Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Guggenheimer H.W. — Applicable Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
-function 105
Additive 114
Adherent 33
Affinely independent 7
Analytic 52
angle 3
Arclength 23
Axes, of Ellipse 18
Bandle, C. 172
Barycentric coordinates 8
Basis 4
Basis, Affine 8
Benson, R. V. 71
Bessel equation 158
Blaschke Theorem, Convergence 43
Blaschke Theorem, Convergence, Selection 44 100
Blaschke, W. 71 112
Bonnesen, T. 71
Boolean algebra 120
Boruvka, O. 112
Boundary 34
Boundary, point 34
Bourbaki, N. 71
Breadth 58
Brunn’s theorem 146
Calibration Function 67
Cantor’s theorem 36
Caratheodory C.
Cauchy, A. L. 15
Center of Gravity, Centroid 12 64 125 141 162
Central Vector 125
Cesari, L. 73
Chebychev Approximation 139
Cinematic Density 134
Circumradius, of Convex Body 58
Circumradius, of Convex Body, Spherical 70
Closed function 49
Closed Function, Set 33
Closure 33
Co-Conjugate Point 76
Cohn, J.H.E. 112
Combinatorial 120
Combinatorially equivalent 124
Combinatorially Equivalent, Regular 125
Compact 34
Complement 34
Concave 146
Cone, convex 48
Congruent 17
Conjugate function 67
Conjugate Function, Point 75 76
Contragredient 63
Convection Force 26
Convergence 35
Convergence in Hausdorff metric 44
Convex 8
Convex Algebra 120
Convex Algebra, Body 36
Convex Algebra, Combination 8
Convex Algebra, Function 49
Convex Algebra, Hull 8
Convex Algebra, Programing 59
Convex Algebra, Set 8
Convex Bodies, Affine Classes of Proper 47
Convex Bodies, Translation Classes of 47
Convolution 70
Coriolis force 26
Covering 165
Covering, Density 165
Coxeter, H.S.M. 71
Cramer’s Rule 7
Cross Measure 129
Crosspolytope 64
Curvature of curve 25
Curvature, Gauss 131
Curvature, mean 131
Curvature, principal 131
Day, M.M. 71
de Morgan’s laws 34
Decomposable Body 46
Derivative, directional 53
Derivative, Frechet 53
Derivative, Gateaux 53
Derivative, Lie 24
Derivative, partial 53
Determinant 6
Dextrorse 31
Diagonal Construction 31
Diameter of Convex Body 58 140 141
Diameter, Conjugate 18 59
Diameter, Spherical 69
Difference body 47
Differentiate 55
Dirichlet integral 158
Disconjugate 76 85
Discriminant 90
Distance 4 43
Distance, function 60
Distance, Unsymmetric 60
Dvoretzky, A. 172
Edge Curvature 117
Eigenvalue 88 101 103
Eisenman, R.L. 32
Ellipsoid 18
Equation, of Limit-Circle (Point) Type 86
Euler angles 28
Euler Angles, Characteristic 121
Euler Angles, Equations 158
Euler Angles, Function 125
Euler, L. 23 32
Extreme point 38
Fejes-Toth, L. 172
Fenchel, W. 71
Fiala, F. 172
Firey, W. 172
Flat 7
Floquet theory 112
Focal points 76
Four Vertex Theorem 59
Frame 1
Frenet Equation, Euclidean Geometry 25
Frenet Equation, Linear Geometry 83
Fundamental forms 131
Gale transform 39
Gamma function 118
Gauss curvature 131
Gauss Curvature, Map 130
Gauss, C.F. 167
General position 10
Geometric probability 126
Geometry 15
Geometry of numbers 165
Geometry, affine 15
Geometry, hyperbolic 161
Gergonne, J.D. 71
Golab, S. 71
Gradient 53
Gram — Schmidt process 4
Gronwall, T.H. 112
Group 14
Gruenbaum, B. 32 71
Hadamard, J. 32
Hadamard’s Theorem 136
Hadwiger, H. 71 172
Hahn — Banach theorem 57
Half space 10
Half space, Open 10
| Hamilton, Sir R.W. 32
Hardy, G.H. 71
