 1527 1701 1746 1747
Rational expectations, expectation correspondence 1709
Rational expectations, rationalisability 1707—1708
Rational expectations, sunspot equilibria and 1701—1705
Rational expectations, wandering between fixed points 1733 (see also “Sunspot equilibria”)
Rationality, bounded 1667
Raut, L.K. 1844
Raviv, A. 1610
Real assets see “Incomplete markets real
Real Business Cycle School 2220
Rebelo, S. 2220
Reconstruction theorem (Takens) 2225
Redistribution 1938
Redundant securities, arbitrage pricing of 1655—1656
Regression coefficient, instantaneous 1646
Regular economies, theory of 1541
Reichlin, P. 1753
Representative consumer approach 2015—2017
Return function, computational methods 2111
Return function, dynamic production economy 2096 2097
Return function, stochastic economy 2101
Returns, instantaneous real return 1645
Revenue see “Taxes”
Rheinboldt, W. 2070
Riccati equation 2109
Richard, S. 1667 1669
Richard, S.F. 1846 1866 1867 1876 1886 1887
Richter, M.K. 2054—2055 2205
Riemann integration 1793 2171—2172
Riesz decomposition property 1841—1842 1869 1873
Riesz representation theorem 1651
Riesz space 1840
Risk aversion 1779 1811—1826
Risk aversion, absolute 1813
Risk aversion, Arrow — Pratt theory of 1811 1812—1814
Risk aversion, Arrow — Pratt theory of, absolute risk aversion 1813
Risk aversion, Arrow — Pratt theory of, definitions 1812
Risk aversion, Arrow — Pratt theory of, local relative risk aversion 1813
Risk aversion, Arrow — Pratt theory of, simple mean utility preserving spread 1812
Risk aversion, conditional asset demand 1824
Risk aversion, decreasing 1815—1816
Risk aversion, definition of 1811
Risk aversion, diversification, conditional 1824
Risk aversion, diversification, unconditional 1825
Risk aversion, dual theory of choice under risk 1825—1826
Risk aversion, EURDP theory 1825
Risk aversion, Frechet differentiable functionals 1823
Risk aversion, local relative 1813
Risk aversion, matrix measures 1819—1820
Risk aversion, mean preserving spread 1823
Risk aversion, measurement of 1821
Risk aversion, multivariate 1817—1822
Risk aversion, multivariate, autocomparability of 1818 1821
Risk aversion, multivariate, comparative 1817—1819
Risk aversion, multivariate, on commodity space 1822
Risk aversion, need for measures 1811
Risk aversion, one risk in presence of others 1814—1817
Risk aversion, portfolio choice problem 1813—1814 1816—1817
Risk aversion, risk neutrality 1811
Risk aversion, risk premium 1812 1821
Risk aversion, risk proclivity 1811 1816
Risk aversion, simple compensating spread 1823
Risk aversion, state-dependent preferences 1820—1822
Risk aversion, strict risk 1823
Risk aversion, von Neumann — Morgenstern utility and 1783
Risk aversion, with non-linear preferences 1822—1826
Roberts, J. 2028
Roberts, K. 2028
Robertson, B. 1776
Robinson, A. 2150 2157 2161 2181 2196—2197 2204
Rockafeilar, R.T. 1968
Roell, A. 1781 1826
Rogerson, R. 1691
Romer, D. 1816
Romer, P.M. 1889 2096 2099 2102 2130 2134 2136
Ross, S.A. 1607 1626 1627 1642 1645 1664 1665 1667 1668 1669 1815—1816
Rothman, P. 2227
Rothschild, M. 1667 1817 1823 2024
Royden, H.L. 2147
Rubinov, A.M. 1984
Rubinstein, M. 1629 1664 1669
Rudin, W. 2147
Ruelle — Takens scenario 2212 2222
Ruelle, D. 2210 2212 2214 2215 2216 2224
Ruggles, N. 1967 1969 1972
Runge — Kutta method 2063
Rust, J. 2105
Rutherford, T. 1972
Ryder, H.E. 2097 2110
S-continuity 2169 2170 2172
S-integrabte 2182 2185 2188 2189 2190 2193 2194
Saari, D.G. 2071
Sachs, J. 2122 2126
Saddlepoint splitting 2119
Safra, Z. 1773 1777 1784 1785 1786 1789 1824 1825
Sakai, H. 2216
Samuelson steady-state 1947
Samuelson's model see “Overlapping generations model (OLG)”
Samuelson, P.A. 1754 1770 1900 1933 1942 1946 1997 2068 2087 2112
Santos, M.S. 1945 2102 2122
Sard's theorem 1551 1552 1570 1889 1965 2058 2059
Sargent — Wallace neutrality proposition 1575
Sargent, T.J. 1575 2094 2107 2219
Sarkovskii's theorem 2218
Saturation 2158—2159 2161 2163 2164 2166 2200
Saturation, non-standard analysis 2161 2163 2164 2166 2200
Savage's expected utility theory 1767 1792—1793 1795—1796
Savage's expected utility theory, Savage's axioms 1794—1795 1808