Hartman, P. 73 112
Hausdorff metric 43
Hausdorff metric, Continuity in 114
Heil, E. 112
Heine — Borel — Lebesgue Theorem 35
Helix 30
Helly property 138
Hermite, C. 167
Hill equation 73 87
Hodograph 75
Homogeneous, Positively 49
Hyperplane 7
Indicator function 67
Inequality of Fenchel’s Type 60
Inequality of Young’s Type 60
Inequality, arithmetic-geometric mean 68
Inequality, Cauchy 3
Inequality, Faber — Krahn 158
Inequality, Gronwall 98
Inequality, Holder 68 70
Inequality, isoperimetric 144 147
Inequality, Lyapounov 81
Inequality, Minkowski 68 70
Inequality, triangle 4 43
Inradius, of Convex Body 58
Inradius, Spherical 69
Integral Cross Measures 119
Integral Cross Measures, Euclidean 122
Integral Cross Measures, Minkowski Geometry 120
Integral Mean Curvature 117
Interior 33
Intersection 33
Interval of Stability/Instability 90
Ioffe, A.D. 71
Isometry 21
Isometry, improper 21
Isometry, proper 21
Isomorphic 2
Isoperimetric 20
Jordan measure 114
Jung’s theorem 140
Kakutani, S. 71
Kelley, J.L. 71
Kendall, D.G. 172
Klee’s Theorem 138
Klein, F. 32
Kneser, A. 112
Krasnoselskii’s Theorem 139
Krautwald, W. 71
Kubota’s Formula 130
Kuhn, Tucker Condition 59
Kuteladze, S.S. 71
Lagrange multiplier 154
Lattice 165
Lattice, Covering 165
Lattice, Packing 165
Lebesgue measure 124
Leighton, W. 112
Length 3
Lie derivative 24
Limit point 33
Lindeloef’s theorem 35
Line 7
Linear map 15
Linearly independent 1
Linearly Regular Arc 92
Littlewood, J.E. 71
Locally compact 43
Locally convex 74
Locally Starshaped 74
Loewner, C. 149
Lutwak, E. 172
Lyapounov Stability 87
Lyapounov Stability Theorem 87
Lyapounov, A. 112
Macbeath, A.M. 71
Magnus, W. 74 112
Mahler, K. 71 172
Mahler’s Dual Theorem 166
Main Cinematic Formula 134
Masotti—Biggiogero, G. 172
Matheron, G. 172
Mean curvature 131
Mean Width 121
Minkowski difference 47
Minkowski Difference, Geometry 61
Minkowski Difference, Geometry Integral Cross Measure 120
Minkowski Difference, Inequality 68
Minkowski Difference, Sum 40
Minkowski Difference, Total Surface Area 120
Minkowski, H. 71 148 172
Minkowski’s theorem 140 147 166
Mixed volume 119
Moebius group 161
Moebius, A.F. 32
Moment of Inertia, Polar 162
Monotone 114
Moran, P.A.P. 172
Motion, relative 26
Neighborhood, of Point 43
Neighborhood, Spherical 33
Nested intervals 34
Neuman, F. 112
Nodal line 29
Nonprincipal Solution 78
Norm 60
Norm of 154
normal 9
Normal coordinates 12
Open set 33
Orientation 6
Orthogonal, Matrix 21
Orthogonal, vectors 4
Orthonormal 4
Oscillatory 75 85
Oscillatory, Totally 86
Osculating plane 27
Packing 165
Packing density 165
Parallel body 42
Parallelotope 5
Payne, L.E. 172
Piecewise linear 51
Pigeon Hole Principle 35
Plane 7
Pluecker Vector 9
Podal Curve 58
Polar body 62
Polar Body, Set 61
Polytope 8
Polytope, simplicial 64
Poncelet, J.V. 71
Positive definite 5
Positively homogeneous 49
Principal curvature 131
Principal solution 78
Product, of Set and Number 41
Projection body 136
Projective Dual 70
Projective Dual, Polar 74
Proper Convex Body 36
Pruefer Polar Coordinates 99
Radziszewski, K. 172
Rectifying plane 30
Regular arc 92
Regular Arc, Curve 23
Reid, W.T. 73
Reuleaux triangle 58
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